The HOPE Family

The HOPE Family

Changing Hearts...changing lives...through the power of Jesus Christ. They are not perfect and neither are we. They have made mistakes and paid for them.

This page is dedicated to the countless men and women of Texas HOPE Literacy aka HOPE …who have walked through the devastation of despair, brokenness and hopelessness, and found themselves in the arms of God's love through Jesus Christ and the HOPE that He brings to all of us. All of us…the Texas HOPE Literacy Board of Directors, Volunteers, Supporters and "Cheerleaders" believe in them. Many of u


Be very very sure...your anchor holds, and grips the solid Rock. This Rock is Jesus...Yes, He’s the One. this Rock is Jesus, the only One! Be very very sure...your anchor holds, and grips the solid rock!


Consistent Inconsistencies
From No Wonder They Call Him the Savior - Max Lucado

For God made Christ, who never sinned, to
be the offering for our sin, so that we could be
made right with God through Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:21

I suspect the most consistent thing about life has to be its inconsistency. It's this eerie inconsistency that keeps all of us, to one degree or another, living our lives on the edge of our chairs.
Yet, it was in this inconsistency that God had His finest hour. Never did the obscene come so close to the holy as it did on Calvary. Never did the good in the world so intertwine with the bad as it did on the cross. God on a cross. Humanity at its worst. Divinity at its best.
God is not stumped by an evil world. He doesn't gasp in amazement at the depth of our faith or the depth of our failures. He knows the condition of the world and loves it just the same. For just when we find a place where God would never be (like on a cross), we look again and there He is, in the flesh.


Beautiful Dance To 'Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)' Many times in our lives, we may feel lost or down. During these times, it's important to lean on God and remember that He will see you through, just like in the lyrics of Hillsong United's popular song 'Oceans (Where Feet May Fail).' This popular song has struck a chord with hearts all around the wo...


Work Is a Ministry
From Charles F. Stanley

Don't work only while being watched, in order
to please men, but as slaves of Christ, do God's
will from your heart. Serve with a good attitude...
Ephesians 6:6-7

Christians sometimes make the mistake of mentally separating their work life from their spiritual life. This mindset says, "Sunday is the Lord's day, but the rest of the week belongs to me." That is an unbiblical way to live. God's Holy Spirit should be involved in everything we do, and we ought to recognize Him as our guide, comforter, and intercessor no matter where we are. Why would we want to exclude Him from something that takes up a large part of our week?
Serving the Lord on the job means that our workplace is also our ministry site. Work shouldn't be seen as drudgery; it is an opportunity to show love for the Lord. The reward for those who serve God and love others on the job is greater than a paycheck. They are blessed with a ministry - a harvest field for the kingdom, right inside the factory, office building, or construction site.


Full Body Faith
From Journey - David Jeremiah

Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will
be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
Ephesians 6:16

Roman Soldiers used two kinds of shields in battle. There was a small, round shield used in close-quarter combat, and a large, door-sized shield used when troops were advancing across an open plain. When the enemy fired a barrage of arrows, Roman soldiers linked their shields together and crouched behind them - total protection from the incoming barbs.
It is the latter shield-the large, body-sized one-that Paul says Christians are to take up as part of our spiritual armor. And that shield is a metaphor for faith. It is the Christian's faith that is our best "full-body" defense against the attacks of Satan. Here's why: Satan's primary objective in spiritual warfare is to discredit God in the eyes of believers. If he can make us believe God is not to be trusted, then we become easy prey for his circumstantial attacks against us. Therefore, faith - unshakable, undeniable, impenetrable faith in the goodness of God - is our number one shield against Satan's attacks.
If you have any thoughts today about whether God is good and faithful, cast them aside! Take up your shield of faith and protect yourself from the enemy's attacks.


