The Harmony Within

The Harmony Within

Focusing on Wellness, Love & Peace. A page for inspiration, self-love and healing.

Photos from The Harmony Within's post 05/04/2023

How hard do we have to push?
As I reflect, I am aware that throughout my whole life I've pushed my emotional envelope as far as I could push it.
My story..."everything is okay." We're often taught to push through things, what about when your kids fall down? "Awww you're okay, it's okay" often comes out of our mouths. The things is, we're not acknowledging that in that moment, our kid is hurting. They're scared or hurt and we're telling them that it's okay regardless of what they're body is telling them.
Based on our experiences, we can develop a self-defense mechanism in which our brain tries to protects us through emotional blocks. Emotional block can affect our cognitive skills, emotions & behavior!
I would notice myself avoiding people or social situations. If I had an event to go to I would feel the anxiety creeping up the day before. I wouldn't sleep much or be able to relax, which didn't set me up for a good day the next day. I would often lack motivation & energy to get things done, which led to me worrying about every aspect of my life. My positive feelings were overshadowed by my negative ones & in my young adulthood I started to feel more helpless & overwhelmed.
Is this how I desired to show up? HECK NO! So I thought of seeking professional help. But the funny thing about seeking help is that it's only half the battle! You actually have to be open & receptive to being helped! Then after having my 1st child, I felt blessed, until post-partum depression hit. This became a common theme after my 2nd child as well. Couldn't I catch a break?
See the thing is, if I wouldn't have gone through all of it, the trauma, the emotional repression, the abuse, the outbursts of anger, the post-partum & almost losing my partner, I wouldn't be the woman I am today. I wouldn't be here sharing with you my story & helping others know that they're not alone. I wouldn't be a beacon of light & hope for those who may be suffering quietly like I did for many years. There is a light & it's not at the end of the tunnel...It's INSIDE OF YOU!

Photos from The Harmony Within's post 03/04/2023

Are you being influenced by cognitive biases?
Did you know that making decisions when you have limited information, are uncertain, emotionally charged, are rushed or have multiple variables affect the result of your decision, your brain can rely on past information or experiences to "fill in the blanks?"
Part of being self-aware is to be able to:
🐌slow down & analyze why you made the decisions you made
❓️question any "knee jerk" reactions
💜expand your horizons & self-reflect

The more I've practiced self-reflection the better I've been able to understand myself & realize when I'm "filling in the blanks" from previous experiences, lack of self-esteem or even when I'm reacting out of a place of fear.

We deserve joy & we deserve to LIVE this life not watch it pass by...

Feel free to check out the rest of my self-awareness series posts on:
Lack of Introspection
Lack of Feedback

Photos from The Harmony Within's post 31/03/2023

🎤No longer resistant to feedback!

🥰Surrounding myself with people who I trust has been critical to many aspects of my healing journey!

😢How can I understand myself better if those around me aren't providing me with genuine feedback? I wouldn't!

😶Have you ever caught yourself asking a close friend for advice on certain situations but find yourself asking someone else for genuine feedback because you know they're going to "give it to you straight?" I have!

😘And often times I found it had nothing to do with the person & everything to do with ME!

🐟How I was "fishing" for advice from those who'd tell me what I wanted to hear. (Yes, I know, not my proudest moments-but that's why I'm here sharing & learning in the process😊) There were even times where I would ask multiple people the same question & would only "feel better" when I heard the answer I was subconsciously looking for!

🥰It is okay my friends (this is a safe space-no shaming here), this is a part of self-awareness. I have asked myself the why's & how's on my self development. One of the things I realized was that often times, I wasn't OPEN to genuine feedback!

🔥I would get SPICY! I would get reactive & dysregulated...all things I'm learning till this day! But what I really noticed as I started to pivot & shift my awareness within, is that when I was more receptive to feedback, I not only learned so much myself, but those around me also!

🤭You see...when you actively listen, without judgement or fear, resentment or biases to those whom you trust, you give yourself a fighting chance to continue to grow & break those generational cycles.

❤️It allows me to be a better mom, wife, sister, daughter & friend with joy & contentment of being myself. Being genuinely me. And those whom I've surrounded myself with have helped bring out the little girl who was afraid of being judged & have nurtured her, loved her & allowed her to feel seen & heard. Allowed her to realize that she could take up space in this beautiful world!

