Lynne F. Scott- Author

Lynne F. Scott- Author

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10. Recognizing the One Who Has Your Back—ALWAYS!
Now that you can recognize a person whose spirit is empty of our Savior, it’s time to take a hard look at ourselves. We are the light and salt of our Lord. We are to be scattering seeds and AWARE that those who are without Christ are—whether they are conscious of it or not—in satan. The Word says mankind is either for our Lord or against Him—no in-between's.
We need to be CERTAIN of who we are in Jesus so that we can be a light in the darkness. Our mission is to bring salvation, heal the sick and cast out demons. We are to be growing in Christ so that our light can decimate the darkness and those who are within it. To do this, we have to know Who has our backs. We need to recognize if we are in a relationship with Him, or just meandering through life taking His love for granted. Truthfully, for me, if I was not infinitely aware that my God—who is a warrior, can call forth angels to guard and protect me, will NEVER leave me and ALWAYS has my back even as He goes before me and directs my footsteps—I could not be as bold in my speech or actions when it comes to sharing the love of Jesus to those who think I’m nuts or probably wish to spit in my face. Believe me, I’ve been in both situations and many more; more times than I can count.
So, Abba Father has asked me to dig in to His character. It was a joy to do so, and it has strengthened me and brought me a surreal peace during chaos and sadness. I pray it does the same for you. Remember, our Lord can change His mind through our repentance and prayer, but He CANNOT change His character!
• Trust in our Lord and strive to do good. While dwelling where He has placed you, settle down and feed—or cultivate—being faithful.
• DELIGHT—keep joyful company—with Jesus. Our Lord truly wants to GIVE you the desires of your heart! Believe this, because you are greatly loved by Him!
• Commit yourself and your ways to the Lord. Open yourself up before God, keeping nothing of yourself back, because He DESIRES you! Trust that He will do whatever needs to be done in your life.
• Daily, be quiet before our God, praying and listening to Him. Be still and wait on HIS timing. Be patient as you wait. He will bring out your vindication—your justification—as light. Your light will be so bright it will shine as the sun at noonday.
• Do not fret over the wicked and their ways. Stop being angry, cool down and rest. The Lord has a covenant with you to make things BETTER—not worse. In times such as these upon an earth that is shadowed, anger and worry can lead you to do evil.
• When you wait for Jesus and His timetable of events, you WILL inherit the land!
• Remain humble so you will inherit the land. Do not be proud, but delight yourself in His promise that you will prosper abundantly!
• The wicked are weaklings, but you are God-strong! So be bold in the knowledge of salvation and who our Lord is. The Holy Spirit will give you the words you need when He tells you to open your mouth to the glory of Jesus.
• Jesus will always sustain you. Your inheritance endures forever. Our Lord will ALWAYS uphold the righteous.
• Jesus is always our strength. DO NOT rely upon your own strength in times that are troubling. Turn to our Savior and ASK, because He will always help in our times of need and He WILL deliver us!
• He is always our refuge and safe place.
• His love for us is beyond our understanding because it is indisputably unconditional.
There is so much more to the depths of the character of our Lord; more than we will ever imagine until we see Him face-to-face. So during this time of shaking, remember the harvest. Be bold. Do not fear what is already defeated, for you are the victor!
Please show yourself to be the warrior you were created for upon this earth of shadows and darkness. The spirit of witchcraft is rising and it is boldly attacking—even the righteous. So how much more so should the righteous children of Ben-Elohim rise up and demonstrate the power and authority of our Lord as we reveal His love?
Time is short. Many are falling away. Too many to count believe in the one who hates them to the marrow of their bones.Love, compassion, boldness, wisdom, discernment, supernatural knowledge, kindness, and the true understanding that hell is gaping and swallowing up the eternal spirits of mankind should make us aware of whom we are in Christ Jesus.
His children. His warriors. His mouthpiece. His hands and feet.
We are victorious and cannot be defeated by evil and its actions. Oh, how I love Him and desire that not one be lost. Please Lord, give to us one after another, after another, after another that does not know who You are. Then, when we see You, I pray You will say, “Well, done, My good and faithful servant.”


