

Empowering women to understand and own their fertility 🚺

Photos from Ovasave's post 11/09/2024

Fertility Your Way is coming to a spot near you! 

For the next 2 weeks, our mobile fertility testing bus will be traveling across Dubai and Abu Dhabi. 

Don’t miss out - check the schedule to see when and where you can get a free fertility test, and book your spot by registering at ovasave.com/create-account (link is also in bio). 

Your future, your choice. Own your timeline 🌟

Photos from Ovasave's post 10/09/2024

Fertility Your Way is soon on the move! For the next two weeks, our mobile testing unit will be traveling around Dubai and Abu Dhabi offering *free* AMH fertility tests to up to 500 women. It’s easy, accessible and you can even do it on your lunch break. Don’t miss your chance to take charge of your reproductive health. Register at the link in bio to book your spot.


Did you know that 10% of women experience a depleted ovarian reserve sooner than expected? That’s why we’re making it easier than ever to understand and take control of your timeline with Fertility Your Way - a campaign on wheels, for women across the UAE.

Don’t let your fertility be a mystery. Join us September 16-25.


When it comes to your fertility, there’s no better time than now. Get ready to test yours for free with Fertility Your Way — coming soon to a community near you. Stay tuned for details.

Brought to you by , , .investments.park and

Photos from Ovasave's post 23/08/2024

Did you know? Hormonal balance is crucial for reproductive health! Thyroid hormones play a key role in egg maturation and the regularity of menstrual cycles. An imbalance can cause irregular periods or amenorrhea, making it harder to track fertility and conceive. They also impact the uterine lining, essential for embryo implantation. Stay informed and take charge of your fertility journey! 🌸✨

Ovasave and .celery have combined forces for a Healthier, Happier you!

Photos from Ovasave's post 17/07/2024

Ever wondered how hormones affect your skin and hair?

Hormones play a vital role in regulating skin health and hair growth. From influencing oil production to impacting hydration and elasticity, they can make a huge difference. Let’s get to know our hormones better and unlock the secrets to glowing skin and healthy hair!

with and

P.S. Today is the last day to enter our giveaway - get your entry in now, you won’t want to miss out! You can find the post on our feeds!

هل تساءلت يومًا كيف تؤثر الهرمونات على بشرتك وشعرك؟
تلعب الهرمونات دوراً حيوياً في تنظيم صحة البشرة ونمو الشعر. فهي تؤثر على إنتاج الزيوت وترطيب البشرة ومرونتها، مما قد يحدث فرقاً كبيراً. لنتعرف على هرموناتنا بشكل أفضل ونكتشف أسرار البشرة المشرقة والشعر الصحي!

مع و
ملحوظة: اليوم هو آخر يوم للمشاركة في سحبنا - سارعي بالمشاركة الآن، لا تفوتي الفرصة! يمكنك العثور على التفاصيل في منشوراتنا علي الحساب!

Photos from Ovasave's post 16/07/2024

with and

Did you know that fluctuating hormones can drastically impact your energy and appetite?
Our metabolism and energy levels are closely linked to your hormones and as these hormones fluctuate throughout your cycle, they can make you feel great or leave you feeling sluggish.
Understanding these shifts empowers you to optimize your routine and feel your best!

مع و

هل تعلمين أن الهرمونات المتقلبة يمكن أن تؤثر بشكل كبير على طاقتك وشهيتك؟
ترتبط مستويات التمثيل الغذائي والطاقة لديك ارتباطا وثيقا بهرموناتك، وبما أن هذه الهرمونات تتقلب طوال دورتك، فقد تجعلك تشعرين بالارتياح أو تجعلك تشعرين بالكسل.
!فهم هذه التغيرات يمكن أن يمكنك من تحسين روتينك والشعور بأفضل حال

Photos from Ovasave's post 15/07/2024

Look good, feel good!
Hormones are key to women’s overall well-being, impacting everything from fertility to skin health.
Despite their bad rep, hormones are simply misunderstood.
Understanding them better can truly help us look good and feel good.

