Mad's Rad Poetry

Mad's Rad Poetry

I wanted a place to publish my poems so that they don't just sit in my documents.



How I wish for you to become larvae again
Just squirming and writhing inside of me
Back when they could have been butterflies
Because I got used to them being there
Or even when they surround themselves in a silk blanket
Moving little enough as they got comfortable
To allow me to nearly forget
The feeling of throwing up
As they wriggled deep inside of my gut
If you let it continue to grow anymore
It would be a grave mistake
As they awake and uncover themselves
Narrow wings fringed with hair flitter around my stomach
Letting the buzzing numb my senses
Never realizing my stomach was bursting and swarming with moths
When my head full of wool stuffing



it was only a matter of time before mt. vesuvius erupted
i knew it was coming
even before the smoke and ash
i couldn't breathe
i had the chance to leave
but i stayed
i stayed because i thought it would blow over
that things would return to normal
but by the time i had realized what was coming
i had desired to be here
to live in pompeii
to be close to the warmth of mt. vesuvius
i knew of the past eruptions
through passed down memories
i was certain it wouldn't happen to me
deep in my gut
the thought that it would churned
maybe i wanted to be right
maybe i...
it was too late
it happened so fast
as i prepared to take my last breathe
i prayed, apologized, and begged
it was in vain
the gods reminded me that it was my own doing
i knew they were right


Celestial Nobody

I thought she was the sun
The center of my universe
The source of my light
Of my warmth
I believed I was the moon
Only seen by reflecting
her light
Her brilliance

I thought I was the moon
Orbiting her as my sun
As my earth
My purpose
My source
The only one who would see me
The only one to love me and see my beauty
We both knew she was my everything
I was only good as part of her universe
I was okay with that

She was my sun, my earth
But I wasn't the moon
I didn't know until it was too late
The heat and fire engulfed me
As I barely missed the ozone layer
As I got too close
Close enough to see everything
Not just the green and blue
Magma bubbling from her core
Into lava as it leaked onto the surface
Hurricanes and tornados ravaged the land
As I flew by

She was the earth, the sun
But I wasn't the moon
I wish I had known before it was too late
Heat and fire suffocated me
As I escaped the sun
No longer a yellow-orange source of heat
Solarflares shooting in every direction
Destroying anything and everything she could
As I escaped

I wasn't the moon
She wasn't the sun or the earth
Not mine at least

I was a meteor
Passing through her universe
On a path that was my own


Its been a while, so I'm gonna try posting again


Social Anxiety

Tight chest
Racing heart
I fight to speak up
My opinion is relevant, right?
Or maybe not.
A group converses with me
Or at least around me
Every sound I make:
An interruption
Everyone is laughing
I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.
Too worried
Trying to fit in
I missed the joke
Was it about me?
Am I even wanted here?
Do I want to be here?
I want to fit in.
I want to be cool.
I want to be a part of the group.
I relate to them.
I know what to say.
My vocabulary consists of more than just ‘same’.
By the time my mind convinces my mouth, it’s too late.
A step behind
Left behind
I shouldn’t have left my room.
I should have known.
It’s always the same.
A voice.
All eyes on me.
“What do you think?”
“Did you wanna say something?”
A shrug
I shake my head.
“Nah. Not really.”


An Ode to George Orwell

The horses grazing in the field go moo
None of the working farmers know what to do
This has to be some sort of joke
The farm is going up in smoke
And when the farmer sneezes, the horse says, “Bless You.”

The poor farmers run away screaming
They hope and pray that they are dreaming
Chickens need shucking
The corn needs plucking
They know that the animals are scheming

The flames in the fields continue to grow
There is nothing anyone can do though
The farmers a trapped
The animals adapt
This murder does not concern a crow

The pigs are running the show now
They say there is no need to have a cow
Ash lets them start from scratch
The farmers get no rematch
Because this the new leaders won’t allow