9. This is what I know, and this is what has been building up inside of me like a small, banked fire coming to life--vibrantly and HOT! This is the SEASON OF WORSHIP. If we are to defeat the enemy, Jesus is craving our worship. The Holy Spirit is crying out to be released from your voice. Abba Elohim is desiring His children to WORSHIP His son in song, praise and instruments. If we are to walk through the fires unharmed--walk out of the flames without even the smell of smoke on our clothes--then we are to WORSHIP! Worship before you pray. Worship before you study. This I know. WORSHIP is going to defeat the enemy and place light on the shadows of those who believe they are untouchable, unaccountable, and HIDDEN. Those of you who know me realize I will not say, "This I know," unless Jesus has confirmed His Word without hesitation or doubt (on my end). I am accountable, so please, read the Word of the Lord.
"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude--through this we may offer worship in a manner pleasing to God, with reverence and awe. FOR OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE." Hebrews 12:28
We NEVER walk in the midst of the fire alone! His will be done with the power of our worship! SING IT! RAISE YOUR HANDS AND SING IT TO HIS GLORY!


Most of you realize that releasing Angelwalk was the hardest thing I ever had to do. It was our choice to obey Jesus, which we did without hesitation. BUT--it still hurt. And I have to admit I still struggle. So, I asked God to show me the beauty of where we are, and to use this time to make me stronger (I killed my first rattlesnake the other day. I stood over it and slammed a big rock on its head. Okay, it was only 8 or 9 inches long--but it rattled!! MAJOR step for me!) and appreciate the little things. When I was taking pictures of the storm that came through last week, I just clicked away over and over when the rainbow appeared. I didn't have a chance to scroll through all of the pictures at once. So now, look at this one! This rainbow was after the storm, when the sun had fully come back out to shine down on the valley. I have never seen such a pink rainbow! What a gift! What a joy!
I was truly humbled that I asked for a little, and our Abba gave me so much. How I love Him.


Here it is short and sweet. There is not one word of the Bible that I do not love. At some time or another it has all applied to my life. But for the start of the week, I want to share with you one of the most beautiful, powerful Psalms about Abba Father that I promise will fill your days with awe. I'll give you the last two sentences. Hopefully, you will read and absorb the entirety of the Psalm. Don't worry... it's a short one!
God makes His people strong.
God gives His people peace.
Oh, yea ...🥰


Do you know what just blows me away? Well, since you asked, it is the conclusiveness of the Bible. Are you aware that out of the 66 books (39 Old Testament, 27 New Testament) there is ONE single thread that runs throughout the entire book? Forty men in over 1500 years wrote the SAME THEME; Jesus and the mystery of His birth. His coming to earth as the Son of Man and the Son of God to redeem both the Jew and the Gentile! Also, the prophecies! Are you aware that King David wrote of Jesus' crucifixion 500 years BEFORE there was any such thing as a person being crucified?! Are you aware that in 33 years of His short life, Jesus fulfilled 300 prophecies? That is 1x6 pages of zeroes!! How about this one? Over 500 people saw Jesus AFTER He had risen from the tomb. This is historically--not just Biblically-- documented! Over 99% of the Bible's prophecies have been verified by historical documentation other than the Bible. How cool is that! And, do you know that for JUST the Messianic prophecies to be fulfilled with 100% accurately, it is a 1 in 300,000 chance? For one person to fulfill 8 historical prophecies that are NOT Biblical, it would be 1 in 10 to the 17th power--or, 1 with 18 zeroes!
I just love the Word! I am forever amazed. The deeper I go, the more I study, the more I realize I can't even skim the surface of such depth and truth, and I personally know and love the author more than anyone else in the world! What a hoot! Our Jesus, our Love, our Savior and Redeemer.
How can anyone deny Him? Now, go plant and water some seeds to His glory!