How does your mood affect your daily life? Share your experience below 👇🏻

اظهرى بمظهر جيد، أشعرى بحالة جيدة! الهرمونات هي مفتاح رفاهية المرأة، حيث تؤثر على كل شيء من الخصوبة إلى صحة البشرة.

وبالرغم من سمعتها السيئة، إلا أن الهرمونات ببساطة ليست مفهومة بشكل صحيح.

فهمها بشكل أفضل يمكن أن يساعدنا حقا في الحصول على مظهر جيد والشعور بالراحة.
كيف يؤثر مزاجك على حياتك اليومية؟ شاركينا تجربتك!



PSA: There’s a wellness giveaway coming your way, ladies 🙌

We’ve teamed up with to bring you a feel-good giveaway package, because your fertility health and overall wellness go hand in hand. Read below for a chance for you and a friend to win the goods 👇

Package Includes:
✨ Rite Fit Plus Gummies
✨ Rite Gut Health Powder Drink
✨ Rite Balance Gummies
✨ Ovasave At-Home AMH Fertility Test Kit

How to Enter:
1. Follow and
2. Like this post ❤️
3. Comment below and mention a friend who would love to win.

Together with , we’re supporting your journey towards better health and fertility awareness 🌸 Good luck! 

Photos from Ovasave's post 15/05/2024

There are plenty of simple lifestyle tweaks you can make before and during egg freezing to keep your body at optimal performance, avoid factors that could negatively impact the results, and feel your best along the way.

هناك الكثير من التعديلات البسيطة في نمط الحياة التي يمكنكِ القيام بها قبل وأثناء تجميد البويضات للحفاظ على الأداء الأمثل لجسمكِ، وتجنّب العوامل التي قد تؤثر سلبًا على النتائج المرجوّة، والشعور بأفضل حال طوال الرحلة.


🌸Mark your calendars! May 13th is National Women’s Health Checkup Day! 🌸

Ladies, let’s take a moment to prioritize our well-being. It’s not just about physical health, but also about understanding our bodies on a deeper level. This day serves as a reminder to schedule those important checkups, including fertility assessments and screenings for other health issues. Your health matters, and early detection can make all the difference.

Photos from Ovasave's post 09/05/2024

We’re here to empower every woman’s hormonal health and fertility journey. Because we all deserve to live life on our terms, free from time constraints.

Photos from Ovasave's post 03/05/2024

One of the first steps to taking control of your reproductive health journey is expanding your knowledge — so here are some hard facts to unlock the mystery behind fertility.

Which fact surprised you the most?


PSA to every woman: fertility health matters just as much as every other aspect of your health. And we’re making it easier than ever to take control over your own reproductive future. Learn about our at-home AMH test kit at our website link in bio.


Here’s why fertility shouldn’t be an afterthought 👆Prioritizing you fertility health now can give you peace of mind and more possibilities for the future, especially if “the right time” for you is later.

Photos from Ovasave's post 29/02/2024

We recognize you may have a bunch of questions, and we're here to lend a helping hand. 👋🏾 Our aim is to provide you with all the info you need about egg freezing and help you explore your fertility options. Take a peek at some of these FAQ's which you might have been asking yourself too!

Visit out website at the link in our bio and speak to one of our fertility experts now.

ندرك أنه قد تكون لديك الكثير من الأسئلة، ونحن هنا للمساعدة. هدفنا هو تزويدك بكل المعلومات التي تحتاجين إليها حول تجميد البويضات واستكشاف خيارات الخصوبة.

ألقي نظرة على بعض الأسئلة الشائعة التي قد تكونين قد طرحتيها على نفسك أيضا

قومي بزيارة موقعنا على الرابط الموجود في البايو وتحدثي مع أحد خبرائنا في مجال الخصوبة الآن


Increased awareness and education about fertility and egg freezing have contributed to more informed decisions among young women today.💡

Understanding your biological clock and your fertility options can encourage thoughtful family planning for your future!