A Sure Foundation
From Inspired Faith

Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine
and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man
who built his house on the rock.
Matthew 7:24

When Queen Victoria was asked the secret of England's greatness, she took down a copy of the Scriptures, and pointed to the Bible, she said, "That Book explains the power of Great Britain." Daniel Webster once affirmed: "If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper." These great leaders truly believed that the only sure foundation of a nation's belief and practice was God's Word.
There are plenty of wise books on history's shelf, some of which offer unintentional wisdom and examples of what not to do. But the wisdom of the Bible teaches us not only how to order our earthly lives for maximum gains, but how to align our hearts and spirit with the Almighty God. And that's wisdom of eternal value.
The words of God are truly a firm foundations for nations. And for our lives.


The Author of Peace
From Inspired Faith

LORD, you establish peace for us;
all that we have accomplished you have
done for us.
Isaiah 26:12

In a study on "peace of mind" performed by Duke University, several factors were found to contribute greatly to emotional and mental stability. Among common-sense indicators like avoiding self-pity and accepting challenges as a part of life, researchers identified other factors of peace of mind, including the ability to forgive and avoid living in the past, and a belief in something larger than oneself. Not surprisingly, these findings support God's recipe for personal peace; accept His will believe in His love for you and His plan for you; forgive and receive forgiveness; look forward to the future.
No matter what circumstances or habits are waging war on your inner peace right now, God can give you the grace to live in peace in His presence.


No Surprise Endings
From Journey - David Jeremiah

He who endures to the end shall be saved.
Mark 13:13

Avid readers typically fall into one of two categories when reading a book: those who like to be surprised by the ending, and those who read the last page first. Some people just love knowing what to expect so that no matter what happens in the middle, they know how everything turns out.
Sometimes Christians approach life this way as well. It can be difficult to trust God with our lives because we can't see the ending or understand the reason for everything in the middle. But in reality, though we may not know the details of how our lives will turn out, we know that Christ will have the victory, for Scripture tells us that "the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, the chosen, and faithful" (Revelation 17:14).
Because God has already won over all earthly kings and armies, gods, Satan, death, and sin, we can rest knowing that no matter what happens between now and eternity, there are no surprise endings.

Daily Bible Reading "Out of the Depths" (Psalm 130:1-8) 24/04/2017

Daily Bible Reading "Out of the Depths" (Psalm 130:1-8) Today's Daily Bible Reading is from Psalm 130:1-8. Psalm 130 is another of the songs of degrees, which the children of Israel sang on their way to Jerusalem. The Psalmist cries out for the LORD to hear and answer his prayers. He questions the LORD: if He should punish all who have sinned who would b...


Troublesome Times
From Journey - David Jeremiah

The street shall be built again, and the
wall, even in troublesome times.
Daniel 9:25

A few years ago, the New York Times carried this headline: "Bad Times Draw Bigger Crowds to Churches." The story said that bad times were good for churches, because when people are "shaken to the core," they become more open to the message of the Bible. The article also reported that the revivals that swept the United States in the nineteenth century were often triggered or touched off by economic panics. The great Fulton Street Revival (also known as the Businessman's Revival) broke out in New York City during the financial panic of 1857. And research has shown that during each recession cycle between 1968 and 2004, the rate of growth in evangelical churches jumped by 50 percent.
We aren't praying for bad news, of course, but the Lord often works wonders in troublesome times. Even in our individual lives, we often find that times of spiritual growth occur when we're pressed beyond our strength. Troubles have a way of driving us afresh to Him who said, "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me" (John 14:1).