5. There was a spiritual battle last night in the second heaven. It was tangible. In prayer, I felt the brutality and chaos unleashed against the righteous. The breaking has begun, and we are going to be accountable to our Savior for our nation and whether it remains "Under God". Angel warriors with hyssop branches in their hands and golden urns of the Blood held in their arms, are eager to cover our nation in the Blood of the Lamb! See it when you pray! Pray without ceasing! Call the warriors of heaven forth into battle for light to expose the shadows and darkness! Remember: Be strong in the Lord and in His might and power. Put on the FULL armor of God so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Our struggle is NOT against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the worldly forces of this darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places! Ephesians 6:10
Do not fear--Al Tirah!--but determine to be a warrior for Christ Jesus! Abba has birthed you for this time and season. What an honor! It is humbling to be so loved and trusted by the One who created all, and knows the end to the beginning.
Stand strong. He is our strength and our shield! AMEN!


4. For those of you who have no earthly idea what this is, I'll tell you. It is my granddaughter's giant lip sucker fish. The entire duty of this fish is to go around "the tank" and suck up crap (sorry if that offends, but it is the truth, unless I use an uglier word). All day, this fish swims in a four point arena and sucks and sucks. For almost an hour I stared at it and asked the Lord why this fish was so mesmerizing to me. "Because it is doing one thing--over and over--and you have become almost hypnotized by its movement," Abba Father said.
"There's more to this, isn't there, Lord?"
"Please show me. I can't get this bizarre fish out of my mind!"
So, I prayed and listened. I ALWAYS want the Word to confirm and affirm what the Lord is showing me. Well, off we go to Psalm 58--AGAIN! In the Message Bible, where Jesus has been keeping me quite a lot, the Word reads:
"Is this any way to run a country? Is there an honest politician in the house? Behind the scenes you weave webs of deceit, behind closed doors you make deals with the demons." From King David.
Okay. Now I ask, again, what does this have to do with the sucker fish? WOW. I get it.
There are people behind the scenes in the shadows that are concealed by the darkness who have a job to LITERALLY suck up the garbled, falsified, distorted chaotic mess of the TRUTH. These sucker fish people then present their falsified, distorted version of "truth" to the people. Making this long sentence short, satan has assigned a demon to do nothing but suck the truth out of all the cr** (I won't use it again--just in case it offends) that is being thrown at the American people. If you listen to Biden's choice of Vice President, you would think she would NEVER murder our babies, steal money from hard working people, close churches, or push our nation into socialized medicine and the boundaries of communism. But guess what?! Abba showed me there is media, individuals, groups, deep state associations and assemblies of all races and colors who are positioned to do NOTHING BUT SUCK THE TRUTH our of our nation. They are demonic, spiritual sucker fish!
I know this may seem odd, but then the things of this world usually are. So please, make certain you are NOT listening--much less absorbing--deceit and falsified "truths", because IN TRUTH, those who do, are literally being sucker punched by the devil. After all, the devil is only doing what he knows how to do--lie, deceive, manipulate, destroy and kill. But we, the children of Christ Jesus KNOW the TRUTH. AND IT WILL SET US FREE! Now is the time to speak God's truth! Share it, and pray righteous light upon the deepest of shadows. GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN US THAN he WHO IS IN THIS WORLD! Amen and so be it!!
And truthfully, this is the oddest post I have ever written. But I promise you, it is for a serious reason, and for those who have their feet firmly established in the Rock of Jesus Messiah!!


3.One day I will learn how to cut and paste, etc. But for now, this video is so overwhelming in its truth and accuracy about President Trump and the nomination of Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court that you CANNOT ignore it. In fact, PLEASE share it! In a nutshell, we need to be in the Courts of Heaven on our knees reminding Abba that those who bless Israel are blessed, and that our president is a present day King Cyrus of Isaiah chapter 45. Please read Chapter 45 and see how our God took an unbelieving Gentile and made him ruler over Israel. Then, how our God sent the Holy Spirit to fill and anoint Cyrus as a king for that specific time and season. This king--LIKE PRESIDENT TRUMP--was anointed to subdue nations and take back the treasures of darkness! Listen to this video and hear why we--the children of Christ Jesus--were born for this time! Listen to the words of truth, plead the Blood of Jesus over Amy Barrett's appointed position in the Supreme Court, and call forth Michael and his angel army for warfare. If I could only make you understand how real this is, and that the war we battle is against satan, himself. Do not fear--Al Tirah--but DO raise your hand and open your mouths for battle! We are accountable! Our unborn babies WILL NOT be sacrificed on the alter of witchcraft! I will not be silent to the lies and deception of the devil, and I will stand up in unison WITH the Remnant for the glory of Jesus in such a time as this!
THY WILL BE DONE! Amen and so be it!


