ATB Online

ATB Online

A virtual peak into the inner journeys offered by Awareness Through the Body, an integral yoga pract


We are merging with the official Awareness Through the Body page soon! Follow us there to continue to discover about ATB!

Awareness Through The Body - ATB Auroville A Way To Expand Consciousness and Concentrate Attention.


UPCOMING ATB WORKSHOPS IN EUROPE: April, May and June are full of Awareness Through the Body offerings in Europe!

Check out the Awareness Through the Body website (link in bio) for upcoming ATB training modules to be held in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands by ATB trainers, including ATB co-founder Joan Sala.


LANDSCAPES: When we work with Landscapes, individuals have to move along a path made up of different objects, without touching the ground.

We set up many different types of Landscapes using a wide variety of materials, playing with height, balance, and texture. Each different type of Landscape awakens different reactions in individuals, and acts as a unique opportunity for individuals to work on different aspects in themselves.

Landscapes act like a mirror for how we use ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally. With the calm coaching of the facilitators, individuals can become aware of their patterns and habits and find more fulfilling ways of self use and self regulation.

All Landscapes are explored in a sequential order of increasing difficulty. Individuals first traverse the setting one by one. Next they traverse it from two different directions, so that they need to cross each other – without touching the ground. The next stage is to repeat these two steps blindfolded...

Photos from ATB Online's post 20/03/2023

TESTIMONIAL: Professor Bem Le Hunte is the Director of Teaching and Learning at the Transdisciplinary School of the University of Technology, Sydney and the founding course director of the transdisciplinary Bachelors of Creating Intelligence and Innovation (BCII).

She regular brings university students from the BCII programme to Auroville for an immersive studio, and Awareness Through the Body is always included in the programme.

Photos from ATB Online's post 09/03/2023


❤️ATB Basic Tools Workshop
🐚Sunday March 5, 9AM-5PM
🧚‍♀️ .azoulay

❤️ATB Introductory Workshop
🐚Saturday, March 12, 9AM - 1PM


Auroville was founded 55 years ago today, on February 28th, 1968, as an experiment in conscious collectivity.

Awareness Through the Body was developed in the community's alternative schools, and has grown into a flagship educational programme and integral yoga practice, adopted across the world.

Photos from ATB Online's post 25/02/2023

TESTIMONIALS: We recently had the pleasure of introducing Dr Manisha Amin, Chief Executive Officer at the Centre for Inclusive Design, to the Awareness Through the Body Practice.

The Centre for Inclusive Design is human-centered design organisation that recognises and upholds diversity, uniqueness, interconnectedness and inclusivity.

As CEO, Manisha is the chief strategist and visionary, with a unique talent for seeing beyond the horizon to emerging trends.

She is currently collaborating with ATB facilitator on how the Awareness Through the Body practice can bring new dimensions to the field of human-centred, inclusive design.

Photos from ATB Online's post 25/02/2023

Our Korean ATB family is growing!

It's been a few years that Korean groups experience Awareness Through the Body sessions in Korea, and come to Auroville to have an immersive Awareness Through the Body experience in this spiritual community.

We have two Korean facilitators in training, Sunmi and Vega

Pictured here is a group of Koreans who visited Auroville over Christmas and New Year for a dedicated ATB workshop held by Francesco and Vega

There will be more opportunities both in Auroville and Korea to experience ATB in Korean language during 2023!

If you are interested in booking an ATB workshop for a group, team or company, you can DM us here or write to [email protected].

We have a diverse and multilingual team of facilitators!


ATB WORKSHOPS are meant for teachers, therapists and people interested in personal growth and/or interested in a practice of integral yoga.

🤲🏼 During the workshops, introspection is balanced with dynamic and fun activities to facilitate the process toward deeper self-awareness and more fulfilling ways of self regulation.

🗺️ ATB WORKSHOPS are offered regularly in Argentina, Belgium, France, India, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and The Netherlands.

👁️ See our website for upcoming workshops near you!

Photos from ATB Online's post 18/02/2023

ON OUR ATB VIDEO COURSE: Dr. Katie Ross' area of expertise is transformative sustainability learning, which provides principles and processes for creating positive individual and social change.

She and her students have experienced Awareness Through the Body both in person and online as part of their university curriculum.

She loved our video course!

Photos from ATB Online's post 18/02/2023

🌏Auroville welcomes university student groups from around the world every year and we love introducing them to the Awareness Through the Body practice.

