

Empowering people to overcome their escapism in order to live healthy and fulfilling lives!
❤️ #healfirst


Life is not lived in theory!


Like your sobriety!


It might seem like a never ending uphill battle and it might in fact be easier not to - the odds could be completely stacked against you.

But you should still do it ✨

❗️Not because I’m telling you to…
❗️Or because your parents, friends, teachers or other mentors keep telling you to…
❗️Not even because the judge has told you to…

You should choose sobriety because regardless of how high the odds might be stacked against you, life on the other side is worth it.

Your life is important!

Moreover, you actually typing into and living the life of your dreams IS IMPORTANT!

What would you do if nothing stood in your way?



They world is full of nay-sayers.

Those who won’t believe in you - who will try to convince you otherwise and discourage your dreams.

Sometimes these people will even get upset when you’re excited about your personal growth and development.


👉 You are allowed to get excited about the things you care about.

Your personal development is important! It’s also beautiful.

What matters most is that you continue to choose yourself first, and that you continue to express yourself however the hell you feel like doing so.

Make a big deal about it! Two things will happen:
1️⃣ The wrong will people will slowly fade away
2️⃣ The right people will slowly take their place :)

Just stay in your lane and keep moving forward my friend!

Always with love 💙💚


You HAVE to 

There is no possible way for you to truly move forward in life unless you first take the time to heal your wounds 🙀

Especially the deeply emotional ones… 

Sure, you can trudge along and “make something better of yourself” without ever actually stepping into the darkness.

But you’ll never become what you’re truly capable of becoming - it’s fundamentally impossible.

Instead, you’ll find yourself stuck perceiving the world through the lens of your own unaddressed pain.

👉 You won’t even be able to believe your closest friends and family when they tell you how amazing and beautiful and you are.

Your pain will dominate every thought and action in life - leaving you inherently limited and incapable of embodying the full breadth of your potential.


Yes, sitting with the pain is often very difficult.

Actually, healing is a rather counterintuitive concept - to do so requires you to endure a tremendous amount of pain. You have to go back and face all the s**t you’ve spent your whole life avoiding.

But trust me, once you do you’ll find a much brighter world awaiting you!

Take the time to heal, so that you can see the world for what it truly is - both beautiful and abundant 💫


All things aside, you still have a dream!

Sure, there is a lot to be in fear of these days - and sure, the situation doesn’t appear to be getting any better any time soon.

But these fears don’t have to run your life. 🙅🏼‍♂️

You don’t have to let them control your actions and dictate your behavior.

You can operate free of their influence, no matter how dark the world may seem.

It can be hard, when someone says, “be led by the dreams in your heart”, to believe that it’s even possible.

Sounds nice, right? But is it practical?

The world is full of unknown variables and obstacles that are always somehow trying to steer you of course, so it makes total sense that you might be hesitant to just “go all in” on your dreams here.

“What if I don’t earn any money?”
“What if I’m not actually good enough to make it happen?”
“I shouldn’t just give up this great opportunity that I already have…”

I’ve been there, too. I also used to shrink my dreams down so that they fit more comfortably in the mold of what already was.

This isn’t the way... 

But you’re also not wrong, it’s not entirely practical to just “go all in” on a dream you have.

The key is, you have to let the dream LEAD YOU.

What does this mean? 🧐

It means the dream is more than just a dream. It might have started as an idea in your mind but you have to take it and turn it into a plan of action. You have to set an intention and establish some goals and benchmarks.

Then you can let this dream pull you forward, past your fears, through the roadblocks, and into the life you’re meant to live.

The best part is that you can do this for yourself regardless of what the outside world looks like or is doing!

💫 Activate your North Star and you’ll never feel lost again my friends.

What is your biggest dream?

👇 Share it with us in the comments below and let’s begin working together to bring it to reality!



And your dad too! Or maybe you can get both of them at the same time? 🙌🏼🥳

If you can’t do this, for which ever reason, that’s okay. Call your aunt! Or your uncle, your sibling, cousin or friend...

Call some you love (RIGHT NOW) for no other reason than to express how much you appreciate and love them 💕

Too often in today’s world do we forget to enjoy the beauty of all the love that already surrounds us.

We get lost in our never ending pursuit of attaining more 🤦‍♂️

The problem here is that we can begin to lose touch with our emotional grounding. We forget how loved we truly are, and how much love we have to offer.

When our emotional pillar is out of whack, the rest of the ship is bound to sink eventually...

Simple daily practices - like taking the time to express your love to those you care about most - are a great way to bring some balance back to your four pillar lifestyle.

