Words of Joy via Moya Love

Words of Joy via Moya Love

Hello Everyone! These messages are to bring calmness, to keeping the health of the mind, body and sp


Hello everyone🌏
Has anyone ever wondered why we send out these messages, write these posts/photos?
We've decided to tell a little of Our story, in small increments, so that you Our beautiful readers know why!
We are All growing up!!!!
We All have a voice, talents and skills.
We All make a difference.
Yes, Good people this is the Truth, even our Koala accepts that changes happen.
Blessings everyone🌟


Blessings everyone 🌟
The ancient custodians of this land watch over us, wishing us safe passage ✨🌏
We in turn, lovingly take care of each other in every way.
Blessings everyone 🌟


Blessings everyone ✨
We all focus on the strength of Love within us.
This is what we have, and this is what we give.
When thinking of others, this is where we focus.
Blessings everyone 🌟


Thanks for the tip to circumvent Facebook... Works!! I have a whole new profile. I see posts from people I didn't see anymore. Facebook's new algorithm picks the same people - around 25-who will see your posts. Hold your finger anywhere in this post and click " copy ". Go to your page where it says " what's on your mind". Tap your finger anywhere in the empty field. Click paste. This is going to circumvent the system.
Hello new and old friends!Hello
Drop a single hello, thanks! PLEASE SAY HELLO IF YOU SEE THIS.HELLO

Hello Everyone, M💃


Dear friends,
We state the obvious when we say how immensely grateful we are here in WA at this time.
There are others in this beautiful country, and indeed across the planet, who have found themselves confused and vulnerable.
Maybe our prompts are unnecessary yet we feel to let people know we are thinking of them.
We send strength and courage to all those in need.
Blessings everyone 🌟


Blessings everyone 🌟
The caption on the top of this billboard at
Lake Monger reads, Wings Across Perth.
Let's put Wings of Love and Light Across Our Nation, Our Planet.

We can do this W.A🌏
Let's send loving protection and safety to Our people
Blessings everyone 🌟


Blessings everyone 🌟
Here in the West we are grateful, aware and appreciating everything and everyone around us.
We send strength and courage across the land and across the planet.
We are with you all in Spirit and wish you well.
Blessings everyone 🌟


Thank you W.A. we are all deeply grateful.🙏

Blessings everyone and especially those most vulnerable across our nation and our planet.
Blessings and Love to All🌟


Listen gently 😌

Beautiful full moon Mother Love with us today.

Blessings everyone 🌟


Beautiful flowers on the roadside between Karratha and Roebourne.
Blessings everyone. M🌟


Meeting place.


Our words of Joy for today

Welcome everyone.🌸
This is an excerpt of a vision I recorded whilst in The Pilbara.
It was a lovely surprise and I thoroughly enjoyed this communication.

Master Lawman speaks. He stands bare-skinned, proud, strong and beautiful; his face bears the marks of centuries passed, yet youthfulness glows from his eyes. Welcome girlie!
He beckons me forward and together we move to be seated underneath a mighty tree in the quiet morning Light.

‘We call for recognition of our wise ways, that they be naturally included in the conservation of our land, and to reassure our youth of their place in the inheritance of this country.’
(There is a murmuring, a silent sound of our ancestors the custodians of this land, acknowledging our presence here today and the desire to be included in this transition.)

Rocks are gathered from the walls of the gorge surrounding us and placed in the centre of our midst.
They are breathed upon as they represent all nations, all peoples from all times, from the beginning.

The Lawman create smoke and as it magically moves through these stones, it ceremoniously wafts around us, and then drifting out collecting the thoughts and intentions of our leaders from all over our planet to be bought back to this place to be balanced and healed.

‘For here we are creating Union, we create Peace, we create Goodness, and those of us who may choose not to listen, are offered ‘time’ to become aware of the responsibility of their position. ‘ 🌟……………………
We all stand as the stones are absorbed into the Earth
Master Lawman walks forward saying, ‘Come to country, you are always very welcome. ‘
Vision Ends.
Via Moya Love


Welcome, and hello everyone!
Our words of Joy for today

We rarely speak about angels nowadays, do we; though their abilities to act as an intermediary, is ever present.
We know they play happily in the garden with the bees and the flowers, often prompting us to feel their touch in the perfumed breezes, as they gently grace us with their mysterious ways.

