Journey With Jesus

Journey With Jesus

Invite Jesus to journey with you every step you take, walk with Jesus, side by side, hand in hand, h


An in depth intense study of the Scriptures, comparing Scripture with Scripture, Building upon Scripture upon Scripture. Step by step, line upon line, precept upon precept. Without the traditions, wisdom or private interpretations of men or the world.
(John 8; 43, 47)
Those who are of God (of the Word Who is God John 1; 1, 2, of the Words of Life Who was in the beginning with God 1 John 1; 1, 2, of Every Word Who proceeds out of the mouth of God, Who is God's Son the eternal Voice of God the Father), hears the words of God, but those who are Not of God (Not of the Eternal Voice of God Who is God) Cannot hear the Words of God (cannot hear the eternal Voice of God the Father, Whom they do live by Luke 4; 4).
(Hosea 11; 9 + Numbers 23; 19).
God is NOT a man NOR the son of man.
(Isaiah 45; 5, 6)
There is Only One God and None else.
(1 John 5; 7) ( Original King James Version Bible Translation)
There are 3 Who bears record in Heaven (Also known as the Godhead Jesus was the fullness of bodily Col. 2; 9. The 3 Who said in Gen. 1; 26, 27, Let US/Plural make man in OUR/Plural image & after OUR/Plural image) The Father, The Word (John 1; 1, 2 + 1 John 1; 1, 2 + Acts 10; 36, 37 + REV. 19; 13, 16), and the Holy Spirit. For these 3 are One !
(Malachi 3; 6)
God (The 3 Who bears record in Heaven, The Father, the Word/God's Only Begotten Son Who is the Same yesterday, today & forever, & The Holy Spirit, Who are One God, the One & Only God) does NOT change !
(Hosea 11; 9)
God (The 3 Who bears record in Heaven, Who is the One & Only God, The Father, the Word/God's Only Son, & the Holy Spirit, Who changes NOT, Who is exactly the Same yesterday, today & forever) is NOT a man (Hosea 11; 9), NOR the son of man (Numbers 23; 19).
(1 Timothy 3; 16)
God ( The One & Only God for there is none else Isaiah 45; 5, 6, The One God Who are the 3 Who bears record in Heaven 1 John 5; 7 kjv, The Father, The Word/God's Only Son & the Holy Spirit, the Godhead, Whom Jesus the man or the son of man, Whom God is Not, Was the fullness of bodily Col. 2; 9) was manifested among us (IN) the flesh among us. (found in THE LIKENESS OF sinful flesh Romans 8; 3).
(Romans 1; 23 - 25)
Men who are fools, who profess themselves to be wise, has changed the glory of God (God's Son Heb. 1; 2, 3), have changed the glory of the Creator (of the Word Who is God John 1; 1, Who created man Psalm 100; 3, Who created the Heavens & the earth Psalm 33; 6, Who created the world & all things John 1; 1 - 3, Who was in the world 1 John 1; 1, 2, Acts 10; 36, 37, Who came unto His own, unto those whom He/The Word created, & His own, knew Him/The Word NOT Acts 17; 23, 24, & received Him/The Word NOT John 1; 10, 11), into an image such as themselves, into the image of corruptible man (Whom God is NOT Hosea 11; 9), into the son of man, (Whom God is NOT Numbers 23; 19), They worship the creature (Jesus the man or the son of man, Who was the fullness of God, Who is Not a man Nor the son of man), More than the Creator (More than the Word Who is God John 1; 1, Who created man including Jesus the man or the son of man Psalm 100; 3, Who created the world & all things John 1; 1 - 3, Whom Jesus the man or the son of man was the fullness of bodily Col. 2; 9). For this, God gives them up unto their own uncleanness through the lusts of their heart (unto sin, & unto the wages of sin which is death Romans 6; 23).
The great & mighty religious leaders in the days Jesus walked among us, knew Jesus the man or the son of man, saying among themselves, "Is this not Jesus Whom we know & is not Mary His mother Whom we also know", yet they knew NOT God ! They knew Not God Whom Jesus the man or the son of man is Not, but was the fullness of ! Even so it is with the great & mighty religious leaders today ! Jesus the man or the son of man and Mary His mother they do know, but God Who is the Word (John 1; 1, 2, + 1 John 1; 1, 2), Who is Not the man or the son of man we call Jesus, Whom Jesus the man or the son of man was the fullness of, they know Not ! This ought Not to be so !
