GB Nutrition

GB Nutrition

We love helping people to transform their lives and reach their true potential, using the power of h


Ti sei mai chiesto cosa serve davvero per perdere peso e avere più energia?

Cosa serve davvero per realizzare qualcosa di grande, come la persona in sovrappeso che perde decine di chili di grasso corporeo, o la persona in dieta da una vita che finalmente raggiunge un rapporto sano con il cibo?

Da oltre 10 anni vedo questo tipo di cambiamento ogni singolo giorno. Attraverso il mio lavoro con decine di clienti ho imparato che obiettivi apparentemente impossibili possono essere raggiunti in modo sorprendentemente rapido e semplice ... se segui il processo giusto.

C'è una formula che uso per aiutare le persone a perdere peso, avere più energia e cambiare tanti aspetti della loro vita.

Suddividere gli obiettivi in abilità e le abilità in azioni.

Ci viene insegnato a pensare a ciò che vogliamo realizzare, il nostro obiettivo. Quindi dovremmo renderlo specifico, misurabile, raggiungibile, bla, bla, bla...

Ma cosa succede una volta che abbiamo fatto tutto questo? Quando abbiamo fissato l'obiettivo finale?

Per la maggior parte delle persone, non molto.

Questo perché gli obiettivi non vengono raggiunti attraverso il semplice atto di stabilirli, né usando la pura forza di volontà.

Quindi, se non è razionale e non è forza di volontà, cos'è?

Ho scoperto che il raggiungimento degli obiettivi avviene in modo affidabile solo quando si fanno due cose:

In primo luogo, scomponi il tuo obiettivo in abilità specifiche.

In secondo luogo, costruisci quelle abilità attraverso azioni quotidiane strategiche.

La formula è più o meno questa:
1. Esercitati quotidianamente per sviluppare abilità.
2. Costruisci competenze per raggiungere gli obiettivi.
3. Fallo bene e puoi raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi più rapidamente (con meno sforzo) e mantenere i tuoi risultati.

Come faccio nella mia pratica quotidiana:
Attraverso programmi di Coaching personalizzati utilizzo questo metodo per aiutare le persone a perdere peso, avere più energia e sviluppare relazioni più sane con il cibo.

Ecco un esempio di come lo faccio:
Diciamo che è il tuo obiettivo sia perdere peso. Sai che per perdere peso avrai bisogno di mangiare meglio in modo coerente. Quindi questo è il tuo vero obiettivo: mangiare meglio in modo coerente.

Ma non hai ancora tutte le competenze per farlo.

Quindi devi suddividerlo in ...

Quali abilità sono necessarie per mangiare meglio in modo coerente? In anni di esperienza ho identificato la fame e la consapevolezza dell'appetito come l'abilità iniziale più importante per fare progressi. Ma questo non è totalmente perseguibile. Quindi devi suddividerlo in...


Utilizzo l’azione “mangiare lentamente” e “mangiare fino a quando siamo soddisfatti, non pieni”, per costruire l'abilità di consapevolezza della fame e dell'appetito. I clienti mangiano lentamente per due settimane. Quindi si allenano a mangiare fino a quando sono soddisfatti per due settimane.

Pertanto, nel corso di un mese, le azioni quotidiane di “mangiare lentamente” e “mangiare fino a quando soddisfatti, non pieni” costruiranno l'abilità di una migliore consapevolezza dell'appetito.

E questa è una delle abilità necessarie per mangiare meglio in modo coerente.

Le azioni pratiche funzionano meglio quando sono supportate da una qualche forma di insegnamento, coaching, tutoraggio e atto di responsabilità.

Vuoi provare anche tu un percorso di Nutrition Coaching per costruire le tue abilità?


Perché fare la fine della rana bollita?

