High Desert Taxpayers Association

High Desert Taxpayers Association

The High Desert Taxpayers Association is a group of concerned citizens who feel that with California


It's VOTING DAY! What a privilege it is! The High Desert Taxpayers Association endorses candidates who are TAX FIGHTERS against WASTEFUL GOVERNMENT SPENDING. We are looking forward to the next 4 years with fiscally responsible leaders in office.

Cast your vote, and know your rights:

- If the polls close while you're in line, STAY IN LINE. You have the right to cast your vote.
- If the machines are down, ask for a paper ballot.
- If you make a mistake on your ballot, ask for a new one.
- Under Federal law, all polling places for federal elections must be fully accessible to older adults and voters with disabilities.
- You have the right to be free from intimidation, harassment, or coercion while casting your ballot.
- You have the right to cast your ballot in private.

To find your nearest polling place: https://www.sbcountyelections.com/Voting/PPL.aspx


Taxpayers, lies cost money, your money!
Ya dollars wasted left and right by a candidate who had had 4 years of “running the cities budget like his own checkbook.” Based on all the lawsuits our tax dollars have had to pay out, and wasteful spending on new trucks with CARES Act dollars, seems like Larry’s checkbook is an unlimited source of funds: tax dollars!

Vote NO on Larry, Hesperia cannot afford any more lies.

Larry Bird promised to “take no special interests,” in campaign mailings, yet he accepted thousands of dollars from PACs, politicians and special interests:

7 ANONYMOUS DONATIONS reported to have been from John Ohanian's company (the Tapestry developer), Exquadrum (An Adelanto Business), CRE PAC, Premier Paving Inc., PRMG (A mortgage company from down the hill), and Payroll Plus.

In 2016:
Larry accepted money to his campaign from CREPAC, politician Eric Schmidt, politician Russ Blewett, politician Thurston Smith.

Refuse to be LIED TO.
Vote NO on Larry Bird and his LIES.

Source: https://public.netfile.com/Pub2/QuickNameSearch.aspx


Hesperia residents, vote NO on Larry Bird.

Larry Bird's time in office has resulted in INCREASED WATER RATES, INCREASED TRASH RATES, INCREASED SMALL BUSINESS TAX, and ANOTHER NEW TAX for residents living around the Hesperia Golf Course.

At what point do we say, "enough is enough?"

A vote for Larry Is a vote for more taxes and increased fees. Make your vote count and vote NO on Larry Bird.

Raised water rates- Hesperia City Council meeting 11/21/17
Raised Trash rates- Hesperia City Council meeting 11/5/19
Raised Small Business tax- Hesperia City Council meeting 12/18/2018
New Golf Course Tax- https://www.civicmic.com/second-survey-hesperia-golf-country-club-improvements/


6% tax raises?! NOT OK!


Roman Aguilar voted in favor of giving himself a raise for 2x the pay amidst COVID-19 after the park district JUST furloughed 2 employees due to COVID-19!

Roman reached out to me indicating that he has not doubled his pay and still only conducts 2-3 meetings per month. A recent Public Records Request of Board Pay shows that Roman LIED, and has collected MORE than 2x the pay during COVID while leaving other park district employees jobless.

Vote NO on Aguilar. Vote NO on Liars.
Hesperia parks and fields cannot afford any more lies.


TAX INCREASE ALERT! $4 Million Dollars taxpayer dollars wasted so the city can justify RAISING taxes to pay for the Hesperia Golf course. Why do the residents suffer the stupid actions of the city? The Hesperia City Council is spending money to conduct a “survey” to increase taxes of residents to pay for the upkeep of the Hesperia Golf Course. They also are considering an annual 2% RAISE in that annual tax to keep up with annual INFLATION.

What is worse is that the leaders of this City are trying to keep these meetings a SECRET so residents cannot be heard, because we OBJECT TO MORE TAXES!

Your vote has never been more important. Larry and his MAJORITY on the city council (GREGG & HOLLAND) will continue to steal our tax dollars to pay for their poor management of this city.

Vote NO on Larry Bird. We CANNOT afford ANOTHER TAX!

“The City has proposed the formation of a CFD to assist with the funding of improvements, maintenance, and ongoing operations of the 18-hole golf course and country club. Note: The formation of a CFD results in a special tax added to the secured property tax bill of parcels within the boundaries of the CFD”

Sources: https://www.vvdailypress.com/news/20190822/hesperia-council-spares-historic-golf-course

Thank you to the residents of Hesperia bringing this to our attention!