It is the Words of Life Who was in the beginning with God (1 John 1; 1, 2) Who is God (John 1; 1, 2), Who is the Lord of All (Acts 10; 36, 37), Who is the Lord of lords & the King of kings (Rev. 19; 13, 16), Who is the Second Person of the 3 Who bears record in Heaven (1 John 5; 7 kjv), Who is settled forever in Heaven (Psalm 119; 89), Who created the Heavens & the earth (Psalm 33; 6), Who is eternal (1 Peter 1; 23) Who Cannot pass away, perish or die (Matthew 24; 35), as He Whom God the Father has magnified above all of His own names in Heaven (Psalm 138; 2), Whom we are born again by (1 Peter 1; 23, James 1; 18), Whom God sends to heal & deliver us (Psalm 107; 20), Whom we have hidden in our heart (Psalm 119; 11), Who is able to save our soul (James 1; 21), is the Life & the Breath of Life (Acts 17; 24, 25, John 1; 1 - 3) God breathed into our nostrils, to cause us to become, be & remain a living soul (Genesis 2;' 7), in Whom we do live (Luke 4; 4), we move, we have our breath of life, in Whom we do exist & have our very being.
God's Only Begotten Pre- existing Son, is the Word Who was God, Who is God, Who will forever be God, for God's Son Who is God Who changes Not, is The Same yesterday, today & forever. God's Only Begotten Son is the Words of Life Who was in the beginning with God, He Who is every Word Who proceeds out of the mouth of God, Which is the eternal Voice of God the Father. Him Whom God the Father spoke & all things were made so. The Exact Same Voice, Adam heard walking in the garden, calling Adam by his name, but Adam as a living soul (Gen. 2; 7) hid himself from (Gen. 3; 8, 10), that men today as a living soul, are still hiding themselves from as Adam did, when they hear the Voice of the Lord, walking in the garden of their soul, calling them by their name to come unto Him.
This is the great famine spoken of in (Amos 8; 11), Not for the bread made by the works of men's hands, but for the hearing of the Words of God, but for the hearing of the Words of Life Who was in the beginning with God as God, Whom they do live by. Men are hungry to the point of starvation & famine, for the Bread of Life Who came down from Heaven (John 6; 33, 35, 38, 48), for The Words of Life (1 John 1; 1, 2) Who came down from Heaven (John 1; 1, 2) Who dwelt among us as the Lord of all (Acts 10; 36, 37). The very same Words that Jesus the man or the son of man spoke out of a flesh body that profits us nothing (John 6; 63).

Timeline photos 31/03/2017
Timeline photos 19/03/2017

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Your beauty is a joy and a pleasure to gaze upon & to behold, like looking at a beautiful masterpiece work of art, a rare & one of a kind beauty. Your beauty is stunning, breath taking & beyond compare. Your beauty radiates like the shining of the noon day sun on a cloudless summer day, that lights up the world, for all those who dwells around you. Your beauty is the beauty of God & His Love that dwells within you, that flows through you, unto others. Your's is true beauty that comes from within, that comes from above. For true beauty is Inward beauty that never fades, that grows more beautiful with each passing day, As outward beauty fades & passes away, your true inward beauty from above remains. Your beauty within, is like a mighty rushing river, that never ceases to grow & flow, growing & flowing ever more beautiful. Increasing more like the image & likeness of God, that God created & intended you to be. As you become, are, & forever remain, His over abundant, overflowing, fullness from above. The beauty from above, that shines fully within you, now shines fully unto others, through you.
You have no idea, the full depth & magnitude, of the ocean of love, God & I have within us for you. that we long to shower upon you, day & night, like a mighty rushing river, that never ceases to grow & flow, growing ever deeper & stronger, with each breath we take. God & I loves you continuously, unconditionally & eternally, time without end, without exceptions, without excuses.


(Luke 4; 4), man as a living soul (Gen.2; 7), lives not by the bread of men alone, made by the works of men's hands, which keep alive the outward flesh man of the body, that is appointed once to die, that came from and return unto the dust of the earth from once it came, that cannot enter the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15; 50), that cannot please God (Ron. 8;8), being contrary to God (Gal. 4; 29), that is not a child of God (Rom. 9;8), that God hands over to the devil for destruction so the spirit, those born of the Spirit who are a spirit (John 3; 5 - 7) might by saved (1 Cor. 5; 5). Man as a living soul and as a spirit being, lives by Every Word that proceeds out of the Mouth of God.
What is Every Word that proceeds out of the Mouth of God ? It is The Eternal Voice of God the Father. The same Voice of God the Father, Whom God spoke and all things became so.