Molte persone trascurano tanti piccoli segnali che l’organismo manda, come avvertimenti, quando qualche equilibrio si sta alterando. 🗣️🙎‍♀️

Con il passare del tempo si trovano, senza accorgersi, in un altro corpo, con un’altra energia, con un altro umore, con un altro desiderio…solo nell’arco di pochi anni tutto cambia! 🦎

Gli anni avanzano inesorabili per tutti, ma non tutte le persone avanzano nello stesso modo! 👱‍♀️👩‍🦳

Se facciamo attenzione a questi piccoli segnali, la nostra vita può cambiare…in meglio ovviamente! 💪🚀


Tutti sanno cosa si dovrebbe mangiare pochi lo fanno con regolarità! Perché? 🤔

Diciamoci la verità, al giorno d'oggi le informazioni su cosa si dovrebbe mangiare per stare in salute sono disponibili ovunque!

Il vero problema è che siamo "distratti" da mille soluzioni appetitose e soprattutto poche persone mettono in atto le strategie necessarie per arrivare ad avere sulla propria tavola le cose giuste al momento giusto 🥗🌮🍅

Molto spesso, si arriva a decidere cosa mangiare quando è ora di preparare o quando la fame ha già superato i livelli di guardia... A quel punto la scelta non è più razionale, ma diventa di pancia e spesso coinvolge cibi non propriamente adatti a svolgere la funzione nutrizionale, ma principalmente quella di placare la fame e soddisfare uno stimolo. 🍔🍟🍨

Nella mia pratica di Nutrition Coaching, mi
occupo di aiutare le persone a costruire e allenare le abitudini necessarie per condurre una vita in piena salute. Si tratta di apprendere una serie di comportamenti e abitudini, che ci mettono al riparo da impulsi non controllabili quando si presentano e permettono di gestire, in ogni situazione, le migliori scelte da fare.

Ci vuole un po' di impegno, ma i benefici
sono infiniti!💪🚀


Aggiungi del movimento alla tua vita. 🏃‍♂️🏂🏌️⛹️

La chiave per fare dell'esercizio fisico un'abitudine è trovare le attività che ti piacciono e che si adattino al tuo stile di vita.

👉 Trova ciò che ti motiva. Non serve che l'obbiettivo sia prettamente sportivo. La maggior parte delle persone mantiene una buona abitudine per i benefici quotidiani che riceve.Nota cosa ti motiva: dormire meglio, ridurre i livelli di stress, stare all'aria aperta o allenarti con un amico.... sono tutte buone idee e motivi validi!

👉 Multi-task: incorpora il movimento nelle tue attività regolari. Hai una trasmissione o uno spettacolo preferito? Fai stretching, addominali o altre attività tra gli episodi o durante gli spot pubblicitari.

👉 Aggiungi delle attività al tempo che trascorri con la famiglia. Due tiri a canestro o una breve passeggiata in quartiere possono fare la differenza. Invece di metterti al volante, sali sulla bici o vai a piedi al lavoro o al supermercato. Se devi comunque prendere la macchina, parcheggia più distante e approfitta di una breve camminata.

Non sottovalutare le piccole cose. Tutte le attività contano, anche se sono cinque minuti. Tutto si somma. Praticamente qualsiasi forma di esercizio o movimento può aumentare il tuo livello di forma fisica. La cosa più importante è scegliere attività che ti piacciano. Tra tutte quelle che ci sono è impossibile non trovarne due o tre che ti piacciano.

Guarda online, molte organizzazioni e molti istruttori offrono corsi online a cui puoi partecipare, gratuitamente o a pagamento. Le opzioni sono infinite, spaziano da yoga e tai chi, a intensi allenamenti di boot camp e lezioni di spinning, dal pilates ai balli latino americani..

Uscire è sempre meglio ma se proprio devi restare in casa, hai solo l'imbarazzo della scelta!


Di quanto esercizio abbiamo davvero bisogno?

Quando si parla di esercizio fisico le persone pensano subito alle estenuanti maratone o a lunghe ore in bicicletta...🏃🚴

In realtà l'esercizio fisico come supporto al benessere è tutt'altra cosa.

