Chris Euler

Chris Euler

Applying a Biblical worldview to all cultural topics #BiblicallyWoke


The Gospel is a message of victory in the midst of war! It is hope when we see hopelessness. It is God at work when we cannot see or feel Him!


Will the same people who went after Donald Trump for his words go after Maxine Waters for encouraging protestors to ‘ramp up’ their actions?


‘Different parts’ of Christ’s Church has ZERO to do with the color of one’s skin. We cannot misinterpret or misrepresent Scripture!


Voddie Baucham Ministries’ book - Fault Lines is one of the most powerful books I have ever read! There are portions I have already gone back through multiple times.

I would highly encourage all Christians, specifically church leaders, to read it in its entirety - with open ears and from cover to cover. I will be sharing many of my thoughts and takeaways over the next couple of weeks.

Some do not agree with his (and others’) approach, but the evangelical culture (myself included) needs to be held accountable to Scripture! We are not perfect and often our personal experiences and emotions get the best of our theology and doctrine.

Scripture and our relationship with Jesus must be enough for us to defeat the cultural war that is raging within the American Church! If it is not, we are allowing Satan to win and missing the mark.


The availability of abortion is an embarrassment to the critical social justice movement. Fighting for social justice while supporting abortion, shows you do not understand the ideology behind either. This easily leads to a hypocritical life.


Parents of Lee County School District students... I am the first to tell you how wrong it is to allow a biological male into a girls’ bathroom. I completely disagree with a biological male playing high school sports on a girls’ team. I am also in support of two genders and take a Biblical approach to marriage.

BUT... what do you expect the school district to do? They will hear your voices because you are tax payers, but much of their federal funding and educational structure is ultimately not defined by your tax dollars. The left agenda desires to restructure our entire educational system - whether it be public, private, charter, or home schooling.

All levels of an election matter. If you do not agree with their decisions, continue voicing your opinion! But ultimately, these decisions are influenced by the results of elections and through the impact of culture.


Does my definition of the Gospel reduce the character and words of Jesus?

Is my definition based on my experiences and feelings or Jesus’ ministry and words?


The Gospel is...

How would you finish this statement?


Before executing the responsibilities of office, every President takes an oath and repeats the following...

‘I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.’

Joe Biden said that ‘no amendment is absolute.’ Therefore, he is not willing to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution to the best of his ability.

President Trump was twice impeached for far less accusations, yet Biden is being celebrated. How long do we stand for this? This is not a political issue, but a constitutional issue. There is a major difference.

I also see many comparisons to President Biden’s view of the Constitution to an American Christian’s view of the Bible. More to come on that this weekend...


Yesterday our President said, ‘No amendment is absolute.’

What are your thoughts regarding this? More importantly, how do we respond in a way that sheds love and truth on the world around us?


‘Enough prayers, time for some action...’ - President Joe Biden, during today’s speech on gun control.

I do not care what the issue may be, comments like this should cause every Christian to get on their knees and plead with God to bring revival to our communities!


Why isn’t it considered human rights abuse today? Why aren’t you doing your job and dealing with this crisis?


Am I allowing anything but a Biblical worldview to dictate my thoughts, words, and actions?

Completely walking in Christ does not miraculously happen over night. It requires us to be rooted in a personal relationship with Christ, built up by His actions surrounding the cross, and established in an undeniable faith in God’s character and word!


Because of Christ’s redeeming love, those who place their faith in Him are qualified to be His children, delivered from their own brokenness, and eternally transferred to His kingdom!


The Supreme Court did not deem the election valid. They simply refused to hear a case that was outside their constitutional jurisdiction. They did what they are supposed to do.

States did make immoral, unethical, and questionable decisions in certain regions - that is a proven, court-ordained fact. However, these states stayed within their own legal boundaries based on their interpretation.

If you accept the results of the election and support the Supreme Court’s decision - you are a constitutionalist. Remember that when it comes to many other topics.

When Joe Biden gives a federal mandate for masks or for us to stay at home and some states say no - remember this moment!

When the federal government wants to create a unified health care system and some states say no - remember this moment.

When the federal government puts limitations on churches, gun ownership, etc and states refuse to abide by it - remember this moment!

When the federal government wants to take away funding in certain areas because some states don’t cooperate with their wishes - remember this moment.

I truly believe the landscape of America will drastically change as our kids’ get older.


Am I willing to set aside my human accomplishments for the sake of experiencing Jesus’ vast accomplishments of the cross?

There is nothing that compares to knowing Him and sharing in His sufferings!