The one called The Words of Life, Who was in the beginning with God (1 John 1; 1, 2) as God (John 1; 1, 2)
The Same Voice Who is the Lord of All (Acts 19; 36, 37) Who as The Word of God, is returning as the Lord of lords and the King of kings (Rev. 19; 13, 16).
The Same Word Who is the Second Person of the 3 Who bears record in Heaven, the Father, the Word/God's Only Begotten Son, and The Holy Spirit. For these 3 are one (1 John 5; 7 kjv).
The Same Words of Life, Who is God, Who is Spirit and Life, Who spoke out of the flesh body of Jesus, that profits us nothing (John 6; 63, John 8; 43, 47).
The Words of Life Who was in the beginning with God (1 John 1; 1, 2) Who is the Lord of All (Acts 10; 36, 37) Who Spoke to us through the unprofitable flesh body of Jesus, is The Bread of Life (John 6; 33, 35, 38, 48), Who came Down From Heaven Above ( John 1; 1, 2, 1 John 5; 7 kjv, Rev. 19; 13. 16),
It is The Voice of God, Who feeds our soul, Who feeds we ourselves as a living soul (Gen. 2; 7). For it is this same Word, this Same Voice of God the Father, that we do hunger for and are starving for, in (Amos 8; 11, John 8; 43,47).
This is the Same Voice of God the Father, Who created all things by and for Himself (Col. 1; 15 - 17), Who as The Word Who is God (John 1; 1), is He Who created the Heavens and the earth (Psalm 33; 6), Who upholds the Heavens and the earth (Heb. 1; 2, 3), Who created we ourselves (Psalm 100; 3), even as He created Adam when God the Father Spoke Adam into being, even as He speaks all of us into being, and we are so. The Same Word, The Same Voice of God the Father, Who God spoke and the World and All things were created (John 1; 1- 3).
It is this Same Word Who is God, this Same Words of Life, Who was in the beginning with God as God, this Same Voice of God the Father Who spoke unto us through the flesh body of the man or son of man Whom we call Jesus. Who created the world, all things, and we ourselves, in Whom we do live (Luke 4; 4), we move or have our animation, we have our breath of life (Gen. 2; 7, The Breath of Life God breathed into our nostrils to cause us to become a living soul, to have our existence and very being), and Him we do exist and have our being (Acts 17; 24, 25, 28).
This is the Same Voice Who created Adam, Who gave Adam his breath, animation, movement, being and existence, Whom Adam as a living soul, hid himself from, when Adam heard the Voice of the Lord, walking in the garden, calling Adam by his name (Gen. 3; 8, 10).
The same Voice, that ever since Adam, is still hiding themselves from the Same Voice, Who is walking in the garden of their heart and soul, calling them by their name. The Same Voice Within every living soul who enters the world (John 1; 1, 4, 9), Who is the Breath of Life within every living soul who is conceived, Who is calling every living soul, to come back home to Him.
To hide no longer from the Voice of the Lord, but instead hide yourself fully in the Voice of the Lord. Come back home to The Voice of God the Father, Who is God (John 1; 1), Who is the King of kings (Rev. 19; 13, 16), Who is the King of the Kingdom of God, Who dwells within,and Who reigns Supreme over His Kingdom.
The Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of the Voice of God the Father, is NOT here nor there, is NOT of the flesh, of mankind, of this world, but is of God, Who is not flesh (John 4; 24, 1 Cor. 15; 44 - 49, Luke 24; 39, Gal. 5; 17, John 3; 5- 7), Who is Not a man (Hosea 11; 9), Who is NOT the son of man (Numbers 23; 19), Who is NOT of this world (1 John 2; 14 - 17), as the flesh, those born of the flesh (John 3; 5- 7) as the children of the flesh who are not the children of God (Romans 9; 8) cannot enter into (1 Cor. 15. 50).
For as flesh, as the children born of the flesh, are contrary to or the exact opposite of the Spirit (Gal. 5; 17).
Exactly opposite of God Who is a Spirit (John 4; 24), exactly opposite of the Only Begotten Son of God Who is a Quickening Spirit (1 Cor. 15; 44 - 49), is the Exact Opposite of those who are born of the Spirit who are themselves a spirit (John 3; 5- 7).
The Exact opposite of those who are the children of God, who are led by the Spirit (Romans 8; 14) as ones who no longer follows after the flesh (Rom. 8; 1), put who have put off the old outward flesh man (Ephesians 4' 22 - 24). having put on Christ the New Inward Man from Above.
