Online: concerts & talks

Online: concerts & talks

Virtual classical music platform.

Weekly live, unedited streams made in Salzburg with outstanding young musicians, performing masterpieces from the chamber music repertoire.


In this special episode of our series we present a very unique collaboration with Musikum Salzburg Stadt. We believe in the power of education so let's celebrate these young talents! Enjoy the music and their stories!

We thank the young and gifted Doppler Quartet and flutist Marie Aggermann for sharing their love for music with us! Big thanks also for Ludwig Nussbichler for the great collaboration!

Valentin Malanetski
FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg


To finish up the project we presented last week, we will drop here an incredible recording of Enrico Bronzi, cellist and Universität Mozarteum Salzburg faculty, performing his own transcription of György Ligeti's Sonata for Solo Viola!


FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg

Audio: Valentin Malanetski


Clarinetist Lorenzo Dainelli, academist of the Berliner Philharmoniker, performing Péter Eötvös' meditative Derwischtanz, the dance representing in its essence a form of ceremonial physical activity with the purpose of achieving religious ecstasy. Eötvös' work allows the clarinet to create a complex sound world, with long lines and slow, contemplative developments.

Thank you Lorenzo!!!

FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg

Audio: Valentin Malanetski


We are happy to start the new year with a bit of cheerful music: L. van Beethoven's Trio Op. 11, "Gassenhauer", played by wonderful Filippo Gorini, Lorenzo Dainelli and Uni Mozarteum faculty Enrico Bronzi. Check this space for the entire recording and a few more special surprises!!!!!!

FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg
Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik

Audio: Valentin Malanetski


George Enescu - Piano Trio No. 1 in G minor

[00:00] - I. Allegro molto vivace
[07:17] - II. Allegretto grazioso
[14:19] - III. Andante
[20:18] - IV. Presto

[EN] Marking the 140th anniversary of Romanian composer George Enescu, we would like to invite you to a unique online concert experience: Enescu’s Piano Trio in G minor (1897) performed by Mihaela Martin (violin), Andrei Ioniță (cello) and Andrei Gologan (piano). The work was written at the young age of 16 and was heavily influenced by Enescu’s idols: Beethoven, Brahms and Wagner. Representative of Enescu’s early works is the exquisite formal clarity, the motivic cohesion and an eager curiosity for the abundance of Romanian folk music. The Trio in G minor was premiered in Bucharest and subsequently in the extravagant salon of Elena Bibescu in Paris. Sadly, the work has been forgotten, a revival taking place in the early years of the XXI century.

Violinist Mihaela Martin, cellist Andrei Ioniță and pianist Andrei Gologan performed individually in the most important concert halls. Top prize winner at the Montreal and Queen Elisabeth Competitions, Mihaela Martin is one of the most appreciated violinists and pedagogues of her generation. Andrei Ioniță is one of today’s most sought-after cellists. In 2015 he won the 1st prize at the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow and subsequently performed with orchestras such as the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra and the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra. Andrei Gologan is a protégé of renowned pianist Sir Andras Schiff and has performed in recent years in venues such as Herkulessaal (Munich), Pierre-Boulez-Saal (Berlin) or Beethovenhaus (Bonn).

The recordings took place in the International Salzburg Association in the Palais Kuenburg-Langenhof with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Vienna, the Honorary Consulate of Romania in Salzburg, the City of Salzburg and Bösendorfer Vienna.


[RO] Cu ocazia sărbătoririi a 140 de ani de la nașterea lui George Enescu, vă invităm la un concert online inedit: Trio pentru pian în sol minor (1897) în interpretarea artiştilor Mihaela Martin (vioară), Andrei Ioniță (viloncel) și Andrei Gologan (pian). Influențată muzical de idoli precum Beethoven, Brahms sau Wagner, lucrarea a fost scrisă la vârsta de doar 16 ani, fiind un exemplu al perioadei juvenile alături de creații precum Cvintetul cu pian sau Poema română. Marcante pentru această perioadă de creație sunt claritatea conceptuală, bogăția tematică, dar și o curiozitate precoce pentru abundența folclorului românesc. Imediat după finalizarea lucrării, Trio-ul în sol minor a putut fi auzit la București și în salonul Elenei Bibescu de la Paris. A urmat o perioadă de tăcere, trio-ul nefiind publicat și interpretat până în secolul XXI.

