Caroline Biddle

Caroline Biddle

Registered Dietitian that actually lifts & eats enough protein. Coach at Beyond Built Training.

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 26/03/2024

You cling to the number on the scale like you’re about to fall off of a cliff

frantically gripping & clawing at that ✨130 lbs✨ (or whatever your magic number is)

If you slip, you fall right into the abyss of self loathing, massive salads, & hours of cardio

Your obsession with the scale is *ironicallly* the reason that it won’t budge

I know because I’ve been there

How good I felt for the day was based on what that morning weigh in said

If it was up, that meant that I was skipping the carbs at breakfast, having a salad for lunch, & spending an extra 30 minutes on the cardio machine

Until I got so hungry & fed up with doing it that I would eat a whole tub of ice cream after I got home from work that night

& guess what

Even with ALL of that effort, I still never actually LIKED my physique

Letting the scale dictate how you treat your body is a guaranteed way to stay looking exactly the same

You wouldn’t be so worried about the scale if you actually looked how you wanted to, so WHY are you so stressed about it changing if the goal IS change?�
In a LOT of cases, a heavier bodyweight is EXACTLY what you need to:

1️⃣have the physique that you WANT

vs the one you’re just hanging on to for comfort

2️⃣eat more food than you ever have at a leaner body composition

vs the bird food that you’re eating now

3️⃣feel GOOD every day

vs feeling hungry, tired, & irritable just to continue not seeing results

Swipe through to see the results of women who finally said 🖕 to the scale

Yes, they DO weigh more in the after photos

No, they’re not mad about it


Are you a glass half empty or a glass half full kind of person?

I’ve always been a glass-half-full kinda gal but honestly, recently I’ve had a “glass with a hole in the bottom that can’t even fill up” attitude

I started to get little setbacks get to me.

Let feelings fester.

Until they stacked up so high that it got out of control and it felt like I couldn’t stand up under the weight of it all

It began spilling into every area of my life, starting with my self talk which carried over into

a lack of motivation to track my food and go to the gym

Impacting my work & relationships

Once you’re in that mindset, it’s TOUGH to pull yourself out of it

No matter what you do, it feels like you’ll never be good enough

Even with a small win, your own self created 💩 storm sucks you back in

It feels like the tornado in the wizard of Oz that sucked up everything in it’s path & YOU’RE the one that got trapped underneath the house

The not-so-sexy (but quite effective) solution is:

You get sick of your own sh*t and change the pattern

You CHOOSE to plug the hole in the bottom of the glass & fill that b*tch TO THE BRIM

by CHOOSING what you focus on (I know it sounds major 🧀 but it works)

How you choose to see the world around you- every event, experience, interaction- shapes your reality

It’s an ongoing choice to appreciate the beauty in each and every day that we are blessed with

& there will be some crappy days, but it is YOUR choice to either:

1️⃣stand outside in the rain


2️⃣splash around in the puddles & chase the rainbow that comes with it🌈

🧡Take an extra second outside and breathe in the fresh air
🧡Squeeze your hugs tighter
🧡Say “I love you” more often (to yourself too😉)
🧡Find moments of gratitude to relish in, no matter how small

You are stronger than whatever you feel has you stuck right now.

YOU are the catalyst in your own life.

Tag someone who needs this today🧡

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 13/12/2023

25 trips around the sun today 🥳

So many life long dreams were fulfilled this year. This really was the best one yet💕

🍎Became a Registered Dietitian

🏝️Went to Tulum for a week (& left a piece of my heart there)

🧡Joined where I love every single day that I get to serve our clients & our mission

🥳Experienced new music artists & festivals (EDC forever changed my life)

🏅I competed in 2 bodybuilding shows & got nationally qualified.

