

AI Driven Business Conversational Platform. Making Business Conversations Richer. With full history and data storage of chats. Agents versus Chatbots?

Easy customer chat interaction
hi.guru manages the Facebook Messenger and mobile instant messaging customer service interaction between a customer and the brand, quickly and effectively. Easy agent interface
The hi.guru interface/desktop enables the agents to quickly and effectively resolve queries for service, sales and back office functions. The agent interface is customizable and integrates int


Empower your service or support teams to be the best. 👍🥇

​Never underestimate the importance of live chats for customer support, 44% of online customers say that replies from the platform are one of the most relevant features of a website. ​

Sign up for free today: https://t.ly/yuJr


With our easy-to-use instant conversational platform, you can stay ahead of the game and deliver next-level customer service!​

Send and receive direct messages to and from your customers; share documents, links, photos, videos, and GIFs; make video calls, and send audio messages without leaving the platform.​

Interested? Sign up for free today: https://t.ly/yuJr


We are in an age of instant gratification and chat applications play a vital role in helping us stay connected and get answers to our questions as quickly as we need them ​👍😁

​hi.guru's smart integrated conversational platform provides fast, real-time communication with your customers, around the globe.​

​Take advantage of our easy-to-use platform today.​

​Chat with us to find out more.

​ ​


Today, we celebrate a momentous occasion in South African history, Freedom day.

Happy Freedom Day to all our South African clients, partners, and staff.


What are your customers’ preferred channels of communication? 👍☎️🖥💻​

Whether it be via WhatsApp, Webchat, Twitter, Telegram, or Facebook, that's where you need to be, and we can help. ​

Chat with us now to get started or to learn more: https://t.ly/iDQ6


Wishing you and your loved ones, a wonderful Easter.


Take your WhatsApp for Business to the next level with hi.guru!

· Manage your WhatsApp chats and video chats
across multiple teams and users
· Leverage hi.guru chatbots to provide blended
automation and routing to the ideal team or person
· Build a unified contact across multiple
communication channels
· Increase understanding of engagements by
utilising hi.guru's conversation metrics

Chat with us to get started:


Even though many factors influence an organization's ability to pivot, disrupt, and lead, efficiency and technology stand out as key elements in reducing costs and improving operations and service. When a business runs smoothly, employees spend less time on unproductive tasks and more time on high-level assignments.

Visit our website to learn more: https://hi.guru


As drives social distancing within our communities, the need for businesses to communicate with staff & customers via chat solutions has increased. Let us help your business with this exact need! Visit us at https://hi.guru


How Leveraging Chatbots Internally Drives Staff Productivity

Many enterprises are turning to to improve productivity within their organizations. But can a be so helpful that it impacts both staff behavior & increases their productivity? Forbes Shep Hyken

forbes.com In cases where employees adopt an organization’s chatbot for their own productivity gains, enterprises should encourage them to use it.


Five Ways To Elevate Your Digital Presence Using Chatbots

No matter how well-established your might be already, integrating technology can help to virtually transform even the soundest strategies both on and offline.
Forbes shares more: http://ow.ly/yQgc50xRTxP

forbes.com Chatbots can act as your company’s all-in-one customer service agent, sales representative and brand ambassador.


5 Amazing Examples Of Natural Language Processing (NLP) In Practice

1 of the most revolutionary things can do is speak, write, listen & understand human language. is a form of AI that extracts meaning from human language to make decisions based on the information.
Bernard Marr shares more on this.

forbes.com Natural language processing (NLP), the ability for a computer to understand the meaning of human language, was a groundbreaking feat to accomplish. Today, NLP impacts many of our everyday tasks such as writing emails and asking for directions from Siri.


From all of us to all of you....


6 Easy Ways to Use A Messenger Chatbot And See Results Right Now

The world of digital marketing is moving faster than ever, and it can be hard to know which “trend” you should jump on and which you should let slide to the side. Check out this post from on how the is a trend worth exploring.


forbes.com A quarter of all downloaded apps are abandoned after a single use. Only instant messaging bucks the trend. Over 2.5 billion people have at least one messaging app installed. Within a couple of years, that will reach 3.6 billion, about half of humanity.


10 Considerations When Looking To Implement Instant Messaging For Business

The use of has grown from its early days as a casual method to keep in touch with friends and family. Today, instant messaging offers multiple benefits from a business perspective, including scheduling and managing remote work or teams, this can be especially handy during the festive season.


forbes.com Instant or private messaging can be a remarkable tool to keep teams in touch, or share ideas with clients, but there can be risks. Here are some things to consider before deciding which system or platform to go with.


AI Technology Advancement - Cooperation Is The Key Initiative - hi.guru

is another of our time, and just like its predecessors, it will have a profound impact on our existence.

Learn more: http://ow.ly/LPA350xykQT

hi.guru With improvements in AI technology, a proliferation of robots are now among us, so it's important to remember that humans and machines have a lot in common.


Make Your Company More Efficient in 2020 with Technology - hi.guru

Greater efficiency doesn’t appear overnight or without planning. If you’re forecasting for 2020 and wondering how to take your business efficiency levels up a notch, try these strategies.


hi.guru Many factors influence an organization’s ability to disrupt, & lead, efficiency & technology stand out as must-have elements to improve operations.


