IELTS - day by day

IELTS - day by day

"Every day, learn a little bit"


[VĂN MẪU] Title: Achieving Wellness: The Synergy of Nutrition, Exercise, and Government Initiatives

[IELTS - day by day - có dịch vụ hỗ trợ Viết]

In the contemporary world, where sedentary lifestyles and poor dietary choices prevail, the significance of maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular exercise cannot be overstated. This essay delves into the vital role of a well-rounded diet and consistent physical activity, the strategies to avert lifestyle-related ailments, and the pivotal involvement of governments in fostering healthy habits among their citizens.

A Balanced Diet and Regular Exercise: The Cornerstones of Health
A balanced diet is akin to fuel for the body; it provides essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary for optimal functioning and growth. Coupled with regular exercise, the body's metabolic processes are stimulated, promoting cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and mental well-being. Research reveals that individuals who combine a balanced diet with regular exercise are less prone to obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases. For instance, a study published in the "Journal of the American College of Cardiology" demonstrated that a Mediterranean diet complemented with moderate exercise reduced the risk of heart disease by 30%.

Strategies to Combat Lifestyle-Related Diseases
The prevention of lifestyle-related diseases necessitates a multifaceted approach. First, maintaining portion control and choosing nutrient-dense foods aids in weight management and decreases the likelihood of obesity. Secondly, minimizing the intake of added sugars and trans fats reduces the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Moreover, adopting mindful eating practices fosters a healthier relationship with food and reduces overconsumption. The incorporation of whole grains, lean proteins, and ample fruits and vegetables also bolsters the body's defense against ailments.

The Government's Pivotal Role
Governments play a pivotal role in promoting healthy behaviors within societies. Through legislation and regulations, they can incentivize food manufacturers to disclose accurate nutritional information and limit the production of high-sugar and high-fat products. Public health campaigns, like Japan's "Metabo" campaign, illustrate how governments can raise awareness about obesity and its associated health risks. Furthermore, investments in recreational facilities, pedestrian-friendly urban planning, and green spaces make physical activity more accessible and appealing.

Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Wellness
In conclusion, the integration of a balanced diet and regular exercise is essential for overall well-being. By adopting strategies such as portion control, mindful eating, and increasing the consumption of wholesome foods, individuals can effectively mitigate the risk of lifestyle-related diseases. Nonetheless, governments bear a crucial responsibility in creating an environment conducive to healthy living. By enacting policies, conducting awareness campaigns, and enhancing urban infrastructure, they pave the way for a healthier and more prosperous society. In this collective effort, individuals and governments must synergize their actions to foster a culture of wellness and longevity.


💤 Ví dụ vài topic về Sức Khỏe trong Task 2 - IELTS

1. Healthy Lifestyle and Preventive Measures:

The importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Strategies to prevent lifestyle-related diseases (e.g., obesity, diabetes, heart disease).
Government role in promoting healthy behaviors.

2. Healthcare System:

Universal healthcare vs. private healthcare systems.
Access to healthcare services in different countries.
Challenges in providing quality healthcare to all citizens.

3. Mental Health:

The impact of modern lifestyles on mental well-being.
Addressing stigma around mental health issues.
Importance of psychological support and counseling.

4. Environmental Health:

Effects of pollution on public health.
Climate change and its implications for health.
Sustainable practices to improve health and well-being.

5. Medical Advances and Technology:

Benefits and risks of medical technology (e.g., telemedicine, robotic surgery).
Ethical considerations in medical research and technology.

6. Global Health Issues:

Infectious diseases and their prevention (e.g., COVID-19, malaria).
Access to clean water and sanitation in developing countries.
International efforts to combat health crises.

7. Health Education:

Role of schools in promoting healthy behaviors.
Importance of health education in reducing disease prevalence.
Encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their own health.
Smoking, Alcohol, and Substance Abuse:

Government policies to reduce smoking and alcohol consumption.
Impact of substance abuse on health and society.
Rehabilitation programs for addicts.