Violonista Mihaela Martin, violoncelistul Andrei Ioniță și pianistul Andrei Gologan au concertat individual în cele mai importante scene ale lumii. Premiantă a concursului Tchaikovsky din Moscova, Mihaela Martin este una dintre cele mai apreciate violoniste și pedagoge ale momentului. D**a victoria de la concursul Tchaikovsky din Moscova, Andrei Ioniță a cântat împreuna cu orchestre renumite precum Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Filarmonică din Dresda sau Orchestra Filarmonică din Munich. Andrei Gologan este un protegee al renumitului pianist Sir Andras Schiff și a concertat în ultimii ani în săli precum Herkulessaal (München), Pierre-Boulez-Saal (Berlin) sau Beethovenhaus (Bonn).

Înregistrările au avut loc în salonul International Salzburg Association din Palais Kuenburg-Langenhof cu sprijinul Institutului Cultural Român de la Viena, al Consulatului Onorific al României la Salzburg, al Oraşului Salzburg şi al Bösendorfer Viena.

Location: International Salzburg Association, Palais Kuenburg-Langenhof
Piano: Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik
Audio: Valentin Malanetski
Video: Soare Emanuel, Adrian Anton
Sponsors and Partners: Stadt, Rumänisches Kulturinstitut Wien, Honorary Consulate of Romania in Salzburg, Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik, Kunsthilfe Salzburg, International Salzburg Association


Flutist Eva Ivanova-Dyatlova speaks about performing on both modern and historical flute and the way that influenced her playing.

Check our page for her full performance of works by Haydn and Beethoven!


Internationally renowned harpsichordist Florian Birsak speaks about Beethoven, Haydn and Robert Brown's newly restored fortepiano.

Check our page for his full performance of works by Haydn and Beethoven!


Cellist Ursina Braun speaks about the differences and similarities between modern and historic instruments. As a performer that constantly switches between the two, Ursina takes the necessary time to discover the subtle nuances when exploring works on both instruments.

Check her full performance of works by Haydn and Beethoven!


This is Robert Brown! Robert is one of Europe's most well-known piano makers, specialized in restoring and reproducing pianos of the late 18th and early 19th century. In his workshop in Oberndorf, Austria, small miracles happen: Robert tediously invests thousands of hours in exquisitely restoring historical instruments and giving them life once more.

Robert Brown is sadly a symbol of a sort of craftsmanship that is slowly disappearing.


This is Valentin Malanetski! Pianist, piano tuner, composer and....our very own audio guy!
He is the crucial man behind the scenes, without whom none of our recordings would have been possible!

Thank you Vali for all your passion and enthusiasm!

Thumbs up for our Vali? Whom here had their recordings made by Valentin? 🙂


We are very happy to present a wonderful concert performed on historical instruments - a first for our series!

Florian Birsak - Fortepiano
Ursina Braun - Cello
Eva Ivanova-Dyatlova - Flute

Ludwig van Beethoven - Variations on "Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen" from Mozart's The Magic Flute, WoO 46
Ludwig van Beethoven - Bonnie Laddie, Highland Laddie, Op. 107
Joseph Haydn - Trio in G major, Hob. XV:15
I. Allegro
II. Andante
III. Finale: Allegro Moderato

Recorded in Mai 2021 in Robert Brown's workshop in Oberndorf in Austria. Fortepiano by Franz Baumbach, Vienna 1790, reconstructed by Robert Brown.