This weekend seems to be about the gathering of a mighty angelic presence ⭐️ arriving close to us in our world, willing to be of assistance.
Love always
Via Moya Love


Our words of Joy for today

We have learned over time of our gifts and skills, acknowledging our willing commitment to using our abilities for the Greater Good, as the acceptance of our individual creativity seems paramount at this time.
This is creation, creating itself and as active member of this creation we continue to listen to our own wisdom as it powers us forward.
Often we experience physical effects of our ever expanding inventiveness, so we rest, paying homage to our genius brain, mind, body and soul that are quintessential in manifesting the wholeness of life.
We want Joy, we want happiness, we want health, we want productivity, we want loving relations with ourselves and others and we want to intend at all times, to always do the best we can.
We appreciate our creative spirit, ever grateful for the loving support of those around us.

Via Moya Love


Our words of Joy for today

Look for the simple truth in all things, as this will dissolve confusion
Rest the mind when in a quandary placing self before a mirror asking Truth to speak from this image.
These are the days when the words of Truth are rare, thereby creating ill-timed decisions and bewilderment.
Open to the higher consciousness of Truth as it lives and breathes from within, always waiting to receive our acceptance.
Befriend the vibrancy of truthful ways till we know the difference.
Having mastered this skill we find a kindness and peace from within, that grows us exponentially.
Be gentle with each other seeing with compassion the Truth from within another.
Our Being softens holding this new way, as we find pathways of joy, happiness and success we hitherto would not have pondered.

Via Moya Love


Words of Joy for today.

Together you and I, my inside and my outside, we are depending on each other to complete this lifetime the best way we can.
How are we doing?

via Moya Love🌺


Our words of Joy for today

I am the most powerful person I Know.
I gather flowers for myself; I respect myself and All-together we love Ourselves.
I am my own best friend.
I am loyal, honest and loving with myself, this is how I Know how powerful I AM.

Via Moya Love

(As scribe, I am honoured to pass on messages from a group of unseen friends, writers of Wisdom, named the Council of Joy.🌺)


Our Words of Joy for today.

To our INNER HEALER we say;

Thank you for my healing

Thank you for my clarity

Thank you for my healing

Thank you for the Love you bring me

Thank you for my healing

Thank you for my healing

Thank you for your Grace

Thank you for my healing

Via Moya Love 🌺


Our Words of Joy for today

We are ready, NOW IS THE TIME!

I..............do willingly release all fears that I may hold about people, places and things that in anyway hinder me from moving forward and changing my life.

I release and delete from all lifetimes, all karma, and all genetics that I may hold either known or unknown, all that are not for my highest good or the good of those concerned.

I let go and release the past together with any hindrances, mental, physical, emotional or psychic, and all strings that in anyway bind me, as now is the time!

I call on forgiveness and ask that all shame be lifted from us,
And may the universe support us in our quest.

I am powerful, I am true, I am real, and I am safe.

Via Moya Love


Our words of Joy for today

We come to lighten the load, to lift the Light of all Beings, and to offer another view.
Our message of peace and wisdom come at a time of inner and outer turmoil.
We understand the people are disorientated by currents events, as they seem uncontrollable, and so close to us.
These events happening at present around the countries are initiated by frustration and sorrow, and as fellow travellers we often align with this.
We Lift these times with the assistance of our Light Dear Heart, as it is from the Goodness of ourselves that change occurs.
Living from a Higher Perspective, being grateful for all we have and all we are, reminds us of a worthwhile alternative.
We see suffering and we wrap our Divine Love around everyone.

Via Moya Love


Our words of Joy for today

As we continue to live our lives, often mindful of imbalance around us, we choose to consciously stay as centred as possible, for it is from our place of Light we are then able to achieve for self and others.
We access words to be spoken from our Higher Perspective.
We all want freedom.
We all want peace and harmony and those of us aware of our unity with the Greater Good, have committed to holding the Light for others.
Whilst we imagine ourselves as a human spirit, rather see ourselves now as spiritually human destined to radiating healing Grace and Love to every corner of the Earth.
We respect the opinion of another yet as our wisdom matures we are able to detach, thus emanating powers of solidarity.
Consciously seeking to pacify and heal from a place of stillness and peace exemplifies Grace with its magical ability to reveal, solve and heal.
We include our health, our life path and the equanimity and equality of those around us.
We all want freedom.
We all want respect and recognition.
We all want loving kindness.
We are all capable of giving and receiving.
Now we begin.

Via Moya Love


Our words of Joy for today

Harnessing the Power
Imagine we are all sitting in a large circle around an ancient fire.
We watch as the flames rise higher, sending off sparks into the celestial sky.
We are silent, mesmerized by the beauty of the colours, blue, orange, red, yellow!
As the fire crackles, these sounds are often accompanied by a mysterious pop, a gentle aroma, as the twigs and the logs sigh, give, and release from within their depths. So also do We.