We now fully put on and are the fullness of Christ, of the one Who created all things by and for Himself, of the Words of Life Who was in the beginning with God, as God Who created the world and all things, like Jesus the man or the son of man was, even so we as men are the children of men are also, even as He was.
Now Only the Voice of God the Father, Who created Adam, we ourselves, the Heavens and the earth, the world and all things, lives and remains fully in us, and no longer we ourselves (Gal. 2; 20).
Now we as a living soul, do fully hide ourselves in The Voice of God the Father, Whom God the Father breathed into us to give us our life, movement, breath, existence and being, Who is the Life and Breath of Life in and of our soul. We hide ourselves in The Voice of God The Father, that the Father has hidden Within us, even as God has Hid His Kingdom, where The Word as the King of Kings dwells and reigns, within us also(Luke 17; 21).
Even so the Son of God, the Word, the Second Person Who bears record in Heaven with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. For these 3 are one (1 John 5; 7 kjv), Who is God Who created the world and all things (John 1; 1- 3), Who is our Breath of Life (Acts 17; 24, 25, 28),
Whom God the Father breathed into our nostrils to cause us to become, be and remain a living soul (Gen. 2; 7), it is He, the Word Who is God Who created all things (John 1; 1- 3) Who created us and not we ourselves (Psalm 100; 3), Whom God Hid within us (Gal. 1; 16, Gal. 4; 19, Col. 1; 27, Ephesians 3; 14 - 17).
Until it is no longer we ourselves, body or soul, who lives or remains, but only He Who created our soul by and for Himself, only He Who gives our soul it's life, breath, existence and being Who alone lives and remains in us, and not we ourselves (Gal. 2; 20).
Until it is only the Words of Life Who was in the beginning with God (1 John 1; 1, 2) as God (John 1; 1- 2) Who created us (Psalm 100; 3), Who created the Heavens and the earth (Psalm 33; 6), Who created the world and all things (John 1; 1- 3), Who is the Lord of all (Acts 10; 36, 37) Who is the soon coming Lord of lords (Rev. 19; 13, 16), Who is He Whom God sends to heal and deliver (Psalm 107; 20), Who is He Who is able to save souls (James 1; 21), Who Alone, Lives, remains, dwells, abides, resides within us, Who alone reigns Supreme over us and through us, and no longer we ourselves.
Now Only The Voice of God the Father above, Whom God the Father Speaks and all things are created and sustained, including we ourselves, Whom the Father Spoke and Adam was created, Whom God the Father breathed into Adam and Adam was sustained, lived, moved, breathed, existed and had his being.
The Same Voice of God the Father hid himself from, the Same Voice Who spoke to Moses out of a burning bush, the Same Voice Who spoke to Abraham and all the prophets, the Same Voice Who spoke to the children of God out of a cloud by day and out of a pillar of fire by night,
The Same Voice Who spoke out of an ass, the Same Voice Who spoke unto us by and through the man or the son of man Whom we call Jesus, He alone, now lives, abides, resides, dwells, remain in us, and nothing else but Him Alone remains, all else but Him is gone and are done away with, being fully sacrificed for Him and unto Him, surrendering all for Him and unto Him, holding nothing back.
What does "pick up your cross DAILY and follow me, or you cannot be my disciples" mean ? What happened upon the cross with Jesus ? His flesh was crucified or mortified and died. So daily we are to crucify, mortify, kill, the lusts, cares, passions, desires, will of our flesh. How do we do this so we no longer live, fulfill or obey the things of our flesh ? By walking in and after the fullness of the Spirit as the children of God (Romans 8; 14).
As the Spirit, as God Who is a Spirit (John 4; 24), as the Word Who is God (John 1; 1), as The Voice of God Who is the Life and Breath of Life Within us from Above (Gen. 2; 7, Acts 17; 24, 25, John 1; 1- 3, John 1; 1, 4, 9), as The Christ Within us (Gal. 1; 16, Gal. 4; 19, Col. 1; 27, Ephesians 3; 14 - 17), and His Kingdom Within us (Luke 17; 21), Mortifies, kills, crucifies, puts to permanent rest the things of our flesh (Romans 8; 13). So we no longer fulfill or obey the things of our flesh (Gal. 5; 16) that we have put off (Ephesians 4; 22 - 24).
