The Fitness Writer

The Fitness Writer

The Fitness Writer produces premium, shareable, blog content in the health & fitness niche at highly competitive prices.

Start working ON your business, not IN it. Every day fitness entrepreneurs are wasting time on projects and tasks they could be outsourcing to an expert. Get high quality fitness content to build your online authority and drive sales- book a trial blog now.


Are you being a generic, faceless coach?

Is your content showing your personality and uniqueness, or is it just showing you can read from a text book?

Are you letting your audience get to know you and your brand, or are you keeping everything surface level?

Professionalism is great- but people buy from people.

Especially for something as intimate/trusting as coaching.

Don’t wear a mask online.


Warm Up Prospects for Your Free Opt-In…

In theory, giving away a free ebook or video series in exchange for an email address should be easy, right?

But, people are tired of spam, and less eager to trust anyone with a job title even remotely close to ‘Online Marketer’.

So, if they aren’t clicking on your ads for a free resource (which you will of course, be using in an attempt to sell them into coaching or a consult call), then how can you get them to trust you?

Give them a free and relevant blog.

People still read blogs- there’s little commitment, and it doesn’t require them to enter their email address.

So if you create a blog discussing the impact poor sleep has on fat-loss…

And then have a CTA at the end to download the guide to improving their sleep?

Your click through will be much higher.

Your ‘blog’ is almost like a landing page/sales copy for your free opt in.

Which, in turn, is an informative funnel into a coaching course.

Want help putting together the free resource/blog to convert?

Drop me an email @ [email protected].

Or just take the hint and implement, if you have the time.

Timeline photos 25/07/2017

Is your Imaging Attracting Or Repelling Your Audience?

Check out the image I’ve thrown up with this post.��

Is it a good, or a bad image for attracting attention?��

The answer depends entirely upon who I am attempting to attract.

��If I’m trying to attract teenage males who want a superhero physique, then yep, I’ve probably hit the nail on the head.

��If I’m trying to attract 30 plus males with over 50 pounds to use? I’ve intimidated them the hell away from my content.��

The images you’re using alongside your written copy is powerful.��

If you’re writing with the intention to inspire, allow your image to show the end product your ideal client would want.

Trying to attract fathers who need to lose weight for the sake of their kids? Source some photos of a healthy father and son playing.

��Want to bring in the young Mum crowd? Show them an image of happy women training and laughing- emphasising their wants.��

As with your written copy, you want your imagery to attract a very specific group of people.

Try and appeal to everyone, and you’re fighting a losing battle.

Timeline photos 24/07/2017

How Much Is Your Time Worth?

Now, How Long Does It Take You To Write A Good Piece Of Content?

And I don’t mean generic content that blends in with the rest, I mean content that stands out, and actually gets eyes on your website.

2 hours? 3?

For one coaching session, what are we looking at? $50? $75? $100+?

Can you afford to be spending $300’s worth of time creating your own content?

Or should you focus on what you’re an expert at, and outsource the other areas of your business?

Order a trial Blog at now for only 15 dollars- and if it doesn’t blow your socks off? You can have your money back.

This Programme WILL Build You An Athletic Physique | The Armoury 21/07/2017

Each Piece On Content Needs To Provide One Of Two Things...

And in a perfect world- the best, most shareable pieces of content? The provide both.

1) It needs to add value to your ideal client's life- giving them actionable advice to follow

2) It needs to be entertaining to read.

Check out one of the latest armoury blogs for a great example (If I do say so myself xD ;) )

This Programme WILL Build You An Athletic Physique | The Armoury Follow these Exclusive training guidelines to build an Athletic, Lean, Highly Functional and Strong Physique, in just 3 sessions a week!

Timeline photos 20/07/2017

How To Craft The Message Of Your Brand.

When I say ‘Nike’, what do you think?

‘Just do it’, the swoosh, and athletic people training, right?

You’re in the fitness industry, so you’ll probably also be able to conjure up an image you relate to ’T-Nation’?

Heavy weights, chains, and huge, yoked meatheads?

So, what do you want people to think about when your brand name is mentioned?

What image are you attempting to convey with your words, images, and general positioning?

Make sure you have that clear, and allow it to seep through with everything you put out there.

Do that, attract the right kind of client, and scare away the rest.

The rest weren’t going to pay you anyway ;)

Timeline photos 19/07/2017

Discover How The Right Headline Can Either Make, Or Break Your Business

They are the single short selection of words that will either attract a potential customer towards your content, or have them scroll on past.

Here are a couple of ways to spice up your headlines, and increase your click-throughs:

[1] Make It Benefits Driven

People don’t care about boring stats in a headline- they care about how the product or service will make them feel.

“Build muscle in one month with this programme”
“This Programme Will Make You Feel Strong, Lean and Athletic After Only One Month!”

People care about the end-result- create the image in their head.

[2] It Needs To Make Your Prospective Reader Give A S**t

You aren’t going to click on any link if you genuinely don’t care about the content.

