Spences Bridge Community Resource

Spences  Bridge Community Resource

Hello for whoever finds this page, this is for my University class Indigenous 100


The band office will often put on bingo nights for the elders so they can go and have some fun too. They will have door prizes and such there as well.


The TNRD mobile library comes to town often to fulfill your needs for your reading. We are a remote town so we don’t have much to offer but we are still here


The Cooks Ferry Band office is a great place to check out is you would like any more information, there are a lot of helpful people there to help you with anything else you need.


Spence’s bridge has quite a few historical buildings such as the church that is right beside the highway that was built in 1905. Great place to take pictures.


There is a mountain in Spence’s Bridge that is named Aurthers seat, it sits on the ashcroft side of the river and many people like to come and hike up to the top so they can look over Spence’s bridge and look around at the scenery. The hike is quite a large one yes but it is worth the time it takes for that beautiful view.

Attached below is a very lovely picture from back in the day of it.


The Nicola river is a great place to go and swim with your family or if you just want to have a quick dip in the water. You can just go over and have a swim and then you can go on with your day. The local reserve is known for bringing the kids over there on a hot day so they can cool off and have some fun


We have an RV lot here so if you would like to come and just stay in Spence’s bridge for a few night you are more then welcome to do so. The RV lot is called Acacia Grove, there are a few cabins ther as well so you don’t need to bring an RV if those are open


At the band office you can potentially rent out the gym to put on youth programs and basketball nights to entertain the youth within the community. (As of right now you can potentially rent out the gym if you are a band member, however this is not a gaurentee due to covid 19 restrictions)


There are two fruit stands in the area which are Hill Top gardens, and Secret Gardens, where you can get fruit and vegetables based on your liking. They are very friendly and super caring so feel free to go and see what type of fresh fruit and vegetables they have to offer

Photos from Spences  Bridge Community Resource 's post 21/10/2022

We have a small little volunteer fire department that you can join at any time to help the people stay safe from all the fires, p.s. it’s also a great workout. If you would like to join this department while living in town you are more than welcome to, they are always looking for more volunteers to help out.


This is part of the band office where the Hsew’en’scutxe (Hesh-Kwen-Chute) health office is, they do home visits on the elders of our community and make sure that they are all up to date on their medication. Unfortunately we do not have a hospital, police station, or gas station so you will have to travel to the closest one which is Ashcroft, about 30-45 minute drive. The health services society offers check ups, they put up vaccination clinics at least twice a year. Their hours of operation are from 8am-4pm


We have a small little cafe here, it’s a really nice place to go and have a nice time and meet new people from within the town. It has a very polite staff who make sure that you always have a good time.


This is the beautiful waterfall that comes from Murray Creek that runs throughout the mountains behind Spence’s Bridge. There is a trail that you can hike along to be able to get to the bottom of the waterfall and if you like being outdoors you are able to hike along the side of the waterfall to get to the top and see how everything up there flows down to the bottom. This is a great way to get out of your house for a while and get to know the nature around Spence’s Bridge


We have plenty of sheep here, they often go on the highway so please be careful. You may see 2-4 little baby sheep in the summer time, there are also 2 big rams here so you will often see at least one. This is just one part of our wildlife we also have beavers and river otters over at the mouth of the Nicola river.


This is an informational page for the resources that are offered in Spences Bridge so this page will have things such as the youth items provided, health, outdoor activities and much more!
