Arte en madera
Diseños innovadores hechos en madera y pintados a mano. Conócenos, somos Elyu Deco
"Siempre hay un demonio dentro de cada ángel. Y hay un ángel dentro de cada demonio. Todo lo que necesitan es un poco de oscuridad y luz juntos para ver la cara del otro. "
--Akshay Vasu
TORUS: BluePrint of Creation
We, as Human Beings,
are made in the image of the Earth.
Both Man-Woman and the Earth-Grid are Toroidal,
no different than the shape of an Apple, a smoke-ring,
or the curved torus-lens of the Iris of your Eye,
same as the Sun, it too is a Torus,
even our blood or red-blood cell platelets are flattened tori,
for the Torus or Doughnut is the BluePrint for all intelligent forms.
Jain 108
El símbolo de la “mano de hamsa” es caracterizado por representar el diseño de una mano derecha simétrica con cinco dedos: el dedo corazón en el centro, a sus lados el anular y el índice, un poco más cortos que el corazón e iguales entre sí, y en los extremos dos pulgares, del mismo tamaño y algo curvados hacia afuera.
“The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God.” �
– Euclid
La estrella Merkaba nos ayuda en nuestro desarrollo personal..
Nos eleva y conecta con nuestro propio ser a un nivel superior (es decir, nosotros mismos en un nivel superior de conciencia).
El Merkaba se programa a través de la meditación y las intenciones realizando ejercicios de respiración.
“You yourself are eternal energy which appears as this universe. You didn’t come into this world, you came out of it.”
~ Alan Watts
Image: Nate Hill Photography
"The way into our own DNA is via tapping into the Key of Phi,
permitting entry into the towering dodecahedral wratcheting spiral staircase that we call DNA,
a waveguide or antenna allowing us how to turn ourselves inside out,
via obeying the strict twisting rules of the Powers of Phi
which is the evolution of the 1-dim Fibonacci Sequence to a 2-dim nautilus shell spiral to a 3-dim rams horn to a 4-dim torus.
The future in medicine is following this vibrational 5-dim path,
this DNA radio that can talk-transmit to you, open its door-window to you,
so that you can merely replace the dysfunctional or old school codes with the new templates of Love Geometry.
The Phi Harmonics are a natural part of our evolving Field, of Consciousness.
This topic, tuning into the Living Curvation of Nature,
thus keeps us connected and awakened with the micro
Golden Curves of the atom and the macro galaxies."
~ Jain 108
Art: Fractal-Metatron
Thinking Patterns, an expansion to explore
Impossible optical geometry
You can find my new cymatics experiment here,
Sacerdote Geometry
"The Master sees things as they are, without trying to control them. She lets them go their own way, and resides at the center of the circle.”
~ Lao Tzu
Image: lominokaya . com