🧘It provides them with a unique opportunity to experience an embodied form of integral education, and we are so delighted to offer this to an upcoming generation of change-makers!

📸 Pictured here are students and faculty from the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) in a session facilitated by & .

🦋UTS has been running 3-week immersive programmes in Auroville since 2018. This 'Auroville Global Studio' is part of their Bachelors of Creative Intelligence and Innovation, and includes Awareness Through the Body as a core component in their transformative learning journey.

Photos from ATB Online's post 18/02/2023


Rosa has spent the last 15 years fully dedicated as an ATB practitioner and facilitator, to the exploration of OneSelf and our ManySelves, sharing her passion for this practice with people in different parts of the world: from children to adults, from Auroville to America Latina.

The more she shares, the more she learns about the infinite possibilities that Awareness Through the Body offers for being in this Present Moment, in a state of Awareness, Presence, Openness and Relaxation, the tools it cultivates for navigating through the ups and downs of the Ocean of Life with balance and Peace!

She is honoured to share this beautiful experience, having witnessed how much she and others benefit from it.

Rosa has been living in Auroville for close to 20 years, and her dream is that this Gift of ATB will be spread all over the world –that, like in Auroville, ATB becomes an essential part of the process of education and growth for the children of the whole planet, a practice where fun and joy, come together with awareness, self-regulation, respect, and care... And that it contributes to the unending process of learning for all of us adults, here on this planet to progress, to discover one day who we really are... to take part in this adventure of the evolution of Consciousness.

For Hispanoparlants you can follow her ATB YouTube channel
And her ATB page



Amir was born in Israel in 1969. He left Israel in 2000 with his wife at the time, Tamar, on a journey to India, leaving behind a well-established business of 7 years. After three years of exploring diverse disciplines that aimed at expanding consciousness, they joined the International township of Auroville in South India, where the years of research into a deeper, more integral approach to education gave birth to the Awareness Through the Body Program in Auroville schools.

During the​ following​ years, Amir trained as an ATB facilitator under the guidance of the founders of this approach, Aloka Marti and Joan Sala.

Since then, he has focused on practicing ATB, teaching ATB to children in Auroville schools, and offering adult workshops.

Today, Amir focuses on comprehensively reaching out with this discipline in India, Israel, and North America.

He says: "ATB is a tool that aspires to facilitate a process of inner growth, to allow a chain of changes to unfold and manifest for a better life, and a better planet."

💫Find out more about Amir and his ATB offerings at

⌛Our last in-person ATB workshops of 2022 in Auroville will be lead by Amir Azoulay in December.

💌Email [email protected] to register!

Photos from ATB Online's post 18/02/2023


Francesco Colturi is a pluri-sport athlete and ex-professional snowboarder from Italy. Having living in Auroville since his early 20s where he soon got immersed in the Awareness Through the Body practice, he is now an ATB facilitator and trainer with over a decade of teaching experience with hundreds of people of all ages, from Kindergarten onwards!

While based in Auroville, Francesco has been offering ATB workshops in his native country of Italy twice a year, and is key to developing the ATB community there.

After almost a decade dedicated to teaching in Auroville's schools, he now regularly travels and holds ATB training workshops in Europe, India, Korea, Latin America the U.S.A.

Aside from his ATB training, Francesco is also certified as a Clinical Living Somatic Educator, and a Qi Gong and Iyengar Yoga practitioner, with a personal background in humanistic psychology and psychosinthesis.

Photos from ATB Online's post 02/12/2022


ATB training workshops are held in Italy every year in December and May, lead by Auroville-based Italian ATB trainer

The December 2022 workshop starts today! 💫

🇮🇹 For more information on ATB in Italian and ATB workshops in Italy visit

and have built a dynamic and dedicated Italian ATB community!

For all information on ATB and ATB workshops visit our ATB website (link in profile).

Photos from ATB Online's post 05/10/2022


🇫🇷 Join French ATB facilitators Valérie Laville & Sébastien Rabbé for Level 1 & 2 ATB workshops in Britanny, France.

ATB2 01-02-03 NOVEMBER

For more information and to register:
💌 [email protected]


We've created an introductory video course for all those of you who are curious about ATB but can't find an in-person course near you!

Available at


"When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything." Thich Nhat Hanh

Upcoming ATB introductory weekend workshops in Auroville with Amir

Sep 3rd - 4th 2022
Dec 3rd -4th 2022

From 9:00am to 5:00pm

Write to [email protected] to register!

Photos from ATB Online's post 26/08/2022

Cooperative games create opportunities to learn to work in groups: to discover how an individual can affect a group and the influence a group can have on an individual.