Stare seduti per meno tempo e muoversi di più, facendo quindi piccole quantità di attività fisica si ottengono già alcuni benefici per la salute.

Per ottenere grandi benefici per la salute, occorre mirare a esercitarsi con maggior frequenza alle seguenti attività:

👉 Attraverso esercizi di stretching o attività quali yoga, pilates ecc. permettono al nostro organismo di avere un adeguato livello di
flessibilità e di mantenere in salute muscoli, tendini e articolazioni.

👉 Allenando la forza almeno due volte alla settimana ossa, muscoli e articolazioni mantengono un livello di efficienza adatto a sostenere le comuni attività quotidiane, anche in età avanzata (salire le scale, sollevare dei piccoli carichi, svolgere attività lidiche ecc.)

👉 150-300 minuti di attività aerobica moderata (corsa, bicicletta, nuoto ecc.), distribuiti nell'arco della settimana, aiutano a proteggere e a far funzionare in maniera appropriata il nostro "motore" e l'apparato

Se non si riescono a soddisfare queste linee guida, il mantenimento del nostro organismo può essere seriamente compromesso, soprattutto con l'avanzare dell'età.

Anche gli anziani e le persone con una condizione di salute o una disabilità
dovrebbero mirare a soddisfare tali raccomandazioni.

Non è importante eseguire tutto alla perfezione, quello che è importante è
passare all'azione immediatamente ed evitare di essere inattivi.

Si fa sempre a tempo a migliorare! 🚀💪


The best way to control calories without the hassle of doing math or using the calculator!

Just take a look at your hand. Use your fist, palm, cupped hand, and thumb to practice calorie control, while avoiding the hassle of counting calories.

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times:
The best, maybe even the only, way to lose weight is to count calories. After all, it’s a pretty simple equation:

Calories in vs calories out.

Eat more calories than you burn, and you gain weight. Eat fewer calories than you burn and you lose weight.

Except counting calories isn’t that simple.

First of all, on the “calories in” side, you do need to figure out how many calories are in the foods you want to eat. And that takes handbooks, websites, databases and math. Just to plan your lunch.

Next, you have to assume that the handbooks, websites, and databases’ calorie estimates are correct. They’re often not. In fact, research has shown, they can be off by about 25% because of incorrect labeling, laboratory measurement error, and food quality.

Then, of course, there’s the “calories out” side. Estimating your calorie expenditure each day comes with another 25% measurement error, because of the equipment you’re using, laboratory measurement errors, and individual differences.
A possible 25% error on the “calories in” side, and another 25% error on the “calories out” side.

Is it even worth:
• pulling out measuring cups to a chorus of boos from family members;
• dusting off the food scale while trying to ignore the taunts of friends;
• wheeling in the abacus from the den to keep up the calorie tally;
• subscribing to apps and web services to track these less-than-accurate numbers?

Sure, we should have an idea of how much food we’re eating each day, so we can adjust based on our goals.

But counting calories itself is a drag! No wonder so many people give up and go back to eating the way they were before.

🛎️ Drop us a note and partecipate in the discussion. I will send you the FREE PORTION CONTROL GUIDE - INFOGRAPHIC, that will help you forget about calorie counting.

Here’s the good news: counting calories is rarely necessary.

Our coaching programs gauge food portions differently. No carrying around weigh-scales and measuring cups. No calculators or smart phones.

All you need is the ability to count to two. And your own hand.

Here how it works:
• Your palm determines your protein portions.
• Your fist determines your veggie portions.
• Your cupped hand determines your carb portions.
• Your thumb determines your fat portions.

👉 To determine your protein dense foods intake, like meat, fish, eggs, dairy, or beans, use a palm sized serving.

For men we recommend two palm-sized portions with each meal and for women we recommend one palm-sized portion with each meal.

Note: a palm-sized portion is the same thickness and diameter as your palm.