8. Aging Population and Elderly Care:

Challenges of an aging population for healthcare systems.
Ensuring quality of life for senior citizens.
Support for family caregivers.

9. Obesity Epidemic:

Causes of obesity and its societal implications.
Government interventions to curb obesity rates.
Role of the food industry in promoting healthy eating.


[Văn Mẫu] Task 1 - Line Chart -- 150 Từ - Band 9.0

[IELTS day by day - Hỗ Trợ Dịch Vụ Viết]

Comparative Analysis of Monthly Average Temperatures in Three Cities Over a Year

The provided chart delineates the monthly mean temperatures in three distinct cities (City A, City B, and City C) over the span of a year. Notably, the data spans from January to December. An overarching observation reveals that City A exhibits a remarkably steady climate, manifesting only minor fluctuations throughout the year. Conversely, City B and City C display substantially more pronounced fluctuations, indicative of distinct seasonal variations.

In the inaugural month of January, City A registers an average temperature of approximately 15°C. Meanwhile, City B and City C experience slightly cooler temperatures, hovering around 10°C and 8°C, respectively. The temperatures in City A exhibit a remarkable constancy, fluctuating modestly between 14°C and 18°C throughout the year. In contrast, both City B and City C exhibit marked temperature fluctuations, with City B's readings ranging from 8°C in January to a zenith of 28°C in July, while City C showcases a range from 6°C in January to 30°C in July.


[VĂN MẪU] The Process of Photosynthesis: From Light Absorption to Energy Conversion -150 TỪ - BAND 9.0

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Photosynthesis, a fundamental biological process, orchestrates the conversion of light energy into chemical energy within plants. This intricate mechanism is composed of distinct stages, each intricately tuned for optimal efficiency.

Light absorption initiates the process, as pigments in chloroplasts capture photons, energizing electrons. Subsequently, the excited electrons embark on a chain of redox reactions in the thylakoid membrane, creating a proton gradient and forming ATP. Concurrently, water molecules are split in a process releasing oxygen as a byproduct.

The acquired energy then fuels the Calvin cycle, wherein carbon dioxide assimilation transpires, and sugars are synthesized. This phase operates in the stroma, utilizing ATP and NADPH produced in the prior stage. This cycle not only generates vital carbohydrates for plant growth but also regenerates molecules crucial for the thylakoid reactions.

In conclusion, photosynthesis epitomizes nature's intricate harmony, seamlessly coupling light absorption and energy conversion. Its multifaceted stages synergize to sustain life on Earth by producing energy-rich compounds and liberating oxygen, manifesting the exceptional symphony of biological processes.



[IELTS - day by day có dịch vụ hỗ trợ Viết]

How to Bake a Perfect Chocolate Cake

Baking an exquisite chocolate cake demands precision and careful ex*****on. By adhering to these steps, one can achieve a remarkable dessert that tantalizes the taste buds.

To begin, gather the essential ingredients: all-purpose flour, granulated sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt, eggs, milk, vegetable oil, and vanilla extract. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).

The next step involves preparing the batter. Combine dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and beat eggs before adding milk, oil, and vanilla. Blend the wet and dry mixtures into a smooth batter.

Subsequently, bake the cakes in greased and floured round pans for 30-35 minutes until a toothpick inserted emerges clean. Allow the cakes to cool on wire racks.

For a luscious frosting, beat softened butter, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, and milk until creamy. Assemble the cake by spreading frosting between layers and on top.

In conclusion, meticulously following these steps guarantees a moist and flavorful chocolate cake. With attention to detail, the reward is a delectable masterpiece.


VĂN MẪU [TASK 1] - PIE CHART - BAND 9.0 [150 từ]

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Title: Distribution of Monthly Household Expenses

The provided pie chart illustrates the distribution of various categories of monthly household expenses. Overall, housing emerges as the most significant expenditure, followed by food and transportation.