If your headline reads “Here’s Why Water Is Good For You”?��We all know it’s good for us- where’s the hook?

Instead, try something along the lines of “You’ll Be Amazed At How I Felt After A Week Of Drinking More Water”.

Trigger their curiosity, and the clicks will come- be bland and uninteresting, and you may as well have not written the content.

Timeline photos 18/07/2017

I’d like to take a moment, and talk about Jim- a small business owner.

Jim is in the lawn-mowing business.

Jim has a very exact business method- he goes up to people’s doors, charms them with his wit, and about 6% of the time, he has a new client.

Taking everything into account, Jim will get 1 sale from 15 houses.

15 houses on average will take 2 hours to cover.

Each customer is worth 30 dollars a week to Jim.

So, over the course of an 8 hour day of going door to door, Jim adds $120 per week to his business.

After a 5 day week, he’ll have added $600 to his weekly revenue.

That $600 equates to 20 paying clients- each lawn, with travel time included, takes an average of 45 minutes to service- adding an additional 15 minutes of admin and chit-chat with the customer, that’s 20 hours per week he needs to be mowing lawns.

Jim can’t have the same growth as he had last week by marketing himself for 8 hours a day- he’s got lawns to mow.

So what should Jim do? Keep doing everything himself, but accept they’ll be a limit to his income?

Or should Jim start outsourcing his door to door sales, eventually his mowing, and start building an empire?

Stop thinking small with your business.

Start outsourcing your content creation today @

Timeline photos 17/07/2017

Are You Just Part Of The 'Fitness-Noise'?

If you're anything like me, most of your Social Media feeds are plugged up with fit-pro pages promoted their services.

The other day I did a little FB investigating...

That is to say- I scrolled through my Feed, and took the time to read and absorb every single post put up by a fitness page.

And you know what I realised?

If I just covered up the names and profile photos of the pages posting?

I would have no idea who was who.

No-one had their own style.

There was no obvious- "This is how we talk, this is our mission and the language we use, and as such, these are the people we attract".

There was very little (outside of the successful pages- which I'll talk about later in the week) in the way of a polarizing voice.

No, there was just a lot of vanilla, scroll-and-forget content.

Now I'm not suggesting you have to make outlandish claims to attract attention, with "You Won't Believe What Fruit I Used To Drop 10 Pounds!" type content.

No, the actual message of your content should still be based on what you, as an individual and as a business, believe.

The market is becoming saturated.

BUT, it's becoming saturated with copycat content and bland, generic call to actions.

Well crafted content, with a voice and opinion that stands-out?

That's what's going to get the attention on you and your brand, and give you the opportunity to build a loyal fan-base of clients.

And if you'd like to outsource the content that's going to get the eyes on your offers?

Head to where right now you can get your first made-to-order piece of content for 15 dollars, with a money back guarantee.

Timeline photos 19/06/2017

What's Your Emotional Intention Behind Every post?

Forget your CTAs or conversion aspirations for a second, and make sure you're covering the marketing basics.

How do you want your post to make people feel?

Do you want a smile, a smirk, an audible laugh?

Do you want them inspired, amazed, or even fearful?

Make sure you're aware of your intentions behind every post you make-if you can direct emotions, you can direct traffic.

If you want to outsource your fitness content creations to someone that gets it, head over to now and order a trial blog.


My intentions with this post?

I mostly want you to smirk a little on this Monday morning, at this hilariously optimistic coffee cup ;)

Timeline photos 16/06/2017

Fear Sells.

People buy based off emotions (and often confirm their choice with logic, but that's a post for another day).

The two primary motivators that drive a man to convert from prospect to client?

Fear and pleasure.

If you can identify what they're afraid of, and show how your product or service is alleviating that fear?

That's half the battle.

PS. Sorry for the creepy Clown photo- to prove a point I should probably be pedalling some kind of Clown protection service alongside this post- If anyone wants referrals let me know ;)

3 Major Mistakes to Avoid When Starting an Online Personal Training Business 06/06/2017

Whilst content marketing can be a BIG piece of the puzzle for getting prospective clients to know, like and you- if you're making any of these 3 mistakes, the effort you put in to sell those people into your services might be waste of time.

Get your systems in place to deal with the influx of client's you'll be faced with once your marketing is on point ;)

3 Major Mistakes to Avoid When Starting an Online Personal Training Business Success in the online world is a whole different beast. Start off on the right foot by knowing what to avoid.

Is Online Coaching Oversaturated? 05/06/2017

Is the Online Coaching Space too crowded to make a living? (The answer's no, but only if you know how to position yourself...

Is Online Coaching Oversaturated? There's a very odd conundrum afflicting the western world currently- it seems you're either falling within one of two categories; You can't find work,

Timeline photos 02/06/2017

Struggling With ideas For Your Content?

Get a piece of paper, and write down who your ideal client is.

Write their gender, their age, their likes, dislikes, fears and dreams.

Write down every damn thing you can gather about how your dream customer behaves and sees the world.

And if you don't know? Ask them. Find out. Do the research.

