Smudges and Me Home

Smudges and Me Home

...for favors, for gifts or just because...

Timeline photos 27/11/2013

Smudges and Me are soooooo thankful to all our fans and our families this holiday season ( and for treatrs!). May your family be blessed as well..


Since it is CEO Smudges' birthday today (he turns the big 6), he has given us the day off! Well actually, he only gave himself the day off..Koko and I are still working. Oh well! Happy birthday Mudge!

Timeline photos 19/05/2013

Specially Ordered Candles - Lavendar scented - ready for their new home!


Mango/ Papaya, Fruit Slices, Beach Daisies, Pin Colada, Coconut...just some of the Summer Scents we are working on. This house smells beautiful and so Summery!

Timeline photos 12/05/2013

Smudges and Me want to wish all the mommies out there a Happy, Happy Mother's Day!


Just wondering out loud...will our Citronella candles keep away the 17 year Cicadas that are on their way???

Timeline photos 04/05/2013

That's right: BACON SCENTED CANDLES! They smell great! THe only bad part - you will want a BLT while it is burning


Well our mini-vacation is coming to an end and back to candle making! Looking forward to smelling all those Summer-y scents around the house - orange, coconut, pina colada, pineapple, beach daisies (smells like suntan lotion!), watermelon, bacon (sorry - Smudges threw that one in.) Pictures to follow...

Timeline photos 31/03/2013

We hope you are celebrating this beautiful day. Happy Easter to all..from Smudges and Me (and Koko too)


O M G! Well today I received the fragrance to make the bacon scented candles and I think this is going to be quite nice! We were taking a little "Spring Break" here at SAMHC and planning to get back into the groove of candle making and reed diffuser production in April but something tells me I may have to make a bacon scented candle TODAY! (I can deal with my car that is still not starting tomorrow. I got bacon scented candles to make!!!)


So Smudges has approved the new Reed Diffuser line for Smudges and Me Candles! Wait - does this mean we have to change the company name?!?!?! Back to that later. We (a-hem - KATHLEEN!) will start this asap and post some information and pictures soon. I think I can even manage to get Smudges to let us have a give-away to promote the new line and maybe, just maybe, discounted prices in the beginning. Stay tuned all you Smudgey lovers!


Smudges is always thinking of new ways of making his customers happy. He was wondering what you all think of Reed Diffusers to compliment your Smudges and Me Candles. Ideas?

Untitled album 09/03/2013

More Easter and Spring Candles!


Blueberry+Banana. That's all we are saying....


On today's "menu", so far we have made Lemon Cake candles (my personal favorite - I burn this one all the time in the house), Pink Roses, and Blueberry/ Lemon. Spring has sprung in the SAM HQs!


In case anyone is wondering, Watermelon scented candles smell divine!!!! Testing new scents out at the ol' homestead

Easter and Spring 2013 23/02/2013

Pink Grapefruit in a pretty little flower pot! A refreshing scent and very Spring-like. Part of the Easter and Spring line


It's a rainy, cold Saturday and I have a sinus headache. There is an "I Love Lucy" marathon on today. Do you think I can get my boss to let me lay on the couch and watch it or will he make me work on Easter/ Spring candles???


Smudges had me working on my day off! Hrmff! But we have some great things coming up for Easter and Spring. Like multi-colored candles in pastel colors (think Easter Eggs) in great scent combos like grape/ raspberry and watermelon/ orange and blueberry/ lemon. And how about Fresh Rain to remind us that April showers bring us May flowers?

Easter and Spring 2013 18/02/2013

Time for the Easter Egg hunt! Well I guess these are easy to find in the clear CHOCOLATE smelling gel wax.

Easter and Spring 2013 17/02/2013

Easter and Spring 2013

Timeline photos 21/01/2013

I was in the mood for some applie pie...

Timeline photos 20/01/2013

Ya gotta BELIEVE that better days are ahead....


As I light this candle,
I bid the Old Year farewell,
With gratitude for milestones passed,
And memories cherished.
And I welcome the New Year in
With love and warmth and blessings.
That the quality of this new year be assured,
I now dedicate a moment to visioning
Some ways to make this year
A year of excellence,
A year of fortune.
And thus do my wishes for the year
take on their own life and purpose.
So does the year itself
take on a glowing life and power;
A bright year, a bold year,
a golden year, a year of magic!
So may this year bring luck,
and peace, and prosperity
to one and all.


Timeline photos 24/12/2012

This should say "by the Smudges and Me Candle of Christmas" but you know what it means. Merry Christmas to to you and your families from Smudges, Kathleen and little Koko too. Enjoy your festivities with candles glowing!

Timeline photos 25/11/2012

Save the Date! Next Saturday 12/1 11 - 5 come to the Secaucus Rec Center and support local vendors and get some shopping done too!

Timeline photos 23/11/2012

Smudges is such a tough boss! Here he is supervising me getting the candles ready for the Secaucus Bazaar next weekend. Man! he has is paws in everything!


Making Cinnamon scented candles today for the Secaucus Holiday Bazaar and the house smells yummy! I can't wait to post some pictures of all the lovely candles we have. Great for gifts (including gifts for yourself!)


We are trying to get back to normal here in NJ so we are working on Holiday candles for the Secaucus Holiday Bazaar on 12/1/12. The house smells like clove and gingerbread - 2 of our favorite scents. Putting together some great gift ideas. So excited!


I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Saturday! (at least it is beautiful here in NJ.) We are working on some great candles for the Holidays. As soon as we find our camera, pictures will be posted. (Shhhh....Smudges doesn't know it's missing. Otherwise he would scold me!)


Question: Would you buy a bacon-scented candle for yourself and someone else? I personally love the smell of bacon and think that it would be a hit with the guys. What do you think?


Hi everyone! I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weekend. Even though it's not even Halloween yet, Smudges and Me are hard at work today working on candles for the Secaucus Christmas Bazaar which will be December 1 at the Secaucus Rec Center. (Truth be told, "Me" is doing all the work while Smudges is laying on the couch snoring away. It's good to be the boss I guess.) Pictures to follow. So what are some scents that remind you of the holidays?


Smudges has me working hard today finishing up favors and centerpieces for Cindi & Vinny's wedding in September. I can't wait until we can post some pictures. Tables and favors are going to be magical!

Timeline photos 06/07/2012

Here it is! Our citronella candle to get those bugs to BUG OFF! With a little bit of lemon and eucalyptus scents added, it's a pleasant smelling candle that really works to keep the bugs away. It's a 12 oz candle in a 4" tall, 3" diameter apothecary jar with lid. Only $7. What a bargain!