Kindly supported by Stadt
Co-produced with TV-channel FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg
Audio: Valentin Malanetski
Artistic direction: Roxana Ioana Circiu & Andrei Gologan

Photos from Online: concerts & talks's post 28/05/2021

Exciting news! Acclaimed violinist plays tonight Korngold Suite together with fellow young musicians (piano), (violin) and (cello).⁣ Tune in on our page. Link in Bio ☝

Enjoy some moments!⁣

🔸️ Erich Korngold has been described by his contemporaries Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss as the most naturally gifted musician since Mozart. By the time he was 12 years old, his works were being performed throughout Europe. ⁣
Korngold's Suite Op. 23 for 2 Violins, Cello and Piano left hand, commissioned by pianist Paul Wittgenstein, is a prime example of his eclectic musical style. ⁣

🎶 Tune in on our page. Link in Bio ☝⁣

🗓 Friday, 28th of May⁣
🎵 Online-stream | ⁣
➡️ On our page | link in Bio ⁣


The Suite Op. 23 by Erich Wolfgang Korngold. This piece is truly one of the most exciting chamber works! And what a special combination of instruments: 2 violins, cello and piano left hand!

Check the entire performance on Friday!

Benjamin Schmid
Hyazintha Andrej
Peixin Jiang
Andrei Gologan

In cooperation with FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg and Anif Haus der Kultur
Piano: Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik
Audio: Valentin Malanetski
Kindly supported by Stadt


Erich Korngold has been described by his contemporaries Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss as the most naturally gifted musician since Mozart. By the time he was 12 years old, his works were being performed throughout Europe.
Korngold's Suite Op. 23 for 2 Violins, Cello and Piano left hand, commissioned by pianist Paul Wittgenstein, is a prime example of his eclectic musical style.
Star violinist Benjamin Schmid performs the Suite together with three extraordinary young musicians: pianist Andrei Gologan, violinist Peixin Jiang and cellist Hyazintha Andrej.

Benjamin Schmid - 1. Violin
Peixin Jiang - 2. Violin
Hyazintha Andrej - Cello
Andrei Gologan - Piano

Erich Korngold - Suite Op. 23 for 2 Violins, Cello and Piano Left Hand
I. Präludium und Fuge. Kräftig und bestimmt
II. Walzer. Nicht schnell, anmutig
III. Groteske. Möglich rasch
IV. Lied. Schlicht und innig. Nicht zu langsam
V. Rondo - Finale (Variationen). Schnell, heftig

Recorded in March 2021 at the Haus der Kultur in Anif
Kindly supported by Stadt
Co-produced with TV-channel FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg
Audio: Valentin Malanetski
Artistic direction: Roxana Ioana Circiu & Andrei Gologan
Piano: Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik


Pianist Andrei Gologan, Violinist Jonian Ilias Kadesha I Violin and Clarinetist Pablo Barragán join forces and present an extraordinary performance of chamber music works by Stravinsky and Bartok.

The video production was co-produced by the Salzburg-based TV-channel FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg


I. Stravinsky - 3 Pieces for Clarinet Solo

B. Bartok - Rhapsody No. 1 for Violin and Piano

I. Stravinsky - Suite from Histoire de Soldat
Marche du Soldat
Le Violon du Soldat (Scène du Soldat au Russeau)
Petit Concert
Tango – Valse – Rag
Danse du Diable

The filming took place in the Villa Vicina of Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg
Artistic direction: Roxana Ioana Circiu & Andrei Gologan
Audio & Video: Valentin Malanetski
Kindly supported by: Stadt
Piano: Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik


A unique insight into the philosophy of one of today's most well-known piano pedagogues.
An absolutely fascinating interview with acclaimed pianist and teacher Pavel Gililov.

In addition to his solo appearances with ensembles like Marinsky Orchestra or the Vienna Symphonic Orchestra, Pavel Gililov enjoyed a long lasting chamber music partnership with Dimitri Sitkovetsky and Mischa Maisky.
Pavel Gililov is currently teaching at the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg.