When we were first born, we were Not born again as the children of God, but as the children of flesh parents, we were children born of the flesh and thus we were flesh, for they who are born of the flesh are flesh (John 3; 5- 7), but we are not supposed to be born of or by the flesh, the will of the flesh, by blood or by human DNA, or men, or this world, but of God (John 1; 13). As the children born of the flesh, we were flesh, and as flesh we could not please God (Romans 8; 8), for we were contrary to God Who is a Spirit (John 4; 24, Gal. 5; 17), because we were Not the children of God (Romans 9; 8). So we each Must be born Again from Above !
As children born of the flesh, and thus we ourselves are flesh (John 3; 5 - 7), to become a spirit, that is the exact opposite of the flesh (Gal. 5; 17), to become the exact opposite of that which we currently are and have always been, we Must be born again by the Spirit, so we ourselves may become, be and remain a spirit (John 3; 5- 7), even as God is (John 4; 24), even as God's Only Begotten Son is also (1 Cor. 15; 44 - 49).
We must be born again of, by and through the Spirit, so we ourselves can be a spirit (John 3; 5 - 7). God is the Spirit (John 4; 24), Whom we Must be born again by (John 1; 13). God is the Word (John 1; 10, Whom we are born again by (1 Peter 1; 23, James 1; 18). So we are born by the hearing of the Voice of the Lord, the hearing of the eternal Voice of God the Father, as Adam once heard, as the prophets heard, as Moses heard, as the children of God in the desert heard, as the people in the days when Jesus the man or son of man was among us heard through Him.
No longer starving from the hearing of the Word, of the Voice of God the Father (Amos 8; 11). No longer hiding ourselves, no longer hiding our soul whom we are, from the hearing of the Voice of The Lord, as Adam did, but now answering His call, as the Voice of the Lord calls us by our name, saying here I am Lord, speak unto me !
For those unto whom the Word of God, The Voice of God Who is God and The Son of God, comes, they are gods (John 10; 34, 35), even as He is God (John 1; 1). For they become His fullness, until only He, the Voice of the Lord Who spoke and speaks unto them, lives and remains in them, and speaks Himself through them.
Being conformed to the image and likeness of God's Dear Son (Romans 8; 28 - 30), is to be conformed to the image and likeness of God Who created us in His image and after His likeness (Gen. 1; 26, 27), because the Son, The Word Who was with God as God, Who bears record as the Second Person in Heaven with God,is God, and we are the Fullness of that Same Word, With The Voice of God the Father. Since we are the fullness of the Word, of the Voice of God the Father, we are also the fullness of the Father and the fullness of the Holy Spirit, because these 3 are one (1 John 5; 7 kjv).
So like Jesus, we will be the FULLNESS of the Godhead, of the 3 Who bears record in Heaven, of The Father, the Word Who is God and the Son of God, and of the Holy Spirit, bodily (Col. 2; 9), in the LIKENESS of our sinful flesh, as with Jesus (Romans 8; 3). Found in our likeness as but men, even as He was found in the likeness of Jesus the man or the son of man (Phil. 2; 6 - 8), Whom God is Not (Hosea 11; 9, Numbers 23; 19) for God Who was manifested us us IN the flesh (1 Tim. 3; 16) does NOT change (Malachi 3; 6).
God Who created the world and all things, is the Word of God, Every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God which is the Voice of God, Who is the Only Begotten Son of God, Who is God Himself, (John 1; 1- 3), is He Who was in the world (1 John 1; 1, 2, Acts 10; 36, 37), Whom the world knew Not and received not (John 1; 10, 11), Whom the world, even His own at their altars of worship unto God, do still ignorantly worship Him at their altars, as the Unknown God, Whom they still do ignorantly worship (Acts 17; 23, 24).
Jesus the man or the son of man, Whom God is NOT (Hosea 11; 9, Numbers 23; 19, Malachi 3; 6), they do know, saying among themselves, "Is this not Jesus Whom we known and is not Mary His mother Whom we also know", yet they knew Not God !
They knew Not that God was NOT the man or the son of man whom they did see, but God is the one Whom man cannot look upon and live, He Was the One Whom Jesus the man or the son of man was not, but was the fullness of. He was not the body of flesh that the Words of Life, The Word Who is God and the Son of God, was spoken by or through, He was and is the very Words of Life themselves Who spoke Himself by and through the flesh body of Jesus (John 6; 53).