When the hour came, He reclined at the table, and the apostles with Him. Then He said to them. "I have fervently desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God." Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks, He said, "Take this and share it among yourselves. For I tell you, from now on I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes."
And He took bread, gave thanks, broke it, gave it to them, and said, This is My body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of Me."
In the same way He also took the cup after supper and said, "This cup is the new covenant established by My blood, it is shed for you."
Luke 22:14-20


"Holy Ground" By Passion And Melonie Malone Will Make Your Spirit Soar Passion and Melonie Malone are delivering a spirit-filled live performance of this song, "Holy Ground". Look how moved the crowd is! "Come and make Your throne upon our praise, Here in this place, Have Your Way. The moment we see You we are changed." Amen


Blessed Assurance
From Grace For Today

Commit to the LORD whatever you do,
and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3

Planning is important in every area of life. You plan for the future, for your marriage, for your finances and for retirement. Much of our time and energy goes into planning.
There is a way to make planning better, however, but it requires strict spiritual discipline to make it effective and it must be undertaken with sincerity and honesty. It also requires solid faith and trust in God and in His promises.
Whatever your concern may be, lay it before God in prayer with all your fears and expectations, trusting Him completely.
Leave the matter in God's hands. In His own perfect time and way, He will show you how to bring it to pass.
Dear Lord, guide me to follow Your commands and to fulfill Your will in obedience. Amen


Imitate Jesus
From Moment By Moment - Charles Spurgeon

They took note that these men
had been with Jesus.
Acts 4:13

A Christian should be a striking likeness of Jesus Christ. The best "life of Christ" is His living biography, written out in the words and actions of His people. Think kindly, speak kindly, and act kindly - so that people will say about you, "He has been with Jesus."
Imitate Jesus in His holiness. He was zealous; you should be, too, always going about doing good. He was self-denying; you should be, too. He was devout; you, too, should be fervent in your prayers. He submitted to His Father's will; and so should you. He was patient; and you, too, must learn to endure. Above all, try to forgive your enemies, as Jesus did. Forgive as you hope to be forgiven. Be God-like in all you do and say, so that everyone who sees you may say, "He has been with Jesus."


Amazing Grace' On Pan flute Is Like You've Never Heard It David Döring is a self taught Pan flutist, which is a series of tubes, most typically made of bamboo or reeds, and played in folk music throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. Listen to the purity of sound in David's arrangement of 'Amazing Grace' and witness the splendor and beauty of God's great...


Assess Yourself
From Grace For Today

Do not think of yourself more highly
than you ought.
Romans 12:3

Many people have a poor opinion of themselves and their abilities. Such people lead unhappy and frustrated lives, because that which you believe of yourself is inevitably reflected in your way of life.
As a Christian disciple, sooner or later you must assess yourself in the light of God's Holy Spirit. This could be a humbling experience or it could reveal a revelation, and you will begin to see who you can become through God's strength, wisdom and inspiration.
Stop disparaging yourself and convincing yourself that you will never achieve anything worthwhile. You were created in the image of God and in His eyes you are invaluable. If you embrace this truth, the honest assessment of your life is about to begin.

Daily Bible Reading "LORD, Hear My Prayer" (Psalm 102:1-14) 02/02/2017

Daily Bible Reading "LORD, Hear My Prayer" (Psalm 102:1-14) Today's Daily Bible Reading is from Psalm 102:1-14. Have you ever felt overwhelmed? The Psalmist pours his heart out to the LORD and begs Him to hear his cry. He begs God not to turn His face away in the day of trouble. He wants God to listen to him, hear his prayer, and answer his prayer immediatel...


Don't Rehearse Your Problems
From Jesus Calling - Sarah Young

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified;
do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God
will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

Some days are just hard. Seems like everything that could go wrong, went wrong. You rehearse it over and over in your mind like one of those songs that get stuck in your head and drives you crazy. But when you rehearse your problems that way, you live them over and over again. You were meant to live through them only once - when they actually happen!
Don't try to figure out how you'll get through this situation on your own. Come to Me, and let Me guide you and give you My Peace. Don't forget that I am always with you. I will give you all the strength and courage you need to face whatever challenges come your way. I will turn your worries and your fears into confidence and trust.



HOPE is restructuring...
To reach more people...
To train inmates on the inside to be successful on the outside...

More info to come!!!