$112,000 taxpayer dollars wasted by Kelly Gregg for his exorbitant travels and meals. Living large in the taxpayer’s dime meanwhile the parks, fields, and facilities are in shambles.

We can’t afford wasteful government spending.

Over $112,000 in taxpayer dollars spent for flights, hotels, meals, gas reimbursements, and benefits by Kelly Gregg! VOTE NO ON GREGG.

Kelly Gregg spends our hard earned dollars at his leisure while parks, fields, and facilities fall apart. Residents complain multiple times regarding safety concerns, reservations by OUT OF TOWN teams go UNPAID, and staff/employees are leaving a hostile work environment created by Gregg.

Hesperia residents cannot afford Gregg in office. GREGG Is a financial liability for all.

Source: transparentcalifornia.com; Hesperia Rec & Park Annual BOD expenses; Hesperia Rec & Park Annual BOD Pay.


Voters, only 5 more days to vote! As a taxpayer or business owner, your tax dollars need to be spent wisely. The High Desert Taxpayers Association Endorses candidates who will fight tax hikes and fight against the wasteful spending of your hard-earned tax dollars!

To find your nearest polling place: https://www.sbcountyelections.com/Voting/PPL.aspx


The High Desert Taxpayers Association proudly endorses Jay Obernolte for Congress.

As a local business owner, Jay has been creating jobs for over 30 years. He knows what it takes to create good-paying jobs. Jay has a plan to protect taxpayers and help our economy recover from COVID-19.

Vote for Jay Obernolte, trusted by taxpayer advocates and small businesses.

Registrar of Voters > Home 28/10/2020

Voters! If you are missing candidates on your ballot, you need to call the Registrar of Voters (ROV)!

The Registrar of Voters is open to the public, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Services are available:
In person
By phone at (909) 387-8300
By email at [email protected]


Registrar of Voters > Home Test for DNN Support


$250,000 wasted by Cody Gregg because he could not work diligently with Hesperia Unified School District Staff.

His inability to utilize simple decision making skills, indecisiveness, and unwillingness to be a team player has caused hundreds of thousands of dollars that could have been used FOR THE STUDENTS.

Source: Hesperia Unified School District Meeting 6/8/2015: Item #16- Emergency Declaration: https://hesperiausd.wistia.com/medias/9vyk79rmr6


Hesperia spent $284,000 of taxpayer dollars to purchase 6 COVID-19 trucks for the CITY. To make matters worse, they borrowed from the STREET MAINTENANCE budget, in hopes that the purchase will hold to be paid for by the CARED ACT Fund.

Waste of taxdollars and shame on Larry Bird for NOT putting residents FIRST. Over 1.1 Million dollars received for Heseria residents and the first thing he bought was COVID Trucks. He even refused to even open up the purchase for bidding by other car dealership: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=340748263701832

Many California cities took advantage to help their residents:

Fontana: Fontana officials will distribute $988,000 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES, Act funds to renters and homeowners who have lost their jobs, been furloughed or experienced a reduction in hours or pay as a result of measures implemented to slow the spread of the virus.

Rancho Cucamonga: Giving small businesses $2,500 to offset the cost of gloves, masks, plexiglass shields and increased disinfecting procedures and up to $2,000 for the cost of operating outdoors (tents, fans.

Other allocations in San Bernardino County:
$204,000: law enforcement assistance
$133,000: Public Health and Social Services

Bad leadership, VOTE NO ON LARRY BIRD.

Hesperia City Council Meeting 9/15/2020 (watch the video online for the presentation slide-show)


Taxpayers, watch out! Larry continues to waste your tax dollars making bad decisions. While other cities used CARES ACT Funds to help their residents, Larry vote to use more than 25% of our 1 Million dollar budget on SIX BRAND NEW CHEVY SILVERADOS.. FOR THE CITY!

What kind of NONSENSE is this?

Other cities have used their CARES ACT Funds for:
Fontana officials will distribute $988,000 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES, Act funds to renters and homeowners who have lost their jobs, been furloughed or experienced a reduction in hours or pay as a result of measures implemented to slow the spread of the virus.