Jesus Christ, the Son of God Who is the Word of God,m Who is God, Who changes Not, is the Same Yesterday as the Word Who was in the beginning with God as God (John 1; 1, 2), Today as the Words of Life Who was in the beginning with God (1 John 1; 1,2), Who is the Lord of All (Acts 10; 36, 37) Who dwelt among us (1 Tim. 3; 16), and Forever as the Word Who is settled forever in Heaven (Psalm 119; 89) as He Who created the Heavens (Psalm 33; 6), as He Who upholds the Heavens (Heb. 1; 2, 3), as He Who cannot pass away even if the heavens and the earth, which He created does (Matthew 24; 35), as The Word Who is the returning Lord of lords and the King of kings (Rev. 19; 13, 16), as the Word Who bears record in Heaven with God the Father and the Holy Spirit (1 John 5; 7 kjv).
(Heb. 13; 8). Since the Only Begotten Son of God, is the Word Who is God, Who cannot change, this Same Word cannot become, be or remain, anything that He did not first began as, because He remains the Same yesterday, today and forever, and changes Not. So what was God's Son, before the heavens and the earth were created by Him, before the world and all things were created by and for Him, before man was created by and for Him ?
He Was the Words of Life, Every Word Who proceeded out of the mouth of God, as He Who fills all the thoughts within the abundance of God the Father's heart, the God the Father's mouth speaks out of the abundance of. Making The Father known unto us, by the fruit of the Father's lips, by His Voice, by His Son Whom when spoken forth gives birth and new life to whatever the Father Speaks forth.
This is the Son, that no living soul can come unto the Father, but through Him, through the hearing and obeying of the Voice of God the Father. Many knew Jesus the man or the son of man, through His great miracles He did, but not all of them knew the One Who was doing the miracles through Jesus the man or the son of man, they did not know God, the Words of Life Jesus Spoke, and did as a doer of the Word (James 1; 22) and NOT of His own works (Heb. 4; 10).


Yes Father walk with me in this journey till you're ready to take me home yes my dear father


The Word is Christ the Son of God, The Second Person of the 3 Who bears record in Heaven with God the Father and The Holy Spirit (1 John 5; 7 kjv),
The Same Words of Life. Who was in the beginning with God (1 John 1; 1, 2) as God (John 1; 1, 2) Who created the world and all things (John 1; 1- 3).
Who came unto His own, those whom God Himself created (Psalm 100; 3), who knew Him/The Word not, and who received Him/The Word not (John 1; 10, 11).
The Same God Who created the world and all things (John 1; 1- 3), Whom the world does Ignorantly worship as the Unknown God (Acts 17; 23, 24).
Who is choked out or removed by lusts, love, cares for the worldly riches and pleasures (Luke 8; 11, 14), that we are NOT to seek or love (1 John 2; 14 - 17).
As we come out from among the world, and be not conformed unto it, but separated unto God (Romans 12; 2), set apart unto the Word Who is God (John 1; 1).
As ones who are Not the enemies of God, of The Word Who is God (John 1; 1), which are they who are the friends of this world (James 4; 4). Those who like a friend, who puts their faith, hope, trust and confidence in this world, and it's worldly riches and pleasures.
For our hope, faith, trust and confidence is to be in God Alone and no other, and The Word is God. We put NOT our hope, faith, confidence or trust in man, the government, the world, or the riches and pleasures of the world, not even in ourselves,
For only God Who is the Word (John 1; 1) is able to heal and deliver us (Psalm 107; 2), and is able to save our soul (James 1; 21), is able to save us as a living soul (Gen. 2; 7). For as a living soul, we cannot save ourselves apart from God/The Word (John 1; 1).
For it is no longer we ourselves who lives or remains, but Christ Alone, He Who is the Word, Who is God, Who alone, lives and remains in us (Gal. 2; 20).
We are Born Again from Above, by The Word (1 Peter 1; 23, James 1; 18), Who is God (1 John 5; 7 kjv, 1 John 1; 1, 2, John 1; 1, 2), Whom we Must be born again by (John 1; 13), Who is a Spirit (John 4; 24, 1 Cor. 15; 44 - 49), Whom we Must be born again by, so we are a spirit (John 3; 5 - 7), even as God is a Spirit (John 4; 24). As Like Always begets Like.
The Word Who is God (John 1; 1), is a Spirit (John 4; 24), even as The Son of God Who is the Word, the Second Person of the 3 Who bears record in Heaven (1 John 5; 7 kjv) is also a Spirit (1 Cor. 15; 44 - 49). For the Word Who is the Son of God, is God.
It is this Same Word Who is God and Christ The Son of God, Whom we are the matureness and fullness of, being the fullness of Christ (Gal. 2; 20). Being the fullness of Christ the Word, Who created us, the world and all things, by and for not ourselves, but by and for Himself (Col. 1; 15 - 17).
