Ruby Star Creative

Ruby Star Creative

I'm a rural Australian cosplayer who loves textures, bright colours and smooth lines - I'm self taught and learning all the time!

This is just a little page to keep track of fb content and keep in touch with the lovely people I meet at conventions.


Hey guys, sorry for the bit of radio static! Here's a last minute lineup! 2 old bastard men this weekend aka Reigen from Mob Psycho 100 Saturday & Number 5 from Netflix's Umbrella Academy adaptation on the Sunday - 2 new simple-ishh cosplays (& I'll be duoing with my own mum on Sunday - she's cosplaying Agnes)! I was hoping to do a proper costest for both early but I'll try to get em done tonight (I'll post some process pics when I have time too!)👌 Will I see you there??

Cosplay 07/05/2019

A little takeback share from Supanova, it was a blast grabbing this snap with such a great Shigaraki and all-round talented creative Eloquent Mx Loki, captured wonderfully by Slippery Photography! (I have a few snaps by him to share soon too 😁) If you're an anime-only bnha fan, you'll have something a liiiiittle like this to look forward to come s4... maaaybe 💀

Character: Shigaraki Tomura & Overhaul (My Hero Academia)
Shigaraki Cosplay/Mua/Wig: Eloquent Mx Loki
Overhaul Cosplay/Mua/Wig: Ruby Star Creative
Photography: Slippery Photography
Shigaraki Wig: Arda Wigs
Taken at Supanova 2019.

Was an absolute pleasure working with my beaky boy nemesis CAW!

AMC Expo 2016 04/05/2019

Happy May the 4th everyone! Sharing this old snap from AMC Expo (rip) from when I cosplayed Hux from the new Star Wars trilogy. Definitely lots of things I'd sew differently now, but I'm still actually really happy with how I looked as him! I'm thinking of fixing up a few things for when I see the last movie, as long as I can still fit in it! Hux is a dick but he's a very good villain, so I hope he has some clever and nasty things to do in the final installment 👌


Supanova... prepare to be Cleansed 💀


A long bit of radio silence but it's finally time for another con! Two new cosplays this weekend, both are a combo of crafted, thrifted and altered and both are pretty comfy! Don't have any huge cosplay plans for the year yet but I'm thinking on it, for now it's nice to focus on really honing my techniques on "simpler" outfits. 💪


Super late post but I'm going to be at Madfest this weekend!! Iida weekend is the best weekend (especially when I'm seeing the bnha movie), I have his school uniform jic otherwise I'll be in his hero suit! I'm unfortunately travelling up right now so given it was a 6am start I might be a bit sleepy! (And late!) See you there?


Character: Iida Tenya (School uniform version*)
Series: Boku No Hero Academia
📸: Ming the Photographer

It's August 22 - Happy birthday Iida!!! A shining paragon of virtue to us all!! 🎉🎉🎉

(* this costume was altered, but mostly bought!)


Character: Iida Tenya (RPG/Fantasy AU version)
Series: Boku No Hero Academia
📸: on Instagram

Animaga is done and dusted and I got a few lovely photos back already! RPG Iida (part of an official AU most recognisable in the 2nd Season 2 Ending credits) is easily my most complex cosplay & the one I'm most proud of - best of all no parts broke all day & I could walk by the end of it (a first for my more involved builds)! 😂


Animaga day 2 for a few hours, see you there! 👌


On my way to Animaga, see yall soon!


Animaga's so soon! Here's my lineup, there's going to be a few other RPG au cosplayers on the Saturday too - I'm so excited! Hope to see you all there! 💕


Extremely handy quick overview of the basics - you don't need all of them, but it helps!

So you're just starting out with cosplay and you're not sure what beginner tools you'll need that'll help set up a productive workshop? While there's a tonne of useful supplies and equipment out there and it can seem like the expenditure will be endless, you can easily get together a good base collection of tools that will come in handy time and time again. What other pieces of useful equipment would you recommend for beginners? Let us know down below 👇

Oz ComicCon 2018 18/06/2018

Another great snap of the BNHA meet at ozcc - everyone looked fantastic!


I've got quite a few really lovely photos from this con to share, but I figured I'd start with this fantastic photo from Trung Do Photography of our Class 1A group shot from the BNHA meet! It was so much fun (& everyone looked great)!


Bird day today for ozcc 👌🕊🕊 Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane now and Hitori later on 👌👌


Whoops, a bit of radio silence but I'm at ozcc! Casual cosplays all weekend bc phew that cramped 90% capacity 💦💦 I've been working on some cooler stuff too so I'll post some wips of that after the con! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️


Thanks soo much to the Animaga booth and Mr.4649 for this beautiful photo of Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane from the Sunday of Melbnova - I first constructed this cosplay for Animaga last year (which was so much fun!), so it was a great coincidence to get a snap by their stall. Definitely check both of them out if you can, I know I'll be attending again this year! 💖✨✨


Supanova!!!! I am on my way!!!!! 🏃‍♂️💨


Not long now until Supanova so I figured I'd share this handy convention guidelines sheet created originally by on instagram - such a great idea! Blank in comments 👌


MELBNOVA SATURDAY: Tenya Iida (hero costume)
MELBNOVA SUNDAY: Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane (rewear)

Better late than never! Here's my lineup for Supanova Melbourne on April 21-22! Certainly a bit of variety between the two 😅 I hope to see you all there, let me know who you're cosplaying so I can keep an eye out for you! 🤘


Whoops! So much for keeping up documenting my progress...! 😂 I hope everyone else is keeping their con crunch under check, can't believe it's just over a week until Melbnova!