Some people call it a quarter life crisis, I’m calling it a quarter life glow up✨

Cheers to 25🥂

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 11/12/2023

POV: you order the waffle & the matcha latte without having to say “bC iT’s BuLkiNg SeAsonN”

Here’s the 🍵:

You shouldn’t be living a life that you have to weigh everything to the gram and don’t have the calories to eat foods that aren’t the salad or meat and vegetables

If you feel like you can look at food and gain weight, it’s probably because you’ve spent years under eating, over exercising, or a combo of the 2 in a never ending effort to get smaller

When your “normal” is 1500 calories and cardio 6 days a week, now that’s your body’s baseline to maintain

Every time you diet and don’t properly restore (& improve) your metabolism, you’re setting yourself up to be in a worse spot next time

That’s why you have to drop your calories SO LOW to see the scale move even a LITTLE

It’s also why you can’t stick to the 1200 calories & daily cardio because, let’s be real, who wants to do that 😂

And over the years your body composition never actually changes or you end up weighing more than when you started.

Drop a 🙋‍♀️ if you know that’s you

In order to change your body, you’ll need to do things differently

➡️Reverse diet or bring your calories back up to maintenance after your diet. Have a plan so that you don’t undo all of your progress.

➡️Spend more time at or above maintenance calories to give your metabolism a break from dieting & to support muscle growth.

➡️Train HARD (& well) to put on muscle tissue. This will increase your metabolism and build the toned look that you want.

➡️Don’t think about going back into another dieting phase until you’ve spent at least the same amount of time out of the diet as you did during the diet.

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 28/11/2023

I’m eating the SAME amount of food (2300 calories) in both of these photos.

I am 25 lbs LESS on the right.

This is what happens when you NAIL IT coming out of the diet.

When most people end their diet, they just jump back into what they were doing before (or go even harder)

This happens when you’re burnt out from your food/cardio from the diet, don’t enjoy the process, & don’t have a PLAN for after.

There are 2 ways that you can come out of a diet successfully to maintain (or even improve) your results.

1️⃣Recovery diet.

How to: bring your calories back up to your estimated new maintenance and drop cardio by ~50%.

Who should use this?

➡️most competitors (imo) due to the extremity of the weight loss & down regulated state of the body

➡️less experienced dieters because reverse diet hunger can be even more intense

➡️those that do not want to reverse due to the longer timeline (mentally, life time constraints ex. vacation)

Pic 2 shows Baylee who maintained her body composition post diet with this method

She was eating 500 more calories on the right & was actually dropping weight

2️⃣Reverse Diet.

How to: walk calories back up & cardio back down like you did into the deficit, adjusting by 15-20 (ish) % each time (will be dependent on the body’s response)

Who should use this:

➡️those that are diligent & ready for another CONSISTENT 8-12 weeks post diet

➡️those that want to improve body composition & increase their maintenance calories

Slide 3 shows Maci who has been through 4+ reverse diets with me and has improved her body composition every time

Left: end of diet, about 2000 calories, 165 lbs�Right: post reverse, 2450 calories, 160 lbs

This isn’t talked about enough and THIS is you spend YEARS gaining & losing the same weight (or more from the rebound)

If you want the exact framework that we use at to set this up for yourself, comment “ME” and I’ll send it to you!!!

Guess which one I’m eating more in?🙊


“Don’t eat that, you’ll ruin Thanksgiving”

It was 2 PM. I hadn’t eaten all day because my family decided that we were “saving it for dinner”

I was HUNGRY trying to wait so I was eating a few raspberries to hold me over for another hour or so because the cooking was running behind (as it always does)

I was told to put them back into the fridge because it was unfair that everyone else wasn’t eating anything to wait and I was

So we all hovered around the kitchen talking about how hungry we were and how little we ate that day (like we always do)

This behavior is the NORM and it’s pretty sad

The idea that you need to save calories to justify eating a meal only leads you to:

➡️Eating WAY too much because you’re STARVING by 4 PM
➡️Feeling uncomfortably bloated and guilty
➡️Regretting it and figuring out how you can make up for it

BE THE ONE that changes the norm

That doesn’t subscribe to the idea that you have to wait until 4 PM to eat

That doesn’t feel guilty after you finish your meal and talk about how you’re going to get even the next day

That eats a normal breakfast with carbs and fats and doesn’t give second thought to it while everyone else watches like 😲😲🫨🫨 and asks you “you’re really eating NOW?! Thanksgiving is tonight!!”

