

I teach a range of Yoga styles - Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin and Mandala Flow. My hope is that as a Yoga Tea


For so so long, I’ve spent so so much of this journey with Yoga, working to be the most perfect version of what I thought I could/should be. From the way I looked in the poses, or the way I taught as a teacher… even the way I presented myself on this IG account. While all the time listening (& teaching) the lessons of “Yoga being a Journey, a Practice not Perfection”.
And when it got too much to carry, that burden of always trying to be perfect, I shied away from it all - from doing Yoga, and teaching yoga, and posting my stories on this page. And I forgot why I fell in love with it all in the first place ~ Because the movement felt like Dance. And that gave me Joy.
But thankfully, I’ve found a space that feels safe. A space where there truly is NO judgement. A space that honours the Yoga Practice and never ever preaches perfection. A space held by one of the most authentic Yogi Bears I know … 🐺 🐻 And today when this beautiful teacher of mine suggested the splits for a photo, my brain didn’t jump into anxiety mode and tell me, I’m too stiff and I haven’t done it in ages and I’ll never look good doing it. My body was filled with Joy and it moved like a dance and I found my way there without criticism or fear. And it looks GODDAM beautiful in the Springtime canvas of Joburg!!! So thank you dearest Alexa, for being a golden light of hope, reigning me back towards my Joy ✨✨✨

You are fire!!! 🌻


International Yoga Day is this Saturday and I’m honoured to be teaching 🧘🏽‍♀️ Join me and the yogis for a morning of mindful, meaningful & memorable movement ✨
[DM me for details and sign up]


Your “Why” matters. ✨
In fact, this is the most important part…
Why you show up, why you move, why you choose one thing over another, why you pour energy into one activity and not any other, why you give love to some people and not others… This is what matters the most. Because only when you know the answer to your “Why” are you able to approach life from a genuine and divine place. So sit in silence and listen to your own voice, your own heart, your own gut feeling… and when you hear the answers to your Why’s, remember them, hold onto them, and centre each day around those sentiments.

Buy Ingenuite Yoga Mat Bag Online at Faithful to Nature 20/04/2021

The beautiful, practical and 100% environmentally-friendly GK.Yoga products are now available through Faithful To Nature. Shop for your new favourite Ingenuité item now 🥰

Buy Ingenuite Yoga Mat Bag Online at Faithful to Nature Take your yoga mat everywhere with you using the very portable Ingenuite Yoga Mat Bag.


Wellness in the wilderness, a time to disengage from life's distractions and reconnect with your true sense of Self.

🎥. by Hendry Productions


Ever dreamed about doing yoga with me in the bush? Well now you can!!! 🥰🦁

HEALTH + WELLNESS RETREAT 🍃 We have officially launched our first-ever exclusive health and wellness retreat, set to take place on the 5th-7th May 2021 🍃 Think luxury accommodation in Thornybush Nature Reserve, yoga, meditation, healthy eating and taking time to focus on yourself! 🧘🏼‍♀️ From only R9 000 per person sharing - DM us for more info! 🍃


Return to Self


| G R O W |
Close those eyes, soften those shoulders. And listen... Where would you like to grow this year?
The beginning of a year can be so busy and fast-moving, can you believe March is nearly over?
So just a reminder to muse on your vision for 2021, visualise your growth, trust your growth and then let things fall as they’re meant to.


There can be no growth if no time is given to Rest, Digest, Soften, N U R T U R E.
Whatever this means to you, take 10 deep breaths to sit with that thought now.
If you whisper “nurture” to your body, what does it whisper back? Honour yourself with that, and allow yourself the time to give it to your body.


DIG IN... To everything.
It’s easy to dig in when things are good. When you’re feeling happy and grateful and on the right track - it’s easy to dig in to those feelings and sit with them and enjoy them. But when things are not easy and it’s a tough day, don’t fall for the “Good Vibes Only” lie.

