Be Balanced Company

Be Balanced Company

Health & Wellness Page


❖ Gummies were once made exclusively for Easter, but times are changing and can now be enjoyed any day of the year.


❖ Do you ever daydream about being the CEO of an influential company? Imagine turning a small startup into an international success story or breathing new life into a beloved household name. If you could snap your fingers and be the CEO of any company, which would you choose? πŸ€”


❖ Everyone should have the resources necessary to reach their highest potential. No one should ever be held back simply because of circumstances that are out of their control. Instead, we must strive to help each other rise and create a brighter future for ourselves!


❖ Ah, two of the most comforting foods - cheese and chocolate! Which one is your favorite go-to comfort food?


❖ I love the idea that our differences are actually our superpowers. It's important to recognize and appreciate the unique qualities that make us stand out. By embracing our differences and using them to our advantage, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities.


❖ Happy Friday, everyone! πŸŽ‰ Will you be spending tonight at home with your favorite book or TV show, or are you headed out on the town with friends? πŸ“šπŸΉπŸ’ƒ


❖ When we embrace and follow our dreams, no matter what obstacles may occur, life naturally expands in ways we never imagined it could. Courage isn't simply taking risks or being brave - it's also about having a deep belief in yourself and the strength of your convictions. When we have courage, we can achieve the unthinkable and experience life's greatest joys. Courage allows us to break through boundaries and reach our highest potential - it can make all the difference! So don't shy away from your dreams - take a chance and see how far courage can take you!


❖ Growing up in the 80s and 90s had its unique charm and nostalgia, and much of it was captured in classic TV shows. What TV shows from your childhood do you think kids today have never heard of? Share one with us in the comments!


❖ Never let anyone else's limited imagination keep you from achieving your dreams. Take charge of your own story and find success in your unique way!


❖ The idea of broken crayons still being able to color speaks to the resilience of the human spirit and our ability to find joy in all we do. No matter how broken or damaged we may be, we can still create something beautiful.


❖ With all the crazy kinds of weather lately it has caused me to wonder which is better, snow every day or no snow at all? Which would you prefer? Tell me in the comments below! πŸ€”β„οΈβ˜ƒοΈ


❖ Too often, we underestimate our capabilities and don't give ourselves enough credit for the amazing things we can achieve. Don't let your doubts and insecurities limit you from reaching your full potential; embrace the power within you and use it to create positive change in the world!


❖ What three words would your best friend use to describe you? Share them in the comments below and tag your best friend. πŸ‘€


❖ We often find ourselves focusing on the relationships we have with others and neglecting our own needs. But we need to take care of ourselves to truly connect with others. We must be our own before we can be another's -- it's a reminder that prioritizing yourself is essential for meaningful and healthy relationships. Take the time to nurture yourself, and you'll be more present for the people in your life.


❖ Happy Valentine's Day! πŸ’—
Today has me thinking about gifts and what type of gifts best express love.
What would you rather get from your Valentine?
A store-bought gift or a homemade gift?


❖ Love can be a powerful force that brings us joy and comfort in times of sorrow and pain. Even when life is overwhelming, focusing on your love for your friends, family, and yourself can help you stay strong. No matter how hard things seem, remember that love is always there for you if you need it. ❀️


❖ With Valentine's Day coming up, I'd love to hear about the most loving thing someone has ever done for you. Share it with me in the comments below. Who knows, you may get a great idea for Valentine's Day!


❖ Achieving excellence is not easy, but anything is possible with the right mindset and determination! So dream big and work like hell - success awaits.


❖ It is almost Valentine's Day❣️
I just finished up this year's Valentine's Day Activities Book PDF.
Click the link in the comments below to download your copy⬇️
And if you know anyone else who might like a copy for their kids, please tag them in the comments!


❖ February is here, and love is in the air! πŸ’•
To get in the spirit of Valentine's Day, share your favorite romantic movie.


❖ We live in an increasingly disconnected world, and it can be hard to find the time and energy to give love, especially when we're feeling down ourselves. But even small gestures of kindness or compassion can go a long way in showing others that we care. With Valentine's Day approaching soon, remember that showing kindness and compassion to everyone we interact with is a great way to spread love.