Rancho Cucamonga: Giving small businesses $2,500 to offset the cost of gloves, masks, plexiglass shields and increased disinfecting procedures and up to $2,000 for the cost of operating outdoors (tents, fans.

Other allocations in San Bernardino County:
$204,000: law enforcement assistance
$133,000: Public Health and Social Services

Modesto, California even used their CARES ACT Funds to increase safety and fire protection, offering overtime to any police or fire who want to work. What about us? What about Hesperia? If you call the police department, there's only 4-5 officers patrolling between 7 PM and 7 AM every night. We need a safer city. Vote NO on Larry Bird, we are not safe.

Hesperia City Council Meeting 9/15/2020 (watch the video online for the presentation slide-show)
https://www.modbee.com/news/local/article245537085.html #:~:text=Paying%20police%20officers'%20and%20firefighters,on%20the%20U.S.%20Treasury's%20website.&text=Modesto%20has%20received%20%245%20million,Development%20earmarked%20for%20those%20purposes.


$284,000 spent on 6 COVID-19 Trucks for the City- Larry Bird

$94,000 spent on "inconclusive" investigations for his personal agenda- Kelly Gregg

$850,000 spent in a lawsuit settlement for discrimination-Larry Bird

$600,000 overspent in annual budgets from 2017-2019- Kelly Gregg

These two are a DANGEROUS DUO for Hesperia. Unable to maintain a budget, unable to make good decisions with taxpayer dollars. Hesperia cannot afford any more of Kelly Gregg and his best friend, Larry Bird.

Vote them out of office.

Source: https://www.vvdailypress.com/story/news/2020/09/14/hesperia-council-to-consider-vehicle-purchase-with-covid-19-relief-funds/5797198002/ (Hesperia city Council Meeting 9/15/2020); Woods vs. Hesperia Parks and Recreation, Nick Chavez Public Records Request; Frost vs. HUSD; Hesperia Rec and Park Annual Financial Audits 2016,2017,2018, and 2019.


Vote Mark Dundon for Hesperia City Council. He will FIGHT TAX HIKES, Create MORE JOBS, and he will FIX OUR ROADS with a DEDICATED ANNUAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT BUDGET!

Make your vote count. Fight against wasteful government spending of our hard earned tax dollars.


Martin Hoover advocates for Fiscal Accountability. Hoover's commitment Is so selfless, that he has COMMITTED to donate any stipends, If elected to the Park Board. Hesperia Park Board Directors currently receive up to $600 per month for attending meetings.

Currently, The Park district loses thousands of dollars because there Is no enforcement of District Policy for Facility rentals. Hoover's plan Is to ensure the District collects the rent payments to pay for facility Improvements INSTEAD of Increasing FEES or TAXES that residents ALREADY pay.

The High Desert Taxpayers Association believes that Hoover Is the TAX FIGHTER that Hesperia needs on the Parks and Recreation Board.

VOTE for HOOVER If you want an IMPROVER!


Larry Bird will cost Hesperia over $1 Million Dollars of taxpayer money In Lawsuit settlements. As a principal he has been sued for discrimination towards certain minority teachers, housing discrimination targeting the eviction of African American and Hispanic renters, and Illegally overturning the election of 1,688 Hesperia voters.

If you are a taxpayer In Hesperia, you must VOTE NO on Larry Bird- we cannot afford 4 more years of him on our City Council. Imagine what $1 Million Dollars could have done for our city? How many roads could be fixed? How many stoplights added, Increase In safety, more jobs?

Attorney General Quo Warranto Case #19-1201,
Frost vs. HUSD ,
Voris vs. HUSD Case ,
Justice Department Case -02298


Larry Bird spent $284,000 on 6 BRAND NEW COVID-19 trucks for the city INSTEAD of increasing SAFETY like he PROMISED he would. Why not use the money to pay for 6 more PATROL CARS to be on DUTY at night?

Call the Hesperia Police Department and ask how many officers are on duty between 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM. The answer is "There are 4-5 patrols." This is NOT enough. 4-5 officers on Duty to cover Hesperia's 95,274 population is unacceptable.

Larry Bird has LIED to us. He promised he would put OUR SAFETY FIRST. Instead, he spends our tax dollars on city trucks to drive on our TERRIBLE ROADS.

Source: https://www.vvdailypress.com/story/news/2020/09/14/hesperia-council-to-consider-vehicle-purchase-with-covid-19-relief-funds/5797198002/




Kelly Gregg spent $632,492 OVER annual budgets in the last 3 years! Over HALF A MILLION of money mismanaged!