Dig In. Dig in to your sadness or your frustration, your anxiety, your depression, your disappointment, your anger, your fear or your heartbreak. Dig in to the vulnerability of what it means to be human. Which is to allow yourself the space to feel ALL. THE. FEELINGS.
Dig in, sit with your emotions, be vulnerable and love yourself for everything that you are in that moment because you are Enough. 🌻
And you are Love. 💛
And light. ✨

📸 by Tayla Jane McCurdy


Stretch your body.
Stretch your mind.
Stretch your love.
✨ Day 7 | Stretch 🌻

📸 by


Ignite your Intuition. I’m listening lately, really closely, to my body and all the soft whispers and gentle nudges it gives me along the way. Today when I listened I felt a deep disconnect between myself and my belly. That centre of Self, the first three chakras - where we root ourselves to Mother Earth and grow into our sense of self. I AM. I am listening. And today I am not forcing a connection, I am not jumping into rituals and practice to try and find that centre connection. I’m simply listening, for the whispers and nudges on what I NEED to reconnect to all that I AM.

[[ I AM - There’s a reason I have this tattoo’d on my wrist ]]
[[I AM - Enough, Love, Connected, Present, Grounded, Free, All That I Ever Need To Be]]


✨ Soften to your Human Existence… Soften to the emotions that live with you.
❗| The Entire Scale Of Emotions | 
The good the bad the ugly the scary the thrilling the happy and the grey areas in between. You were not born with a RANGE of emotions, to live ONLY in the “good vibes only” - That’s just some media marketing bu****it slogan. 👀 You are a complex human and no matter what emotion you’re feeling, it is right and true for You. 
So, soften to all the little conversations your heart is having with you and learn from them. There is no right or wrong, good or bad ~ Only right/wrong FOR YOU, good/bad FOR YOU. Just let your version of “good times” teach you Humility, and let what feels like a “bad time” to you, teach you Gratitude. Let E V E R Y emotion you were created to feel, L I V E inside you and carry you through your Experience of Being Human.



ACTIVATE ~ This word just hits home! This is exactly what my current journey is - learning to activate the parts of my body that can build the strength I need to support this knee and move past recovery and into F L O U R I S H 🌻

Also, just gentle reminders every day to myself, to activate that sense of love and trust with myself. I trust that I will show up, every day, for myself. And I love this newfound strength I’m building 💛


#3 | A W A K E N myself to my Limiting Beliefs so that they can stop holding me back. Awaken my mind to the possibility that I can be good at things and when I’m good at things I am capable of achieving what is set out for me. Awaken myself to the vulnerability of being human - and stop trying to be perfect all the time - so that through the Vulnerability, I can learn how to grow and evolve into the truest version of My Highest Self.

📸 by Ale Olivieri


STABILITY | Day 2.. More than just regrounding myself as a woman, or finding financial stability after the wrecking ball of 2020. More than finding stability in my work, my jobs, my yoga and my mental health... I’m calling for a physical stability within my body, one that is rooted in Self Love and NOT Ego, one that is everlasting. And this healing process with my knee has been a crucial point to plant this seed of “Self Stability”. As I work on the stability within the Physical Self, I let it pour into my Spiritual / Mental Self so that no matter what changes, challenges, struggles, redirections or global pandemics I may have to face, I have built this foundation WITHIN me. And there it lives, for me to return to, A L W A Y S.

📸 by Ale Olivieri


Today, I R E C O G N I S E... that the Yoga I used to live with was so much more than I gave it credit for. At least the physical aspect of my Asanas... How comfortable I could feel in a downward facing dog or seated in meditation, how easily I could move across my mat. It’s not like that anymore, now I recognise my stiffness, but I still feel gratitude for this injury and the loss of practice I’ve dealt with since September. Now that I’ve lost a level of my strength, power, flexibility (& ego) I realise how much I took it for granted.

I find myself on the Journey back H O M E. Thanks to the nourishing & supportive space of Yoga With Adriene. It’s funny, I signed up for this 30-day yoga programme years ago & barely made it through the first week, because my ego told me the classes weren’t hard enough. That it didn’t make me a better yogi if I wasn’t doing handstands & arm balances in every session. And now here I am on Day 22, still feeling my unfitness, but realising how deeply I’ve connected to my Self, Body, Spirit, Mind and Ego - and working with all of those pieces is the real yoga (for me). 22 days in and feeling ready to share what I’ve been working through.

📸 by Ale Olivieri


✨ R E S E T ✨
✨ R E C O N N E C T ✨
✨R E L E A S E ✨
After this year, these injuries, many changes & challenges, strong days, sad days, and everything in-between... Today I gave myself the gift of TIME, PATIENCE, and MOVEMENT with 108 Suryanamaskar to reset my head, reconnect to my body and my breath, and release all that no longer serves me.
Music, movement and self ~ this is where I’d like to reside for 2021 and beyond 🌻
Love, light and blessings to you all 💛


“Adopt the pace of nature, Her secret is Patience”


I hope you have a day, and a weekend, full of J O Y, good food, family & friends, movement and laughter.