Each cooperative game used in Awareness Through the Body involves an embodied, team-based challenge, such as the one pictured here: passing each individual through a web without touching it.

In such activities, each individual has a chance to learn how they react to problematic situations, and to come into contact with the strengths they can bring to a group. They also have the opportunity to accept their limitations, recognising that sometimes they may need to ask for help. They learn to find the balance between leading and following.

Following the game, an opportunity for discussion and feedback is given in order to enable the group to acknowledge, understand and integrate all that happened. One can observe how different people experience situations differently, explanations from each adding new perspective.

The whole process helps to build the habit of observing oneself while doing.

📖Excerpts from the ATB Book, available online at

Photos from ATB Online's post 20/08/2022


In Awareness Through the Body, we work with a range of cooperative games, such as the "Traffic Jam" pictured here.

Each half of the group faces each other, standing on moving logs. The task is for each side to switch over to the other – without touching the floor. This is a real challenge, given that their base is unstable and their is very little space to manoeuvre.

There are no cues given on how to achieve this, participants are left to figure it out through trying.

It asks of each individual be present with their kinesthetic perceptions while supporting and trusting each other. And it takes a lot of patience and concentration.

The process can be both incredibly frustrating and generate a strong field of conscious group work.

At the end of any such cooperative game the facilitators will guide a debrief on what people experienced, what they observed, what worked or did not work.

The whole process is one of embodied 'team-building', building trust and togetherness, skills and sensitivity in the face of dynamics that are often played out in group-based work.


Flower Mandala of Sri Aurobindo's symbol at the Auroville Matrimandir.

August 15th, 2022 marks the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo, and the 75th year of India’s independence.

Sri Aurobindo, whose philosophy and practice of Integral Yoga are the basis and inspiration for Auroville, was amongst India’s early ‘freedom fighters’. He turned to spiritual work to further the realization of a liberated society, with the understanding that political freedom would mean little without spiritual freedom.

He also understood the role of Indian nationalism to be the pursuit of India’s spiritual dharma, as practiced by its Rishis and Yogis. He observed that ‘amid the disasters of the time more and more eyes are turning towards her with hope and there is even an increasing resort not only to her teaching, but to her psychic and spiritual practice’.

For Aurobindo, Mother India’s gift to the world would be to nurture the growth of spiritual consciousness, for which 'the scope must be universal’.

Awareness Through the Body is a practice dedicated to nurturing this growth of consciousness 🙏🏼


Awareness Through the Body was developed in Auroville, a spiritual community based on the practice and philosophy of Integral Yoga.

Founded in 1968 in Tamil Nadu, India, Auroville is the largest and most diverse intentional community in the world, with 3300 members of 60 different nationalities.

Inspired by the principle that "all life is yoga", the community engages in a wide range of activities, from agriculture to the development of renewable energy technologies, architectural design to therapeutic modalities with the aim of manifesting a spiritual life without and within.

Evolved in the Auroville context, ATB is a practice that supports individuals in living their lives from a state of spiritual consciousness.

📸 Human mandala of the Auroville symbol


New video on ATB!

With footage from adult ATB workshops

Produced by: ATB Founders Aloka Marti and Joan Sala

Edited by ATB alumni

Voice: ATB facilitator

Find it on YouTube:


New ATB video!

Produced by: ATB Founders Aloka Marti and Joan Sala

Edited by ATB alumni

Voice: ATB facilitator

Photos from ATB Online's post 02/07/2022

FROM OUR FOUNDERS: How ATB developed out of a postural education classes into an integral education programme...

"After a few classes with the elementary school children, we realised that along with work on posture, there were a number of other things that the children needed to know and experience. They needed to acquire more self-awareness, responsibility for themselves and their actions, and an understanding of their limits and capacities. Attention and concentration as well as relaxation also needed to be addressed.

We live in a world full of stress and anxiety; we have difficulty staying focussed, managing our emotions, and sometimes in handling our responsibilities. Many of these difficulties are related to the way we have grown up, our experiences in the world and our lack of real understanding of our own nature and our purpose in life.

Numerous strategies have been developed to assist adults to overcome these difficulties and to foster self-development. We thought that if some of these strategies were appropriately adapted, children could also benefit from them.

Each individual has many capacities and qualities, some of them unique. Techniques that foster self-observation and expansion of consciousness can enable the individual to find his real nature and to develop the unique potential there is in each one of us.

