CR Dunham Author Page

CR Dunham Author Page

page for amateur author CR Dunham

A Good, and Just Man 17/01/2021

Starting tomorrow Jan 18th through Jan 22nd

My short story is completely FREE on Amazon.

I'll I ask is that you get it, read it and leave a review.

A Good, and Just Man A Good, and Just Man

A Good, and Just Man 07/05/2020


Yup sure did, October of last year, anyways I was thinking since we're all stuck inside...I'm gonna run a promotion, starting 5/8/2020 through 5/12/2020 I'm offering my story for free.

Absolutely $0.00 over on Amazon!

Now you might be saying..."but CR, I don't own a Kindle so how can I possible read your work?" Never fear, there is an app for that in the play/app store. Just download the app and then go snag that story!

If you do grab it, please leave a review. It'll help my rankings and get others looking at my work. Thanks in advance!

A Good, and Just Man A Good, and Just Man

Photos from CR Dunham Author Page's post 01/01/2020

A Good, And Just Man is the first published short story published by CR Dunham. CR has written on and off all his whole life. He has a vivid imagination and a wicked sense of humor.

Buy/or get for free A Good, And Just Man on Amazon today!


It's been a minute since I've posted.

I'm sadly at a standstill right now. I need to purchase a laptop as my office is now the wife's work space.

I'm still cobbling ideas together via my phone, but have no real way to to sit down and write.

I got a lot of great abs positive feedback for my first story, though sales have not been the greatest. I am still working on my stories, just don't have the ability to write them out currently.

I did however create a language for the third story...well alpha characters anyways. I'll need to convert them from pen/paper into a font to use.

Just hang in there and I'll be back writing soon.


Get to it

Photos from CR Dunham Author Page's post 04/11/2019

If read many books over the course of my life. There are some though that have stuck with me. Some that helped inspire me to write, two of the books here are just that.

The Little Prince and A Wrinkle in Time were two mainstays on my childhood bookshelves. I read both more times than I can count.

I've been through at last 6 copies of a wrinkle in time due to it falling apart from being read so much.

I thought you might enjoy seeing some of my influences. Have a happy Monday!

Author CR Dunham (@OddWritez) | Twitter 29/10/2019

Follow me on Twitter: Author CR Dunham ():

Author CR Dunham (@OddWritez) | Twitter The latest Tweets from Author CR Dunham (). Amateur writer, Husband, Podcaster and all around odd-ball A Good, And Just Man on Amazon Kindle


I've always done things in an unorthodox manner. I'm very much following the beat of my own drum, that's why I jumped to publish my short story rather than posting it and working towards a bigger and bigger project.

Writing had been a private passion of mine for as long as I can remember. I was writing stories and simple comics (though I could not draw at all) since back in elementary school.
My mother even has a collection of some of my early work.

Procrastination always got the better of me and I'd lose focus or drive and leave stories half finished. I also lost a lot of my work over the years due to hard drive failures or just deleting them thinking they weren't good enough to continue.

It's scary putting pen to paper (metaphorically) because you're putting pieces of yourself out into the world for others to see and critique. It's hard to be happy with it, you always feel it should be our could be better.

It's for that reason that I jumped to publishing, because I hadn't then my story would have never seen the light of day. I have little to no patience and if it comes down to multiple rewrites, I'll likely abandoned the idea and start something new because I'm not a fan of being stuck on the same project for too long.

I'm trying to keep content flowing by digging up what I can find of my old work. It's a struggle because a lot of it had been lost to the digital sands of time.

Thanks for reading and being encouraging.
- C.R. Dunham

Come take your dose. 21/10/2019

I just posted this older piece via my if you'd like to check it out in full, you can find me at oddwritez over there.

Come take your dose. Originally written on October 19, 2007 Spiral bound thoughts encased in candy coated glossy enamel. Filling YOUR mind, seeping into the deepest darkest cracks of both the conscious and the...

Timeline photos 21/10/2019

Meet .w.raine. She's one of my and she's been supportive of my foray into and becoming a

You can find her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter ()

Check her out!

Timeline photos 20/10/2019

These are pretty big comparisons. I feel truly humbled.

Photos from CR Dunham Author Page's post 19/10/2019

I figured I'd share some of my favorite and

First up is by
Next is by and then there is by

A Good, and Just Man 18/10/2019

Please feel free to leave a review of you purchase or read.