There is such a beautiful human element to Paul’s letters - sorrow, joy, illness, healing, encouragement, admonishment, peace, grief, etc.

It is proof that the growth of God’s Kingdom and the spread of the Gospel takes place within Biblically authentic relationships.


We often hear people say - ‘Love them like Jesus.’ While I completely agree, so many Christians do not fully grasp the depth of that phrase.

Do others see the full character of God, the redemptive work of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit through our words and actions?

This question provides a much greater sense of authenticity than the first statement.


What does it look like to be a Christian?

Well... are you willing to completely humble yourself, set aside your own interests for the sake of other’s interests, embrace the mind of Christ, bow to the truth that Jesus is Lord, and risk the most humiliating persecution imaginable?

I know I am thankful for God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness!


‘I would vote for Raphael Warnock because he is a pastor, and he says he is a Christian.’

‘I did not vote for Donald Trump because he made a mockery of the Bible while holding it for a photo shoot, his words are offensive, and he is mean.’

It angers me to hear the same groups of evangelical Christians standing by these 2 phrases. Stop being so easily offended, ask to be biblically discipled, and learn how to live out a biblical worldview!

Calling yourself a Christian or taking a paycheck from a church doesn’t mean you live according to scripture.

The Gospel is offensive. Period. Are you offended by that too?

How can YOU call yourself a Christian and support progressive, baby-killing ideologies? The Bible does not justify abortion...


What does it look like for me to die to Christ for the sake of the Gospel today?

This should be a question we ask ourselves every morning!


There is no neutrality in authentic Christianity.


What does it mean to be woke?

This is a term that has been thrown around in a variety of contexts over the past few months. In some ways, it has become an ideology and way of life. I have personally been told that I cannot relate to specific people because I am not ‘woke’ to their circumstances. I have been encouraged to read certain books that will ‘awaken’ me to cultural realities.

Western Christianity has thrown the word around as well regarding the church’s approach to culture, humanitarianism, and social justice. The thought is, if I am not ‘biblically woke’ to certain ideologies than I am not authentically loving people the way Christ desires.

Unfortunately, many of these thoughts are not coming from scripture. They are not flowing out of an authentically biblical worldview. Just because something is for the betterment of humanity does not mean it will purposefully advance the Kingdom of God.

Scripture must be our end all when it comes to defining what it means to be woke. In Ephesians 5:14 Paul writes these words...

‘Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.’

We must also be careful to not take that verse out of context. As we dig deeper into Ephesians 5:1-20, there are multiple things we discover that lead us to a Biblically Woke life. These are a few that hit home with me.

1. Imitate God
2. Love Sacrificially
3. Flee Sexual Sin
4. Speak Wisdom
5. Separate from Deception
6. Expose Darkness
7. Carefully Seek God’s Will
8. Worship Thankfully
9. Submit to Biblical Accountability

In my opinion, this is NOT what much of western Christianity is preaching. Churches are afraid to dig deep and push people towards authentic discipleship.


I can respect a person without being united in their efforts and ideologies. Respect is not defined by unity, but we are called to display the love of Christ to all people.

Barna offers roadmap to help more Americans embrace a biblical worldview 20/11/2020

Such a sad and disheartening article...

‘The issues of human nature and human character, the Bible, truth and morality, God, creation and history, family, the value of life as well as purpose and calling were identified as areas where a majority of emergent followers fail to embrace a biblical worldview.’

The goal of the church should be to ‘help parents to understand that their highest priority in life is to raise devoted, integrated disciples of Christ.”

Barna offers roadmap to help more Americans embrace a biblical worldview A prominent researcher has unveiled a roadmap illustrating how the United States can restore its biblical worldview, which has significantly eroded.

A Direct Threat to Christian Education—The Human Rights Campaign Demands that the Biden Administration Deny Accreditation to Christian Colleges and Schools 20/11/2020

Another article I will just leave here...

‘Christians’ who voted for Biden/Harris - I am struggling to believe you understand authentic biblical discipleship. And now, so many of you have gone quiet...

How long will it take for The Church to stand (publicly & privately) for an authentic biblical worldview?

And if you homeschool in certain states, you better be prepared to fight or adhere to the public education doctrine!

A Direct Threat to Christian Education—The Human Rights Campaign Demands that the Biden Administration Deny Accreditation to Christian Colleges and Schools The accreditation of Christian colleges and schools has just been directly targeted by the nation's most influential LGBTQ organization. The Human Rights Campaign has recently issued a document directed at the incoming administration entitled Blueprint for Positive Change 2020. The Blueprint demands...