Damn straight, Linda.


RECOVERY DIET UPDATE⬇️��Entering into week 2 of my recovery diet post show & feeling gooood.

A recovery diet is a faster approach to restoring calories & body fat post show than a reverse diet. We chose this approach to restore internal health & hormones as fast as possible to get my body back into a spot where I can go into a productive offseason & start building again 😈

Pic 1- Tuesday morning’s update. 106 lbs
Pic 2- Show day morning (105.2) vs tuesday morning
Pic 3- 1 day post show (107) vs tuesday morning
Pic 4- Peak week weigh ins
Pic 5- Recovery diet week 1 weigh ins

Our targets are to gain 5-8% body weight in the next 6-9 weeks. My body is responding reallyyyy well to the food so we are going to keep pushing🤝

1st week of the recovery diet: calories doubled + untracked meal/intuitive eating day, cardio less than half, steps down 30%, no training

Week 2 protocols: calories up another 15% + untracked meal/IE day, cardio down another 40%, back into training!��Hunger- 7/10�Still a bit food focused & irritable lol
Sleep 6/10�Energy 3/10
Stress 3/10��All of these slightly improved since post show, stress greatly improved since post show. I was not food focused or irritable much at all leading into the show but this has started to show up post prep now that I don’t have that time bound, super exciting goal to be chasing coming up.

I am JUST as excited for my off-season to grow & get healthy af so this is more of a mindset shift to focus gears & embrace a new season of life 🫶🏼

No plans to get near a stage until 2025 earliest so this is the official beginning of the 🥳

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 15/05/2023

SAVE this and SHARE to a friend to help them out!

Calorie and macro calculators can only go so far in helping you find the right amount for you.

The algorithm cannot truly know everything about you, your body, and your needs and they are often VERY underestimated!

Use this method to find a much more accurate estimate of your maintenance calories.

Comment and let me know if this was helpful to you🫶

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 12/05/2023

you know what you need to do

you just won’t do it

you KNOW that you need to exercise less

you KNOW that you need to eat more food

you might have even helped women with this EXACT issue before and you still won’t let yourself do it

you think that your body is different

that you have to do things differently than everyoneeee else

… you’re just too afraid of what might happen

I was in your EXACT shoes

I thought that because I was a coach I could train more and eat more/less than my clients because I HAD to “set a high standard”

… really I was just overdoing it and thought that I didn’t need the same support, guidance & accountability most other athletes need on their fitness journey

having a coach is giving you the permission slip to do what you already know you need to do, but won’t let yourself do it

it’s not a cop out of you putting in your own effort

it’s not you admitting to yourself that you’re a failure or “too dumb” to do it yourself

it’s giving yourself the SAME support, guidance, accountability, and community that everyone else deserves

you CAN give yourself the permission slip to do what you need to do

you just have to get out of your own way

drop a 🦋 if this resonated with you

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 09/05/2023


Something that I didn’t know I lacked or needed in my life until I immersed myself into them

After 2 weeks of retreats filled with creating connections and having intimate conversations, my heart is so full and I feel so seen

That is what community does

Home is a place where you can bear every part of your soul and be fully seen and loved

A place that you share with your family. The people that love you for who you are and expect nothing more

is family

This is home 🫶

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 04/05/2023

I always thought that I just didn’t really connect with women

This weekend was filled with deep levels of connection, vulnerability, and intimacy that I didn’t know were possible in female friendships

The power of 21 like-minded, powerful women all together for 3 days was truly life changing. I am inspired by our students every single day and I now can call many of them my friends too🫶

thank you for creating the space for such a beautiful movement in the coaching space in which the ripple effect on our world is infinite. Thank you for allowing your vision to become mine too

Cheers to the power of this sisterhood and the beginning of a beautiful journey building this vision 💜

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 01/05/2023

You can have ANYTHING that you want in life

You just have to decide

This weekend opened my SOUL up to the power of what happens when you truly just let yourself go for it

If you have a goal that scares you

Terrifies you to say it out loud

THAT’S what you need to chase

Actually LET yourself go for it and watch how quickly things happen for you 🫶

Hair slayed by code CAROLINE15

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 28/04/2023

The weight on the scale only holds the meaning that you assign to it

A change in the scale is simply that ➡️ data

So why do we automatically feel like an increase in the scale is bad and a drop in the scale is good

ESPECIALLY when our goal is to grow?