👉 To determine your vegetable intake, like broccoli, spinach, salad, carrots, etc. use a fist-sized serving.

For men we recommend 2 fist-sized portions of vegetables with each meal and for women we recommend 1 fist-sized portion of vegetables with each meal.

Again, a fist-sized portion is the same thickness and diameter as your fist.

👉 To determine your carbohydrate-dense foods intake, like grains, starches, or fruits – use a cupped hand to determine your serving size.

For men we recommend 2 cupped-hand sized portions of carbohydrates with most meals and for women we recommend 1 cupped-hand sized portion of carbohydrates with most meals.

👉 To determine your fat-dense foods intake, like oils, butters, nut butters, nuts/seeds, use your entire thumb to determine your serving size.

For men we recommend 2 thumb-sized portions of fats with most meals and for women we recommend 1 thumb-sized portion of fats with most meals.

Of course, if you’re a bigger person, you probably have a bigger hand. And if you’re a smaller person… well, you get the idea. Your own hand is a personalized (and portable) measuring device for your food intake.

True, some people do have larger or smaller hands for their body size. Still, our hand size correlates pretty closely with general body size, including muscle, bone and the whole package.

🛎️ Drop us a note and partecipate in the discussion. I will send you the FREE PORTION CONTROL GUIDE - INFOGRAPHIC, that will help you forget about calorie counting.

Based on the guidelines above, which assume you’ll be eating about 4 times a day, you now have a simple and flexible guide for meal planning.

For men:
• 2 palms of protein dense foods with each meal;
• 2 fists of vegetables with each meal;
• 2 cupped hands of carb dense foods with most meals;
• 2 entire thumbs of fat dense foods with most meals.

For women:
• 1 palm of protein dense foods with each meal;
• 1 fist of vegetables with each meal;
• 1 cupped hand of carb dense foods with most meals;
• 1 entire thumb of fat dense foods with most meals.

Of course, just like any other form of nutrition planning, including calorie counting, this serves as a starting point.

You can’t know exactly how your body will respond in advance. So stay flexible and adjust your portions based on your hunger, fullness, and other important goals.

For example, if you’re trying to gain weight, and you’re having trouble gaining, you might add another cupped palm of carbohydrates or another thumb of fats.

Likewise, if you’re trying to lose weight but seem to have stalled out, you might eliminate a cupped palm of carbohydrates or a thumb of fats at particular meals.

Remember: this is a starting point. Adjust your portions at any time using outcome-based decision making, aka “How’s that working for you?”

Want more individualization?

Feel free to drop us a note. At GB Nutrition, we help people “eat right for their own goals, whatever they are”.

🛎️Drop us a note and partecipate in the discussion. I will send you the FREE PORTION CONTROL GUIDE - INFOGRAPHIC, that will help you forget about calorie counting.

Stay healthy!


How to fix a broken diet: 3 simple ways to get your eating on track

Do you struggle with food quantity control? Are you tired of counting your meals calories? Did your diet stop working at some point and don’t know what to do?😞

In this article I’ll share the 3 main strategies we use to help clients fix a “broken diet” and start eating better.

I’ll also share how we troubleshoot eating plans when they’ve “just stopped working” and you don’t know what else to try.

And, finally, I’ll show you how to use these powerful and purposeful strategies to improve your own eating. Or to help others do the same.

If you’re just getting started with eating healthier, you can start out right, without wasting time and energy.

👉 Step 1: Identify and remove nutritional deficiencies

Most people think they need a complete overhaul at first.

“I have to cut out sugar… and dairy… and carbs… and saturated fat.
Plus I have to eat more protein… more healthy fats… and more vegetables.
Not a lot of fruit, though.
I have to start drinking lots of water too.
And exercise… maybe a 6 am boot camp… yeah.”
I don’t know about you, but I get exhausted just thinking about changing all this, all at once.

Let’s call it the “Mission Impossible” approach.

After coaching many clients in the last few years, I’ve come to realize that the Mission Impossible approach isn’t just difficult; it’s misguided.