So as we who have been created by God and not by ourselves (Psalm 100; 3), we who have been created by and for the Word Who is God (John 1; 1), Who created all things (John 1; 1- 3), including the Heavens and the earth (Psalm 33; 6), no longer lives or remains.
So Now only our Creator, The Creator of the Heavens, the earth, the world and all things, Now Only The Word Who is God and Christ the Son of God, lives and remains in us, and not we ourselves.
Now being conformed unto the image and likeness of God's Dear Son (Rom. 8; 28- 30), being conformed unto the image and likeness of God's dear Son Who is the Word, Who bears record in Heaven with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, for these 3 are one (1 John 5; 7 kjv), We are the fullness of the Godhead, of the 3 Who bears record in Heaven, bodily, as Jesus was (Col. 2; 9).
When we are the fullness of the Word Who is God and the Sob of God, we are also the fullness of God the Father and the Holy Spirit, for these 3 are one (1 John 5; 7 kjv). The same one and only God (Isaiah 45; 5, 6), Who said in (Gen. 1; 26, 27), " Let (US/The 3 Who bears record in Heaven Who are one 1 John 5; 7), create man, in (OUR/1 John 5; 7 kjv) image, and after, (OUR/1 John 5; 7 kjv), likeness.
When we are the fullness of the Father, The Word/Christ The Son, and the Holy Spirit, and no longer full of ourselves, of the wisdom or traditions of men, no longer of the world or the riches and pleasures of this world, Then we will be in the image and likeness of God.
Then we will be in the image and likeness of God the Father, The Word/Christ The Son, and the Holy Spirit, for only They, lives and remains in us, and NOT we ourselves. As we fully die to self and come fully alive in Christ/the Word Who is God and The Son of God.
Now this day, while on this earth and in this world, but no longer of this world, have put off the old outward man of our flesh (Rom.8; 1, Eph. 4; 22 - 24), and have fully put on the New Inward Spirit Man from above.
The Inward Spirit Man from above is God Who is a Spirit (John 4; 24), is the Word Who is God (John 1; 1), Who created the world and all things (John 1; 1- 3), in Whom we do live (Luke 4; 4), we move or have our animation, we do have our breath of Life, The Same Breath of Life Whom God breathed into our nostrils to cause us to become a living soul and have our existence and being (Gen. 2; 7, Acts 17; 24, 25, 28).
God the Father breathed into us, or planted Within us, Christ His Son, The Word Who is God Who created us, by and for Himself. For the Word Who is God and The Son of God, is the Good Seed (Luke 8; 11) and the Incorruptible Seed (1 Peter 1; 23), God the Father planted in our heart (Psalm 119; 11), in hopes His Seed, The Word Who is God and Christ The Son of God, will take deep root in us, grow and mature fully within us.
For Christ God's Son, The Words of Life Who was in the beginning with God (1 John 1; 1, 2) as God (John 1; 1, 2), is our Life (Col. 3; 4), is The Light of Life (John 8; 12), Who is WITHIN every living soul, who enters into or is born into the world (John 1; 1, 4, 9).
The Words of Life Who was in the beginning with God as God, is Every Word Who proceeds out of the mouth of God, as the Eternal Voice of God the Father. Whom God the Father spoke and speaks, and it is so.
God the Father, Spoke forth our name, into our mother's womb, and we were created and conceived in our mother's womb, for it is the Word Who is God (John 1; 1) Who created us (Psalm 100; 3) Who created and formed us in our mother's womb, and Not we ourselves.
Even as God the Father Spoke forth His Voice, His Son, The Words of Life, and the Heavens and the earth were made, formed and created (Psalm 33; 6), and the world and all things were created (John 1; 1- 3). Even so God the Father Spoke forth His Same Voice, and we ourselves were created also.
It is this Same Voice, Who created Adam as a Living soul, Whom Adam as a living soul (Gen. 2; 7), heard walking in the garden of His soul, calling Adam by his name, but Adam as a living soul, hid himself from the Voice of The Lord (Gen. 3; 8, 10), hid himself from the Very life and Breath of Life, in Whom Adam as a living soul, lived, moved, breathed, existed and had his being, Whom God the Father breathed into him, or hid within him
Adam hid himself from His Inward Spirit Man from above. Even so do men do still to this day, when they hear the Voice of The Lord calling them by their name, and this ought not to be so.