Housing accounts for the largest portion, constituting 30% of the budget. Meanwhile, food and transportation represent 20% and 15%, respectively. Utilities and entertainment make up 10% and 8% of the expenses, highlighting their moderate importance. Healthcare and education comprise 7% and 5% respectively, showcasing the focus on well-being and learning. A minor 5% is attributed to other expenses.

In conclusion, the pie chart provides an insight into the allocation of funds within a household. The dominance of housing, food, and transportation expenditures emphasizes the core necessities, while prudent allocations to education and healthcare underpin the family's well-rounded development.



[BAND 9.0] - 350 TỪ - [IELTS - day by day hỗ trợ dịch vụ Viết]

Title: The Profound Influence of Media on the Behavior and Attitudes of Young Individuals

In today's digital era, the omnipresence of media, encompassing television, movies, and the internet, has ushered in an era of unprecedented connectivity and information exchange. This has inevitably engendered a significant impact on the behavior and attitudes of young people. While media platforms offer diverse content that can educate, entertain, and inspire, their influence on the impressionable minds of the youth warrants careful consideration due to its potential to shape behavior and attitudes.

One undeniable influence of media is its power to shape attitudes. Television shows and movies often portray societal norms and values, which can mold the outlook of young individuals. For instance, the portrayal of gender roles and relationships in media can influence how young people perceive and approach interpersonal dynamics. The internet, with its abundance of information, allows young minds to explore various viewpoints and perspectives, thus contributing to the development of open-mindedness and tolerance.

However, the impact of media extends beyond shaping attitudes. It significantly influences behavior as well. Advertising, a major component of media, wields considerable influence over the choices young people make. The constant bombardment of advertisements can create desires for products and lifestyles, ultimately affecting their consumer behavior. Moreover, media can expose young minds to both positive and negative behaviors. While educational programs promote learning and curiosity, exposure to violence or risky behaviors in media can desensitize young individuals, potentially leading to behavioral emulation.

On a positive note, media can serve as a powerful educational tool. Educational television programs and online resources cater to young learners, making education more interactive and engaging. Documentaries and news coverage can raise awareness about global issues, fostering a sense of empathy and social responsibility among young individuals. The internet, as a treasure trove of information, allows young people to explore diverse topics, promoting self-directed learning and critical thinking.

Nonetheless, the influence of media on young people's behavior and attitudes necessitates vigilant parental guidance and educational efforts. Parents and guardians play a crucial role in helping young individuals differentiate between reality and fiction, fostering media literacy skills that are vital for discernment. Schools should integrate media literacy into their curriculum to equip students with the tools needed to critically analyze media content.

In conclusion, the impact of media, including television, movies, and the internet, on the behavior and attitudes of young people is undeniable. While it can shape attitudes, influence behavior, and facilitate learning, its potential for both positive and negative impacts necessitates responsible consumption. Encouraging media literacy, fostering open communication, and providing guidance are imperative in harnessing the benefits of media while mitigating its potential pitfalls. In this digital age, empowering young individuals to become informed and discerning consumers of media is essential for their holistic development.


VÍ DỤ CÁC TOPIC TRONG [Arts and Media]

[NOTE: IELTS - day by day có dịch vụ hỗ trợ VIẾT]

1. Influence of Media on Youth:
Discuss the impact of media, including television, movies, and the internet, on the behavior and attitudes of young people.

Are these influences positive or negative? Provide examples and support your opinion.

2. Censorship in the Arts:
Explore the role of censorship in the arts. Should governments have the authority to censor art forms that they deem offensive or inappropriate? What are the potential consequences of such censorship?

3. Celebrity Culture and Society:
Analyze the influence of celebrity culture on society. How does the obsession with celebrities affect people's perceptions of success, beauty, and values? Provide examples to illustrate your points.