We have been handed a ‘talking stick’ and so silently truthfully, from within the alchemy that surrounds us, we speak to this these healing flames, of the story of our life.

Maybe we mention disappointment, sorrow, anger and hurt. We pour out our deepest fears to the warmth and presence of this sacred glow, knowing we are heard.

After a time we hand over our ‘talking stick’ to another and we are still, filling with appreciation and gratitude, for all the Good in our lives, as we are able to see clearly now.
As the flames settle and the embers cool and glow, a gentle smoking wafts over us, clearing and cleansing, lifting us, bringing us back into our truth……… and here we rest.

Via Moya Love


Our words of Joy for today

Dear Heart,
At this time in the momentous year of 2020, we are fully aware of how necessary it is to be cognisant of our place in the world.
If previously we have imagined we were insignificant and merely moving as a robot in the ways we were living our life, now our eyes have been opened.
We glance around us, seeing ourselves as a valuable addition to an unfolding event, earth-shattering in its size and relevance.
Our realisation becomes consciously apparent to us as now is the time to look deeply into ourselves asking; what it we want of this amazing life unfolding.
Our responsibility during this full moon time would be to use Her influences, Her gentleness and Her Beauty, to fully commit to ourselves from within Our Light.
Each day in small increments, we choose our thoughts, our colours, and our tastes, and here we may find ourselves differing.
This is permissible as we are recreating ourselves in the most wondrous ways.
Dear full moon, guide our life with your gentle compassion and your Divine intelligence, always assisting us to live from our Wisdom.
Here we ask our personal requests................................................
We are with you at all times; ask of us, Joy
Beautiful. Thank you.
Via Moya Love 🌺


Hello Everyone, You are very welcome to share these writings with others who may be a bit 'down in the dumps' and who would appreciate engaging with a Higher Perspective. M🌺


Our Words of Joy for today

Beloved Moon Day

Your gentleness fills us. Your pink loving glow surrounds us with its presence. Thank you.
Our Peace, our Beloved Blessings and our breath, breathe upon All as we encourage people to look at life anew, recognising opportunities with confidence.
As the old way is being deleted the New Way so called, beams its radiant shining light, hope and confidence into all hearts and minds.
Being aware of life with gratitude and being able to accept with open arms such a wondrously free life full of Goodness, joy and happiness, unites our worlds thus creating a magnificent flow of pure love.

Via Moya Love

(My personal feelings are the writing and the reading of these words generate powerful frequencies, giving permission to the hesitant ones and a peaceful relief to those in conflict) M


Our words of Joy for today

Our words now become gracious in their generosity and wondrous in the ways we are able to quieten the over active mind that tends to engage with the thoughts around us.
Dear Heart
Reading over words of truth bring us to the comforting realisation that though we are aware of disruption and chaos in our world, we are willing to envision ourselves staying quiet, and radiating calm.
As an integral part of the collective consciousness and willing to bring balance and unity to ourselves and our people, we now bring our minds to peace.
We call for support and hope, reminding ourselves always to look up, knowing that this way each moment of our day engages us with the love and comfort that silently surrounds us.

Here we achieve our personal best, requesting all we need of a loving universe, to fulfil this day and the days to come.
These actions of ours bring powerful frequencies of peace and harmony to ourselves, and those around us.
As a pebble is dropped into a pond thus creating outward ripples, so also do We.

Via Moya Love


Our Words of Joy for today.

We achieve our goals as our current situation presents day to day challenges, and during this time we develop deep and absolute trust in our inner guidance be it financial, emotional, mental or any other.
This maturity on our part aligns us with our Wisdom, gathering people to us that assist in the everyday practicalities of living our Life.
This trust or interaction, rather than dependency, offers us loving relationships and here we continue to learn the skills of unconditional love.
We move forward into this way of being with utmost respect willingly giving ourselves permission to resonate to the Sacred beauty of its bounty.

Via Moya Love


Words of Joy for Today

Dear Scribe,
What do you want in your life at this time?

I want to maintain a holistic equilibrium in all areas of my life.
I want to remain physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually balanced.
I want my children and their children to thrive, be happy and our entire family and all my friends to be harmoniously in tune with each other.
I want my genius brain to be front and centre in my creativity, accepting this as a natural way of life.
I want to continue my writings with clear vision, as they are creating Truth and manifesting for Good.
I want to fully accept myself as the valuable, divine conduit that I am.
I want to learn more of this land, all the time allowing this beautiful earth to showing me Her mysteries.
I want our leaders to listen to the elders and custodians of this amazing country.
I want to place myself in and with people, places and things that will show me more.
I want companionship, and true friends, those I can naturally and comfortably be with and share my life with.
I want to manifest all the abundance necessary to fulfill my destiny, as I Know this is part of my divine inheritance.
I want to forgive all my past restriction and open to the freedom of a happy and joyful life.
I want peace for our people and love without end.