Read more on egg freezing at the link in bio ⇢

زيادة الوعي والتعليم حول الخصوبة وتجميد البويضات لهم دور كبير في تحقيق قرارات سليمة بين النساء الشابات اليوم

فهم ساعة جسمك البيولوجية وخياراتك فيمَا يتعلق بالخصوبة يساعدك في التخطيط لتكوين أسرتك المستقبلية

اقرأ المزيد عن تجميد البويضات بالضغط عل الرابط في البايو


"What is egg freezing?" 🥚 It's like hitting pause on your fertility, giving you the freedom to plan your family when the time is right. We collect your eggs, freeze them, and when you're ready, we thaw them out for a fertility treatment with the hope of creating a beautiful baby.

As we age, Mother Nature throws us a curveball – the quality and quantity of our eggs decrease. But fear not! Egg freezing steps in as your fertility superhero. With Ovasave, you get to live life on your own terms and on your own time!

Visit the link in our bio to learn more about egg freezing and start your fertility journey now. ♡

ما هو تجميد البويضات؟ 🥚 إنه مثل الضغط على زر الإيقاف في

خصوبتك، مما يمنحك حرية التخطيط الأسري عند الوقت المناسبً. نجمع بويضاتك، ونجمدّها، وعندما تكونين جاهزة، نذيبها لعلاج الخصوبة بأمل إنجاب طفل جميل.

مع تقدم العمر، من الطبيعي أن جودة وكمية بويضاتنا تنخفض. ولكن لا تقلقي! تجميد البويضات يأتي كبطل خصوبتك. مع أوفا سيف، يمكنك عيش حياتك كما ترغبين، وفي وقتك الخاص!

قمي بزيارة الرابط في البايو لمعرفة المزيد حول تجميد البويضات وبدء رحلة الخصوبة الخاصة بك الآن. ♡

Photos from Ovasave's post 22/02/2024

We're Cyst-ematic about Your Health ♡

Empower women with knowledge! Join us in raising awareness about PCOS, simplifying its challenges, and providing women with the information to manage it!

Living with PCOS can be difficult but knowing what to look out for and who to speak to for help and support can help you overcome some of those challenges.

نحن مُتخصصون في الرعاية الشاملة لصحتك ♡.

انضم إلينا وساهمي في نشر الوعي والمعرفة عند النساء حول متلازمة تكيس المبايض، وتبسيط تحدياتها، والمساعدة في إدارتها!

العيش مع متلازمة تكيس المبايض قد يكون صعبًا، ولكن معرفة ما يجب البحث عنه ومن يمكن الحديث إليه للمساعدة والدعم يمكن أن يساعدك في التغلب على بعض تلك التحديات.

Photos from Ovasave's post 18/02/2024

Empower your fertility journey with Ovasave. Discover the ease of securing your reproductive future in just 3 simple steps: Consultation, Simulation and Monitoring, and Collection.

We guide you through a seamless process, ensuring your path to preserving fertility is as smooth as can be. Take control of your future, one step at a time! ✨


As women, we've grown up neglecting conversations about reproductive health issues such as PCOS and Endometriosis. These beautiful words from Halsey bring to light the importance of understanding our bodies and making our health a priority. Pain is not 'normal' and it is not something that should be overlooked or disregarded. 🫶🏽


Taking control of your reproductive health doesn't have to be difficult. Our quick and easy fertility test comes with an explanatory video and a few simple steps you can follow at home, when collecting your sample. All that's left to do is send your sample, wait for a confirmation email where you can then download your results. It's that simple. 🫶🏽

Visit our website to order your AMH test kit now 💜


Freeze time and live life on your terms! ⏱

It's true, we do have a biological clock and the quality of our eggs decline as we age. However there is a way to press pause and preserve our fertility so we can continue to pursue career goals, education and take our time finding the right partner. The answer is egg Freezing!

✨ Discover everything you need to know about egg freezing in our online blog and read about Ovasave founder Torkia's own egg freezing journey at the link below.


Our last fertility breakfast went down a treat! That’s why we’re at it again this January! Women in your twenties and thirties we hope to see you there as we’ll be serving all things fertility!