4. Traditional vs. Contemporary Art:
Compare and contrast traditional forms of art (e.g., painting, sculpture) with contemporary forms (e.g., digital art, multimedia installations). Which form of art do you believe holds more significance in today's society?

5. Impact of Advertising:
Examine the role of advertising in modern society. How does advertising shape consumer behavior and influence people's choices? Discuss both the positive and negative aspects of advertising's influence.

6. Music and Identity:
Discuss how music can be a reflection of cultural identity. How does music shape people's sense of belonging and express their emotions? Provide examples of different genres' impact on culture.

7. Freedom of Speech in the Media:
Debate the boundaries of freedom of speech in the media. Should there be limitations on what can be said or shown in media, especially considering potentially offensive content? Discuss the balance between freedom of expression and responsible communication.

8. Art Funding and Public Support:
Examine the importance of government funding and public support for the arts. How does investing in the arts benefit society? Are there any potential drawbacks to allocating resources to the arts?

9. Effects of Virtual Reality on Entertainment:
Analyze the impact of virtual reality technology on the entertainment industry. How does VR change the way people consume content and engage with storytelling? Discuss potential advantages and disadvantages.

10. Social Media as a News Source:
Explore the role of social media platforms as sources of news and information. How reliable and accurate are they compared to traditional news outlets? Discuss the challenges of navigating the digital news landscape.



IELTS 9.0 - 350 TỪ

[NOTE: IELTS - day by day có dịch vụ hỗ trợ VIẾT]

Title: Addressing Challenges of Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity, and Social Inclusivity in Global Education Systems


In an ever-evolving world, education systems worldwide are confronted with the pressing challenges of promoting gender equality, embracing cultural diversity, and ensuring social inclusivity. This essay delves into how various education systems address these challenges to foster a more equitable and harmonious learning environment.

Body Paragraph 1: Gender Equality

Gender equality remains a pivotal concern across education systems globally. Nordic countries like Sweden have made remarkable strides by implementing policies that ensure equal opportunities for all genders. For instance, they offer subsidized parental leave for both mothers and fathers, eradicating the gender-based division of caregiving responsibilities. This approach not only promotes women's participation in the workforce but also challenges traditional gender norms, fostering a more inclusive society. Similarly, in nations like Rwanda, gender-sensitive curricula and targeted scholarships have played a significant role in narrowing the gender gap in education, empowering women to contribute meaningfully to society.

Body Paragraph 2: Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity poses both challenges and opportunities for education systems. Canada's approach is a prime example of leveraging diversity for enriching education. The Canadian curriculum emphasizes multiculturalism, integrating perspectives from various cultures into the learning process. This fosters empathy, understanding, and an open-minded attitude among students, which are crucial in an interconnected world. In India, a nation known for its cultural mosaic, universities like Jawaharlal Nehru University have successfully created a diverse academic environment by implementing inclusive admission policies, giving students from marginalized backgrounds access to higher education.

Body Paragraph 3: Social Inclusivity

Ensuring social inclusivity requires concerted efforts from education systems. Finland's approach of abolishing formal standardized testing until the age of 16 has mitigated the achievement gap and reduced the stigma associated with academic performance. This allows students to focus on holistic learning rather than on high-stakes exams. In contrast, South Africa, a country with a history of apartheid, has embraced a Truth and Reconciliation curriculum to address historical injustices, promoting dialogue and understanding among diverse student populations.


In conclusion, the challenges of gender equality, cultural diversity, and social inclusivity are intricately interwoven in the fabric of education systems worldwide. The examples of Sweden, Canada, Finland, Rwanda, India, and South Africa demonstrate the diverse strategies that nations employ to confront these challenges. By implementing innovative policies and fostering inclusive environments, these education systems pave the way for a brighter and more equitable future on a global scale. It is crucial for governments, educators, and stakeholders to collaborate in addressing these challenges and creating an education landscape that truly reflects the values of equality, diversity, and inclusivity.