💫 It will also bring joy and happiness to the other as well 💫

Take 5 min to connect with someone you love and just watch how much better you begin to feel.

Stop scrolling and go do it right now!

You can thank us later 💚💙


We all have our struggles in life - we all experience hardships and set back.

But life is much less about the hand we’re dealt and more about how we choose to play it.

💫 A good card player will win EVEN WITH a s**tty hand

A lot of what happens in our lives is beyond our ability to control anyways… 

So, what does this mean? 🧐

Well, it highlights that we each have the capacity in any given moment to step back and look at things from a higher perspective. 

We can look at the hand we’ve been dealt and ask ourselves what our options are.

We can reflect on what parts of the situation are actually within our realm of control, and which are not.

👉 Try asking yourself this:
Does a calm and productive expression of my opinion have the ability to create change here?

If the answer is no the situation is beyond your ability change - better to just adjust how you’re carrying to load.

OR, put it down altogether. This is also always an option 🙌🏼

✨ We can always choose to move forward, “carrying the load”, in a way that actually supports our growth.

A ship can't sink if it never lets any water in, right?

With love, always 💚💙

Photos from OptionC's post 03/08/2021

I use to laugh at and even mock certain concepts like meditation.

When I was still using, it was for sure some “weird hippy-dippy nonsense”.

But at some point I became curious - I had started doing yoga and the flow into deeper states of meditation somehow happened naturally.

The three most predominant benefits that I have discovered since, after over 4 years of active meditation practice are:

1️⃣ Reduced stress and anxiety

Meditation provides me the space to let go of the things I don’t actually need to be holding onto. It provides me the opportunity to look at my life from an objective and “outside” perspective where I can then honestly ask myself why I’m spending time and energy on the things I am.

Most of the stress in my life comes from anxious thoughts about the non-existent future, and when I meditate every morning I often find myself laughing about these ridiculous fantasies, instead of letting them guide (and sometimes ruin) my day. 

2️⃣ Enhance your self-awareness

Meditation also helps me to understand my own behaviors in ways otherwise unattainable. When calm and breathing deeply - everything somehow becomes much more clear. I begin to understand myself in strange but ultimately empowering ways.

3️⃣ Increase your attention span

And perhaps the coolest part about meditation that I’ve found is how it seems to make time slow down. The truth is I’m just paying more and closer attention to things, instead of just letting my life zoom by in front of me. But it gives the appearance of longer days, and an ultimately longer, happier life.

If you are not yet active in a meditation practice I can HIGHLY suggest that you get started!

And if you’re not sure where or how to begin, shoot us a DM - I’d love to throw you some tips and pointers.

With so much love 💙💚

Photos from OptionC's post 26/07/2021

A lot of the times when we think we want to use (get high, or drunk, or otherwise distract ourselves from the present moment) all we are really looking for is a bit of happiness.

Every single human being in the world wants the exact same two things in life:
1️⃣ Less suffering
2️⃣ More happiness

Knowing this about ourselves we can then empower our actions by taking a healthier approach to this pursuit of our happiness.

If we take a second to pause and think about it, it’s a lot more simple than we often make it out to be…

👉 Above are 5 ways you can stimulate your mind and achieve this happiness without indulging in an unhealthy pursuit of your escapism. 💫

🔥 Save this post so that next time you’re having a craving you can bounce back to it and do something that is good for you, instead.

Oh, right, about that joke... 😊

Why does the Norwegian navy put barcodes on all their ships?

Comment your answers below and let’s see who can get it right 😂

Always with love 💙💚


On reacting vs. responding, and weathering the storm:

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails." (William Arthur Ward)

Life happens - to everyone. When it comes to the world around us, we can influence it, and we might even be able to change it, but we cannot control it.

Good news, that doesn't mean you have no control over your own life; in fact, you have ultimate control. You don't always get to decide what happens to you, but you DO get to decide how you respond to it.

So what's the difference between reacting and responding?

Reacting is emotional and subjective. When we feel triggered or threatened, it can be easy to go into react mode. It happens instinctively from the part of our brains that are in charge of that whole fight, flight or freeze thing.

Responding is observational and objective, and it comes with practice. It means taking a moment to center ourselves and acknowledge the feelings that might be surfacing. Then, rather than acting on those feelings (which are often connected to triggers and traumas), we might ask ourselves "What might be causing me to feel this way about this experience?" or "Emotions aside, what is happening, objectively?"

Comment below to share some practices/actions that help you move from react mode to response mode.