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Your Refuge and Strength
From Jesus Calling - Sarah Young

God is our refuge and strength,
always ready to help in times of trouble.
Psalm 46:1

There is so much bad news in the world. Just watching the evening news can be like seeing a horror movie. There are reports of murders, terrorists, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes. If you focus all on those dangers and forget I am taking care of you, fear will creep into your mind.
Remember: I am your Refuge and Strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. You don't have to be afraid of anything, because I am in control. Every day, I pour out My grace in countless places and situations. I shower blessings on your planet - even many miracles - but the evening news doesn't report these things.
Don't focus on all the bad news; focus on Me. See My Presence all around you, and remember that I am your Refuge.


Jennifer Nettles Sings Chilling Christmas Mashup Of 'O Holy Night' And 'Hallelujah' Country singer Jennifer Nettles is beyond talented. And this Christmas mashup of 'O Holy Night' and 'Hallelujah' is just what I needed to get in the Christmas spirit. Who else has some serious chills right now?


Festive Season of the Soul
From Grace For Today

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to
you; He is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11

The world is filled with the sounds of Christmas. You can hear festive songs, bells and laughter. And if you listen with your soul, you will hear the angels singing, the joy of anticipation and the sanctified sound of holy silence. You will hear the whisper of the eternal Word that became flesh in Jesus Christ.
Christmas is a continuous season of the soul, and Bethlehem lives forever in your heart. Through God's grace, the eyes and ears of your heart will be opened and you will hear the joyful sounds of celebration because of the Word that came to live among us.


HOPE Family…how many of you actually look at this page?
Please post below…!


Necessary For the Journey
From The Path of Loneliness - Elisabeth Elliot

Be joyful in hope,
patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12

We may be tempted sometimes to conclude that because God doesn't fix our problem He doesn't love us. There are many things that He does not fix precisely because He loves us. Instead of extracting us from the problem, He calls us. In our sorrow or loneliness or pain He calls - "This is a necessary part of the journey. Even if it's the roughest part, it is only a part, and it will not last the whole long way. Remember where I am leading you. Remember what you will find at the end - a home and a haven and a heaven."


There is No Power
but of God
John Gill

Everyone must submit to governing authorities.
For all authority comes from God, and those
positions of authority have been placed there by God.
Romans 13:1

God is the foundation of all power and authority; the streams of power among creatures flow from Him; the power that man has over all creatures, the fowls of the air, the beasts of the field, and the fishes of the sea, is originally of God, and by a grant from Him. For it is God of heaven that sets up kings, as well as pulls them down; He is the King of kings, from whom they derive their power and authority, from whom they have the right of government, and all the qualifications for it; it is by Him that kings reign, and princes decree justice.
The LORD is in His Holy Temple. Let all the earth
keep silent before Him. Habakkuk 2:2


God Does Not Change
From Morning By Morning - Charles Spurgeon

I the LORD do not change.
Malachi 3:6

Despite all the changes in the world around us, there is One who never changes. Life is variable in every aspect, it seems, but there is One whose heart is fixed. This is the stability that an anchor gives a ship. It is the basis for Christians hope.
God "does not change like shifting shadows" (James 1:17). Whatever His character has been in the past, it still is now. His power, His wisdom, His justice, and His truth - all are unchanged. He has always been a refuge for His people, their stronghold in the day of trouble, and He will continue to be their strong helper. And His love never changes. He loves us now as much as He ever did. This gives us precious assurance.




Equipped for His Plan
Charles F. Stanley

Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep
through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord,
equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight,
through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen
Hebrews 13:20-21

God has a plan for your life, and He's with you

in that plan. It would be out of character for the

Father to call you to do something, then not help

you accomplish it. He always gets involved.


