Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado

Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado

Coachella Councilwoman. Single mom. Champion for families and education.

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 25/02/2024

Election Game Changers - GEN Z.

Listening and learning from Sam Turley, Janine Gregory, Yurema Arvizu, and Victor Shi working to ensure young people use their voices on issues and vote in every election from hashtags to Ballots - Digital Democracy: Navigating the Landscape of Gen Z Voter Outreach

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 25/02/2024
Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 30/01/2024

“Zapateria Alberto” is a small family owned business that sells quality cowgirl/boy leather boots, belts, and clothing 🤠👢. We stopped by yesterday and purchased a couple pairs of boots. And we love them!

It’s nice to see dad, son, and daughter working happily together on a Sunday morning. 💓👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 This little shop is their pride and joy.

Stop by and visit! You’ll be happy you did! They are off Cesar Chavez st./ Ave 50 next to Subway.

Zapateria Alberto” es una pequeña empresa familiar que vende botas y cinturones de cuero y ropa para vaquera/vaquero de calidad 🤠👢. Pasamos ayer y compramos un par de botas. ¡Y nos encantan!

Es agradable ver a papá, hijo e hija trabajando felices juntos un domingo por la mañana.💓👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Esta pequeña tienda es su orgullo y alegría.

¡Pásate por aquí y visita! ¡Estarás feliz de haberlo hecho! Están fuera de la calle César Chávez. / Avenida 50 junto al metro.

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 22/11/2023

*Late post. This special lady received the Freedom Flag on behalf of her late husband, Paul Corral.

A total of 5 Freedom Flags were provided to 5 honorees at our Veterans Pancake breakfast.

1. Gilbert Sanchez (Navy)
2. Luke H. Gonzales (Army)
3. Paul H. Corral (Air Force)
4. Frank V. Morales (Army)
5. Ruben A. Mollinado (Army)

We took a group photo with all of our veterans in attendance ❤️.

Coachella has many residents who have served and continue to serve in the military. We thank and honor them and their families for their service.


Esta dama especial recibió la Bandera de la Libertad en nombre de su difunto marido, Paul Corral.

Se proporcionaron un total de 5 banderas de la libertad a 5 homenajeados en nuestro desayuno Veterans Pancake.

1. Gilbert Sánchez (Navy)
2. Luke H. Gonzales (ejército)
3. Paul H. Corral (Fuerza Aérea)
4. Frank V. Morales (ejillón)
5. Rubén A. Mollinado (ej Ejército)

Tomamos una foto de grupo con todos nuestros veteranos presentes ❤️.

Coachella tiene muchos residentes que han servido y siguen sirviendo en el ejército. Les agradecemos y honramos a ellos y a sus familias por su servicio.

** Publicación tardía

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 20/11/2023

I joined Latino colleagues throughout the country to learn more on building foundations and environments that support our community’s health and wellbeing.

Understanding Latino health disparities, inequities, and identifying social determinants such as, transportation, housing, community safety, and employment are just some of the elements to a healthy community we discussed.

A big thank you to for providing this opportunity to us!

**National Association of Latino Elected Officials.


Me uní a colegas latinos de todo el país para aprender más sobre la construcción de bases y entornos que apoyen la salud y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad.

Comprender las disparidades de salud latinas, las desigualdades y la identificación de determinantes sociales como el transporte, la vivienda, la seguridad de la comunidad y el empleo son solo algunos de los elementos de una comunidad saludable que discutimos.

¡Muchas gracias a por brindarnos esta oportunidad!

**Asociación Nacional de Funcionarios electos Latinos.

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 15/11/2023

Attended State Senator, Steve Padilla’s community forum with several colleagues from a variety of public agencies in the Eastern Coachella Valley. We learned about many policies he’s working on to address challenges in our region.


Asistió al senador estatal, el foro comunitario de Steve Padilla, con varios colegas de una variedad de agencias públicas en el este del valle de Coachella. Aprendimos sobre muchas políticas en las que está trabajando para abordar los desafíos en nuestra región.


How special am I? I came home to this 😭🥰.

Yes, those are Celsius 😂. I drink one (almost) everyday to help me push through the busy days.