Universalism, libertarian theology, and the social justice gospel invading Christ’s body are a product of Christians lacking authentic discipleship.

Biden planning to reverse Trump's pro-life policies by executive orders 17/11/2020

There is so much I could say about this article...

I’ll just say this - it breaks my heart hearing ‘Christians’ talk about voting for this platform.

You ask me why my heart breaks? I couldn’t ever imagine life without Lorelei, Landon, Allie, Elijah, and Everett...

Biden planning to reverse Trump's pro-life policies by executive orders Former vice president Joe Biden has vowed to roll back a number of President Donald Trump’s executive orders and dismantle the administration’s pro-life policies should he take office next year.

Georgia recount unearths more than 2,600 uncounted ballots in Floyd County: Report 17/11/2020

2600 ballots ‘found’ in a Republican county in Georgia. Yet, I’m being told that Christians shouldn’t question and challenge the authenticity of the election process?

Disclaimer: I don’t believe the results will change, but the process is proving to be flawed. We should not only pray for whoever our President is, but hold our government accountable to integrity and honesty!

Georgia recount unearths more than 2,600 uncounted ballots in Floyd County: Report More than 2,600 ballots in Georgia’s Floyd County that have not been tallied were recently found during a recount in the state for the 2020 presidential election, according to reports.


Authentic discipleship does not happen by putting people in rows and asking them to raise their hands. It takes place over time and through relationships!

Unfortunately, western Christianity is shrinking because of their failed attempts at authentic discipleship.


Our boldness and confidence found in authentic faith in Jesus Christ will lead to suffering for the glory of God’s character and kingdom!

Progressives furious over Supreme Court Justice Alito comments 14/11/2020

I am glad to hear words like this coming from more liberal Supreme Court justices! They understand the importance of our constitution.

Progressives furious over Supreme Court Justice Alito comments Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has come under fire from congressional Democrats after he gave an unusually charged address Thursday evening, hitting conservative talking points he believes have become unpalatable in the political climate.


Through God’s sovereign will and Christ’s perfect blood, we have been chosen, predestined, redeemed, forgiven, and blessed!

There is absolutely nothing we can do in our own ability to obtain this.

It is also not for our glory, but accomplished according to God’s purpose of total eternal unification!


‘Living too long is also a loss...’

This is a direct quote from one of the leading ‘scientists’ Joe Biden selected to lead his Coronavirus Task Force. The entire quote is worth reading for the purpose of education.

We already know the Biden/Harris ticket will promote the killing of babies at any stage in the womb. Are they also willing to establish a ‘system’ on the back end and refuse to medicate the elderly?

How is this acting as a President for all Americans? Is this another aspect of ‘human life’ my liberal friends are just going to ignore?

It also makes no sense to me to have a man who promotes not medicating the elderly help lead a task force for a virus that kills the elderly at a higher rate!

And yet ‘Christians’ all around America voted for him...

Fixed computer glitch turns losing Republican into a winner in Oakland County 10/11/2020

When you go from an 100 vote loss to an 1100 vote victory. That’s a difference of 1200 votes with approximately 40000 total votes.

I’ll do the math for you - that’s a 3% difference. This is real life - real numbers - real facts.

Fixed computer glitch turns losing Republican into a winner in Oakland County In Oakland County, Mich., a Republican city clerk wrongly gave victory to a Democrat. But a Democratic county clerk's staff saw the error, so GOP won.


This is one of the big things Biden will be doing on his first day in office...

‘He (Biden) also promised to reinstate guidance instituted during Obama's administration that would restore transgender students' access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity.’

So a teenage boy who is identifying as a girl can go into either the boys or girls bathroom and can play either genders’ sports?

There are so many hypocritical questions I have about this that goes against the entire progressive agenda...

More importantly, I will NEVER understand the ‘Christians’ I know who voted for this ideology!


One of two things has occurred within the American evangelical church...

1. There are not as many Bible-believing, Gospel-centered Christians in America as statistics show


2. Millions of Bible-believing Christians voted for Joe Biden.

Either way, the American church has failed in areas of discipleship and authentically portraying Scripture.


I saw this quote today from a pastor in Mumbai...

‘The early church was married to persecution, prison, and poverty. Now we are married to prosperity, personality, and popularity.’


I understand and respect a Christian not voting for Donald Trump & Mike Pence because of personal conviction.

I will NEVER understand or agree with a Christian using scripture and their faith to defend their vote for Joe Biden & Kamala Harris.
