Jasper High School National Honor Society

Jasper High School National Honor Society

This is Jasper High School's National Honor Society. On this page we will post updates, pictures, and service opportunities.


MAKE-UP MEETING: NHS Meeting this Wednesday to make up for the meeting we missed on snow day.

This meeting is NOT on the calendar but all members should be in attendance.


Due to school cancellation, there will be no NHS Meeting tomorrow. Stay tuned for new meeting date. We have much to discuss.


Pictures are up from the dance. Look on FB for NHS Daddy/Daughter Dance 2017.


We will create a FB Page next week with all the Daddy/Daughter Dance 2017 pictures❤️ Be patient we have several hundred to load. Tonight was a huge success and lots of fun! Pass the word!


My NHS kids rock!! Y’all worked so hard at the dance tonight!! I am so proud of you. You all looked beautiful and Ross you looked handsome. Thank you for being positive role models and helping make tonight a HIUGE success. JaMyia Hadnot. Cassidy Prewitt Lucy Sanchez Selena Martin Victoria Lemoine Armani Flemons Mkeea Brooks Ross Gill Haley Shultz LandrieJordan Britney Scott Maggie Barbay Dorothy Parker Hope I didn’t forget anyone.

I also appreciate all those who sold tickets, helped set up and showed up after to help clean.
You all did good!!


Daddy/Daughter Dance tickets= SOLD OUT
Thank you for supporting this NHS event. We look forward to seeing you and your spectacular dance moves.


All NHS members. Tomorrow is first Wednesday of the month and that means we have a meeting. Sign in by 7:25.


“The crown that sits upon your head sits there as a symbol of one who gives herself, voluntarily, for the benefit of those by whose name she is called”


Haley has really enjoyed representing our special little town of Jasper. It’s not too late to register for the Miss Jasper pageant.
Miss Jasper Pageant entry form and $50 registration fee due this Friday, December 1. Entry fee is $75 after that. Hurry by JHS or Downtown Gypsy to pick up an entry form.
Like the Miss Jasper Pageant FB page.


We need pageant contestants!!! This is the BIG NHS fund raiser and community wide event. Start talking about the pageant. Find contestants. Entry and registration fee are due THIS FRIDAY!!
NHS members may receive hours for being a contestant.


Miss Jasper pageant entry deadline is quickly approaching, December 1. Have you been advertising? Do you know someone who plans to enter? Make sure they get signed up this week.


Induction is at 6pm tomorrow night. All students should arrive by 5:45 dressed in Sunday best. ALL CURRENT and NEW members are expected to be there.

This date has been on the calendar since August so very few reasons for absences will be accepted.


NHS Meeting tomorrow at 7:25 am. Be on time!!


Officer and new member induction is this Thursday night at 6pm. All NHS members are expected to be in attendance.


Don't forget your Daddy Daughter Dance tickets.


our Veterans Day breakfast was a success! thanks to everyone who brought food or had some part in this project! NHS sure loves our Veterans!


National Honor Society celebrated local veterans with a breakfast at JHS, followed by a program in the gymnasium put on by Student Council. We cannot do or say enough to these men for their service. THANK YOU.


NHS breakfast items should be dropped off in the JHS Library before 8 am.


Everyone please remember to bring everything for the Veterans Day breakfast tomorrow morning. You need to have your belongings in the library at the high school by 7:45 AM. Please bring your stuff because if you don’t it is going to be embarrassing thank you.


NHS MEMBERS: We still need help Thursday from 4:45 until 6:30. Volunteers are needed to sit at both Few and Parnell and sell Daddy Daughter Dance tickets. Easy way to get hours


Daddy Daughter Dance tickets now available at JHS or from an NHS member.


Here is a more updated list for the Veteran’s Day Breakfast! Hunter Martindale & Victoria Lemoine are both bringing muffins and Shelby Jones is bringing cinnamon rolls. Thanks y’all!!
Don’t forget all non food items are asked at the school by TOMORROW @ 3:20 and food needs to be there the morning of.


Mark your calendars. NHS is hosting a Daddy~Daughter Dance on Saturday, December 9. Time is 6-8 pm. Girls grade K-5th grade are invited. Tickets are $20 per couple. Additional daughters $5 each. Event is being held at the First National Bank Community Room. There will be finger foods, desserts, photographer, and lots of dancing. Theme is Winter Wonderland.
TICKETS GO ON SALE FRIDAY. Purchase from an NHS member or from Kim Day Powers or Dorothy Allen Parker in the CTE building at Jasper High School. LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS- get yours early.
This will be a very special night that your daughter will remember forever. First date with Daddy. ❤️
Please share.


Hey hey!! I need HELP with the Veterans Day Breakfast.
I need people to bring several breakfast items, decorations, and utensils etc. please let me know which of the following you can bring:
dozen donuts (2 people), dozen kolaches (2 people), breakfast casseroles of some sort (4 people), fruit (2 people), orange juice (2 bottles for one person), muffins (one person), biscuits and gravy, plates, sugar packets, creamer, stir sticks, balloons, flags, table clothes, and possibly flowers or table centerpieces.

Thanks. All food items must be there morning of which is November 10th. All non food items must be turned in by November 3rd.


National Honor Society students hard at work this morning at the Butterfly Fall Festival on the courthouse square! Thankful for this group of members who gave up their Saturday to serve the community.
-Kelsey Payne, President


don’t forget TOMORROW we have a honor society meeting at 7:25 am. The dues ($36) and signed parent page are due before you leave meeting.


If you signed up to help with Boots and Barbeque please confirm that you will be helping. You may inform Kelsey or Kim Powers. We need to know TONIGHT due to T-shirt ordering.
Champion Oaks is holding their thrive tutoring services. We need tutors on Mondays and Thursdays. Please let us know if we can help.

Thanks, Kelsey Payne (President).


just a reminder meeting tomorrow morning @ 7:25am in the auditorium. don't be late! can't wait to kick off the amazing projects we have planned! -Kelsey


UPDATE: Due to the short notice and amount of people out for extra curricular activities the meeting tomorrow for honor society will be canceled. Please remember that meetings are the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Outside Powers room is a bulletin board with all meeting dates and announcements. Please share this info!
Also, if you have earned hours over the summer service cards are now available for everyone to pick up from Powers or from your officers. Officers are Kelsey Payne, Karla Molina, Madison Kenebrew, and Victoria Lemoine. Thanks so much! -Kelsey


honor society meeting tomorrow morning in the auditorium. Be signed in by 7:25am. Don't be late! We have so many great things planned this year!


if anyone would like to donate toiletry items or food for hurricane victims then please bring them to one of the shelters in Jasper.
I believe the Nehemiah Church and Cowboy Church are now shelters.


Jasper High School National Honor Society


Here are some events already scheduled for the 2017-2018 school year...
October 14th: possible homecoming dance
November 16th: induction of new members
December 9th: Father- Daughter dance (pre k-6th grade)
February 24th: Mrs. Jasper Pageant
April 14th: Talent Show
May 22: Honors Night


National Honor Society Meetings for 2017-2018:
September 6th
September 20th
October 4th
October 18th
November 1st
November 15th
November 29th (new members only)
December 6th
January 17th
February 7th
February 21st
March 7th
March 21st
April 4th
April 18th
May 2nd (senior cards due)
May 16th (everyone turn in cards)


Jasper High School National Honor Society's cover photo