Muscle cannot come out of thin air. It HAS to weigh something.

So if that is your goal, why is you crying when it happens 🫠

This is why we stay stuck.

We “want” to grow and put on muscle
We “want” to look toned and strong

But we don’t want the scale to change to reflect it
We don’t want our clothes to fit differently
We don’t want to buy new shorts

So we stay stuck in this cycle of

➡️being SUPER excited to grow
➡️seeing something actually change
➡️going back on your protocols
➡️never actually changing your body & staying unhappy for years

We want the outcomes but we don’t want to put the work in.

We attach meanings to things that doesn’t need to be there

We let it cloud our judgement and keep us stuck

Detach the meanings and remove the emotion to keep moving forward

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 19/04/2023

SHARE this to someone that needs to see it 🫶

Stop trying to stick to what is “optimal”

🤷🏼‍♀️Sometimes “optimal” isn’t reasonable, and that is okay.

🤷🏼‍♀️Sometimes “optimal” isn’t sustainable, and that is okay too.

Just because something is the #1 protocol backed by science that is 100% proven to give 350% of glute gains in one month does NOT mean that you have to do it.

Trying TOO hard to be perfect all of the time can lead to overwhelm AND eventually burnout.

ANDDD then we do through the cycle of being perfect 50% of the time and doing literally nothing for the other 50% of the time.

It is ALWAYS better to be 80% consistent ALL of the time because sustainability and longevity is the key to long term success, not being absolutely perfect and by the book.

👉Can’t work out 5 times a week? 3 is more than 0.

👉Can’t get in a protein shake 30 mins post workout? Hitting your overall daily protein is more important.

👉Can’t buy organic, fresh produce? Frozen and canned options are just as good, sometimes better.

If this hit home with you, drop a 🦋


I’m not a “hard gainer”

I’m not someone that can “loosely track” their macros will be on their protocols some of the time and still be shredded all of the time

That just isn’t in my genetic cards

I used to be so envious of people that could do that. I was definitely a “must be nice-r” and just let that excuse get in the way of my goals when I felt like I was failing

After getting to know, more women, that struggle with gaining weight and putting on muscle and seeing how HARD they work to put on muscle, I realized that nobody has it any “better” or “worse” than anyone else

The reality is, everyone wants what they can’t have

Leaner people just want to be bigger & have more muscle

More muscular people just want to get leaner

So what if we just stop fighting against our bodies and started using them as our super powers?

We used the motivation of wanting to build more muscle and got even more excited when we accomplished it instead of comparing ourselves to somebody who doesn’t have that struggle?

We didn’t let the fact that we might have to be a little more intentional with our protocols to see results?

We just put in the WORK and celebrated that everyone else is also doing it in their own way.

The only narrative that defines you is the one you write for yourself.

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 13/04/2023

SHARE THIS to help a girl out 🫶

It can be frustrating when we are dieting and our progress sells.

Our immediate thought is to decrease our food and increase our cardio when REALLY, there might be other things going on that we need to account for first!

Give your body some time to respond to the original adjustment and consider these factors before making another one!!

If you’re struggling on your fat loss journey, comment a 🦋 and I’ll shoot you a DM!!

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 10/04/2023

SHARE THIS to help a girl out💜

My clients have prerequisites for being able to go into a dieting phase (aside from just having body fat, or the desire to lose it)

You have to EARN the right to diet by taking care of your body and showing up for yourself consistently FIRST before we would consider putting you into a deficit.

Comment below which one hit home for you or surprised you!⬇️


SHARE THIS to tell everyone to unapologetically eat the chocolate today🫶

Remember that one day won’t ruin your progress if you decide to have some cookies or chocolate.

Happy Easter everyone💜 comment your favorite Easter foods/traditions below!