A Good, and Just Man Arthur is a good and just man, he believes in God despite recently losing his wife to cancer. Today is his 78th birthday and everything he thought he knew is about to be thrown into upheaval. You see he is about to meet a man named Levi who has a story to tell Arthur. One you'll have to hear to b...


I've created a Tumblr, Twitter and an Instagram account for my writing efforts.

You can find them on each


Filed under old writings:

The following are five chapters written based off a Sims 4 game I started. The events within the game inspired me to adapt a story. Granted some liberties were taking with some of the game's mainstays such as the character of death/grim reaper, but us creative types tend to do that when we truly love something.

Chapter 1

Gideon who was an artist moved into San Myshuno

He had a modest apartment and was working his way up the ranks as a painter. One day he met Meredith, one of the women from a house of ill repute. Gideon and Meredith fell deeply in love, despite their given traits of non-committal. They dated and eventually Gideon offered Meredith a key to his place.

After some time they became best friends and each others true love. Gideon proposed and Meredith said yes. They packed up and moved to a slightly bigger place. Gideon was doing well as an artist and supported the household while Meredith started a career in comedy. As they both rose through the ranks of their respected careers they were happy and loving, then one day Meredith sat Gideon down and told him she was pregnant. They were both overjoyed and began the process of moving to a newer and bigger place to accommodate the new bundle.

Joselynn was born, a musical prodigy raised in a loving and very artistic driven home. She was a straight A student and focused on learning to play all instruments. She grew up to become a beautiful teen that loved to play music and started composing works of her own. She’d go to the town square with Gideon and busk (play for money) while he sold his masterpieces.

Meredith was a success at comedy and the three of them were happy and progressing at their given talents. Then once again, Meredith sat Gideon down, this time with Joselynn and gave them both the good news that their family was once again about to grow.

Gotham was born, destined to become a brilliant writer. Once again a straight A creative child was in the world. The family was as happy as they could be, but then tragedy struck the home and it would forever change one of them.

Chapter 2

Meredith died suddenly from hysterics in front of Joselynn, distraught and overwhelmed something inside Joselynn snapped. As the grim reaper loomed over her mother’s body, ready to reap her soul and remove her from the world completely…she began to plead for her mother’s soul/life, but it was to no avail though the reaper did take pity and allow Meredith’s spirit to linger within the home.

Joselynn was changed, inside at out. As the years rolled by she became obsessed with witchcraft and the occult and set out on a quest to find the needed items to bring her mother back from the land of the beyond.

Many months had passed and Joselynn has gone mad from both watching her mother die and the search for all the ingredients needed to resurrect her mother. She spent weeks upon weeks searching for particular flowers and managed only to find a few sickly looking seeds. The last piece was a particular fish that was almost impossible to find. It was an angel fish, a fish that was put upon the earth by death himself in scarcity due to it spiritual properties.

Death wasn’t a bad guy, he had a job to do and didn’t really enjoy it. He had a heart and hated taking people’s loved ones, but again he had a job to do and couldn’t shirk responsibilities due to his own debts and troubles. That didn’t mean he had to play by the rules. He was the one who planted the idea of bringing Meredith back into Joselynn’s conscientiousness. Ultimately being what truly drove her to madness.

Death was keeping an eye on Joselynn and her progress in finding all the ingredients and he was in trouble for it too. This is why she was only ever able to fins seeds for certain flowers and why their quality was less than ideal. He had to cover himself because his own bosses were onto him and his antics with the mortals. He was instructed to make her quest seem futile and remove as much hope as possible.

Playing God is not for mortals, but the knowledge existed for ages on how to bring back a loved one. It had been passed down for eons through the spiritual mortals, hidden away in cryptic texts and symbols throughout the land. Unless your family was one of the great wielders of magic and it’s ways, you were never meant to discover the ancient volumes on the subject. This is where death broke the rules, this is were death showed his heart.

Chapter 3

Joselynn spent more weeks upon weeks fishing and searching every pond, stream and river she could find for the mystical angel fish, but to no avail and she was about to give up hope until she found a scrap of paper tucked into an old book hidden in the back of a library. She was searching for information on the angel fish looking for anything that would lead her to being able to catch one. There were no baits or tricks to be found either on the internet nor in any books. Most books denied the actual existence of such a fish. Then one afternoon as she was about to give up all hope, she found a book covered in dust tucked into a bin of books marked for destruction. Most of the other books in the been were tattered and torn beyond repair, but this book was just covered in dust and had no visible damage beyond some yellowed pages. The book itself was in a language that she had never seen before. She thumbed through the pages and as she neared the back of the book she noticed graffiti that peaked her curiosity.

