CGC Stem 4 - Emtech Group 3

CGC Stem 4 - Emtech Group 3

For School Purposes

Choose STEM strand for a better future 20/11/2023

Having a hard time choosing the right senior high strand?
Check out this link!!
This will help you to decide which strand if the best choice.

Choose STEM strand for a better future Once students reach the critical stage in high school when they must choose their desired academic strand, it is essential to analyze the po...

Photos from CGC Stem 4 - Emtech Group 3's post 17/11/2023

These are some infographics that may offer you practical advice on how to make your life better.💜

Always remember that "It is not selfish to love oneself" and
"Use your advantages in technology in a wise and good way".🤍



Did you know?
The first computer mouse was made in 1964 by Doug Engelbart. It was rectangular and made from wood!

Development of the mouse began in the early 1960s by SRI International's Douglas Engelbart, while he was exploring the interactions between humans and computers. Bill English, then the chief engineer at SRI, built the first computer mouse prototype in 1964. Designs with multiple buttons soon followed



Did you know?
Motorola produced the first-ever portable mobile phone.

In 1983, Motorola paved the way for smartphone manufacturing companies by creating the first portable phone called DynaTAC 8000X. It is bulky and has keypads and an antenna.



Did you know?
Facebook was originally a directory of freshmen with their names and pictures.

It’s a book of faces! Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard colleagues created a digital book of new students with their faces on it. Since then, Facebook has become the leading social networking website in the world.


Another Trivia!

Did you know?
On average, people read 10% slower from a screen than from paper.


Another TechFact✅

Did you know?
The two main components in IT are hardware and software. But there is also a lesser known ‘grey’ component. It is known as ‘firmware’.

Firmware is a specific class of computer software that provides the low-level control for a device's specific hardware. It provides instructions to help hardware start up, communicate with other devices, and perform basic input/output tasks.


Trivia of the day!

Did you know?
On average, there is only one reply per 12 million spam emails sent.


In the ever-changing digital world of the 21st century, it is essential that learners are aware of the necessary security measures when sharing information online. With the growth of social media platforms, online transactions and digital communications, the need to protect personal information and maintain security online has become paramount.

Above all, learners should be careful with the information they share online. It's essential to pay attention to personal information, such as addresses, phone numbers or financial information, which can easily be exploited by bad actors. It is essential to only share this information with trusted sources or platforms that have secure encryption protocols. Second, learners should familiarize themselves with the privacy settings available on different platforms. By carefully configuring privacy settings, users can control who can access their personal information and posts. Regularly reviewing and updating these settings is important to maintain control of your digital privacy.

Additionally, it's essential to use strong and unique passwords for each online account. Learners should avoid using common, easy-to-guess passwords and should combine upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. Two-factor authentication should also be enabled where possible, adding an additional layer of protection.

Ultimately, it's important to be skeptical and cautious when interacting with others online. Learners should be wary of phishing attempts, suspicious links, or unsolicited emails that may attempt to extract personal information. By performing online activities carefully and using critical thinking skills, learners can protect themselves from cyber threats.

In short, as 21st century learners navigate the digital world, they must prioritize online safety when sharing information. This involves being cautious about what information is shared, configuring privacy settings, using strong passwords, and being suspicious of potential threats. By staying informed and proactive, learners can safely navigate the vast digital landscape and protect their personal information online.


In the ever-evolving world we live in, Technology plays a huge role in our daily life. Technology has become an inseparable part of our life. It made our daily work easier and faster. For example in means of transportation, through the use of vehicles.

Furthermore, technology is also the reason for fast communication, through the use of different devices such as phones and telephones.

Additionally, it also helps us in the medical field, through the help of technology our doctor can easily determine the patient's disease or illness. In general, it can be said that technology is the center of living now considering that our life is surrounded by technology.

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STEM 4 GROUP 3 is a group of enthusiastic students that are interested in research and development for original projects and demanding assignments. Our aim is to prepare other students to have a strong work ethic so you can devote the necessary time and effort to completing a task or project creatively ( we also post memes here 😉). Our goal is to establish a reputation as a multifaceted group of students locally. Our Group is built upon a culture of respect, honesty, teamwork, and a philosophy that ensures the provision of value and quality in every task we perform.