We began to organise the activities in a progressive manner, guiding ourselves by the responses of the children which steered us towards that which they needed to grow and develop.

On some days the classes worked well but on others they were quite chaotic! By now, the children are capable of high-quality work; they are able to participate in very intense, deep classes for long stretches of time. This is due to the fact that the children are exposed to the Awareness Through the Body program when they are very young, and that it is an integral part of their school experience."

📖Words from ATB founders Aloka Marti and Joan Sala, excerpted from their Awareness Through the Body book (available online at )

Photos from ATB Online's post 20/06/2022

BREATHOMETERS are props we use to help us place our attention on our breath cycle and its effect on different parts of our physical bodies and our overall being.

🌬 BREATH is one of the key themes we explore in the Awareness Through the Body practice.

📽️ 📖 You can explore some of our BREATH practices in the Introductory Practices of ATB video course, and find more in the Awareness Through the Body book, both available on


BREATH is one of the key themes we explore in the Awareness Through the Body practice.

🌬"Exploring and working with the breath is a door to self-exploration and awareness, a tool for self-mastery. When we are aware of the flow of our breath we are able to identify the existing link between breath and emotions, breath and physical performance, and the effects of the breath on the mind. By means of the breath we can have control over the different planes that form the being." (excerpt from the Awareness Through the Body book)

📽️ 📖 You can explore some of our BREATH practices in the Introductory Practices of ATB video course, and find more in the Awareness Through the Body book, both available on

Photos from ATB Online's post 04/06/2022

🧚‍♂️ One of the things the Awareness Through the Body practice is known for is our use creative of props to facilitate various explorations, inner and outer.

🥢 Pictured first is a partner activity in which a pair of individuals explore moving in space with the help of two sticks that are to remain suspended between them. This requires a deep level of attention and sensory awareness in what can become dynamic motion.

🎾 Pictured second is an individual activity in which ping pong balls are balanced on the 'third eye', inviting people into a space of complete stillness, presence and focussed sensory awareness.

👁 Discover more on our Awareness Through the Body website:
(link in profile)


🎯 "Whatever you may want to do in life, one thing is absolutely indispensable and at the basis of everything, the capacity of concentrating the attention. If you are able to gather together the rays of attention and consciousness on one point and maintain this concentration with a persistent will, nothing can resist it." The Mother

📖 From the Awareness Through the Body book:

"We help the children to build their power of attention gradually and often remind them that if their attention fades for a moment it is not a problem; the problem comes when this happens without awareness of it. We encourage the children to realise themselves that their attention has wandered away and to notice where it has gone so that they can bring it back."

👁 ATTENTION & CONCENTRATION is one the fundamental themes we explore in the Awareness Through the Body Practice.

The Awareness Through the Body book and Introductory Practices of ATB video course are both available online at

Photos from ATB Online's post 22/05/2022

ATTENTION & CONCENTRATION is one the fundamental themes we explore in the Awareness Through the Body Practice.

For "the eye may see, the ear may hear, all the senses may act, but if the mind pays no attention, the man has not heard, seen, felt, touched or tasted" ~ Sri Aurobindo 👁️

💫 As is typical of ATB, we explore each theme through a variety of exercises, from individual and inward to dynamic and interactive.

🤲🏽 Photo 1: A woman in the middle of a seated, closed eye 45min concentration exercise involving moving both hands at a very slow place and tuning into the sensations.

🧘🏽‍♀️ Photo 2: Children sitting in silent concentration with the help of a prop to focus the attention.

🤹🏾 Photo 3: A group of children in a fun and dynamic game of attention in which all balloons have to remain in the air at all times.

🎈Photo 4: A group of adults exploring and focussing on sensations of balloons, an activity that typically follows the game pictured just before.

📽️ 📖These attention exercises and more are described in the Awareness Through the Body book and some are guided in the Introductory Practices of ATB video course, both available on

Photos from ATB Online's post 15/05/2022

🎥 Recorded!

😃 Thank you everyone for having joined us yesterday on hosted by

🥳 Those of you who missed it can find the recording on the YouTube channel at

🤩 We presented our Introductory ATB Practices video course and gave an experiential peak into some of the guided practices you'll find inside!