Because a complete overhaul rarely addresses what’s making most people feel bad in the first place.

Often, people struggle with how they look and feel because their physiology doesn’t work the way it should. This can be hormonal imbalances, but it’s more often dietary deficiency:

📍 not getting the right nutrients → in the right amounts → to get the best results.

Dietary deficiencies, therefore, are the first red flag that something’s wrong and can even contribute to hormonal imbalances.

Just how common are dietary deficiencies?

Scientific research shows that it’s really hard to get all the essential vitamins and minerals from food alone.

That’s a problem because when you’re deficient in key nutrients, your physiology doesn’t work properly. And when your body doesn’t work as it should, you feel rotten.

Just how important is this first step?

Energy levels, appetite, strength, endurance, and mood all rely on getting enough of these essential nutrients. When you don’t get them, things break down.

That’s why you can eat “clean”, avoid meat, lower your carbs, or count calories, you can do “everything right” nutritionally, and still feel lousy.

You need to identify your red flags from the very beginning and start eliminating them, one by one.

What are the common nutritional red flags?

Here are the most common deficiencies I see with new clients:
• water (low-level dehydration);
• vitamins and minerals;
• protein (particularly in women and in men with low appetites)
• fiber (95% of the population is deficient here);
• essential fatty acids (especially omega-3’s).

To find out where you stand, you could get your diet analyzed by a dietitian or record what you eat each day and enter it into an online diet calculator.

We like to make it even easier. We do a quick survey of what a client is eating. From there, we help him/her:

• eat more of the protein-rich foods they prefer;
• eat more veggies and fruits rich in the vitamins and minerals they need most;
• eat more fiber-rich quality carbs;
• take in more essential and other healthy fats; and
• drink more hydrating fluids.
• recommend the right supplements if needed

Without any other advanced screening or dietary changes, our clients quickly start feeling better. They lose fat and gain lean muscle. They feel more motivated. And their workouts become easier and better.

That’s the power of removing nutrient deficiencies. When our bodies don’t have the nutrients they need to do their work, we all suffer. But as soon as we get these nutrients, we thrive.

🛎️ If you like this kind of info, drop us a note below and I will send you a FREE INFOGRAPHIC through messenger, that visually summarizes all the information of this article, plus will give you detailed tips about what to eat depending on your body type.

👉 Step 2: Adjust food amount and food type

Once we’re getting all the raw materials necessary for proper functioning (essential nutrients) we can move on to bigger issues. These include:

• food amount (what some call calorie intake)
• food composition (which includes macronutrient breakdown).

In our coaching programs we help clients get away from using handbooks, websites, databases, spreadsheets, and math when planning meals.

You see, while we know that total food (calorie) intake matters, we’re just not fans of counting calories.

To begin with, calorie counting does nothing to help us tune into our own powerful hunger and appetite cues. By learning how to listen to our own bodies, we have better long-term success in healthy eating.

Of course, not everyone knows how to do this from the start. It takes a little coaching and some practice.

Nor does calorie counting help us balance our health goals with our natural human enjoyment of food. In the short term, anyone can turn eating into a numerical and robotic exercise. But, in the long run, this strategy falls apart.

There’s another problem with calorie counting: It’s just not all that accurate.

Because of incorrect labeling, laboratory errors, and differences in food quality and preparation, calorie counts recorded on food labels and websites, even those within the USDA’s nutrient databases, can be off by as much as 25%.

We teach our clients a different approach to calorie control, using their own hand as the ultimate, portable measurement tool.

For example, a client might begin by eating:
• 1-2 palms of protein dense foods at each meal;
• 1-2 fists of vegetables at each meal;
• 1-2 cupped handfuls of carb dense foods at most meals;
• 1-2 thumbs of fat dense foods at most meals.

Most people can simply eliminate nutrient deficiencies and get food portions and quality right, and stop there.