And as always, much love 💚💙


You're not going to accomplish your dream life all in one day — Especially not if it's as big as it should be.

But that's okay.

Life isn’t meant to happen all at once.

You shouldn't want to go "zero to 100".

Mark Twain once said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started”, and there is a great deal of wisdom in this.

The greatest accomplishments are actually the end result of many great (and smaller) things all happening in sync with one another.

💫 Greatness is a practice, not an accomplishment.

The question is: Will you choose to be great in each and every moment of your life, no matter how small? Or are you going to just sit there and wait for it to all somehow magically happen for you?

What can you do today to put yourself one step closer to your dream?

What is one tiny thing you can do right now that will shift your entire trajectory?

Talk to us about it in the comments below 👇and I’ll check-in with you tomorrow to make sure we get it done!



If you’re sober today, give me a HELL YA!

We’re proud of you! 🙌🏼

Whether today is day one or 10,000 - the fight for sobriety is always, and will always be, an admirable pursuit.

It’s not always easy, but then again it’s not meant to be.

You journey has made you strong, stronger than most.

And sure, the world might be a bit crazy these days - but you still have your serenity, right?

Your peace of mind, and clarity within body and spirit, are things the can never be taken from you!

Reflect for a moment today upon how far you’ve come.

💪 You’re doing great!
✨ Keep going my friend!! ✨

And always remember that if you ever need someone to talk to we’re only a quick message away. 🙏



Do you struggle to figure out what to do with yourself in sobriety?

Maybe you can even feel this energy within, and you’d like to apply it, but just don’t know how or where to even get started?

You have a dream in there - we all do!

This dream is beautiful, and powerful. It could change the world, and it should be set free!

You know what you’re actually capable of, you can feel it in your bones - but maybe it still feels like something is missing?

Perhaps you’ve even gotten yourself sober already and are trudging through the more difficult and darker aspects of it all … but still don’t understand what it all is for?

👉 You need to get clear on your vision.

What does your dream life actually look like?

Once you’re clear on what exactly this dream is - what it looks and feels like to be living the dream - then there are only two possible options left for why it is not yet your reality.

1. You’re not putting in the required effort
2. Not enough time has passed for it to manifest

But if you’re ready to put in the work, and can be patient enough with yourself to let it all unfold, then there is truly nothing capable of stopping you!

But you have to know where you are going, or else you’ll just mindlessly wander about for ever more.

Here are 3 powerful questions that can help you begin to gain some clarity on what your dream life is going to look like:
✨ What types of things do I get lost in for hours on end, without ever getting distracted?
✨ What do my friends and family constantly compliment and applaud about me?
✨ If I could change one aspect of this world, anything, without restriction or limitation - what would I change and why?

When answering these 3 questions keep your eyes peeled for an interesting overlap that will likely develop.

Somewhere in these answers you might just find the one thing you’re most passionate about. You might just find your calling.

Life is going to pass you by either way, so why not get clear on what you want, and then go out there and make it happen?

What are you waiting for?

Let us know what you find in the comments below 🙏

With love 💙💚


A lot of us have trouble sleeping along the path of our recovery.

In the beginning I know I sure did, and I sometimes still do.

But what I’ve learned through the years is that my inability to sleep properly often has to do with what’s going on inside my mind as I’m falling asleep.

When I’m stuck replaying past scenarios, worrying about hypothetical future events, or just generally being down on myself about how things are going… I never sleep well.

I've done a lot of letting go and purging through the years, which has helped lighten the load. But the most powerful thing that has helped me to sleep better and wake up refreshed and determined every single day is to make sure I live an action packed day prior to going to bed.

I’m not saying you should be in “go go go” mode all day so that you’re exhausted at the end of the day… no, actually I’m saying quite the opposite.

When you build a life for yourself that leaves you satisfied and feeling fulfilled you naturally wind down in an incredibly peaceful way.

When you can smile about how great your day was, you lay down feeling relaxed and ready for some rest.

How can you accomplish this?

Start by giving focus to each one of your Four Foundational Pillars every day - The physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspects of yourself.

🏋🏼‍♂️ Physically - do a workout, go on a walk, or practice a sport

🧠 Intellectually - read a book, watch an informative video online, or practice a new hobby

💕Emotionally - spend time with a loved one, friend or family

🧘‍♂️Spiritually - Meditate, practice some soothing yoga, or journal about your day or your feelings

The best way I have ever found to feel fulfilled, happy, and ready for some solid sleep at the end of the day is to make sure I’ve honored all the parts of myself.