The video was co-produced by Anifer Haus der Kultur and the Salzburg-based TV channel FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg.

Artistic direction: Roxana Ioana Circiu & Andrei Gologan
Audio & Video: Valentin Malanetski
Kindly supported by: Stadt


🎶 We want to thank you for your support! 🎶


A must-see video for every aspiring musician.
Acclaimed violist Thomas Riebl speaks about the importance of finding one's inner balance and how that can help shape today's society.

The video was co-produced by the Salzburg-based TV channel FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg.
The recording took place at in Lehen during the exhibition "vegrandins" of artist Ingrid Schreyer
Artistic direction: Roxana Ioana Circiu & Andrei Gologan
Audio & Video: Valentin Malanetski
Kindly supported by: Stadt


If nothing else, Erwin Schulhoff was one of the 20th century’s most stylistically eclectic composers. Composed in just four days – between May 28th and June 1st 1925 - the Concertino for Flute, Viola, and Double Bass demonstrates these tendencies.

Acclaimed violist and pedagogue Thomas Riebl performs Erwin Schulhoff's Concertino together with outstanding young musicians Dominika Hučka and Zhelin Wen.

In addition to his solo appearances with orchestras like the Chicago, Berlin and Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Thomas Riebl enjoyed chamber music partnerships with Steven Isserlis, Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Gidon Kremer or Andras Schiff. Thomas Riebl is currently teaching at the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg.

Flutist Dominika Hučka was an accademist at Konzerthaus Berlin and is currently studying with Michael Kofler at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg.

Double bassist Zhelin Wen was accademist at the Münchner Philharmoniker and is currently studying with Christine Hoock at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg.

The video was co-produced by the Salzburg-based TV channel FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg.
The recording took place at StadtgalerienSalzburg in Lehen during the exhibition "vegrandins" of artist Ingrid Schreyer


Erwin Schulhoff - Concertino for Flute, Viola and Double Bass

Andante con moto
Furiant. Allegro furioso
Rondino. Allegro gaio

Artistic direction: Roxana Ioana Circiu & Andrei Gologan
Audio & Video: Valentin Malanetski
Kindly supported by: Stadt


Can it get more cheerful than this?

This week, violist Thomas Riebl, professor at the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, performs Erwin Schulhoff's Concertino with fantastic Dominika Hučka and Zhelin Wen.

The premiere is on Friday...check it out Thomas Riebl, Dominika Hučka, Zhelin Wen

Video co-produced with StadtgalerienSalzburg and FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg
Kindly supported by Stadt
Audio: Valentin Malanetski
Concept: Roxana Ioana Circiu and Andrei Gologan


This week is all about E-flat Major...
So we'll just leave this little teaser here for you to have an idea about what is to come.

A co-production with Anif Haus der Kultur and FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg
Kindly supported by Stadt
Audio: Valentin Malanetski
Concept: Roxana Ioana Circiu & Andrei Gologan
Piano: Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik


Acclaimed pianist and pedagogue Pavel Gililov performs Schumann's Piano Quartet together with outstanding young musicians Lea Hausmann, Yue Yu and Samuel Shepherd.

In addition to his solo appearances with ensembles like Marinsky Orchestra or the Vienna Symphonic Orchestra, Pavel Gililov enjoyed a long lasting chamber music partnership with Dimitri Sitkovetsky and Mischa Maisky.
Pavel Gililov is currently teaching at the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg.

Both Lea Hausmann and Samuel Shepherd are founding members of the Amatis Piano Trio and have performed in venues like Wigmore Hall or Wiener Konzerthaus.

Yue Yu is winner of the Paul Hindemith Viola Competition in Salzburg and is currently persuing her Master's degree with Thomas Riebl at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg.