❖ When it comes to how we live our lives, some of us prefer the freedom to be spontaneous and let things happen naturally. Others come at life with a more practical attitude and believe that careful planning is critical for making the most out of any situation.
What do you value more: careful planning or the freedom to be spontaneous?


❖ To achieve something great, you must have the strength and confidence to take a leap of faith. Don't let fear keep you from soaring to new heights and experiencing life to the fullest.


❖ School lunches bring back a lot of memories! Whether it was the classic PB&J sandwich, chili and cinnamon rolls, or pizza day, it brings back many great memories. What was your favorite school lunch meal? πŸ€—


❖ We all need a sprinkle of magic now and then. Whether it's something as simple as reading a good book to help us escape reality for a little while, finding the silver lining in a difficult situation, or believing in our dreams and never giving up - we can always benefit from magical moments in our lives. Finding the magic doesn't take much effort, but it can make a big difference in our outlook and attitude.


❖ Sometimes the best way to find an answer or solution is to ask for help. But it's often hard to reach out and admit we don't know something, especially if we're used to having all the answers!
Would you rather ask for help or figure it out yourself?


❖ Such a powerful quote by Angela Y. Davis. She speaks to the core of what it means to take action toward creating positive change in the world. We can no longer accept the things that are wrong in our society, but we must actively work to create a better future for ourselves and those around us. Let's challenge ourselves to be part of the solution rather than just observing from afar. Together, we can create real and lasting change.


❖ Whether you prefer to belt out classic rock, rap anthems, show tunes, or even a country ballad - everyone has their favorite karaoke song. What’s YOUR go-to karaoke jam?


❖ It's important to be clear about what you want in life and work hard to make it happen. Demand excellence from yourself and others. With a strong vision and determination, anything is possible.


❖ We could all use more happiness and positivity throughout our day, am I right?
➑️ Let's spread some positive vibes today and share in the comments one thing that always makes you smile. Then, read other people's comments and see if they make you smile.


❖ The only limits in life are the ones we place on ourselves. Sometimes it can be scary to go after what we want, but if we don't take that leap of faith, we'll never know what could have been. Be courageous and chase after your dreams!


❖There's something special about going out to eat. It could be the feeling of being waited on or the chance to try something new. Whatever the reason, dining out has its perks.
But so does eating in! There's nothing like curling up on the couch with a good meal and your favorite TV show.
➑️ So which do you prefer- eating out or ordering in? And why?


❖ When the world seems colder than you’re used to, remember that a warm heart is worth far more than any winter coat.


❖ Would you rather be famous or the best friend of someone famous?
Being the best friend of someone famous has its perks, sure.
But being famous yourself? That's something else entirely. You've got the adoration of fans, the attention of the media, and the respect of your peers. Not to mention, you get to live a lifestyle that most people can only dream of.
But there's a downside to all that fame, too. There's no such thing as privacy when you're famous.
➑️ So, would you rather be famous or the best friend of someone famous? I know which one I'd choose. But what about you?


❖ Keep moving forward and don't let anyone stop you from achieving your goals. Stay positive, stay motivated, and stay strong!
➑️ You got this!


❖ There's nothing quite like indulging in a guilty pleasure, is there? Whether it's that extra slice of cake, staying up way too late to binge-watch your favorite show, or spending too much money on something you don't need.
➑️ We all have our vices. So, what's one guilty pleasure you can't live without?


❖ When you give your time, energy, and talent to something meaningful, you find yourself happy and growing in ways you never imagined possible.


❖ When you ask people this question, they usually answer with jokes and funny stories. But the truth is, if they had to do something different tomorrow, they’d most likely need to think long and hard about it. Whatever your job may be, thinking about what you’re passionate about can help you find a career that fits you like a glove. So, what would you choose if you had to switch professions tomorrow and could do anything you wanted?
➑️ Share it with me in the comments below.


❖ We all have the power within us to change the world. We just need to believe in ourselves and our ability to make a difference.


❖ I'm always looking for new and interesting snacks that are both healthy and delicious. What's your go-to healthy snack?
➑️ Share it with me in the comments below!