Richard Turner - Exmoor Man

Richard Turner - Exmoor Man

Metal Detectorist

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 08/01/2020

A little bit of light reading tonight I think!

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 19/10/2019

Well, today was a little wet under foot! Well done to every one for having a go! Here are my finds for the day, nothing special, but there was an awful lot of good signals & they had to be dug!

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 15/10/2019

Weĺl, it did eventually stop raining! This is what Malcs dig's is all about, plenty of rain & mud! A lot of nice finds found though. Here is my contribution for the day. The bowl looks interesting, any body have any idea what it could be? When the Museum opens down here in Exeter tomorrow, I may take it along to the new FLO, who I have yet to meet.


SheWolf Unsigned Thursdays 6-8pm
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This weeks Playlist
Sinate :: Slowmo 75 :: Spreading The Disease :: Hadrian Rockband :: Concrete Donkey :: Crostpaths :: My Fiasco :: Audrey Ripper :: My Fiasco :: Audrey Ripper :: Sister Rose :: The Unawake State :: Gone Savage:: Steve Blower ::
She sells sin :: Dust Prophet:: The Unresolved :: Last Agony :: Jeanice Lee Music :: Troyen :: Spudgun Assassins :: LORDS-OF-SALEM :: Sinforce :: TREP :: Southern Skies

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Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 29/09/2019

We had an amazing rally this weekend to remember one of our closest friends Pete, who was sadly taken from us a little while ago now. You are greatly missed my friend😔😢 Here are my finds.

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 06/09/2019

A friend found these a while ago, he was wandering about the age of the cross and belt mount, anybody any idea?


Don't know what it is with my workshops, first it was a ferret now I have a bloody kitten!

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 26/08/2019

Great weekender on the Tim Burgess Charity rally over the last weekend, & a amazing amount of money raised as well! I would like to say a big thank you to David, Malcolm & Glenda for all the hard work that went into making this another successful rally, especially to Glenda for keeping us all fed & watered! Here are the best of my finds for the weekend, nothing special, but hey, look out next time. I think we should start a competition to see who finds the most buttons!

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 18/08/2019

Here are my bits from last weekend, does anybody know what the letters are from, military badge maybe?

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 14/08/2019

Start of the new season with a few nice finds from our weekend dig. Nice to meet up with some old & new faces. Edward III Durham Penny.

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 04/05/2019

Back to the site we were on last weekend again. Ground conditions were a lot easier this time, after a good rolling by the farmer. Plenty of hammies were found again, I think! Thank you Malc, Glenda & David, for a great days detecting. Here are my bits from this weekend.

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 28/04/2019

Another charity dig with the group today up in Dorset. Plenty of hammies found again & some nice artifacts. Glenda did us proud again with her cakes & drinks. Here are my bits I found today, including another silver hammered farthing(I think) and a broken token.

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 20/04/2019

Great day yesterday out with the group raising money for young Archie. Amazing weather with some nice finds. Here is my best from the day including a Edward I London farthing & a broken Charles half groat

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 03/03/2019

Bit of a damp day today, but the finds still keep coming off of these fields. Well done to every one who braved the wind & rain today. Here are my few bits from today including a roman coin & a Edward I London farthing.

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 24/02/2019

Out this morning for a couple of hours on a new permission, looks promising with a nice Lizzy silver sixpence. It just goes to show how careful you have to be in this hobby, I dug up some kind of needle end, it looks like it could be part of a syringe. Any ideas people?

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 12/02/2019

My bits from Sundays dig, nothing that special, but good to meet up again with the group. A couple of grotty Romans & a jetton.

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 06/01/2019

Here are my bits from today. Several grotty coins, a sixpence and a silver coin, which I think was once a love token which some one has tried to straighten! But it is really thin, so it could be a really worn hammy! The last picture is what this hobby is all about, bless!

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 31/12/2018

Cleaned the hammy up from yesterday, and it turns out to be a Richard II York Silver Penny. Very nice indeed!

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 30/12/2018

Up Dorset with the gang today on a charity bash & raised nearly £2000.00 for a Brain Tumour Charity. I found my last hammy of 2018 & also found a small roman brooch.


Out again today, trying to get some practice in for tomorrow!


At last! I was able to get out today and do a bit of detecting. Did a bit of coin shooting with the new HF coil, well impressed!

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 28/10/2018

Out for the second time with the new HF coil for an hour this afternoon, and still finding the coins, at good depth!

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 25/10/2018

Updated my Deus to 4.1 last night, & installed the new 9" HF coil. So, first outing out earlier for a couple of hours, with the new setup. I must admit, I was impressed, but then, I probably walked in the right direction with what I found, Several Georgian grots & a big silver florin. Well happy

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 22/10/2018

Detecting with the group on Sunday, in Dorset again, on a charity dig, raising money for cancer research. I think we managed a whopping £2200.00! A "BIG" well done to every one involved. Here are my best finds from the dig. I have also included a couple of pictures of some ones attempt, in back filling their holes. I spent most of the afternoon tidying up peoples back filling. Every one was told to leave the ground as you found it, or as best as you could. If this is as best as you could do, I suggest we take half an hour before each dig, to educate these idiots that can not do as they are told! We gained another good permission on Sunday, thanks to David & Malcolms hard work, but if the new farmer had seen some of this back filling and rubbish left by the back filled holes, I am sure the new farmer would be having second thoughts!

Photos from Richard Turner - Exmoor Man's post 10/10/2018

Hi ya all, here are my finds from Malc's latest dig, last weekend, good to meet up with every one again, & thank you Glenda for the very scrumptious apple cake!


Here are the few items that I was lucky enough to find on the Rodney Cook's charity dig, a couple of weeks ago