A really positive and important post - for every cosplayer! :)

In-Progress & Completed Cosplays 31/12/2017

Tenya Iida - Hero Costume ver
Boku no Hero Academia
Debut: Melbnova 2018

Uhhh yeah that BNHA bandwagon... I wanted to have him in progress before I announced this and so here he is - Tenya is my planned upcoming big build & I'm super excited to continue working on Super Best Class Rep! I have a lot of ideas on how to achieve this to the standard I want, I'll post some progress photos once I have some good ones (I'm still heavily patterning things at the moment)!


2018 is nearly here! This year I made 7 different costumes and here are some of my favourites! 2016 I made some very complex costumes but decided this year to focus more on passion projects from smaller fandoms like The Adventure Zone and dating sim parody Hatoful Boyfriend, as well as improve my sewing. I managed it! And I made about 4 different coats! 😂 I really reconnected with what I enjoy about conventions this year, and I managed to get to a lot more of them. I hope to continue that next year! My goal for next year is to probably refine technical skills that I tested out this year, such as working with worbla and resin casting. We'll see how we go! What's your New Years Cosplay goals?

MadFest 2017 31/12/2017

Happy New Years Eve everyone! I just realised I haven't shared this AMAZING photo of The King from Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star by Cursed Gear Photography (thank you SO much for taking the time to grab some snaps for me!).
I wanted to share this because it's one of my proudest and fastest builds for 2017: Apart from the pants & base cape, everything was made from scratch in 2 weeks! (It's also my first attempt with resin casting & worbla!)

Photos from Ruby Star Creative's post 25/12/2017

Merry Christmas or Happy Day to everyone, thank you for following me this year and I hope I bring some more exciting stuff to update this page with next year! I didn't get dressed up today, but some of the Hatoful bird plushes I made for the past few cons did! I hope you've had a wonderful day! 🎄🎉


Another cosplay question for you all - What's a dream cosplay of yours? We all have cosplays we don't think we can achieve... yet - maybe next year will be the year!

For a long time my dream cosplay was Thorin Oakenshield from The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five armies. I managed to achieve this in 2016, but I would definitely like to improve upon this - I'd also love to do his original (and most popular look) from the first Hobbit movie. He's such an excellent character and Weta & co did an amazing job producing the entire casts' wardrobe with so many details - a lot of fun to reproduce!
Feel free to use this image if you want! 😀


Here's another Cosplay Question for you: What fandom would you like to see more cosplays from? An obscure fandom? An underappreciated character? An alternate skin or costume?

My answer for this one is pretty easy, I'd love to see more Hatoful Boyfriend cosplayers 😂 For the uninitiated, the birds all have (pretty cool) canon human versions, and one thing I discovered cosplaying from this small fandom is that I met a lot of people who had an exact cosplay they knew they'd want to do from the fandom, but were hesitant, either because of skills or (mostly) because of embarrassment. I've had a load of fun doing cosplays from this fandom & met a lot of lovely people, so I hope to see more people taking the chance and doing more passion projects like this despite the series popularity or how they feel they might be judged.
Feel free to use this image if you want! 😀

Timeline photos 15/12/2017

Super handy! 🎀👌

Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon will be cosplaying with 5 other girls, so to help everyone out a little bit I made patterns and tutorials to share.

Our bows are actually both red, but this prototype bow was made specific for the tutorial. This specific bow will be going to our Jupiter 😊


Here's another reflection question for you all! What cosplay skills do you want to improve in the coming year?

I'd like to get better at setting in sleeves - I did 4 different jackets this year and sleeves have been the worst (apart from lining), though by the 4th one it felt a lot more natural and things didn't go *as* wrong from the beginning. 😂 I also really want to revisit armored builds and finally tackle leg armor/greaves, I've never managed to get them to work in the past and now that I have an understanding of worbla especially I think I might be able to do them properly.
Feel free to use this image if you want! 😀


This question always seems to do the rounds - feel free to use (or even comment 😉)!

Supanova 2016 06/12/2017

Another flashback from April 2016, me as Thorin Oakenshield and Miss Fortune Cosplay as Thranduil, both from The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies as excellently captured by Soot Magazine!


I thought it might be fun to share a few cosplay questions as the year comes to a close - go ahead & use them if you like for your own page/personal, and definitely feel free to comment! What cosplay are you hoping to do next?

I'm currently plotting out what to do for the next year so I'd love to see what you're all passionate about at the moment! This year I took a break from doing "big" cosplays & reconnected with what I enjoyed about the hobby to begin with. I did a lot of smaller costumes from smaller fandoms like The Adventure Zone & Hatoful Boyfriend, and especially focused on improving my sewing & selection of materials. I had a lot of fun, and I might do some bigger (but fun) builds again for 2018... we'll see!

Animaga 2017 04/12/2017

Saturday & Sunday: Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane (Hatoful Boyfriend)

Yeaaaah this is super late 😂 I really really enjoyed my first Animaga, it was a super fun small con and I had a lovely time catching up with cosplay friends and meeting new ones! I was Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane from Hatoful Boyfriend both days (with my sister as Yuuya Sakazaki & Ryouta Kawara respectively) and it was super fun finding out just how many secret pigeon dating fans there are in Melbourne (a lot more than you'd think)! Best of all, the artist alley was pretty big and there were quite a few artists I haven't seen at larger cons - a huge plus for me. I'll definitely be doing Animaga again!!

Not too many photos but if you see yourself feel free to tag - and if you want me to take a photo down, just let me know and I'll be happy to! :)

I'll try to get Madfest up in the next couple of days! 😂