PranaChi Trust

PranaChi Trust

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We have WiFi yippee!


Vikshipta is the mind state of spiritual devotion. In that our minds fluctuate but we focus on being able to bring the mind back to a focus. Vikshipta is having the awareness of not being aware, bringing us back to awareness. Awareness is, the essence.

Hope you're getting to enjoy this beautiful day.


All doors open to let forna flora sunshine day in. Pottering about and bizarrely enjoying a little boat tidy up. I'm turning into a domestic viking queen!


Up before dawn to practice, tis the ultimate time of day to commit to, physically, psychologically and spiritually.

Just as I'm finishing pranayama (breath control) and going into dhyana (meditation), I hear my first bird song of the day and of the season. Guessing the time might have been about 6amish.

That moment, was what this lifestyle change was about. Rising, ready for the day, with nature, not simply to draw curtains and see a countryside view, but to hear the nature, before seeing it, because it's at that moment, we begin to feel and then we connect.

At that precise moment, only two sounds, my breath in ujjayi (internal breath focus) and a bird in song. The feeling I experienced at that moment, will never be repeated, but I will remember it all my days, for that I am eternally grateful, and that I am blessed with courage to do the things I do.


Been a while since I blogged on here, so here's updates.

After being moored for 4 weeks in what is called a 'pound', (canal between 2 locks), we finally cruised further up stream. We were in lock down due to bad weather, which to be honest, didn't bother us, we kinda enjoyed it all. What we found challenging was not being able to keep cruising and the walk from car park and back was getting to be a bit of a bug-bear, anyway that was then and this is now.

So we're moored in a beautiful spot, it's tranquil, don't hear the motorway anymore and the bird song from early morning, is devine. Oh and Trixie-Bells definitely prefers the new surroundings, win win.

We're still low on water from the tank, still not being an issue tho. Philip went and got two 25L water containers, he fills them at work and then puts that into the tank. We're able to shower, happy days. Oh car park is much closer, makes having to use the wheelbarrow much easier.

I've had my first birthday living boat life, was a beautiful day. Long walk along the tow path, planning our next cruise.

It has to be said, we're rocking boat life, we're living the dream.


Full on yesterday didn't get a chance to write and tell.

Lovely start made a new friend. Older chap walks the Tow Path most days, we're now on first name friendship. Turns out he's a retired seargent Thames Valley Traffic Police and then a seargent to his local constabulary. We did laugh about the old days and how much we enjoyed playing cops and robbers.

Had our first Safety Assessment yesterday, we passed, now have our Safety Certificate, which lasts 4 years.

Cycling to work along tow path, amazing but even better cycling back in the dark. Muntjac deer, didn't run away, head was up, and watched me cycle past, I was elated, rabbits don't run away either, hop n a jump out of way but they too watch me cycle past, could hear owls too. Night cycling is epic on a monumental level, definitely avin more of that.


New priorities in my life: brush out chimney and thoroughly clean out wood burner every couple of months, check Canal River Trust website and Kennet & Avon FB page daily for news, especially regarding flooding, check daily weather updates on net. Life is exciting!


I did it, a sense of achievement and I experienced kind today.

Tow path very icy, slippery, I wouldn't of been able to have cycled competently, so I decided to suss out the trains. Easy mate! And no where as expensive as I thought.

Got to station, lovely man helped me down the stairs with my bike. We had a good ol natter on our commute together. Turns out he's from Syria, he's here trying to make a life for his small family. Total admiration for him.

Cycled to work, got there loads early, then cycled to gym, workout was awesome, most weights have increased. Cycled back to station.

Managed to lose my hiking boots off the back panniers, pants.... Needed a new pair anyway.

Reading Station made friends with a young man, who was a bit down on his luck, I'm hoping our friendly chat took his mind of his troubles. We commuted to my train stop and it turns out he's a Morris dancer, WOW!!!!

Then to top the kindness, 2 chaps helped me up stairs with my bike.

Home back to boat life. Had a fabulous day, there was kindness from complete strangers, thank you Universe, today was a being human day.


Realisation..... Can lose stuff very easy, living in small spaces. Note to self, put s**t away straight away, where it belongs. Aaaarrrrggghhhh can't find nuffin, Pfffffffft.


We're in lock down and we're in our element. Canal is frozen, not going anywhere. Water tank is almost empty, Philip had to do a water run, looks like we'll be stuck here till the weekend. Philip says we will smell, of a new perfume, "Crusty by Canal" hahahahahahahahaha.

We're good for food, plenty of diesel, woodstock is plenty and plenty of gas.

Tow path is iced up, very dodgy, so I'll use train and cycle to and from work.

All is amazing, we're isolated and feeling life is perfect.


Tomorrow is the festival of Imbolc (Fri 1st Feb), we're now half way to the spring equinox. Trixie-Bells and I put together another mandala to mark the awareness of change, to give homage to the true essence of nature and it's miracles. Giving thanks and welcoming back the longer days, we made a sun mandala.