“For those who have lost, for those that seek what seems to be unfound, pull back the binding and be rebound” This coupled with arrows point to the back cover of the book made her mind race, she couldn’t believe her eyes and wasn’t sure she should believe what she was seeing as her mind and eyes often lied and played tricks on her. She flipped to the back of the book and didn’t see anything, she examined the back cover from every possible angle and couldn’t find anything. She sat on the floor of the library and sadness began to fill her and the room. The wind out side began to blow harder and rain started to fall. Joselynn started to let her mind take over and the madness crept in. As it crawled over her mind and seeped into every crack she started laughing manically and clawing at herself and her surroundings. She had snapped and it was finally showing outwardly. She ripped the book in half and let out a scream that echoed through the halls of the library.

Filled with the darkness, Joselynn heard a voice that she hadn’t heard in months. Meredith had come to Joselynn, they were psychically linked due to a few errors in spell-casting that Joselynn had made early on. Though it seems that what Joselynn had thought was just another symptom of the madness was now proving to be a reality and a saving grace.

Meredith knelt beside her ailing daughter and wrapped her spectral arms around her, though cold and lacking physical form, the hug filled Joselynn with warmth and began to drive out the darkness from her mind. For the first time on a very long time she no longer felt crazy. Meredith quieted Joselynn’s mind and pointed to the book. Within the shredded binding was a scrap of paper with a map to Willow Creek and a message, “Find the tree, befriend the Tree, Follow the lights and sounds to the glade and there you will find the fish for which you wish”.

Meredith vanished and so had the madness for now, Joselynn did her best to clean up around her and quickly departed for Willow Creek. She had no clue what tree she was looking for, but she had a feeling that she’d know and feel it when she had found the right tree. At least that is what she hoped.

Death smiled, he knew it wouldn’t be long now. It had taken some doing to slip through time undetected to place the map within the binding of the book. He wasn’t sure that he was successful in going unseen. Only time would tell, messing in the affairs of mortals was highly restricted and it came with a heavy price for both the mortals and himself. He didn’t want either side to have to pay for his meddling again. That’s what got him into this situation in the first place, you see death was unheard of before this particular spirit had entered into the picture. He had made his mistakes and all of mortal kind had paid for it along with him. It was a very similar situation, trying to save a loved one from a disastrous fate.

Chapter 4

Death wasn’t always a reaper, at one time he was a spirit of creativity otherwise know as a muse. He was charged with inspiring mortals, invoking creativity in all of its forms by placing ideas within their minds for great works. He was given the task of inspiring a young woman named Sarynique, a mortal marked for becoming a great writer. She was a thin, and quite beautiful mortal who came from a spiritual line of mortals. Death often slipped into her mind at night while she slept and planted ideas for wonderful stories, but over the course of time he began to fall in love with Sarynique and shifted her creative mind to matters of the heart. Her stories began to take on a new life, once writing about fantastical creatures and amazing tales, she began to write about love and longing for ones you could not have.
Muses were forbidden from interacting with mortals directly, they were allowed to influence inspiration via dreams or day dreams only. Death was a lonely muse, he didn’t have many friends and was seen as an odd muse. He often spent time alone trying to create his own art and was unable to form any ideas for himself. Everything he tried to created failed to reach completion, such is the life of a muse which is why most never bothered trying. They knew they were unable and it didn’t bother the others.

Knowing he was unique made him feel lost, most of the mortals he had been paired with over the centuries were children. The creative spirit has to be instilled at a young age, but in this circumstance the powers above paired him with a young adult who had suffered a head trauma due to a fall. The powers were trying something new, seeing if a successful trait change could happen in an adult rather than from beginning in a child.

It was really luck of the draw that he had received this assignment, he had recently finished his last mortal inspiration and was the only one available to take on this new attempt at influencing mortals.