Photos from The Harmony Within's post 30/03/2023

In my journey to understand myself better after living on auto-pilot for so long & living numb to my internal feelings & emotions, I have found that self-awareness has been the stepping stone to a lot of my healing.
It's like the saying that "once you see something, you can't un-see it." Well that has proven true to my journey in multiple ways. And so I desire to share with you this self awareness series & how my lack of awareness has impacted my life & what I've taken away from it.
Due to trauma I've endured, I had been numb for a long time, not processing my thoughts or emotions. I remember my first question at the start of my journey was "why am I ACTING this way?" And so my introspection started.
I started asking my self why do I do this? Why don't I do that? And boy did I open up a can of worms because everything is connected. Our thoughts, emotions & behaviors. So when I was exploring a behavior often times I would end up with something like, "I act this way because I don't want to feel....or I do this because I feel..." And this is the beginning of a beautiful journey of getting to know yourself on a deeper level.
Self awareness is not an easy road but a possible one if you have patience with yourself. has amazing exercises in her Self-Love Revolution Program that have helped me look at my values, strengths & weaknesses & be able to increase my self-awareness. This has also impacted my confidence, self-love & desire for a community that uplifts each other & not the other way around.
Some things I've been doing are:
✨Making time for me! I have been waking up earlier to have time to journal, reflect & study.
✨Manage my time! I have had to learn to "time block" & take breaks when necessary.
✨Meditate! It was easier for me to designate a quiet space in my home & be sure that it was un-interrupted time for me (look at me setting boundaries😘)
✨Journaling! Feel free to check out for quick & easy tips if you've never journaled before
✨Pausing! It's been challenging for me in the past to pause & acknowledge my feelings before reacting but "practice makes progress!"

Sending you all much love! 🥰


💜Do you ever sit down to reflect on your life and realize you've been living on auto-pilot for most of it?
💜I started working when I was 15 and since then, as I reflect, I realize that I have just been going thru the motions of my day to day life...
💜I shoved my emotions, my traumas & any recollection of it so far down, I was walking around numb to myself & living in fight or flight...
💜When I found out I was going to be a mom at 20 I knew what I didn't want before I even figured out what I truly wanted. I desired my own family, my own home & a safe haven to immerse myself in...
💜I wondered thru jobs & life working & being responsible to my girls. One thing I didn't account for was me embarking on this healing journey that has connected me to my body, to my mind, to my heart & to a place of clarity & peace...
💜I am beyond grateful for these changes & the opportunity to continue on this lifelong journey I call healing. And to have the love & support of those around me who have helped me find myself.

Photos from The Harmony Within's post 08/03/2023

Did you know that hormones affect not just your physical but your mental health as well?!😮
Hormones are the body's chemical messengers that send their signals to the tissues in your body & your bloodstream. They slowly work overtime to affects many processes in our bodies! While men experience drastic hormonal changes during puberty, women are often more impacted by hormonal changes.
Our hormone levels can impact many things such as:
Blood Sugar levels, Blood Pressure, Growth & Fertility, Metabolism, S*x Drive & even Sleep!
A woman goes thru drastic hormonal changes in a lifetime. Our hormones change not only when we go thru puberty but also:
In Pregnancy
In the 3 stages of Menopause &
During monthly Menstruation
Because of these hormonal changes a woman may also experience:
Tender Breasts
Skin Breakouts
Hot Flashes Night Sweats &
Vaginal Dryness
But that's not all!😮 Women will also often experience Psychological effects to the hormonal changes also like:
Mood Swings
Appetite Changes
And can even become depressed😢
When I was feeling "off" I reached out to my Physician and told her how I was feeling. She was able to run some lab work to figure out what I needed at the moment. I've been pregnant, then anemic, and a whole other list of things...
Know that you shouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed to seek a counselor. And that for me that was the 1st step into getting to know myself as I am today.
Eating nutritious foods and moving your body IN ANY WAY will also help make you feel better. And lastly taking any necessary or recommended supplement by your Physician or Counselor will help improve your overall harmony with your hormones.
I look forward to learn more about this topic as I enter my "mid-life" and I can't wait to share more with ya'll!
Remember that you ARE NOT alone in your battles! Your are an amazing being and you're uniquely you!
You & your body can do amazing things together & THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!!! I love you!