We wish you self love, good health and knowledge to illuminate your way.



-6 so it's lock-in, with plentiful woodstock, I'm staying put till the thaw. Living earthway means respecting what Mother Nature presents and today is a hibernate day. Being all toastie will fill my day with everything Yoga, that's a practice and some study. Alas Philip has had to go to work, I'll make sure home is warm, comfy-cosy and hot food for when he gets home. Love winter x


Not letting the fire go out. I did think I was an expert at getting a fire going, till Philip stepped in. It turns out getting them started is the easy bit, it's keeping the fire going is where it's at.

Trixie-Bells and I collect wood every morning, from the woodlands along the canal, just enough that tucks under my arm and is perfect for kindling. We then stack it inside to dry out. Bulk of wood, we've sourced from a couple of good mates, who's job it is to sort out woodland areas or property maintenance. Luckily all the wood has seasoned too, burns lovely.

We do use a smokeless coal, not much, just enough to keep the fire maximum heat, then a bit more if we go out, keeps fire ticking over till we get back.

Putting that bit more coal on the fire when we go to bed, gives the fire enough embers in the morning, to get it going again. Using the wood collected on a morning walk, is proving to be the better kindling.

Will try and not let the fire go out for as long as I can. This is morning 2, I'll keep ya posted.


Boat life to date, fab, feeling grateful to the essence of the universe and my ovaries, for giving me the conviction to do this.

Today's lesson, is the experience of a fellow boater who obviously has no concept of what slow is, when passing a moored boat. Lessons learned; I must do my utmost best to make sure that my boat is moored more efficiently; lead by example and I will always, always pass others so slowly, they hopefully won't even know I'm there; have same attitude with other boaters as I do motorists......... ;)

Hope ya'll having a lushlilicious winter's day, one love xx

Photos from PranaChi Trust's post 20/01/2019

Home for the next 14 days.


Moored at Burghfield time to move on. Needed to fill up with water, empty loo. Finally left for new moorings 3pm.

Philip turned boat (60ft) twice with skills, he's amazing. Still cruising at 5pmish, dodgy as it's getting dark. Reached a lock, moored up for 1 night, move again in morning, all very exciting, we're buzzing.


Most common question asked about living boat life, 'do you feel the cold?'

So far no. Fortunately the winter so far is mild, Philip and I predict the snap to happen later. Our boat also has central heating, which because I'm up at 5am for practice, is timed to come on earlier, to warm the sacred space. Add to this we're both hardy people, Philip works outside in all weathers and I cycle in all weather's. And last, we both chop wood and can make fire.

The art to living earthway is all in the preparation. We love winter and so began this journey without delusion. Knowing that, we stepped in with both feet, into the toughest part of the year. We're rocking it.

Study Reveals How Smudging Does A Lot More Than ‘Clear Evil Spirits’ 09/01/2019

Study Reveals How Smudging Does A Lot More Than ‘Clear Evil Spirits’ This article is shared with permission from our friends at Natural Living Ideas. Smudging is an ancient art that is believed to have been practiced by Native Americans for centuries. It’s the name given to the ceremonial, daily act of cleansing and purification which uses a selection of herbs, oft...


Woke up this morning thinking about potatoes and coriander, when to get em ready and where in the wild am I going to plant the potatoes?


6.35pm Kennet & Avon Canal, Fobney Lock. Philip is in practice, Trixie-Bells is laying down in front of wood burner, quiet and I can here owls.


From my first Spiritual Awakening at Glastonbury Tor, 1993, to daydreams and wishes of living a life free and wild. And now I sit in Padmasana, in a daily practice, committed to Sadhana. In a relationship, with the most deeply connected man I have ever met, living wild and free, in a boat, which is bow heading, to the land of the ancients, Glastonbury. I am finally where I am supposed to be, being who I am meant to be.

Diary entry 28/12/18


Love is......... chopping wood together


Wow, we did it, we cruised from Reading Bridge, Caversham, on the River Thames via the River Kennet to Fobney Lock on the Kennet & Avon Canal, took us 4 hours. Maybe not the wisest of things to do this time of year, so in making that decision, we asked advise from the experienced and we prepared ourselves to take it very slowly.

River water up and a strong current, not too bad if you’re gunna keep going the same direction, bit different when ya have to swing round, to the left to head up another river, “Drive it like a truck” said Philip.

First self service lock, a doddle, I did it, sluices, gates, opening and closing, me strong like Viking. Bit of drama at Duke Street Bridge tho, water high, made it precarious, needless to say, we had a teeny weeny altercation with Duke Street Bridge. I don’t wanna make you girls jel or anything, but seriously, should’ve seen my man get us out of that, I was well proud. After that, was pretty much a chilled cruise.
So here we are, the next day, Christmas morning, like any other day, only, we’re free, I mean we’re really free.
