New Life Choice Inc.

New Life Choice Inc.

New Life Choice is a non-profit organization that seeks to build the foundation of a new life for at risk youth


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Well it looks like we just might get this thing up and going. Have been some exciting things happening as of late so keep praying and we will get there.


The summer is almost here and big plans are just around the corner. So stay tuned for some great upcoming events.


Hey if anyone knows anyone want to or willing to help with grant writing let us know. Also if anyone is interested in being on our board let us know.


Starting to get really excited about some upcoming events. I really hope Wednesday goes great.


To all of our friends, have a great Labor Day!


It is official, we are a 501c3 now!!!!!


Did everyone have a good Memorial Day?


Hope everyone has big plans for this weekend.


Happy Mother's Day to all you moms!!!!!


Asking for prays as we try to move forward as an organization.


Just wanted to say Hi to everyone. Does anyone have any big plans this weekend since its suppose to be 81 Friday and 74 Saturday?


Hey everyone I have a challenge for you. Do you think that we could get to 100 likes by the end on May? We only need 29 more likes so go get them people.


Special Thanks to Meghan Perry and Oregon Mentors, had a great time today.


I hope everyone is having a good start to spring so far. Looks like the rain has past and the temp is rising. NOAA says its suppose to be 75 here in Nampa on Wednesday.


Oh boy its almost Spring Break!!!


Finally got our SAM (System for Award Management) account approved now maybe we can apply for a goverment grant.


It looks like we should be hearing back from the IRS in a couple of weeks. Keep praying and hopefully God will make this a smooth process.


Wondering what God has in store for this coming year. Can't wait to see what will happen.


Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.


Still no word from the IRS but should hear back soon. If anyone knows of someone that might be interested in serving on our broad let me know. We are looking for at least two more board members.


Sorry there hasn't been any updates but we are still waiting to hear back from the IRS.


Our SAM account was approved yesterday. Now we just need the IRS to approve our 1023 form (501C3) and we are good to go. Please let me know if there is anyone interested in helping us once we get approved. Also keep up the prays that God will open the doors that need opening so we can help the youth of this area.


Finalizing the paperwork for our 501C3 status today. Hope we got everything the IRS wants.


Praying for the youth in this valley as their summer starts to come to a close.


Had a great time at Camp Stover. It is great to see what everyone has been up to since last year. Spending time with the youth has reconfirmed my commitment the the youth in this area. I am looking forward to seeing were NLC will go from here. With all of you and the continued prays we will touch this valley soon.


So I was right so far June has been very busy. Get one step closer each day to our goals. Keep the prays coming we will get there.


June will be a busy month for NLC. There are several different things going on that will hopefully get this organization off the ground and running. I can't wait to see what God has in store.


It seems that God is continuing to open the doors needed to get NLC going. The next month or so are going to go by in a flash but the ball is rolling in the right direction. Thank you for all of you who have been praying for this organization we are getting there.


NLC is looking to grow. If you know anyone that would be interested in helping out a starting non profit please email Dana at [email protected]. We will be starting to look for mentors soon also. We will have more info on that opportunity shortly.


Asking for prays as we get closer to our goals.


God is continuing to do great work here in the valley and we are getting one step closer to our goals.


First day of Spring Break in Nampa can't wait to see what the week holds.

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00