Dear Reader, What do you want in your life at this time?

Via Moya Love


Our Words of Joy for today

Not knowing our next step though understanding its presence, we calmly and gently continue taking care of ourselves and our lives.
We initiate projects that bring a deep sense of accomplishment and pleasure and as we continue to do this we derive satisfaction from using our mind, body and spirit in order to express our creativity.

Our garden, our home, our cleaning and our growing, all expressions of our vitality and vigour we choose to sustain.
We accept we are living our lives the way we choose, always enjoying the presence of our blessed entourage.
This we love and enjoy.

We smile as we rebalance ourselves now attending to daily tasks that in no way deter our sense of wonderment and pleasure.
We soften gently, giving over more each moment with gratitude and love for our understanding of our place with All that is.

Via Moya Love


Our Words of Joy for today.

The Earth, however calm She seems, wants to be heard.
Our planet comes alive with her sounds, her voices and her actions.
As human life, how do we prepare for these occurrences that happen mostly without warning.
We stay with the love.
Be always happy and content with what we have and how our life unfolds.
Keep tuned to our centre of balance, and All Is Well.
Trust with deep faith in all things that we will be where we are supposed to be at any given time.
Understand the variety of occurrences with their various frequencies that are manifesting, and without hesitation move forward willingly.
Support self with sincerity always accepting the favour of Love that surrounds us.
Choose happiness and delight every day, becoming tuned to Light and Love to uplift and encourage.
Keep moving forward seeing each day as new and glorious with an opportunity every minute to refresh and respond to the delightful presences surrounding us.
Develop gratitude and appreciation for every minute always choosing to step into happy bright ways.
It is Good.
Should there be developments or changes, follow the instincts, remaining tuned to centre of Self, centre of Earth and centre of Paradise.
Appreciate all you do seeing how those who love and support you do so willingly.
Laugh have fun and know that your life is changing and becoming different and that this is the purpose of destiny.
Your destiny involves being with people, healing the frequencies around wherever you move and then allowing these movements to naturally expand to encompass more people and more natural happiness.
We are enough..... See this now and when we are presented with Light, Love and Joy, take hold and be glad.
The answers to your questions are simple.
Continue to prepare to be aware and to Love without end.
Love always,

Via Moya Love


Thank you to all who liked my new page. and the
beginning of my new venture
Much appreciated, Love always,


Our Words of Joy for today

We now wave goodbye to limited thinking, in all its forms, as we exercise a greater degree of confidence by practically applying ourselves to projects that build our inner strength, knowing of our unique and endless capabilities.
We are still and respectful as we read over these words.
Always we move forward with harm to none. Yes!

Practically we apply ourselves to whatever is in front of us to do, letting go of old preconceived ideas of our life from now on.
Since there is much change present and as we haven't been here before, we are aware there is an abundance of New Life and New World waiting to be recognized.
We now accept there is more, and to be a part of Life here during these moments of global, human and universal change, we willingly anticipate welcoming, a loving life.

These words vibrate a frequency of hope and loving protection.
Via Moya Love


Our Words of Joy for today!

When we become silently reflective, often we feel uncomfortable as we are unfamiliar with our body as it breathes itself.
Being aware of this wonder encourages us to return again, feeling the breath as it moves quietly through the nose.
As our breath deepens we feel our lungs expand gently and naturally and then this mysterious light within us glows as we feel into its warmth.

Thinking brain relaxes, neck and shoulders loosen into a natural pose, and if even for a small amount of time...... we come to the conclusion, We are in charge of ourselves.

As this realization grows we are tempted to return again and again to practice watching the breath as it makes its way around our body.
This way we promote the health of our own mind, body and spirit.
We are in charge of Ourselves again! Yay!

Via Moya Love


Our words of Joy for today -

From now on we advise our mind that Our choice is always peace and harmony and that if others choose confusion then so be it.

We come back into ourselves spending time quietly listening, agreeing, formulating plans for Our future where we understand Our preparations are to be solid, secure, firm and complete.

To know and accept ourselves fully this way brings smiles of contentment and supreme pleasure as we are Being from within our True Selves and this to us is mighty.

We relax more now every day as we are seeing the results of Our efforts and for us this is pleasing.

Via Moya Love

Timeline photos 28/05/2020

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Mother Love