¿Qué tan especial soy? Llegué a casa con esto 😭🥰.

Sí, esos son Celsius 😂. Bebo uno (casi) todos los días para ayudarme a superar los días ajetreados.

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 12/11/2023

To my Great Grandfather Pablo M. Rodriguez recipient of the Purple Heart and Bronze Star Medal during WWII, my nephew: Alex Gomez (Air Force), my uncle: Jesus Rodriguez (Army), my cousin: Javier Acosta (Air Force), and all other veterans… Thank You for your service.

My Great Grandfather served in the Army’s 88th Division 350th Infantry Regiment. The 88th was the first all-Selective-Service infantry division committed to enter combat on any front in WWII and given the nickname “Blue Devils” by the Germans.

The 350th Infantry Regiment received the Distinguished Unit Citation and Presidential Citation for the Battle for Monte Battaglia on Feb. 22nd 1945. (Citation attached)


A mi bisabuelo Pablo M. Rodríguez recibió la Medalla Corazón Púrpura y la Estrella de Bronce durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, mi sobrino: Alex Gómez (Fuerza Aérea), mi tío: Jesús Rodríguez (Ejército), mi primo: Javier Acosta (Fuerza Aérea) y todos los demás veteranos... Gracias por su servicio.

Mi bisabuelo sirvió en el 350.o Regimiento de Infantería de la 88.a División del Ejército. La 88.a fue la primera división de infantería de servicio selectivo comprometida a entrar en combate en cualquier frente de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y a la que los alemanes le dieron el apodo de "Diablos Azules".

El 350.o Regimiento de Infantería recibió la Mención de la Unidad Distinguida y la Mención Presidencial para la Batalla de Monte Battaglia el 22 de febrero de 1945. (Cita adjunta)

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 06/11/2023

Here are just SOME of the amazing art installations created by Raices_Cultura and their incredibly talented youth for the celebration of Dia De Los Mu***os in downtown Coachella.

To learn more about this arts & culture nonprofit org visit

“Raices Cultura is committed to the empowerment of youth and adult residents through artistic self-expression and cultural inclusivity” -Raices

Estas son solo ALGUNAS de las increíbles instalaciones de arte creadas por Raices y su increíblemente talentosa juventud para la celebración del Día de los Mu***os en el centro de Coachella.

Para obtener más información sobre esta organización sin fines de lucro de arte y cultura, visite

"Raices Cultura está comprometida con el empoderamiento de los residentes jóvenes y adultos a través de la autoexpresión artística y la inclusión cultural" -Raices

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 27/10/2023

👹I have just as much fun as the kiddos do 🤷🏻‍♀️


👹Me divierto tanto como los niños 🤷🏻‍♀️


Let’s go CV Firebirds! 1st hockey 🏒game of their 2nd season officially starts today at the at 7pm. And no one kicks it off better than Juego.

¡Vamos CV Firebirds! El primer partido de hockey 🏒 de su segunda temporada comienza oficialmente hoy en la a las 7 p.m. Y nadie lo arranca mejor que Juego.


HOUSING & HOMEOWNERSHIP: attended this ‘Work Group Session’ with Ian Fregosi, District Director for State Senator Steve Padilla and this great group of folks from several agencies in identifying the many, many challenges and providing pathways to housing and owning a home.

Vivienda y propiedad de la vivienda: asistió a esta ‘Sesión del Grupo de Trabajo’ con Ian Fregosi, director de distrito del senador estatal Steve Padilla y este gran grupo de personas de varias agencias para identificar muchos desafíos y proporcionar caminos hacia la vivienda y la propiedad de una casa.


Happy Support Small Business Taco vendors at our Tacos & Tequila event on October 21st from 4-8pm.

Join One Stop Taco Shop (📸 here) and our 2022 First Place winner 🏆 and others in downtown Coachella.


Feliz Apoya a los vendedores de tacos para pequeñas empresas en nuestro evento de tacos y tequila el 21 de octubre de 4 a 8 p.m.

Únete a One Stop Taco Shop (📸 aquí) y a nuestro ganador del primer lugar de 2022 🏆 y otros en el centro de Coachella.