This is the great famine spoken of in (Amos 8; 11), that men, people as a living soul both male and female, do hunger and starve for, not for the bread of men, but for the Word of God, Who is the Bread of Life(John 6; 33, 35, 38 , 48), the Words of Life (1 John 1; 1, 2) Who came down from Heaven above (John 1; 1, 2), Who feeds not the body, but who feeds man himself, Who feeds the living soul which man is (Gen. 2; 7).
But the children of God born of God (John 1; 13), the children born of the Word (1 Peter 1; 23, James 1; 18) Who is God (John 1; 1), no longer hide themselves (FROM) the hearing of the Voice of the Lord, from the Life and the Breath of Life Within their soul, in Whom they do live, move, breathe, exist and have their being. But Now they fully hide themselves (IN) The Words of Life Who was in the beginning with God as God, Who is the Life and Breath of Life in and of their soul.
The children of God (Rom. 8; 14, Rom. 9; 8, John 3; 5- 7, Gal. 5; 17), as a living soul (Gen. 2; 7) and Not as being born of the flesh buty of the Spirit, fully hide themselves in the Words of Life, in the Eternal Voice of God the Father, that God the Father has hidden within themselves. Even as God has hid His Kingdom, Not here Nor there, Not somewhere outside of ourselves, but WITHIN us (Luke 17; 21).
For a kingdom without a King dwelling Within the Kingdom and reigning over the Kingdom, is Not a Kingdom at All ! To have a Kingdom, you Must first have a King, Who dwells Within and Who reigns over the Kingdom. Since the Kingdom of God is WITHIN us, than God Who is the King of the Kingdom of God, Must also be Within us and Must also be reigning supreme over us and through us.
God Who is the King of the Kingdom of God, is the Word Who is God (John 1; 1), Who is the King of kings and the Lord of lords (Rev. 19; 13, 16), and Who is the Lord of All (Acts 10; 36, 37). The Word Who is the Lord our God, is our Righteousness (Jer. 23; 6).
The Same Righteousness that we are to diligently seek for first, above and before all things, Who is the Life and the Breath of Life God breathed into us, in Whom we do live, move, breathe, exist and have our being. Even as the Kingdom of God, that we are to diligently seek first for, is also WITHIN us (Luke 17; 21).
It is written, seek diligently and we will find ! When we seek first for the Kingdom of God, of Christ the Word the Lord of all, Within ourselves, and when we diligently seek first for our Righteousness, Who is the Lord Himself, The Word Who is God, The Life and Breath of Life from above Within us, we will find them within ourselves. Then these things, The Kingdom of God and God the Word Himself, will be added unto us, and then we will be added unto them.
When we seek first and find the Inward Kingdom of God and the Inward King of the Inward Kingdom of God, it is NOT worldly riches and pleasures that God adds unto us, for these things are NOT of God (1 John 2; 14 - 17), and these things chokes out or removes The Word (Luke 8; 11, 14) Who is God (John 1; 1). No The Word Who is God and His Kingdom are added unto us, for these are the things we did seek diligently for first, above and before all things.
If a son asked his father for a fish, would the father give his son a stone ? No ! So why, when you ask God the Father for Himself and His Kingdom, both that are NOT of this world, would God the Father give you the world and it's riches and pleasures, that are Not of God ?
God does Not give unto us those things we seek not, as we seek not and love not the riches and pleasures of this world (1 John 2; 14 - 17). God gives unto us, those things which we do seek, which is His Kingdom that is Within us, and God Himself Who is the Word, The Eternal Voice of God the Father, our Creator, the Creator of the Heavens and the earth, of the world and all things, Who is also WITHIN us.
When we have received and obtained the Kingdom of God, and God Himself Who is the Word, we have gained far more than the heavens and the earth, far more than the world and all of it's riches and pleasures. We obtain the pearl of great price, that a man will sell all that he has to obtain.
For we have traded or exchanged the seen temporal created things, that shall change and pass away, for the Word of God Who is God (John 1; 1) Who does Not change (Mal. 3; 6) and Who cannot pass away, perish or die (Matthew 24; 35).
For the Word Who is God and the Son of God, is settled or well and firmly established in Heaven (1 John 5; 7 kjv, Rev. 19; 13, 16) forever (Psalm 119; 89). As He Whom God the Father has magnified, exalted, glorified above ALL of His names in Heaven (Psalm 138; 2).
Because it is no longer we ourselves who lives or remains, but Christ the Son of God, He Who is the Word Who is God, Who alone lives and remains in us, we through Him, God the Father magnifies, exalts, glorifies, above all of His names in Heaven. For we, like Jesus, are His children !