Now write down every generic fitness goal you can think of: weight loss, needing to add muscle, wanting to perform better or need more energy...

Just vomit the most generic ideas you've got onto a page.

Now put a tick, or a cross next to each idea, signifying whether your ideal client will care about this subject or problem.

For every tick, create a headline that's going to grab their attention- relate it to their fears and dreams, make them care.

For example you've decided that 'weight loss' applies to your client.

And you already know that your ideal client is (let's say), a 35 year old working man, who (amongst other things) fears losing his wife's adoration, and being a poor role model for his children, and his dreams are to move up the corporate ladder, and be viewed as a powerful man.

Create the headline you know he wants to see. The headline that'll grab his attention.

"Learn How This 35 Year Old Man Saw His Abs For The First Time In 15 Years (And Hear How His Wife Reacted!)"

"Find Out How To Lose That Last 10 Pounds And Live To See Your Grandkids"

"Sir Richard Branson Hits The Gym Daily For His Business Progression- Are You?"

Discover your ideal clients motivations and play to what they need to hear.

Once you've built their trust with content relevant to them? That when you've turned a cold lead, into a piping hot one.

PS If you need some help creating your ideal client profile, or putting together the articles that will attract their attention, order your trial blog today, at

Timeline photos 20/05/2017

Have you Created Yourself A Scalable Business, Or have You Just Built Yourself A Job?

A entrepreneur's goal is to create systems to make himself redundant from every business role as quickly as possible.

Is your goal to coach people forever, or in the future would you rather have a system or employees do the coaching for you?

Do you always want to run your own adverts and marketing campaigns, or would you rather sit back and watch as the experts YOU employ bring money into your bank?

Doing everything yourself is not only going to result in a sub-par 'business', it will also stunt any growth beyond a certain level.

After all, there are only so many hours in the day.

Start your exponential business growth today, by outsourcing your content creation at THEFITNESSWRITER.COM

Or keep treading water in your self created job- the choice is yours.

Timeline photos 18/05/2017

The Goal Of Any Entrepreneur, Should Be To Make themselves Redundant From As Many Roles As They Can.

Content creation is one of those roles- outsource to the experts ;)

Timeline photos 17/05/2017

Does You Ideal Client Trust You Enough To Part With Their Money?

If you haven't given them any actionable (key word) value that impacts their life? Probably not.

If you want your ideal clients to buy from you, you'll need to prove you're an authority worthy of their business.

And the best way to do that?

Content marketing.

Educate your prospects through blogs and posts, build their trust THEN entice them with an offer they can't turn down.

Once that 'parting-with-money' barrier is crossed, you're free to move them along your value ladder.

But you can't expect to offer them nothing then ask for their money.

If you need any help providing the content that will turn leads into clients, head to today, and book your trial blog.

Timeline photos 16/05/2017

Want More Online Coaching Clients?

You might have the best programmes and systems in place (and I'm sure you do), but if you aren't being seen, who are you going to sign up?

The answer (as you'd expect) is no one.

I know because I made this mistake.

I was a great coach (still am, I would assume), and made the BEST content (that, I know I still do).

But for the longest time my coaching services were HUGELY under-booked.

And why?

Because although I had identified who my ideal client was, what their fears and dreams were, and all of the other awesome marketing information you need to have pinned down before selling a product.

But I neglected two VITAL things.

I didn't find out:

A: Where my dream clients were,


B: The language my dream clients were familiar with.

Once I figured those two out?

I booked out my coaching within a couple of weeks.

Making that simple change to WHERE my content was being marketed, and HOW I was wording that content? That made a huge difference.

Having trouble finding and communicating with your ideal client?

Drop me a message and we'll figure it out.

Because sometimes it just needs that second set of eyes ;)

Timeline photos 10/05/2017


The Prospect > High Paying Client Journey

Step 1- Establish Niched Target Avatar
Step 2- Establish Pain Points & Goals
Step 3- Create Free Content Addressing Their Problems
Step 4- Sell Them Low Barrier Offer To Solve ONE Problem
Step 5- Move Them Up Your Value Ladder To Higher Priced Products/Packages

Stop jumping from step 1 to step 5.

Build trust, build a buyer-purchaser relationship, over-deliver, make money.

And if you need help with Step 3?

Head over to to order your $15 trial blog (May Deal Only).

Are You In Control Of Your Diet, Or Is It in Control of You? | The Armoury 09/05/2017

You Need Content To Build A Client Base.

The days of selling to a client without giving them any value are gone.

Want your prospects to know your brand name, and trust what you're telling them?

Start producing high quality blog content.

Don't feel like spending hours in front of the computer every day to do it?

Hire me to do it instead.

Order your 15$ Trial Blog today at

PS- Linked is the latest blog produced 💪

Are You In Control Of Your Diet, Or Is It in Control of You? | The Armoury Has 'eating clean' taken over your life? Are you obsessed with counting calories? Are you even enjoying 'getting in shape' anymore? Make your diet fun again