Small adjustments in those two areas will make a huge difference in how 90% of folks look and feel. Simple and easy to do.

However, for those who want to go further, because they have more advanced goals or because they’re already doing the first two and still struggling, we’ll have to talk about body composition.

Different body type groups or somatotypes, typically include a few general characteristics:
• morphology and skeletal structure
• hormonal environment
• metabolism (including metabolic rate and how nutrients are processed)

We have a really simple shortcut for helping people eat right for their body type.

Body types are simply a starting point. Body types are a proxy for thinking about possible differences in metabolism, activity types, and nutritional needs. As a coach, you can create some working hypotheses using body types, which you can then test.

🛎️ If you like this kind of info, drop us a note below and I will send you a FREE INFOGRAPHIC through messenger, that visually summarizes all the information of this article, plus will give you detailed tips about what to eat depending on your body type.

👉 Step 3: Fine tune the details

So far we’ve covered the following steps:

📍 Remove red flags and nutrient deficiencies.
📍 Control your calorie intake without counting calories.
📍 Adjust your food composition based on your body type and activity.

In the grand scheme of things, everything else, meal frequency, calorie/carb cycling, workout nutrition, is just a minor tweak.

Removing deficiencies, controlling calorie intake, and beginning eating for your body type and doing this all consistently, must come first. If you haven’t done those first, this strategy usually backfires.

And, might I gently remind you, done all the above consistently. Yes, every day. Over and over and over…

Then if you’re still looking for a little boost, my best recommendation is to continue to eat normally around your workout. Also using a variety of high quality supplement will help to have the job done.

If you feel like your nutrition’s off track, but aren’t sure what to do about it, hopefully this article has given you something new to consider and try.

• First, remove red flags and nutrient deficiencies.
• Control your calorie intake without counting calories.
• Consider your body type and activity level.
• Observe your progress carefully and adjust your intake as needed.
• Do all of this consistently and long-term first, before adding any new strategies.

Remember, whether you’re a beginner and trying to get started in the right direction, or you’re experienced but still spinning your wheels, these steps, when applied in sequence, can make all the difference.

🛎️ If you like this kind of info, drop us a note below and I will send you a FREE INFOGRAPHIC through messenger, that visually summarizes all the information of this article, plus will give you detailed tips about what to eat depending on your body type.

Stay healthy! 😉


Welcome to my Coaching & Nutrition Page! Here, I will share lots of info about Nutrition, Training, Supplements and Health in general, collected and tested during my 25 years of Coaching. Feel free to comment, share or send any request you might have!
Stay healthy 😉


The Most Common 11 Nutrition Questions. A Cheat Sheet for Helping Anyone Hone their Eating Habits.

In this post I’m going to cover the most common questions people ask regarding nutrition basics.

Let’s start by saying that coming up with the right answers can be difficult, because:
- The right answer depends on who the asker is. Young athlete? Middle-aged man? Sixty-something woman? Young mom with two toddlers?
- There are so many facets of nutrition. Macronutrients, micronutrients, supplements, pesticides, GMOs… where do you start?
- There’s a TON of confusion about nutrition “truths.” Is red wine saving your life, or killing you? What about red meat? Eggs? And how about that new plant-based diet?

The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to any nutrition question.
However, if you build a foundation of nutrition knowledge, you can determine your individual needs, understand how targeted nutrition can support your goals and get better results in the long run.

Here’s the list of the 11 most common nutrition questions:

Question #1: “I’m new to this whole nutrition thing. Where do I start?”
Question #2: “What’s the best diet to follow?”
Question #3: “Is counting calories important for weight loss?”
Question #4: “Should I avoid carbs?”
Question #5: “Should I avoid grains?”
Question #6: “What (and when) should I eat around my workouts?”
Question #7: “Should I drink less alcohol?”
Question #8: “Does the Paleo Diet live up to the hype?”
Question #9: “Should I do a detox or juice cleanse?”
Question #10: “Do sleep habits and stress really affect nutrition?”
Question #11: “How should I eat to get six-pack abs?”

