Live From the Afterlife

Live From the Afterlife

Listen to live recordings of actual sessions of spirit communication. The insights of spirit guide R

Halloween » Spiritual Persistence Blog 31/10/2020


Halloween » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

Some call it Hell, we call it rehab and opportunity » Spiritual Persistence Blog 08/10/2020

"You know how people like to think bad people will go someplace bad. I want to clear up this." --Rikkity

Some call it Hell, we call it rehab and opportunity » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!

To sit silently » Spiritual Persistence Blog 01/10/2020

Have you ever experienced a spiritual and essential connection? One that was not based on what has been nor on promises of what is yet to be, but a connection simply and profoundly in itself?

To sit silently » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!

Are your wildest dreams really that wild? » Spiritual Persistence Blog 24/09/2020

A physical journey can lead to a spiritual journey.

Are your wildest dreams really that wild? » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!

Incompleteness » Spiritual Persistence Blog 17/09/2020

“So, we were talking about the inherent incompleteness of every unfulfilled entity and how that is not brokenness and certainly not sin, but opportunity. Without any degree of being unfulfilled there would be no spiritual progress."


Incompleteness » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!

A message about rights from TJ » Spiritual Persistence Blog 13/09/2020

“I implore you, heed well the language: How often the leader places himself at the center of the words, and how often he speaks of values more than self.”

A message about rights from TJ » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

How the afterlife is like a car care center » Spiritual Persistence Blog 10/09/2020

People envision the afterlife in many different ways, but what if we envisioned it as inclusive of all those ways? What would that look like? 🤔

How the afterlife is like a car care center » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!

Our own assets » Spiritual Persistence Blog 03/09/2020

Ever feel like you're not enough?

Our own assets » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!

Ultimate Jeopardy » Spiritual Persistence Blog 16/08/2020

“They can’t see beyond ego.” This continues the "Me or We?" conversation with a Q&A about differentialists.

Ultimate Jeopardy » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

Window spirits » Spiritual Persistence Blog 13/08/2020

Have you ever met a window spirit?

Window spirits » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!

Me or We? » Spiritual Persistence Blog 09/08/2020

Do you need radical independence or inclusive interdependence?

Me or We? » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

Turn on the lights » Spiritual Persistence Blog 02/08/2020

If we've never experienced something it can be scary! How do we deal with it? 😨

Turn on the lights » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

Yesterday’s heresy becomes today’s orthodoxy ... yesterday’s chaos becomes today’s normal. 28/07/2020

The latest episode is up and ready for you -- come have a listen. (This one is really apropos for the times we are living through!)

Yesterday’s heresy becomes today’s orthodoxy ... yesterday’s chaos becomes today’s normal. Quickly and easily listen to Live from the Afterlife for free!

Step away from the microcosm » Spiritual Persistence Blog 26/07/2020

Step away from the microcosm » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

The meaning of life is a matrix » Spiritual Persistence Blog 19/07/2020

The meaning of life is a matrix » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend


There's a new podcast waiting for you:

think about this:

"[Most people] want confirmation, not challenge. And those who get with us through loss want to be assured of what they've found, not of what they have yet to explore, because the loss was so painful they want to avoid other change--which is, as we all know, loss. So 'Confirm what I have learned so far through my losses, but don't push me to maybe lose more.'

and now hear it as it is being received:

How are rock layers a model of meaning? » Spiritual Persistence Blog 12/07/2020

How are rock layers a model of meaning? » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

Nobody is perfect » Spiritual Persistence Blog 09/07/2020

Nobody is perfect » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!

A 4th of July message from TJ » Spiritual Persistence Blog 04/07/2020

A 4th of July message from TJ » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

How is spiritual fulfillment like cooking? » Spiritual Persistence Blog 28/06/2020

How is spiritual fulfillment like cooking? » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

Emptiness or Potential 25/06/2020

Here's the latest podcast - discussing "Emptiness or Potential"

Emptiness or Potential Quickly and easily listen to Live from the Afterlife for free!

Is complexity better? » Spiritual Persistence Blog 25/06/2020

Is complexity better? » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!

A message about invention from LD » Spiritual Persistence Blog 21/06/2020

A message about invention from LD » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

Pinned Butterflies 16/06/2020

Come and hear the latest message received live from the afterlife - about pinned butterflies, absolute truths, and the fallacy of imposing the physical onto the spiritual.

Pinned Butterflies Quickly and easily listen to Live from the Afterlife for free!

A message from Papa on his birthday » Spiritual Persistence Blog 14/06/2020

A message from Papa on his birthday » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

A simple message » Spiritual Persistence Blog 11/06/2020

A simple message » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!

Meaning and Responsibility 10/06/2020

There is a new podcast up ... on "Meaning and Responsibility" - come and hear it as it is received from spirit, and ponder the meaning of the message.

(and a reminder -- in the player which opens if you click on the "notes" you will see the text of the conversation to follow along with the audio of the actual "call.")

Meaning and Responsibility Quickly and easily listen to Live from the Afterlife for free!

Many representations, same spirit » Spiritual Persistence Blog 07/06/2020

Many representations, same spirit » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

Particulars and universals » Spiritual Persistence Blog 04/06/2020

Particulars and universals » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!

Inclusion and Connection 01/06/2020

Inclusion and Connection Quickly and easily listen to Live from the Afterlife for free!

What is the worst punishment? » Spiritual Persistence Blog 31/05/2020

What is the worst punishment? » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend

Meaning and understanding » Spiritual Persistence Blog 28/05/2020

Meaning and understanding » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!

What is between isolation and interactions as usual? » Spiritual Persistence Blog 17/05/2020

What is between isolation and interactions as usual? » Spiritual Persistence Blog Share with your connections!Saturday Pith: Something to ponder over the weekend