If I can be barefoot, immersed in nature, and moving my body ~ Then I am a happy soul ✨💛 ✨
At the moment, my nature is the bush.
I'm privileged enough to be working from Thornybush Nature Reserve, and it's very special time to be in the bush - there are Summer babies running around, the call of the Woodland Kingfisher and of course, those long summer days when the sun sets after 7pm! Plus, I am getting to spend time with friends that I normally wouldn't be so close to, when I'm living/working in JHB.
So really, there is plenty to be grateful for, and sometimes you just have to stay in that feeling.
Where are you currently? Geographically, emotionally, mentally? What do you have around you that you're grateful for?


And every now and then, the world stops feeling so crazy, and you get a moment of stillness with yourself, to catch a breath. To sit in silence and feel the air moving in and out of your lungs. That in itself, is magic. And maybe it's just about learning to find all those small moments, in the simple things, to keep the magic alive in your heart.
📸 by


"Be gentle with the person you are Becoming.
You have already been through so much, give yourself some credit."

📸 by


✨ Padma Mudra ✨
The lotus flower sits on the surface of a pond, opening to the sun even when its roots remain deeply embedded in the muddy bottom of the waters. It is the ultimate symbol of light and beauty emerging from the darkness.
So no matter what darkness you might be sitting in right now, sit there...
But dig deep, deep into your heart and find your strength, then use it to move towards the light. You are your own lotus flower, go find your sunshine! 🌞


"A soft woman is simply a wolf in meditation"
Love this quote. Go Meditate, and then go be your Best Wolf! 🐺 🐾

📸 by


Wondering what to buy your Yogi Bear friend for Christmas?
Why not a unique and environmentally-friendly Bloster or Meditation Cusion from the range of products!
Shop these gorgeous designs and products now! [LINK IN BIO]


T I M E _ O U T
Took a break from social media over the last few weeks.
It wasn't intentional, I just found myself feeling less attached to my phone, but also less inspired to share and post. I think it's easy for us to forget that every time we click "share", "update", "post"... We are sharing a piece of ourselves with the public. And whether that's a small community or a community of millions, it's still a piece of you that you can't take back. It's out there in the world... Forever.
Truth be told, my cup just wasn't full. I didn't have enough of me for me, and so I had nothing spare to share with the world. And that's okay! A Time Out to Reset, Fill Up, Rest and Refuel is AS IMPORTANT as anything else in your life.
For anyone who needs to hear this today - Keep an eye on your cup. Keep it full of the things that make you feel GOOD ✨ And when it starts feeling empty. . . . TAKE | A | BREAK |🌻

Photos from gk.yoga's post 10/11/2020

“The Universe is saying: ‘Allow me to flow through you unrestricted, and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen.’” — Klaus Joehle

Photos from gk.yoga's post 02/11/2020

A Wellness & Wilderness retreat! ✨✨
Last few spaces available!!!
Join us for a weekend of Grounding, Reconnecting and Immersing in Nature. For this retreat, our home will be the stunning Abelana Game Reserve.
Sunrises, Game Drives, Yoga and Meditation ~ what more could you ask for? 💛
2020 has been a huge change for us all and the best way to cope with constant change is to stay Grounded. Although times have been tough, you are the most important asset in your life - you deserve to take time out & replenish!
⏱️ 4-6th December 2020
🌻 Limited spaces available
🔸 ZAR 5535 pps for 2 nights
📩 For more details, contact - [email protected]


My Story

My name is Geraldine Kent but please, call me Gerry :)

Yoga started out as a hobby five years ago, and now it is with immense pride and excitement that I can say I have turned my practice into my profession.​

I came to yoga out of curiosity, but I stayed when I realised how much there was to learn about this lifestyle. Yoga is a practice that goes beyond your mat and your studio and I hope to use my knowledge and personal experience to bring light, laughter and joy to my students.

For most of my younger years I was a dancer, until one day when I fell in class and I couldn’t get back up. My right knee had dislocated and popped back into place, damaging the tendons in that knee. It was the first time in my life that I experienced the feeling of “my body has failed me”. I struggled with that failure so much that I never really danced again after that.

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Wellness & Wilderness

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 17:00
Thursday 06:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00