Two unique entities coupled together are bound to create unique situations and this pairing was no exception to that rule. Death had fallen in love with Sarynique, he felt they were one in the same and destined to be together in a form beyond simple muse and mortal. So he began plain seeds of romance and love within her writing ideals. Building a desire to be loved and love another in a mortal who was not slated for the love trait. The powers noticed, but did not act since thy knew it was impossible for a muse and mortal to be together.

Then, one night, he came to Sarynique’s dreams and revealed himself. He said who and what he was, that he had been with her for quite some time and that he loved her deeply. Sarynique woke up startled and in a full sweat. She barely remembered the dream, except for a few words that echoed through her entire being. “Call my name and I will be there”. Death had told her his real name, each muse had a name that was never given to their mortals. They existed only as creative constructs, and were often only ever referred to as the writing, painting or musical muse.

Sarynique had a name in her head for days after her startling dream. She couldn’t shake it, it was like a hypnotic song that played her mind and heart. It along with the words “Call my name and I will be there” were slowly driving her mad. Then one night as she lay in her bed unable to sleep she took a deep breath and said the name out loud. “Kefflan” she said it and the world shook, her room filled with brilliant light and the wind howled outside her room. She thought for sure she had just called forth some demon and that she and her village were now in danger.

The light and wind subsided and there stood a man, or at least she thought it was a man, it was at least man shaped. The moonlight shown into her room and the figure stepped into the light, when she was able to see it clearly she was struck with a bolt of lightning throughout her whole body. Every story and poem she had ever wrote came flooding into her mind as she recognized the man, he was the one from the dream and the man she wrote about in every story she had composed. The names and places were always different but the description of the man was always the same. She had never put it together until now, the man was this same man standing in front of her. Tall, dark skinned and with bright purple eyes.

“I was beginning to think you’d never say my name” Kefflan said, he was about to lose hope that he’d ever be able to truly talk with Sarynique. It had been many days since he came to her dreams and gave her his name. “W-w-who are you? W-w-what are you” asked Sarynique. Kefflan began to explain everything and as he did he could see Sarynique’s eyes widening with wonder and curiosity. He told her his story and that he has fallen in lover with her spirit, he told her that what he had done was forbidden but that he didn’t care what happened to him because he had to be with her. After he was done, they sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity. Then Sarynique smiled, outstretched her arm and took Kefflan’s hand and said “Come Kefflan, join me in my bed this night rather than my dreams. I don’t know why, but I feel safe with you and anyone who is willing to risk their own existence for me is worthy of my love and devotion.”. Kefflan was stunned and as he climbed into bed next to his mortal he began to worry of what the consequences of his action might be, but Sarynique leaned over and kissed him and all his worries and troubles melted away. They both slept peacefully that evening as did the whole of the world, it would be the first time for everyone to rest that well and sadly it would be the last.

Chapter 5

Kefflan and Sarynique spent the next morning laying in bed and talking about amazing and impossible things. Life, the universe and everything in it. As day turned to night they laughed and loved, but as the shadows grew longer they noticed how cold their air had gotten. It was summer but the wind blew like mid harvest season. Kefflan again began to worry, as his mind turned to what he had done and alarm went off. Loud and booming across the land, one Sarynique had never heard before, one the unfortunately Kefflan had. He turned and hugged Sarynique and time froze still and all of a sudden Kefflan vanished into a bright burning glow, Sarynique could only watch him disappear as she was stuck on her spot.

Kefflan reappeared, but standing in front of the powers that be. They told him he was foolish to think he’d get away with what he had done. That they knew everything and were very displeased in him, that they should have known better than to send the odd duck on this assignment. Kefflan tried to speak, but he found himself unable to do so. The powers that be then told him he was being given a new assignment and that is was a punishment to himself and to mortals for his actions. He had only himself to blame, and he shall be given a task that will always remind him of his misstep. In an instant he was transformed from his normal figure into a ghastly looking creation. Clad in a black hooded cloak, he felt disfigured internally. His skin burned and turned to ash until nothing but his bones were left visible. His heart stopped beating and crumbled through his now exposed ribcage, it fell to the ground and salted the earth beneath his feet.

The powers that be told him he had brought demise upon the land of mortals because of his actions, he was now a plague to mortal kind, that he would never again be welcomed and loved. He would be loathed and feared for what his presence meant. For he was now Death and the embodiment of sorrows and loss. He was told if he ever returned to see Sarynique there would be even dire consequences for them both. He was told that when she next slept that she would lose all creativity and that she would never again feel the inspiration of the muses. The powers then banished him from their sight.