Awareness & connection are my words for today!
When we connect to our bodies & are aware of its messages we can then live harmoniously. ☯️
Our bodies tell us many things we just need to have the open mind to hear it 📣


You can't take a full breath, your face feels like its burning, every sound you hear has been amplified in your head & all you want to do is cover your ears & shut the whole world out.
There's nothing wrong with you my lovely. You're just overstimulated.
Whether it's too many conversations going on in one room, you're getting called by your toddler every 5 minutes, your other 2 kids are arguing over whatever or your dogs are barking at the neighbors cat walking by...
Sensory overload happens when you're getting more input from your five senses than your brain can sort through & process. And guess what?
Based on surveys from over 1300 Americans some symptoms included irritability, restlessness, exhaustion, shutting down, muscle tightness & angry outbursts.
So how can you deal with overstimulation? Well, you can remove yourself from the situation. Pause & step away when possible to a safe place. You can try controlled breathing exercises to help calm your nervous system or lastly, you can try shutting out sight & sound for a few minutes in efforts to remove the stimuli itself.
For me sound tends to be overwhelming when I'm overstimulated. How about you? Have you experienced this?


Who knew? There's so much research now on our gut/brain/heart connection! It still amazes me!
If you knew how much you're mental wellness affected your mental health & heart health, would you have taken care of your body differently?
Maybe ate more nutritious foods that worked with your body not against it? Maybe invested in supplements that were scientifically proven to help much sooner? I know I would've!
I couldn't be happier knowing that I'm taking care of my mental & heart health thru my gut!


As a mom of 3 my body has gone thru many changes and lately my gut health was really struggling. I was feeling bloated, irritable and short tempered with myself & my family. I had a really hard time focusing on tasks, remembering things unless I wrote them down & overall feeling sluggish.
When I started drinking happy juice I started to see a huge improvement in my digestion, mood & focus. I started noticing that I was regulating my body faster after feeling triggered & that my mood & energy overall was so much better! I felt like I could do all the things! And I loved it!
Do you feel like you're giving your best and still hit a brick wall? I know I did! Every mundane task was overwhelming, I'm right there with you mama! Just know that there's a natural way to sync your body to work with you not against you! Would you like to know more? Leave me a comment or message me! I'd love to hear from you!

Photos from The Harmony Within's post 27/02/2023

👏When I think of my mental health I automatically think of how proud I am for making it this far.
💜Today I am sharing 3 of the ways I have improved my Mental Health! Remember that everyone's journey is different & the following are things that worked for ME.
1. Gratitude: for me waking up with a sense of gratitude has taken my days from dragging myself out of bed, to waking up with a sense of joy & determination. Just the simple fact that I have another day to work on myself & get to know myself & bring love & joy to those around me, gets me excited to start my day.
2. Compassion: there's something so amazingly interesting about having the CAPABILITY to put yourself in others shoes. So often I was in a victim mindset & hard a hard time seeing outside MY box, my fears, insecurities, ego, anger & hurt that I closed myself off to seeing everyone for what they are.. HUMAN! Humans with feelings, hurts, sadness, fears, pride, ego & insecurities just like me. So I started to stop taking things personal & being willing to see thru their REACTIONS & what I found was hurt inner children that needed nurturing 💜
3. Self-love: without self-love NOTHING would've been been possible for me. Without realizing that I ALSO needed love, that I am worthy, didn't allow me to find gratitude in my days and compassion for myself. I had to be willing to love myself FIRST. To be willing to do the work of understanding the WHY'S of why I did what I did, why I reacted, why I was so triggered, why I didn't feel like I had a purpose...the list goes on but ultimately I had to be willing to get to know my authentic self!
Lastly I have had some help from those around me who love me for know who you are! I've also had help from this amazing little juice called Happy Juice. I have never felt so stable with my moods, focused & energized. My mind feels it, my body feels it and I am so happy to have invested in myself because !
I would love to chat with you and see how I can help you feel your best! Leave a purple heart in the comments for a conversation with me!

Photos from The Harmony Within's post 24/02/2023

WHY is the word❕️❕️
Here are 5 reasons why I chose happy juice to improve my wellbeing! 🥰💜


Did you know?
That 90% of serotonin is made in the gut along with 70% of dopamine and about 50% of your GABA?
These neurotransmitters are all responsible for making you feel good! So what happens when your gut health isn't its best?
You start feeling sluggish, bloated, unmotivated, lacking focus, energy & become irritable...and the list goes on!
I know that was me not that long ago and now thanks to I am feeling much better in my body than I have in the last 15 years of motherhood!
As we get older our bodies change and so why not change for the better?!
I'd love to chat with you and help you figure out what we could do to make you feel your best and find 💜


