To Reach The Lost

To Reach The Lost

Spreading the love of God to those who are willing to listen.


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Hope In Christ 05/04/2022

Hope In Christ When change comes, rely on He who does not change.

Shouting In Silence 01/04/2022

Thoughts on the silence of Jesus...

Shouting In Silence Why was Jesus silent when he had been falsely accused?

World So Cold 30/03/2022

Here is the second episode.

World So Cold In Christ, there is nothing for the Christian to fear.

Truth Came Once - To Reach The Lost 28/03/2022

I have decided to convert my blog posts into podcast episodes in the hopes of having a further outreach. This is episode one, which was the most popular post to date. God bless.

Truth Came Once - To Reach The Lost In the book of Jude, verse 3, Jude exhorts his readers, namely fellow believers in Christ, by writing: "Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to cont...

Hope In Christ 23/03/2022

Hope In Christ We’ve been through a lot in the past two years. The global pandemic has brought many challenges and interruptions to our lives that perhaps we never saw coming and weren’t prepared for.…


Where are you at in your relationship with the Lord? Tomorrow is never promised!


Do NOT "attend the church of your choice". Seek the ONE true church that Jesus established and paid for with His own blood.


Thinking about starting a podcast for this page. Episodes would be short (maybe 5 minute?) devotionals. What sort of topics would you like to see discussed? What would be of greatest benefit to you?


There is only ONE faith!