Expect real talk from fertility experts on egg freezing, fertility journeys and navigating these experiences in this region. You’ll even have the chance to test your own ovarian reserve on the day.

Finally, a breakfast for women that’s about learning and having fun! Spaces go fast! DM us with your name and email address for invite details. See you soon for coffee, croissants and fertility! 🍳 🌺 👩🏽‍⚕️

Photos from Ovasave's post 05/01/2024

Did you know? 80% of women experience hormonal imbalance, often without realizing it.

These imbalances not only bring unwanted symptoms but can significantly impact fertility and reproductive health. It’s crucial to understand our bodies better. Swipe right to unlock the course you never had about FSH, Oestradiol, LH, Progesterone, and the vital roles these hormones play in our ability to conceive. At Ovasave, we encourage making hormone testing a routine, empowering you with the answers you deserve.

Stay tuned as we unveil more ways to take charge of your hormonal well-being! 💖


Hi! I’m your ovarian reserve, but my friends call me AMH. I’m your internal and personal biological clock and I’m here to tell you how many eggs you have left. How quickly I am ticking...? Here’s the catch, if you want to know my time, you’ll need to test your AMH. Testing will reveal your fertility timeline, so you can decide if or when is the best time to preserve your fertility. It can even indicate other fertility conditions like diminished ovarian reserve or PCOS. With this information, time no longer dictates, because you have the power to press snooze… What biological clock? 💁🏽‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏿‍♀️

Ready to test?… Link in bio ⏰


Ready for an engaging ladies brunch?

Join Ovasave on Sunday December 10th, from 11am to 1pm in Dubai.

Calling all women in their twenties and thirties! This brunch is all about connecting, sharing, and learning together. We’ll dive into discussions about egg freezing, fertility journeys, and navigating these experiences in the region. Expect real talk from fertility experts and women with personal stories to share. Plus, you’ll even have the chance to test your own egg reserve on the day!

This brunch is all about learning and having fun! Come along for an enjoyable morning filled with coffee, croissants and insights, new connections, and maybe a few guest surprises. Don’t miss out! See you at the brunch! 🌸✨

Reserve your spot DM us

Ovasave Team x


Many things cause irregular periods and they can also be a sign of underlying health concerns. These include PCOS, thyroid issues or excessive exercise. Keeping track of changes in your menstrual cycle can help in identifying any potential problems. Prioritise regular check ups with a health care provider especially if you notice changes in your cycle.

Stay tuned as we unravel the mysteries surrounding irregular periods and fertility.

Together, let’s embrace this journey with confidence, positivity, and the tools to make informed choices for your reproductive health.


Want kids one day, yes, no, Maybe?

At Ovasave we are all about female empowerment.

Empowerment to us means honoring a woman’s right to choose what happens to her own body, respecting her autonomy, and celebrating her decisions.

Photos from Ovasave's post 08/11/2023

Your cervical health matters!

A regular pap smear test is your first line of defense against cervical cancer. Don't wait, prioritize your well-being today.

صحة عنق الرحم أمر مهم.

للوقاية من سرطان عنق الرحم، عليك إجراء اختبار مسحة عنق الرحم بانتظام.
لا تنتظرى، افحصي، ولتكن صحتك هي أولويتك اليوم.

#رحلتك قرارك

Videos (show all)

We’re proud to partner with amazing sponsors who are helping to make the Fertility Your Way campaign a reality. Thanks t...
Something exciting is on the way! Fertility testing shouldn’t be a privilege — every woman deserves access to own her fe...
Women are born with a lifetime supply of eggs, but by the time we hit 35, our egg count starts to decline rapidly. Under...
Listening to Mamta’s story reminds us how tough the journey to motherhood can be, especially when facing the possibility...
If you’re not sure about having kids in the future and don’t know whether to freeze your eggs, a great first step is to ...
Why are we, as women, still having to explain ourselves in 2024? Hormone health should not be on the judgment stand any ...
✨4 REASONS YOU SHOULD START YOUR OVASAVE JOURNEY✨👇🏻1. It means you get to decide when and if you’re ready to try for a b...
Ovasave Fertility Test