Under Kelly Gregg's leadership, OVERSPENDING and NOT CARING for Hesperia Parks and Recreation is a common theme.

Vote NO on GREGG, AGUILAR, and BLOCKER on the BALLOT. Speak out and let your voice be heard: STOP MISSPENDING OUR TAX DOLLARS! IT'S IRRESPONSIBLE.

Source: Hesperia Recreation and Parks Annual Financial Audit 2017, 2018, and 2019.


Lying Larry Bird raised your water rates by over 50%!

In 2017, he voted in FAVOR of raising the rates after he PROMISED in 2016 that he wouldn't.

Residents on a fixed income spoke out about how it would be a financial burden for them, and PLEADED that he would not, but he did it anyways.

Vote NO on Larry Bird. 4 more years of Lying Larry will increase costs for tax-payers.


Violent crime has increased in Hesperia.
300% increase in MURDERS last year
84% increase in R**E since 2015
56% Increase in ASSAULT since 2015.

How much more do Hesperia residents have to suffer?
Vote NO on Larry Bard. He made a promise he did not keep. He LIED.

Source: San Bernardino county Sherriffs annual crime report 2019



Chris Duarte Dustin's 3-Part Action Plan for Hesperia Park Board:

1. I WILL work to ensure tax dollars are spent both wisely and appropriately

2. I WILL apply principles of cooperation with my board colleagues as well as our partner agencies

3. I WILL be committed to ensuring Hesperia families have a safe and enjoyable experience at our facilities.

I have a strong understanding of budget guideline and have demonstrated proven leadership and my belief in teamwork to accomplish results.


Amidst COVID, all 5 directors voted to give themselves an average of $18,000 annual raise! They voted 5-0 to allow themselves up to 6 meetings per month, per board member- a 50% increase each month, just 90 days after furloughing 2 park district employees.

1. A waste of taxpayer dollars while cutting jobs, money taken away from cleaning parks and making them safer.

2. With a majority of program, events, activities, parks, and recreation shut down, it is irresponsible to take MORE pay from Hesperia tax-dollars

Vote NO for selfish and wasteful government spending. Vote for a NEW PARK BOARD BOARD LEADERSHIP.

Source: Hesperia Recreation and Park District Board of Directors Special Meeting March 19, 2020; Hesperia Recreation and Park District Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 8, 2020


Taxpayers of Hesperia, a recommended Voter Guide has been provided in regards to candidates on the ballot who are AGAINST wasteful government spending who will FIGHT TAX INCREASES.

Vote OUT candidates who have been wasting your hard-earned dollars, increasing our taxes and rates, and vote IN fiscally responsible individuals who will protect your wallets!

Please research candidates to learn more!


Taxpayers Be Aware! Larry Bird has lied to you.

In 2016, Larry ran a campaign promising voters he would “protect your water rates” and “protect your water RIGHTS.” But he LIED. He voted to raise water prices over 50%. Hesperia residents pleaded to him to NOT raise the rates: Seniors and other individuals on fixed incomes who could not afford the drastic changes. But he did not consider what we had to say..

Larry bird has lied and must stop Larry Bird, we cannot afford any more of his lies.


No more tax hikes! Vote NO on Prop 15!

This is the treacherous “split roll” property tax, a direct attack on Proposition 13. Proposition 15 would repeal part of Prop. 13 and require reassessment to market value of business properties. It would raise taxes on supermarkets, shopping malls, office buildings, factories, movie theaters, hotels, restaurants, sports stadiums, warehouses, self-storage facilities, major retailers and other businesses where Californians work or shop. Even the smallest businesses that lease space will face higher rents, or will have to pay the higher property taxes as part of their “triple net” lease agreement. Those higher costs are passed on to consumers. Proposition 15 would raise prices, increase the cost of living and put countless jobs at risk as companies cut back or leave the state. The proponents of this measure are seeking to weaken Proposition 13, and we can guess why. They could come after homeowners next. Protect Prop. 13. VOTE NO on PROPOSITION 15.

To learn more:


Stop raising taxes before residents can no longer afford to live here in the High Desert anymore!


Larry Bird, Mayor and Councilman of Hesperia, CA lied to when he promised in 2016 that he would not raise taxes or rates for water! He raised water rates by over 50%.