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 30/09/2023

🗣️Coachella. Community clean up day at Bagdouma Park (near the pool). We’ll be out here until 1pm for bulky items and 2pm for hazardous items.
*** we do not have a shredder today :/

🗣️Coachella. Día de limpieza de la comunidad en Bagdouma Park (cerca de la piscina). Estaremos aquí hasta la 1 p.m. para artículos voluminosos y hasta las 2 p.m. para artículos peligrosos.

*** Hoy no tenemos una trituradora :/

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 29/09/2023

Recorded this morning to provide an update on Coachella’s Economic Development in preparation for our State of the City on November 2nd.

Grabado esta mañana para proporcionar una actualización sobre el desarrollo económico de Coachella en preparación para nuestro estado de la ciudad el 2 de noviembre.


🇲🇽Sunday, we celebrated Mexican Independence Day. You could feel the energy from attendees shouting El Grito created from the historic social movement. The vibrant and culturally significant celebration was met with pride of our heritage and deep Mexican roots. 🇲🇽

🇲🇽El domingo celebramos el Día de la Independencia de México. Podías sentir la energía de los asistentes gritando El Grito creado a partir del movimiento social histórico. La celebración vibrante y culturalmente significativa fue reda con orgullo por nuestra herencia y profundas raíces mexicanas. 🇲🇽


Honoring the historical Labor movement this Labor Day by recognizing all types of workers, their hard work, economic contribution, and civic significance.
Honrar al movimiento laborista histórico este Día del Trabajo reconociendo a todo tipo de trabajadores, su arduo trabajo, su contribución económica y su importancia cívica.

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 02/09/2023

Yesterday’s amount of rainfall was not forecasted and unexpected 🌧️

There were multiple road closures and vehicles that needed to be towed especially at this intersection with the assistance of RSO. They did a fantastic job of getting all these vehicles cleared and providing support with traffic until the roads were closed off from Coachella & Indio.

City staff did an amazing job of sandbagging intersections, barricading roads, and pumping water out of flooded roads in such a short amount of time. They worked real hard to try and get to each location ASAP. It’s a lot of physical work and even more so in the pouring rain with less visibility, standing in feet of water, and traffic. Their safety is also a priority while prioritizing yours ❤️.


No se pronosticó la cantidad de lluvia de ayer y fue inesperada 🌧️

Hubo múltiples cierres de carreteras y vehículos que necesitaban ser remolcados, especialmente en esta intersección con la ayuda de RSO. Hicieron un trabajo fantástico al limpiar todos estos vehículos y proporcionar apoyo con el tráfico hasta que se cerraron las carreteras de Coachella e Indio.

El personal de la ciudad hizo un trabajo increíble haciendo bolsas de arena en las intersecciones, barricando las carreteras y bombeando agua de las carreteras inundadas en tan poco tiempo. Trabajan muy duro para tratar de llegar a cada ubicación lo antes posible. Es mucho trabajo físico y aún más en la lluvia torrencial con menos visibilidad, parado en pies de agua y tráfico. Su seguridad también es una prioridad al tiempo que prioriza la tuya ❤️.


🗣️Coachella residents: Important alternate 7 digit phone numbers to have if having difficulties getting through 9-1-1 due to outages.


** provided by Riverside County Sheriff’s Office
🗣️Coachella residents: Important alternate 7 digit phone numbers to have if having difficulties getting through 9-1-1 due to outages.


** ** proporcionado por la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Riverside


As the water starts pouring in, please stay off the roads and stay home if possible.
A medida que el agua comienza a entrar, manténgase alejado de las carreteras y quédese en casa si es posible.