When I allow my being to express itself, I find peace.
When I find peace, I sleep fantastically.
When I sleep well, I wake up each morning determined and ready for more. 💪

Give it a try and let us know how it goes for you 🙏❤️


Everything comes down to matter of perspective.

If you believe in yourself than anything is possible.

If you don’t, well, you'll likely find that life is just full of roadblocks and setbacks.

✨ But the beautiful thing here is this - we can train ourselves to embody new beliefs.

Beliefs that serve us and guide us towards a new perspective that actually benefits our well being 🙌🏼

We can build our character up to a point that we not only see, but seize, all of life opportunities as they unfold before us.

No more worry, no more anxiety, no more regrets.

👉 Find out more at the link in our bio


It’s all up to you!

No one is coming to save you.

But you already know this, don't you?

Why then, do you find yourself so stuck in your patterns?

Why are you repeatedly doing the same things over and over again if they aren’t actually bringing you any happiness, fulfillment, or expansion?

Or maybe life is actually quite alright, but still… you can't help but feel like you’re capable of more?

Why aren’t you building this something more than…?

“Because I don't know how!!”

Trust me, I get it.
I’ve been there.

In many ways my whole life was a lie. I drank and drank, and snorted line after line of co***ne, all in some vain attempt to pretend like everything was fine - but I knew it wasn't.

I was dying inside.
NOT living the life I actually wanted…
And doing abso-f**king-lutlely nothing about it!

You see, the biggest obstacle we all face in building the life of our dreams is having clarity around what that life actually looks like.

Without a vision to pull us forward, there isn’t much any of us can do about building much of anything.

🙌🏼 And this is EXACTLY why Option C Recovery exists!!

To help you find that vision, and to empower you into establishing and accomplishing the goals and benchmarks necessary to see it all come to life.

The life of your dreams is waiting for you - but YOU have to build it!

Except you don't have to do it alone!

Join our community here and grow with us 💪

👉 And message us if you’re ready to get started today!


You'll never be ready.

STOP waiting.

The perfect moment will NEVER exist.

You think she’s cute?
Tell her.

You hate your job?

Drugs and alcohol are ruining your life?
Then cut them out!

One of the most limiting aspects of most peoples sobriety is waiting for the right moment to get it started.

The second most limiting aspect is when people "wait for the right moment” to begin actually doing something with their life in sobriety... to begin loving the life they’ve always dreamed of.

"I've only been sober 2 years"
"I haven't even gone to college"
"I'm only 20 years old"


👉 Sobriety is not the ultimate point here!

The point is to build a life for yourself that brings so much fulfillment and joy you completely forget you ever had the desire to escape it in the first place.

True strength is built in these moments when you think you aren’t ready but you do it anyways.

Be the warrior, my friend. You are ready!

Follow the link in our Bio to learn more about how you can empower yourself towards this action!


When we allow ourselves to become trapped by our fears, we reject the part of ourselves that is actually capable of handling that moment.

When we reject ourselves, we limit ourselves.

But more often than not we're not actually rejecting ourselves… and we're not actually scared of the moment itself…
What we're rejecting is our own awareness that we don’t fit the prescribed mold.
What we fear is that others wont approve of our ability to fit this mold.

It's too easy to let society determine how we should be, it's too common.
And the problem is that most of us will never meet these ridiculous standards anyways.

But we still get upset about it when we don’t…

Then, we feel bad for ourselves and pursue some form of escapism, trying to make ourselves feel better...

And when that attempt to make ourselves feel better gets out of hand, wouldn't ya know this same society disapproves once more.

It's a ruthless and never ending cycle.

It’s best to just stop.

You are perfect exactly the way you are. There is nothing to hide from, and nothing more to become.

Take a moment today and just be yourself.
Seriously, f**k everybody and everything else.

Sit down and take a few deep breaths.
Say to yourself, "I am perfect just the way I am. I am more than enough. I love myself!"

Repeat this Mantra until you can actually feel it.
Feel it in your heart, in your bones, and in every fiber of your being.

Please stop trying to succeed in the eyes of others.

Photos from OptionC's post 26/05/2021

Setting boundaries can be hard - especially with someone we love who needs our support -
but sometimes it's necessary. It's important to remember that doing so doesn't make you "mean" or "unkind"; it is a healthy way to protect your own mental and emotional wellness.

Here are some ways that you can help someone struggling with addiction, in a way that also respects and honors your needs, feelings and limits.