❤️Bài mẫu: [Thảo luận về cách công nghệ đã thay đổi cách chúng ta học và dạy học] - Discuss how technology has changed the way we learn and teach.

350 words - Band 9.0

[IELTS - day by day có dịch vụ hỗ trợ Viết]

In the past few decades, technology has revolutionized nearly every aspect of our lives, and education is no exception. The impact of technology on learning and teaching methods has been profound, reshaping the traditional classroom and providing new avenues for both educators and learners. This essay explores how technology has changed the way we learn and teach, highlighting its benefits and potential challenges.

One significant change brought about by technology is the accessibility of information. With the advent of the internet, learners now have a vast repository of knowledge at their fingertips. Online resources, such as educational websites, e-books, and video tutorials, offer diverse and interactive learning experiences. Learners can tailor their study materials to their individual needs and pace, promoting personalized learning.

Furthermore, technology has transcended geographical barriers. Online courses and virtual classrooms enable students to connect with instructors and peers from different parts of the world. This fosters cultural exchange and enhances the global perspective of education. Collaborative tools, such as video conferencing and real-time document sharing, facilitate group projects and discussions, even when participants are miles apart.

In terms of teaching methods, technology has empowered educators to innovate and engage students effectively. Interactive multimedia presentations, simulations, and gamified learning platforms make lessons more captivating and immersive. Adaptive learning software analyzes student performance and adjusts content accordingly, ensuring a customized learning path for each student.

However, the integration of technology in education is not without challenges. One concern is the potential for information overload and the lack of critical thinking skills among learners. The ease of accessing information can undermine the development of research and analytical abilities. Additionally, the digital divide remains an issue, as not all students have equal access to devices and the internet. This can exacerbate educational inequalities.

In conclusion, technology has ushered in a new era of learning and teaching that is more accessible, personalized, and globally connected. The internet and digital tools have expanded the horizons of education, offering a wealth of resources and interactive platforms. Educators now have a broader toolkit to engage students and cater to diverse learning styles. While challenges like information overload and the digital divide exist, the benefits of technology in education are undeniable. As we move forward, striking a balance between traditional pedagogy and modern technology will be crucial to harnessing its full potential.


❤️Ví dụ các topic trong Education:

NOTE: [IELTS - day by day hỗ trợ dịch vụ VIẾT]

1. The Impact of Technology in Education:
Discuss how technology has changed the way we learn and teach.

Address the influence of computers, the internet, mobile devices, and educational apps.

2. Diverse and Equitable Education Systems:
Analyze how different education systems worldwide confront challenges of gender equality, cultural diversity, and social inclusivity. Emphasize the importance of providing educational opportunities for everyone.

3. Education and Sustainable Development:
Question the role of education in raising awareness about environmental protection, sustainable development, and promoting green actions.

4. Challenges of Remote Education in the Age of Pandemics:
Examine the impact of COVID-19 on online learning and the challenges that students, teachers, and the education system must face.

5. STEM Education and Nurturing the Workforce of the Future:
Present the significance of education in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) to prepare for a future with ample job opportunities.

6. The Role of Teachers in Student Development:
Focus on the vital role of teachers in fostering exploration, igniting a passion for learning, and helping students develop creative thinking.

7. Modern Education Assessment Systems:
Explore how modern assessment systems affect the learning and teaching process, including both strengths and limitations.

8. The Need for Vocational Education and Practical Skills:
Discuss how education should prepare students not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical skills necessary for life and work.

9. Education in a Multicultural Society:
Highlight the importance of ensuring respect and cultural diversity in the educational environment to create a globally conscious generation.

10. The Development of Online Education and Future Trends:
Analyze the increasing trend of online education, along with its benefits and challenges, and predict future development trends.


❤️Day 22 [12/08/2023] THẢO LUẬN VỀ MẠNG XÃ HỘI ↗️↘️

The Dynamic Impact of Social Media on Personal Relationships


Social media, a technological marvel of the 21st century, has dramatically redefined the way we connect with others, offering both transformative potential and potential pitfalls. This essay explores the multifaceted influence of social media on personal relationships, shedding light on its role in enhancing bonds and introducing challenges.