Conversational Interfaces and Chatbots are Reshaping Labor Management - hi.guru

How would your workday change if you could converse with a computer as if it was a human?

Learn more: http://ow.ly/qzej50xtpFA

hi.guru AI-powered conversational interfaces and chatbots are removing the friction from management processes and helping managers realize new gains in efficiency.


How Conversational AI Will Eliminate Common Frustrations - hi.guru

One of the biggest advantages of conversational AI is how easy and intuitive it is to use. It’s also one of the reasons why conversational AI technology has become so pervasive in our daily lives in such a short amount of time. The benefits of this in the consumer space are now being carried over to the business world and eliminating long-standing frustrations in the process.


hi.guru With the rise of Conversational AI, we explore how these useful technologies will make life better in most offices and even create work.


Conversational AI Can Enable Greater Business Efficiencies - hi.guru

It’s no surprise that the banks are leaders when it comes to implementing intelligent digital solutions, with 41% of banks reporting the use of . But are they making the best use of this Conversational AI technology?

hi.guru Conversational AI is maturing, allowing enterprises to elevate their chatbots to way beyond the simple tasks they might have been initially deployed for.


Why Conversational AI is Set to Bloom - hi.guru

Did you know that by 2020, 50% of analytical queries will be generated via search, NLP or voice, or will be automatically generated using Conversational ?

Learn more: http://ow.ly/xnjo50xgM1e

hi.guru By 2020, 50% of analytical queries will be generated via search, NLP or voice, or will be automatically generated using conversational AI.


How Conversational AI Increases Your Competitive Edge - hi.guru

Did you know that is a key element in ? Its use throughout the business will ultimately grow from customer-facing applications to improving almost every internal process.
Shep Hyken
Learn more: http://ow.ly/ZJBz50xezw9

hi.guru Conversational AI is changing customer interaction. Using a conversational AI platform can increase your competitive edge & improve customer engagement.


hi.guru | Chatbots and AI - Practical Artificial Intelligence Applications

Did you know that the use of chatbots for customer service across every industry is rapidly rising? A recent “State of Service” survey of 3,500 customer service agents and decision-makers, conducted by my company, found that 53% of customer service organizations expect to use chatbots within the next 18 months.
Want to know more, check out https://hi.guru/ai-chatbots/ and see how we combine the power of and human brilliance to enhance customer service.


hi.guru Our communication channels combine the power of human interaction and AI providing solutions to business, helping improve customer service levels.Together our chatbots,humans and AI can form cohesive teams, answering questions, even when they are complex.


Trends to Enhance Digital Transformation - hi.guru

By introducing a digital transformation strategy businesses globally are able to adapt and meet the needs of their talent and customers more effectively. Check out these trends from CMSWire to learn more.

hi.guru By introducing a digital transformation strategy businesses globally are able to adapt and meet the needs of their talent and customers more effectively.


Earlier this year, Google announced they had around one billion voice-enabled devices in the market, meaning 1 in every 7 humans on the planet is engaging with one. With the surge in bot usage, new research has found that only 38% of consumers would prefer to talk to a human over engaging with a bot.

With hi.guru we can help bring your business into the new tech era by integrating a chatbot that can converse with your consumers instantly. Visit https://hi.guru to find out more.


How Chatbots Improve Customer Experience - hi.guru

Did you know that 80% of businesses will utilize some form of chatbot automation by 2020? That’s because or AI-powered digital agents – allow businesses to be more accessible to consumers and connect in a conversational way.


hi.guru From retail to travel, chatbots are there to help improve the customer experience, acting as the always-on, always-ready assistants your customers want.


The Future of Customer Service Is AI-Human Collaboration - hi.guru

By combining and Humans to form the all-powerful AI-Human customer service agent enables a positive customer experience. Keen to know more and just how this can be achieved? Read more:

hi.guru Successful AI-Human powered customer service systems will largely depend on bots working with humans, not replacing them.


Chatbots and AI are Helping Businesses Grow - hi.guru

To ensure customer retention, businesses must keep their communication with their customers strong & engage with them using their channel of choice. Read more on how can help businesses achieve this.
Shep Hyken Harold Sinnott


hi.guru Companies are integrating technologies such as Chatbots in their operational processes to generate more revenue and serve their customers more successfully.


hi.guru saves your business time and money

Agent labor is the biggest expense for a contact center, therefore time efficiency is 1 of the biggest challenges. With https://hi.guru we help businesses save time & enhance customer conversations through the use of process bots & Natural Language Understanding or .


Did you know! More than 1 in 2 customers surveyed across 15 markets consider the “modern way to communicate.” Does your provide its with an easy way to communicate? Visit https://hi.guru to check out our instant messaging solution.
Shep Hyken

Videos (show all)

With our easy-to-use instant conversational platform, you can stay ahead of the game and deliver next-level customer ser...
What are your customers’ preferred channels of communication? 👍☎️🖥💻​Whether it be via WhatsApp, Webchat, Twitter, Telegr...
Wishing you and your loved ones, a wonderful Easter.#higuru #Easter2022
Smart Instant Business Conversation Tool
hi.guru AI-Driven Conversation Platform