For years I have seen the hand of God holding back a tidal wave. Throughout the years I have seen one finger being removed, and then another. I realized that Abba is waiting for His perfect timing to reveal itself so He can remove His hand and allow a massive, cleansing wave to crash down upon us. With the cleansing, a wave of blessings and restoration will follow for His children. As always, I need the Word to confirm and substantiate what I see in prayer. Today, I asked for specific understanding. Tomorrow, I believe we will see the beginnings. Read and understand the Word of our Lord:
Psalm 21, Message Bible.
Your strength, God, is the king’s strength. HELPED, the king is hollering Hosannas. You gave the king exactly what he wanted; You didn’t HOLD BACK. You filled the king’s arms with gifts; You gave the king a right royal WELCOME. The king wanted a good life; You gave it to him, and then made it a LONG LIFE AS A BONUS. You lifted the king high and bright as a cumulus cloud, then dressed the king in rainbow colors. You pile BLESSINGS on him; You made the king glad when You smile. Is there any wonder the KING LOVES GOD? That he is sticking with the Best?
With a fistful of enemies in one hand and a fistful of haters in the other, You radiate with such brilliance that they cringe as before a furnace. Now the furnace swallows them whole, the fire eats them alive! You purge the earth of their progeny, You wipe the slate clean.
All their evil schemes, the plots they cook up, HAVE fizzled—EVERY ONE. You sent them packing; they couldn’t face You.
SHOW YOUR STRENGTH, GOD, so NO ONE can miss it. We are out singing the GOOD NEWS!
Tomorrow, remember that you WILL face God and be accountable for the decisions you have made in your life. DO NOT face Him with blood from the unborn on your hands, or works that have held no weight and will be burned in the furnace. The tidal wave is coming!
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest! Only God can place a king upon HIS throne!


1. Remember. I am a dreamer, not a prophet. But, Abba gave me this vision so clearly when in prayer that I will state it was NOT a dream, it was a directive of some sort. So prophets, this is what I saw and am accountable in telling you and those who read with an open spirit:
A tremendous foot clad in a leather sandal stood on a massive bronze door. It looked as if the door had been kicked in, but I can't say that it was. It was a heavy, very ornate door, and the foot was grinding (I could hear the sound of the bronze moaning) on top of it; it seemed to be pushing the door down into "something". I say "something" because I could not see mass around the door. While the foot was grinding downward, a large hand reached out and started to open a thick, yet simply build door. The door was solid gold. I could see the front and one side of the golden door. Again, no mass under or around it. The hand and wrist that reached for the door was clad in white, spun linen or cotton; it was REACHING, not grasping. The harder I prayed, the clearer the hand and foot became, so I can tell you that there was not a wound in the wrist or the foot. Both the foot and the hand were so CLEAN--PURE--I can't think of another word to describe them except powerful and unadorned. So, I asked Jesus to support the vision with His word, as dreams are my natural spiritual arena. Rarely, am I given a true vision of such power. Here are the scriptures Abba gave me:
Deuteronomy 28:23 "And the heaven which is over your head shall be bronze (that is the second heaven), and the earth which is under you iron."
Isaiah 45: 2 "I will go before you and make crooked places straight. I will shatter bronze doors and cut through iron bars." (This was written about King Cyrus!)
I would so appreciate solid, sound confirmation of what I have seen to be truth. There was an emotion that welled within the vision. In fact, the emotion and the vision are one.
I love you! Thank you for your confirmations and Godly insights.