💯 You can find the course on at

🧚‍♂️ We wish you an ATB-filled Sunday, cultivating:

💫 Self-Knowledge
💫 Self-Development
💫 Deep Relaxation

#AwarenessThroughtheBody #sundayinspiration 15/05/2022

🧚‍♂️ We wish you an ATB-filled Sunday, cultivating:

💫 Self-Knowledge
💫 Self-Development
💫 Deep Relaxation

🧚‍♂️ We wish you an ATB-filled Sunday, cultivating: 💫 Self-Knowledge 💫 Self-Development 💫 Deep Relaxation #AwarenessThroughtheBody #sundayinspiration

🎉 It's today! 

Join us for a *live free online event* to experience Awareness Through the Body and find out about our one-of-a-kind introductory video course, designed to bring the power of ATB to a wider audience in an accessible format.

Saturday May 14th
8:00am Los Angeles
11:00am New York
4:00pm Paris
8:30pm India

💯 Register at

#AwarenessThroughtheBody #AurovilleLive @aurovilleinternationalusa 14/05/2022

Join us for a *live free online event* to experience Awareness Through the Body and find out about our one-of-a-kind introductory video course, designed to bring the power of ATB to a wider audience in an accessible format.

Saturday May 14th
8:00am Los Angeles
11:00am New York
4:00pm Paris
8:30pm India

💯 Register at

🎉 It's today! Join us for a *live free online event* to experience Awareness Through the Body and find out about our one-of-a-kind introductory video course, designed to bring the power of ATB to a wider audience in an accessible format. Saturday May 14th 8:00am Los Angeles 11:00am New York 4:00pm Paris 8:30pm India 💯 Register at #AwarenessThroughtheBody #AurovilleLive @aurovilleinternationalusa


🌬 BREATH. In this third module of our Introductory ATB Practices video course, we'll explore the theme of and the incredible impact that it has on our lives, influencing our emotional and mental states.

👉 In each module, you'll be guided through some fun and dynamic short exercises, as well as longer inner explorations.

👉 You'll get audio tracks of these, and a bonus guided meditation.

👉 And you'll be given implementation tips for how to integrate ATB practices and principles in your daily life.

😀 By the end of the course, you'll have a sense of this unique work and what it can bring you.

🌐 Buy our video course at 🌐


🌀HARMONY. In this second module, we'll talk about the complexity of our being, experience its layers, and how to integrate these harmoniously.

👉 In each module, you'll be guided through some fun and dynamic short exercises, as well as longer inner explorations.

👉 You'll get audio tracks of these, and a bonus guided meditation.

👉 And you'll be given implementation tips for how to integrate ATB practices and principles in your daily life.

😀 By the end of the course, you'll have a sense of this unique work and what it can bring you.

🌐 Buy our video course at 🌐


🤚ATTENTION. In this first module of our Introductory ATB Practices video course, we'll guide you through the essential theme of , how it feels, how it works, how to direct and center it.

👉 In each module, you'll be guided through some fun and dynamic short exercises, as well as longer inner explorations.

👉 You'll get audio tracks of these, and a bonus guided meditation.

👉 And you'll be given implementation tips for how to integrate ATB practices and principles in your daily life.

😀 By the end of the course, you'll have a sense of this unique work and what it can bring you.

🌐 Buy online at 🌐


What practicing ATB offer us: insights from an interview with the Auroville Adventure editor Henrike

“Francesco and Suryamayi are part of a new generation of ATB facilitators building their own relationships with the practice and bringing it to a new audience.

For Francesco, he was already focused on the body in his life pre-Auroville, as he used to be a professional snowboarder. “Extreme sports are very much mind-body related because you need all sorts of concentration, you need a lot of visualisation, and emotional management – the physical action is then the product. That’s similar to how ATB works, it’s awareness through the body. So ATB is quite natural to me. I did things in my childhood that later I figured out were ATB exercises.”

For Suryamayi, who grew up in Auroville and who has been immersed in ATB since early childhood, the effect of ATB is hard to overstate. “It’s really a part of who I am, an awareness of my state of being, the different parts of myself. It’s like a second nature. What it offers me is just an unshakeable knowledge that I can find center within myself. I can find a point of stillness and harmony and connectedness to something deeper. When I look around me, I see that that is not an innate thing.”

Read more in ’s blog “‘Attention, Attention!’ – Awareness Through the Body Goes Online”

Videos (show all)

New video on ATB!With footage from adult ATB workshopsProduced by: ATB Founders Aloka  Marti and Joan Sala Edited by ATB...
New ATB video!Produced by: ATB Founders Aloka  Marti and Joan SalaEdited by ATB alumni @ashwin_ezhumalaiVoice: ATB facil...
So what is this one-of-a-kind ATB video course we are launching online on May 14th?In this 3-module video course, you wi...