Dirt Covered Videos

Videos by Dirt Covered. Official page of the metal band from Quebec-Canada formed by Fréderic St-Marseille and Martin Jetté

The dust hasn't settled yet, that the canadian band Dirt Covered has released their second single 'One Dead Bully'. Packed with the perfect grooves for a royal mosh pit and featuring Martin Demontigny from Behind An Empire....Go check it out, NOW!

La poussière n'est même pas encore retombée que le groupe canadien Dirt Covered sort son deuxième single 'One Dead Bully'. Peaufinée avec l'intensité et les enchainements dignes d'un mosh pit royal et incluant Martin Demontigny de Behind An Empire , Allez vous clancher la toune, MAINTENANT!


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Other Dirt Covered videos

The dust hasn't settled yet, that the canadian band Dirt Covered has released their second single 'One Dead Bully'. Packed with the perfect grooves for a royal mosh pit and featuring Martin Demontigny from Behind An Empire....Go check it out, NOW! La poussière n'est même pas encore retombée que le groupe canadien Dirt Covered sort son deuxième single 'One Dead Bully'. Peaufinée avec l'intensité et les enchainements dignes d'un mosh pit royal et incluant Martin Demontigny de Behind An Empire , Allez vous clancher la toune, MAINTENANT! https://open.spotify.com/track/7LgQQgg8OtpoWQH2Xr7qNG