R. Scumann - Piano Quartet in E♭ major, Op. 47

A co-production with Anifer Haus der Kultur and FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg.
Kindly supported by Stadt
Audio: Valentin Malanetski
Piano: Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik
Concept: Roxana Ioana Circiu & Andrei Gologan


Award-winning pianists Su Yeon Kim and Jaeyeon Won perform works for solo and four-hands piano by Mozart, Chopin and Debussy.

F. Chopin - Etude Op. 10 No. 8 in F major
F. Chopin - Nocturne Op. 15 No. 1 in F major
W.A. Mozart - Sonata K. 381 in D major (3. Allegro molto)
C. Debussy - Petite Suite

Steinway & Sons
Location: Camerata Salzburg
Audio: Valentin Malanetski
Special thanks: Yulia Shestakova
Translation: Dorothy Kim - thank you!!!!
FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg
Generously supported by Stadt


💫 Exciting news!

🎶 This Friday we will have two very special guests!

Stay tuned!

Su Yeon Kim
Jaeyeon Won


We have proudly reached 900 likes and 961 followers of our page!

We thank you for you support!

Photos from Online: concerts & talks's post 08/03/2021

🌺 And to all the incredible women out there!

We thank you!


It is a real miracle that this performance could even take place! Having to travel from Berlin to Salzburg, managing all the border controls, Yannick Rafalimanana and Karolina Errera / Violist gave us a heck of a performance of the Hindemith Sonata for Viola and Piano Op. 11.

Thank you Yannick and Karolina for coming to Salzburg and sharing your wonderful artistry!

As for you: join, listen, enjoy and share!

Steinway & Sons
Location: Camerata Salzburg
Audio Credit: Valentin Malanetski
Special thanks: Yulia Shestakova
Generously supported by Stadt


Join us for a unique live performance of Vilmos Montag's Sonata for Double Bass and Piano, one of the most important works of the duo repertoire. Beautifully filmed by FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg and brought to you directly from Salzburg, Austria!

With Young Classical Artists Trust - YCAT Finalists:
Andrei Gologan
Dominik Wagner

Steinway & Sons
Location: Camerata Salzburg
Audio Credit: Valentin Malanetski
Special thanks: Yulia Shestakova
Generously supported by Stadt


Yes, yes, yes!!! Another great collab!!!
This week we present a special duo: piano and double bass! And a rather unknown work: Vilmos Montag's Sonata for Double Bass and Piano.
As usual, stay tuned and join us on Friday for the premiere!
Dominik Wagner & Andrei Gologan

With Young Classical Artists Trust - YCAT 2020 Finalists:
Andrei Gologan
Dominik Wagner

FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg
Steinway & Sons
Location: Camerata Salzburg
Audio Credit: Valentin Malanetski
Special thanks: Shestakova
Generously supported by

Our Story

Dear friends,

The extraordinary situation caused by the global pandemic has left musicians all over the world with no stage to perform on. We were all helplessly observing how concert after concert got cancelled, leaving us with uncertainty....and a lot of time at hand :-). So we used this time to think about ways of continuing to make music. Therefore, ONLINE was born, a virtual concert series based on the ideas of inclusiveness, dialogue and community.

Online: concerts & talks wishes to give young artists a platform to perform and bring music into the homes of music lovers. The series will present weekly live, unedited performances of outstanding young musicians, performing masterpieces from the chamber music repertoire. Playing together, exchanging ideas and discovering new ways of expression is paramount for this series. Apart from enjoying the music, the virtual public will get to know the musicians and their craft through a series of intimate interviews. Our viewers will therefore experience a contemporary, personal and intimate atmosphere, surrounded by great music and young musical personalities.

What’s special about our project is the collaboration with the great team of FS1 - Freies Fernsehen Salzburg. They are happily helping with the entire process of filming and recording. Without their help, this project could have never taken place!

Videos (show all)

Lorenzo Dainelli - Peter Eötvös Derwischtanz
Thomas Riebl: Interview - "Music is a universal language"
Pavel Gililov performs F. Chopin Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2
Su Yeon & Jae-Yeon Won
Vilmos Montag 1st Movement