Answer to Question #2: “What’s the best diet to follow?”

The short answer is…”There is no best diet.”

Why? All dietary protocols have their pros and cons. What works best for one person won’t work best for another. Also, a diet that has worked best for someone in the past won’t necessarily be what works best for them moving forward. That’s why in our daily practice we help people find the approach to eating that works best for them right now!

Would you like an anwer to all the other 10 questions? Drop me a note here . I'll be happy to send the full document.

Stay healthy!

Timeline photos 03/05/2020

Seven Best Immune-Boosting Foods you can eat every day.

In this post I’m going to tell you which are the best seven foods, you can eat every day, that help to boost your immune system.

If you don’t know me yet, my name is Giorgio Bresquar, I love helping people to transform their lives and reach their true potential, using the power of healthy foods, pure nutrients and exercise.

Strengthening your immune system is important year-round, and keeping high the daily nutrients intake is the foundation for optimal body functioning.

Here’s a list of the top seven foods you can easily incorporate as part of your daily meals, to help improve your health and support your immune system.

Citrus Fruits
These fruits are loaded with vitamin C. Our body is not able to produce this vitamin itself, so it’s necessary to include citrus fruits such as lemons, grapefruit or oranges, as part of a daily habit. Vitamin C is a key defender, helping your immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells. These cells are essential in protecting your body by fighting infections and illnesses.

Almost all berries contain antioxidants and vitamins that can also boost energy levels and protect your heart. For example, acai berries contain high levels of fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6, and monosaturated oleic acid, all of which help maintain a healthy heart.

Green vegetables such as spinach or broccoli are packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals including Vitamins A, C, and E, potassium and healthy fibers. These vitamins contribute in white blood cell creation as well as in organ health maintenance. Both may increase the body’s ability to fight infection by protecting cells against free radicals.

This fruit is rich with antioxidants and reinforces the immune system through antimicrobial activity. Pomegranate juice can assist the body in removing free radicals and protecting the cells from damage. The antioxidants found within pomegranate juice may also help protect the body against infection.

There are also a variety of nuts that help aid our immune system. Almonds supply the body with heart-healthy fat, protein and vitamin E. Similarly, walnuts can provide the body with valuable vitamin B6, copper, and folate. These vitamins can protect your cells from damage, enabling your white blood cells to function efficiently.

Spices are a great way to make your meals tasty and healty. Turmeric root is very rich in curcumin, a compound that can boost immune cell activity and enhance antibody responses. Ginger has similar components to turmeric; however, it may also help decrease pain, due to its concentration of capsaicin.

Green Tea
Green tea is full of flavonoids, a type of antioxidant, that helps support the function of the immune system. These antioxidants contribute to recharge a suppressed immune system. Green tea also helps de-stress the body and mind through its soothing aroma and flavor.

Did you like this post? If so you can comment below and share it with friends and family you care about.

Feel free to contact me for more tips to improve your immune system 😉

To your success!

Stay Healthy for a Better Life!

GB Nutrition was fouded by Giorgio Bresquar in 2019. Giorgio is a Health Coach with a Sport and Exercise Science Degree and has over 25 years of experience in the health sector (Physical Training Coaching, Professional Sport Coaching and Nutrition Consultancy).

Born in Italy, with the fortune to be raised by an “Italian Cuisine Chef” mother, Giorgio grew up in a very healthy and active environment.

He is very passionate about helping people to develop a personal and positive approach towards food, healthy living and physical exercise, for long lasting results. He is also very keen on teaching the young generations easy-to-follow-strategies, to leverage the power of nutrition.

He developes strategies for Individuals, Schools, Sport Organizations, Health Clubs and Corporations.

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Aggiungi del movimento alla tua vita. 🏃‍♂️🏂🏌️⛹️La chiave per fare dell'esercizio fisico un'abitudine è trovare le attivi...
