Healthy & Toxic Relationships

Healthy & Toxic Relationships

Here you can find information about relationships. What’s healthy and what’s unhealthy, how to a



1. there isn’t kindness, there’s sarcasm & criticism & hostility

2. too much jealousy where there should be support

3. they are controlling and need to know everything

4. lots of grudges

5. not a lot of honesty

6. you are more stressed than relaxed

7. you are doing things that make you uncomfortable, for them

8. you are losing contact with your friends and family

9. lose time for the things you enjoy

10. you are worried or scared to bring up issues because of their reaction



1. the relationship is moving at a comfortable speed for both people, one doesn’t feel rushed to do things they aren’t ready for, or that they aren’t getting anywhere

2. there is mutual trust between both of you, neither of you are worried the other may do something to hurt the relationship

3. you can both be honest with each other without fearing how the other may respond

4. you both have space to be yourselves outside of the relationship

5. you have respect for each other and their beliefs, and love each other for who they are

6. equal efforts are being put into the relationship

7. you are both kind and caring towards each other

8. you are both mature and take responsibility for your mistakes rather than blaming it on the other

9. there is clear and calm communication about issues or disagreement that arise, and both compromise to reach a conclusion

10. you both enjoy spending time with each other and bring out the best in the other


There’s plenty of healthy relationships, and plenty of toxic relationships. There’s a blurry line somewhere in the middle that separates the two. It’s okay if you don’t know the difference yet. Many of people might not know if what’s going on is healthy or not. I hope to spread awareness and knowledge, and a safe place to ask questions if you need.