Keep traveling to a minimum and avoid traveling through flooded roadways. Only inches of fast-moving water can carry away a person or vehicle. Remember to


**Road closures at:**
➡️Cielo Victoria at Ave 48
➡️tomorrow at Ave 50 at Tyler Street,
➡️More street closures will occur in areas of major flooding as needed

➡️Street staff have cleaned storm drain inlets.
➡️Have Storm and Flood Pumps ready (extras were rented)
➡️Public Works/Utilities employees on standby to respond to city storm impacts

**Sandbags update:**
➡️A new shipment of sand has just been delivered outside our Corporate Yard.
➡️Bags are provided
➡️10 bags per household
➡️Over 80 tons of sand has been distributed since yesterday

**Public Safety:**
➡️PS agencies have prepared and staffed for responses to situations that impact public safety and life.
➡️A city contact number will be provided for downed trees 🌳

**Who to contact:**
➡️Life threatening emergencies, dial 911
➡️Broken Water 💦 Mains and Emergency Calls: (760) 578-7098
➡️Wastewater Sewer Overflows and Emergency Calls: (760) 625-6781
➡️Electrical Outages: IID (800) 303-7756
➡️Fallen trees: to be provided*

➡️Desert Mirage High School has been identified as a storm shelter: ——anyone who has experienced a power outage,
——feels that they are in imminent danger in their permanent place of shelter.

**Storm Watch Webpage:**

****If possible and safe to do so, please check on your neighbors with kiddos and/or our seniors who may reside on their own or need sandbags 😄.
**** Please be kind to our Emergency response teams and watch out for them while working for their safety also —> Public Safety responders and city staff. ❤️


Free haircuts to BOYS & GIRLS CLUB of COACHELLA, members. This service is being provided by .on.deck_ along with Barbers & Stylists. A BIG applause 👏 to them for volunteering their time and skills to our kids.

This is so helpful for busy parents and a great way to help raise self esteem for kiddos and teens. 🤩

Please share with others to get the word out about this service. 🙂

Cortes de pelo gratis para BOYS & GIRLS CLUB de COACHELLA, solo para miembros. Este servicio es proporcionado por .on.deck_ junto con Barbers & Stylists. Un GRAN 👏 aplauso para ellos por ofrecer su tiempo y habilidades a nuestros hijos.

Esto es muy útil para los padres ocupados y una gran manera de ayudar a aumentar la autoestima de los niños y adolescentes. 🤩

Por favor, comparta con otros para correr la voz sobre este servicio. :)


30 minutes! 30 minutes of 💥💥💥💥!!!

No one in the valley provides a better or longer fireworks show than Coachella It was awesome seeing everyone come together and having a really good time.

Enjoy the 4th of July week with family and friends… but please stay safe… drink responsibly, no illegal fireworks, and drive safely!

30 minutos 30 minutos de 💥💥💥💥!!!

Nadie en el valle ofrece un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales mejor o más largo que Coachella. Fue increíble ver a todos reunirse y pasarlo muy bien.

Disfruta de la semana del 4 de julio con amigos de la familia y... pero por favor, cuídate... ¡bebe de forma responsable, sin fuegos artificiales ilegales y conduce con cuidado!


ALDI is officially open in Coachella 🎉.


ALDI está oficialmente abierto en Coachella 🎉.


Happy Father’s and Birthday, dad. Thank you for always being there for me and Abril- no questions asked. You are more than any daughter/granddaughter could have asked for from a father/grandfather. We love you ❤️

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads out there! And happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful independent single moms out there!


Feliz padre y cumpleaños, papá. Gracias por estar siempre ahí para mí y para Abril, sin hacer preguntas. Eres más de lo que cualquier hija/nieta podría haberle pedido a un padre/abuelo. Te queremos ❤️

¡Feliz Día del Padre a todos los maravillosos papás que hay! ¡Y feliz Día del Padre a todas las maravillosas madres solteras independientes!

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 15/06/2023

What a beautiful morning at the Senior Center today. Author, Maria Victoria Castillo talked about her book: Field Work Through the Eyes of a Child.

Our seniors had so many stories to share with Victoria about their own experiences working in the agriculture fields. They were truly engaged in the discussions and it brought tears of joy to our author as it sparked memories of her own parents.

In addition to being an author, Victoria is a Coachella resident and educator at CVUSD. 🫶🏻


Qué hermosa mañana de hoy en el Senior Center. La autora, Maria Victoria Castillo, habló sobre su libro: Trabajo de campo a través de los ojos de un niño.