At the end of the day, addiction doesn't just affect those who are suffering from it directly. It impacts everyone who cares about and/or depends upon them.

Let's normalize talking about the experience from the other side of the table, so that we can create a safe space for help, healing and hope.


A world without suffering.

This is our vision here at Option C.

Bold, perhaps. But certainly something attainable.

You’re wondering what we actually mean by this?

Maybe you’re even skeptical?

Or perhaps your personal journey has brought you to a place where you can see the beauty in the suffering, and thus, you think it is actually something of a necessity?

It’s true - many of the great minds of our past have stated that suffering is indeed just a part of being human.

👉 It’s the first of Buddha's four noble truths, “dukkha is an innate characteristic in the realm of samsara.”

👉 Jesus Christ is often quoted as having said, “life is suffering”.

👉 Even great philosophers such as Nietzsche have said things like, “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.”

But there's something that often gets missed here, and its important that we maintain a healthy focus on this point.

There is a very large difference between pain and suffering.

Pain is in many ways a naturally occurring phenomenon in our lives, yes, but we don't have to suffer as a result of experiencing this pain.

Suffering manifests itself within our attachment to the idea that the pain shouldn't have happened in the first place.

Without this attachment there is no suffering - only pain.

Did you now that the word ‘dukkha’ (from Buddha’s 1st noble truth) is actually roughly translated into 3 different english understandings:

1. Suffering
2. Inability to satisfy
3. Pain

That is to say, the first of these four noble truths could just as easily read, “pain is an innate characteristic of life” instead of, “suffering is an innate characteristic of life”.

Today’s western society likes to focus (generally speaking) on the suffering… but it doesn't have to be this way!

You don’t have to suffer!

Life can be hard at times. Painful, for sure. And the chaos might often seem so overwhelming that you just don't know how to keep up or cope.

But you don't have to suffer.

💪 We can build a world free from suffering.

Together, we can collectively move in the direction of embracing our life's imperfections - accepting the things we cannot change, embracing the inevitability of pain, and consciously choosing within it all NOT TO SUFFER!

Visit the link in our bio to learn more and let us know in the comments below what you think about this very important distinction between pain and suffering 👇


When we talk of addiction most of us limit the scope of our understanding to a conversation about drugs and alcohol.

But these aren’t the only things people become addicted to.

Have you ever found yourself “needing” to check your social accounts?

Or maybe it’s an absolute “necessity” that you work a few extra hours each day this week?

These are just a few of the other unhealthy habits we so frequently neglect when talking about addiction.

S*x, fitness, sugar, po*******hy, video games…. the list goes on.

But we shy away from classifying these things as “addictions”, don't we? 🧐


Because it allows us to justify our escapist tendencies. It also allows us to put ourselves on a pedestal as we judge and belittle the drug addict or alcoholic.

But here’s the kicker:
👉 There is nothing fundamentally different between the drug addict or alcoholic and yourself. They simply choose to escape into something less socially acceptable.

We all have escapist tendencies, and we all in one way or another use the external world to avoid or hide from the internal sh*t we don’t want to deal with or face.

Addiction, in truth, is simply the byproduct of a continued and overdeveloped desire to escape our reality.

When we take the time to explore why we feel the need to escape in the first place, we empower ourselves to get in front of these unhealthy habits that ultimately lead to addiction.

✨ All addiction is the byproduct of escapism, and all escapism has the potential to become an addiction. ✨

What important is that we, as a society, begin to acknowledge this.

From this point we can then move past all the classifications and actually address the real core issue…

Why do so many people live a life they wish to escape from in the first place?

What are your thoughts on this - addiction vs. escapism? Talk to us about it in the comments below 👇


They say you cannot pour from an empty cup, yet we often try to, and it's draining.

In this busy world, we are often spread too thin across family, friends, jobs and a million other things that need our time and attention. And there's this unspoken expectation that we should be able to accomplish everything and put others' needs before ours while also maintaining our own personal wellness.

That's a tall order, and most of the time it's way too much for one human to handle.

But know this:
💞 You are not alone in feeling overwhelmed by it all
💞 Self care is not selfish

It's okay to take some time to yourself. It's ok to say 'no' to your friend when you've had a week from hell and they want to make plans. It's ok to ask your partner for space when you've been holed up in one house together for the past 12 months. It's okay to give your kids another hour on their iPad if it means you get to take a brief, glorious, far overdue nap.

It's okay to put yourself first. Really. Because the reality is, when you do that, you bring the best version of you to the table for everyone else, too. It's a win/win.

So, what are you doing today to fill your own cup?

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