NO for DRUGS - لا للمخدرات
Welcome to the No for Drugs fb page. This page is for anyone against the use of any type of drugs and all you do is work, gym, eat and sleep :)
Raise your hands if you don't smoke ci******es and won't allow these toxins in your body 🖐🤛💪👍 Ci******es is the worst thing you can put in your body and will ease the entrance of any other drug to your system.
They say w**d is good but it is a gateway drug to more stronger drugs.
Long-Term Effects of Cannabis on Brain Structure - Neuropsychopharmacology The dose-dependent toxicity of the main psychoactive component of cannabis in brain regions rich in cannabinoid CB1 receptors is well known in animal studies. However, research in humans does not show common findings across studies regarding the brain regions that are affected after long-term exposu...
Raise your hands if you don't do alcohol, w**d or any drugs :)
Raise your hand if you dont do any drugs nor alcohol 💪
Ma*****na users more likely to need emergency care and hospitalization, study finds Story at a glance Cannabis users were 22 percent more likely than those who don’t use to land in the emergency room or become hospitalized for any reason, suggesting use of the drug may be ass…
Raise your hands if you don't do drugs and live a clean life👐
Frequent ma*****na smoking linked to higher risk of heart attack, study suggests People who smoked ma*****na more than once per month were more likely to have their first heart attack before age 50, new research found.*****na-use-disorder-may-make-you-sick
Too Much Ma*****na Can Make You Unpleasantly, Dangerously Sick Too Much Ma*****na Can Make You Unpleasantly, Dangerously Sick
Not too many paths when you do drugs
Affects of Alcohol on brain :(
How To Help Prevent Your Teen From Using Drugs & Alcohol It is most likely for someone to start trying drugs during their teenage years, and starting drug or alcohol use as a teen can lead to drug or alcohol addiction and other health problems later in life. Learn how to help prevent your teen from using drugs and alcohol below.
اهلا وسهلا بصفحتكم صفحة ضد المخدرات
Great Job New Zealand, way to go!!!
New Zealand to ban smoking for next generation in bid to outlaw habit by 2025 Legislation will mean people currently aged 14 and under will never be able to legally purchase to***co
Who is going to give it thumbs up 👍
A great article that shows the benefits of regular exercising.
The benefits of exercise for your physical and mental health Even a small amount of exercise can have both curative and preventive health benefits. This article looks at the benefits of exercise for both the mind and body.
Always with no U turn
Healthy Life style = Great :)