Growing up, my dream was to become a mom & have my own family. I have been blessed with 3 beautiful girls but for the last 15 years of motherhood, I felt I had lost myself.
My mental health had always been a struggle. Living in fight or flight was leaving me confused & frustrated. I found myself lacking presence with the family I had so often wished for. What I didn't know after having children was the chance of post partum depression which took me for another roller coaster ride. I felt hopeless but I knew I had 3 beautiful blessings to be here for & a partner who truly supports me.
I finally felt ready & decided to embark on my wellness journey about 3 years ago. I created this page to uplift & encourage others. To let others know that YOU'RE NOT ALONE & to be an example for my family BUT most importantly for myself!
I have linked arms with an amazing Self-Love Revolution with , I have invested in finding my joy with and now I have decided to take my journey to the next level and join The Mental Wellness Company...!
I have felt more energized, focused and balanced than I have in my last 15 years of motherhood, all thanks to my ! I have been more patient with not just my family but with myself. I haven't felt overwhelmed over mundane things or tasks nor anxious & have found that I can deal with difficult situations (like tantrums & accidents 😊) with more ease than ever before.
I am so happy and honored to keep sharing my journey with you all & SUPER excited to see what the future holds!


Thank soooooo much for all the love on my last post! 💜💜💜
It's amazing to hear so much positivity from you all, it really means the world to me! It motivates & energizes me to keep growing & learning!
I am ready to keep inspiring others with my journey and can't wait to see what the future holds! Feeling amazing!


No one could've ever prepared me for being a mom of 3 and undergoing so many chemical/hormonal changes in my body. And it has definitely taken a toll!
For the last 20+ years I've struggled with my mental health, a topic not much talked about before. And as a mom, I've tried my best 100% of the time and I've come to realize that at some point I HAVE TO PUT MYSELF FIRST, to be able to care for others.
SO HERE'S TO MAKING THE NECESSARY CHANGES & PUTTING MYSELF 1ST! To take care of not just my mind, but my body & soul as well! 💜


What is the one thing you desire to be remembered for?🤔
We often walk through life focused on the finish line/results of our goals. Some of us even on auto pilot for a big chunk of our lives. 😥
And we forget about our journey and the people in it. We are such influential beings, our thoughts & words so powerful! So what legacy do you desire to sprinkle along your path? 💫

I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!


When I think of a healthier and happier me I imagine so many beautiful things!😍
It's a vision full of love, healing & adventure! So much confidence, compassion, knowledge & trust with myself.
Do you envision yourself with more energy? Leading a more active lifestyle to stay healthy? Do you envision yourself on your healing journey become the best version of yourself? Taking care of your emotional & mental health? Do you envision yourself making time for more fun? Trying more nutritious foods? More family time? More travel? More baths?
Whatever you desire, know that you have to power to get there! I believe in you!


The Holidays are often a time where we GO, GO,'s OKAY to slow down!
Don't neglect your self care this Holiday season but remembering to reflect & slow down...
Take a stroll, I know its cold but be sure to stay hydrated, take a nice warm bubble bath, journal, get cozy...wrap yourself in a blanket & read, do more of what bring you joy. What are you passionate about right now?


A little end of year reflection...will you join me?
It's an amazing thing to look back and reminisce and reflect on your accomplishments & opportunities. It allows room for growth & development.
It allows you to embrace what you've accomplished & celebrate the heck out of it, if you haven't done so already!
What's in store for 2023 for you? Only you have the answer to that because what you believe you achieve. Xoxo, have an amazing rest of your week!


How often do we criticize ourselves? How often do we find "what's wrong" with us? How often do we blame our bodies? Our relationships? All these external factors?
Looking within to find answers of where these issues are rooted can take time & patience. So it's imperative to create a safe space for yourself. A place of zero judgement, a place of being heard, being open minded.
Louise Hay mentions in her "You can heal your life" book, that often what we think is the problem, isn't the "real" problem. She points out that she'd always address the LOVE OF SELF. She encourages us with the following words:

"In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole & complete. I am always Divinely protected and guided. It is sage to look within myself. It is sage to look within the past. It is safe for me to enlarge my viewpoint of life. I am far more than my personality- past, present or future. I now choose to rise above my personality problems to recognize the magnificence of my being. I am totally willing to learn to love myself. All is well in my world."


Happy Full Moon!
Is something not working out like you thought it would? Have you found a limiting belief you aren't thrilled about? Have you been feeling tired or uninspired? Let it go with this full moon!
This energetic time can be used in letting go of negative thoughts, patterns, behaviors, & even relationships.
So take some time for yourself, reflect & decide what do you desire? What is in your highest & best interest? How do you desire to feel moving forward?
Put yourself 1st, treat yourself how you'd like others to treat you & shower yourself with love, compassion & empathy. Remember it's ok to slow down and take the right step forward versus rushing and taking 10 steps backwards. You got this!