He returned to his favorite quiet spot and rested upon a rock, as his hand touched the ground to sit he saw the grass begin to wilt and turn brown. He understood what they had done to him and what his new role meant for mankind. He was the reaper of the mortals, harvester of life and the drought of creation. He began to worry about Sarynique and what she would be thinking. He turned his eye to her and saw her sitting at her writing desk, crying and wailing for him to come back to her and explain. She howled his name, but it no longer summoned him for his name was no longer Kefflan. His name was now Death the destroyer of life. Most of his muse magic was gone, but he had one last spark of inspiration a trick up his sleeve. He knew more now than ever before and the combination of muse and this new spiritual being was an unholy marriage. He had a thought, for th first time ever he had his own thoughts and ideas. Ideas that didn’t evaporate as fast as they came to him. As he sit listening to Sarynique beg him to return he devised a plan. He knew she wouldn’t sleep until she saw him again, so he quickly created his own “art” blueprint.

Sarynique wailed for days, not sleeping and barely eating. Sadness and depression overwhelmed her and her heart ached. The world around her felt cold and empty, the candle light of life seemed to have been blown out for her and everyone else. No longer was the world a happy and carefree place, everyone seemed somber and distressed in some way and nobody knew what or why that was.

Then, on the third day of mourning her love, the world froze once again only this time she was able to move. A black mist crept into her room from the cracks of the walls and floor. She was scared, she had never seen something like this before and the smell that accompanied it was awful. It smelled of compost and extinguished fire. It turned her stomach and she screamed at it to leave her. It filled the room and began to take a shape, it stood tall as her ceiling and looked black as the night. It carried a harvesting scythe which it held in boney gnarled fingers. It had to hunch to fit into her room, she screamed once more at the figure “what are you!?”. It did not speak at first, it only pointed to her writing table. It raised it’s head and she say something familiar. Two purple glowing eyes, she reached for the hood and said “Kefflan?”. The figure turned away and pointed once again at the writing table.

Kefflan, now known as Death had lost the ability to speak to mortals. His voice he had found was now a raspy growl that seemed to instill fear, but he still retained his ability to reach into minds and implant thoughts. He spoke to Sarynique this way. “My dearest love, I am so sorry I left you. I have been punished for our love and all of mankind has been too. My name is now Death and you should never call for me after this. I am the reaper of life’s harvest. Mortals will now fear me, for if I appear it is to be their last day on the world. Fear not though, I am not here to take you. Though I am no longer a muse, I have one last inspiration for you. I want you to write and I will stay with you until you complete this work. I have devised a way for mortals to escape my grip and the grips of the powers that be. I am going to teach you things you never though possible and I want you to name it The Book of Life. I want you to write your story mixed into it. Our story too, and hidden within the text will be a coded message for mortals keen enough to decipher it, ever lasting life will be theirs.”

Sarynique didn’t question this figure, she knew in her heart it was Kefflan and that she had to do as he told her. She felt it in her bones that what he was doing was important. With time frozen, she wrote for 10 days straight. Never tiring and never needing water or food. Until the day she finished the manuscript. As she wrote the last word, the manuscript began to glow. She touched it and felt the warmth and love again. A single tear ran down her cheek. She told the figure that she was very tired and needed rest. He picked up the manuscript and it glowed even stronger. He told her to sleep and be burdened by this situation no more.

Sarynique laid down in her bed and time unfroze. Death had frozen time and in that frozen moment he and his actions were hidden. Sarynique lay there about to drift off to sleep, she asked “Will I see you again, in my dreams?” Death responded in her head “No my love, this will be the last time we see each other. I will never return, for if I do it will be to take your spirit from the land and I could never bare to do that. Worry not though, for when you wake up all will be forgotten. You will no longer remember me or the events that have transpired.”. Unable to stay awake any longer, Sarynique fell into a deep slumber. The ground began to shake again and the wind howled, the cries and screams of unknown creatures filled the surrounding area scaring all of the mortals. They heard a growling and raspy sounding noise and then it disappeared. They never knew that it was really Death professing his love for Sarynique and all mortals one last time.

Photos from CR Dunham Author Page's post 18/10/2019

Welcome to my author page. Here I'll post updates and older pieces I've written. Thank you for following.

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