'One Step Away' by Casting Crowns Will Refresh Your Day! You're not alone, God is already there to help you, love you and you are just one step away. This Casting Crowns' music video encourages us to leave all be


Teach Us to Pray
From Inspired Faith

Lord, teach us to pray,
Just as John taught his disciples.
Luke 11:1

One day when Jesus had just finished praying, one of His disciples came to Him with a request. He wanted Jesus to teach them how to pray. At that moment, Jesus have His disciples the Lord's Prayer, the model for Christian prayer throughout the centuries. He went on to teach them more about prayer, saying, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds: and to him who knocks, the door will be opened" (Luke 11:9-10).
There is no one better than Jesus Christ to teach us how to relate to and interact with God. He offers us teaching about how to pray, and in the Gospels He models for us a diligent and dedicated prayer life. If we ask Him to, He can show us how to pray effectively.


Stunning Rendition Of Hallelujah By Pentatonix Will Give You CHILLS! We've heard many versions of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, And you shouldn't miss this one by Pentatonix, it's soul-stirring!


Alone With God
Charles F. Stanley

Very early in the morning, while it was
still dark, He [Jesus] got up, went out, and made His
way to a deserted place.
Mark 1:35

Where does prayer fit in your daily schedule? I'm not talking about the times you pray on the way to work or while eating breakfast, but the occasions when you are alone with God and it's just the two of you. Although prayer at any time is wonderful, we also need to have a set time and place where we meet with the Lord each day - preferably in the morning.
Jesus was the perfect example of a Spirit-led life, and prayer played a vital role. Since we are to follow in His footsteps, wouldn't it make sense for us to meet with God early each morning in preparation for the day? This is the time to lay our concerns at His feet, seek guidance for whatever the day holds, trust Him for provision and protection, and intercede for others.
Although many things demand our time and attention, we can't afford to neglect prayer. The fruit of prayerlessness is spiritual weakness, unmet needs, anxiety, and ingratitude. But when we make prayer a priority, we'll have a firm foundation for the day ahead, no matter what it brings. And in the evening, we can look back with a heart of gratitude for answered prayer.


Our Faithful God
From Morning By Morning - Charles Spurgeon

But David thought to himself, "One of these
days I will be destroyed by the hand of Saul."
1 Samuel 27:1

This thought that David had was false. He certainly had no good reason to think that his own anointing was intended as an empty promise. The Lord had never deserted him. He had often been placed in perilous positions, but in every instance God had delivered him.
Don't we doubt God in the same way? Have we ever had the slightest reason to doubt our Father's goodness? Has He ever failed to justify our trust in Him? NO!! Our God has never left us!
We have had dark nights, but the star of His love shines through the darkness. We may have gone through many trials but they have always resulted in our benefit.
Lord, throw down the evil one of our unbelief, and let the dogs devour him.


Think and Thank!
From Grace For Today

I thank my God every time
I remember you.
Philippians 1:3

When the path of life becomes steep, and dark clouds threaten to block out all inspiration, pause a while and consider how God has brought you along thus far. Remember all His abundant blessings. At times disaster loomed and you might have felt that everything was lost, but God helped you rise from the ashes of failure.
The key that unlocks the door to a creative life is gratitude. With everything in life, look for something to be grateful for. When you assimilate this truth into your heart, you will approach the future with God-given confidence and the assurance that, in the name of Christ and in His strength, you can triumph over every situation.
Beloved Lord, I recall the blessings of the past and the joy of the present.
Thank You for showers of blessings that You pour upon me. Amen.


The Invisible Shepherd
From Jesus Calling - Sarah Young

We walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7

Be willing to follow wherever I lead you. Follow Me with your whole heart - even when you don't know where I am taking you.
You want to see, you want to know what's coming so that you can be ready. But that is depending on yourself. Put your faith in Me instead, and I'll make sure you're ready.
You don't know what lies ahead, but I know - and that is enough! Some of My best surprises are just around the corner - out of sight but very real. To receive these blessings, you must walk by faith, not by sight.
This doesn't mean you close your eyes to what is happening all around you. It means trusting Me - your invisible Shepherd - more than the things you can see.