Nuestras personas mayores tenían muchas historias que compartir con Victoria sobre sus propias experiencias trabajando en los campos de la agricultura. Estaban realmente involucrados en las discusiones y trajo lágrimas de alegría a nuestra autora, ya que despertó recuerdos de sus propios padres.

Además de ser autora, Victoria es residente y educadora de Coachella en CVUSD. 🫶🏻


. We should not have to give an artist the keys 🔑 to our city to get them to visit . They should visit because they grew up in similar communities/circumstances and want to give back to their fans. There are so many other ways of acknowledging Becky G’s well deserved accomplishments—> a certificate of recognition, proclamation, an invite to the city and personally give her praise.

The 🔑 key to the city is the highest level of achievement and should go to someone from and/or who directly contributed to the city…
Individuals who’ve increased the quality of life for Coachella families-> nonprofits, civic servants, local heroes, service members, health providers, local bands/artists …

I appreciate Becky G visiting our downtown. I’m hoping she will perform, take pics, & sign autographs with our amazing residents. This is a wonderful opportunity for residents working these wkds, unable to afford a Coachellafest wristband, or have young kiddos needing childcare to attend 3 days. So, Im grateful that she is making her way out here to you! ❤️ Just not the keys to our city, so some leaders can feel validated.

⬇️Questions I’ve received:

What does getting the key mean❓
—-> It symbolizes freedom to a city. It is meant for distinguished citizens, heroes, people who have given to the city through a contribution or service. It’s the highest level of achievement/contribution to a city.

How many keys does the city have❓
-—> 😂 None. A member of our exec team orders the plaque with a key on it from a business in Indio.

How did this get approved❓
-—> There’s no formal process or criteria the city requires to be eligible for a key. Mayor Hernández requested the key to the City Manager this week, Councilmember Galarza supported it and he moved it forward. Other members of city council were not notified or asked. I became aware of it through social media and later an email inviting me to the event.

How much does this cost❓
-—> the key costs less than $100 I’m told. I’m uncertain how much the event costs in terms of labor/public safety. I asked this question when Grupo Firme was given the key, I’ll ask again.

Photos from Coachella Councilwoman, Denise Delgado's post 03/04/2023

Sometimes, I just need a lil’ break. You might find me sitting on the foot rail 🦶🏻of the back of the slush man’s snack cart to re-energize. 😅

Yesterday, I had four events to attend. And, I wouldn’t change it for anything. I love Coachella.


A veces, solo necesito un pequeño descanso. Puede que me encuentres sentado en la barandilla 🦶🏻 de la parte trasera del carrito de bocadillos del hombre del granizado para recuperar la energía.😅

Ayer tuve que asistir a cuatro eventos. Y no lo cambiaría por nada. Me encanta Coachella.


With Andres Chavez, Cesar Chavez’s grandson honoring the legacy of his grandfather. It was captivating listening to him speak of his grandfather, their shared memories, and his commitment to standing up against injustices that migrant workers endured and still do.

His stories and work continue to live in the City of Coachella.

César Chávez Day ✊🏻

Con Andrés Chávez, el nieto de César Chávez honrando el legado de su abuelo. Fue cautivador escucharlo hablar de su abuelo, sus recuerdos compartidos y su compromiso de hacer frente a las injusticias que los trabajadores migrantes soportaron y siguen sufriendo.

Sus historias y su trabajo siguen viviendo en la ciudad de Coachella.

Día de César Chávez ✊🏻

Videos (show all)

30 minutes! 30 minutes of 💥💥💥💥!!! No one in the valley provides a better or longer fireworks show than Coachella  It was...
Sound Check for Mariachi Las Divas!Making preparations for today’s Mariachi Festival. The festival begins at 5pm!5- 9pm....
Thank you Congressman Dr. Raul Ruiz for your support and help getting out the vote. Now more than ever, Coachella deserv...
Mariposa Pointe Homes on the corner of ave 50 and Calhoun st. Beginning their 3rd phase of a 16 phase housing developmen...
A beautiful finale to yesterday’s 20+ minute firework display at Bagdouma Park. We had Carnival Rides & Games for folks ...