

Our purpose is to introduce to you all kind of information that will help you to become a better ver

Timeline photos 15/07/2020

الأدمغة ديالنا طورت نظام غير واعٍ لاتخاذ القرارات باش نقدرو من رعاية المهام الروتينية اليومية اللي كيعاونا باش منحملوش فوق الطاقة ديالنا . ورغم ذلك ، حياتنا الحديثة اختطفت حياتنا ــ الميكانيزم الي من المفترض يحمينا ،عزلنا عن عيش حياتنا."


"Our brains have developed an unconscious decision-making system so we can take care of routine tasks. It prevents us from overloading. However, modern life has hijacked our lives—the mechanism that is supposed to protect us is disengaging us from living."
Based on a Britain M&S Research

Introduction To Awaken 22/06/2020

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كيفاش جاتكم مقدمة Awaken?
خليو لينا آراؤكم وتعليقاتكم!

Introduction To Awaken Prioritize your self-growth and elevate your mindset to be a better version of yourself ... Everyday!

Awaken (@awakenself20) • Instagram photos and videos 21/06/2020

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Awaken (@awakenself20) • Instagram photos and videos 0 Followers, 3 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Awaken ()

Introduction To Awaken 21/06/2020

Enjoy the video and let us know what you think

شوفو الفيديو و خليو لينا أرأكم

Introduction To Awaken Prioritize your self-growth and elevate your mindset to be a better version of yourself ... Everyday!


Hi Friends,
Im happy to "hop" into this exciting experience!
See you in 22:00 in my YouTube Channel, for my first creation.
In Arabic Darija, i will give you a glimpse of the purpose of Awaken:
Don't hesitate to leave your comments, i will be grateful for your feedbacks and recommandations