Strengthened Relationships:
a. Global Accessibility and Connection: One of the most profound benefits of social media is its ability to transcend geographical barriers. Individuals can now maintain meaningful connections with friends, family, and even strangers across continents, enabling relationships to flourish despite distance.

b. Facilitated Communication: Social media platforms provide a seamless avenue for communication, allowing individuals to share moments, ideas, and emotions instantaneously. Video calls, direct messages, and posts can enrich conversations, bridging gaps in real-time.

c. Supportive Communities: Online forums and groups centered around shared interests or challenges have given rise to a new kind of social support. People can now find understanding and advice from like-minded individuals, thereby cultivating a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Strained Relationships:
a. Superficial Engagement: While social media encourages connection, it can sometimes foster superficial interactions. The pressure to showcase only the highlights of one's life may result in relationships based on appearances rather than genuine emotional connection.

b. Communication Pitfalls: Text-based conversations on social media platforms lack the nuances of face-to-face interaction. The absence of tone and body language can lead to misunderstandings, potentially straining relationships and causing unintended conflicts.

c. Comparative Anxieties: A downside of constant exposure to curated content is the inclination to compare one's life to others'. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy, envy, and even hostility, souring relationships that were once harmonious.


In a world where digital interactions are becoming increasingly prevalent, social media's influence on personal relationships is undeniably transformative, both positively and negatively. While it forges connections across borders, offers instantaneous communication, and fosters supportive networks, it also introduces the risk of superficiality, miscommunication, and comparative anxieties. Achieving a harmonious balance between reaping the benefits and mitigating the challenges of social media is essential for preserving the authenticity and depth of our personal relationships. As we navigate this digital landscape, understanding the nuanced dynamics of social media's impact can empower us to harness its potential for enhancing connections while safeguarding the essence of genuine human relationships.


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❤️Day 21[11/08/2023] Một số ví dụ topic về [Social media and its influence on society]


➡️1. The Positive and Negative Impact of Social Media on Relationships:

Discuss how social media has both strengthened and strained personal relationships.

Explore the ways in which platforms like Facebook and Instagram impact communication between friends, families, and couples.

➡️2. Social Media's Role in Shaping Public Opinion:

Analyze how social media platforms have become powerful tools for influencing public perception, opinions, and even political outcomes.

Examine the role of social media in spreading information and shaping narratives during significant events.

➡️3. Mental Health and Social Media:

Investigate the correlation between excessive social media use and mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression.

Discuss potential strategies to promote a healthier online environment and mitigate the negative effects of social media on mental well-being.

➡️4. Fake News and Misinformation on Social Media:

Explore the challenges posed by the spread of fake news and misinformation through social media platforms.

Discuss the responsibility of both users and platforms in combating false information and maintaining a trustworthy online space.

➡️5. Social Media and Youth Culture:

Examine the ways in which social media has shaped the behaviors, attitudes, and aspirations of young people.

Discuss the pros and cons of using social media as a means of self-expression and identity formation.

➡️6. Privacy Concerns in the Digital Age:

Investigate the erosion of privacy caused by the extensive sharing of personal information on social media.

Discuss the implications of data breaches and the potential risks associated with the collection of user data by social media companies.

➡️7. Social Media and Activism:

Explore how social media has become a powerful tool for promoting social and political activism.

Discuss notable examples of successful movements that were driven or amplified by social media.

➡️8. The Commercialization of Social Media:

Analyze how social media platforms have evolved from communication tools to commercial platforms.

Discuss the impact of influencer marketing, advertising, and consumerism on users' behaviors and preferences.

Khi viết bài luận, hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn đề cập đến cả các khía cạnh tích cực và tiêu cực của tác động của truyền thông xã hội đối với xã hội.