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 09/04/2023

I’m not here to demonize you

I don’t care how you work out

You can do Pilates or run long distance if you want to

I don’t care how you choose to eat

If you want to do keto or carnivore, I won’t shame you

What I AM going to ask you is… why?

What is the intention?

If you align with those methods due to ethics or true enjoyment, then that is absolutely what you should do


A lot of the time, people utilize these methods as a way to lose weight or thinking that it will get them the body that they want

… at the expense of their enjoyment or sustainability because they simply don’t know how.

There ARE better ways to build muscle or lose weight that don’t involve you having to sacrifice your quality of life

Eat foods that you enjoy
Work out in a way that you enjoy

Creating a true lifestyle approach so results last that long too

… not just until you cave because you can’t take it anymore

If you’re struggling with this, drop a 🦋 below

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 06/04/2023

SHARE this to help a girl out💕

Not eating enough to support your body can only be done for so long. This is why it is SO important to spend more time at/above maintenance calories than in a calorie deficit.

If you’re living in a calorie deficit just trying to be a skinny legend, there can be long term ramifications!

P.s. there’s a better way to have your dream physique that won’t require you to sacrifice your health. Drop a 🦋 below and I’ll shoot you a DM!


mASSing season is going well😌

When you start to see some real progress in your physique, that’s when more bad body image days start to creep in

I won’t lie to you guys, this is the part of mASSing that gets tough

You want to start dieting again

Just “tone up” a few pounds

Get a little leaner (especially with the summer rolling around)

Let me tell you- the progress in your physique starts happening when you’re consistently pretty uncomfortable

When you get into a surplus and STAY THERE (for longer than you think), that’s when you’re going to see the most gains. Not by cycling back and forth every few weeks when we feel uncomfortable in a crop top or when we have a weekend we want to be a little leaner for

If you want to make serious changes in your physique (and really just take care of your body/health tbh)- you NEED to spend more time at/above maintenance than you do in a calorie deficit

Rule of thumb: spend the same amount of time at/above maintenance calories as you did in a deficit. This DOES NOT include the time in the reverse where you’re walking your calories up but they’re not quiteeee there yet. Your body will thank you💕

Are you mASSing or getting shredded this summer? Comment and let me know⬇️

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 31/03/2023

Drop a 🦋 if this hit home for you🫶


What if you gave your growing phase the same attention that you did to your dieting phase?

The excitement for the phase- to show up every day and NAIL everything:

☑️training intensity
☑️food choices

If your ex*****on ends when the diet ends, you’re missing out on the period where you can TRULY change your physique forever.

You wouldn’t have to diet over and over because you could transform your body the first time.

You would feel & perform better.

You body would respond better.

You could have and maintain a body that you loved instead of chasing it year after year…

And it could get exponentially better year after year.

Dieting is NOT the journey. It’s a small aspect of it that only PREPARES you for the growth to come out of it. The physique of your dreams is not built by a calorie deficit.

The only real difference between these two photos has been my calories. Training movement patterns have stayed the same. Ex*****on on protocols has stayed the same.

The SAME movements: SLDL, sumo deadlift, split squats, & thrusts on repeat for the last 10 weeks. Simply milking tf out of the progressions.

800+ more calories a day & only about 10 lbs up from the end of my diet 16 weeks ago.

9 more weeks to grow.
29 weeks out 😈

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 28/03/2023


We are giving you the chance to join Monarch and get one month of the full 1:1 coaching experience for HALF OFF!

No contracts
No commitments

Everything that is included in our 1:1 coaching:

🦋Customized training program on the Monarch App

🦋Custom macro protocol

🦋1:1 messaging access with your coach in What’s App

🦋Weekly check ins with video responses from your coach

🦋Private, client only Monarch community discord chats

🦋Biweekly client group calls with the Monarch coaches

🦋Access to the Monarch community education capsule with resources on all things fitness, nutrition, programming, mindset, and more

We are holding nothing back from this so that you can get all of the support that you need to reach your goals and get the chance to see what Monarch is really about 🫶

Drop a 🦋 and I will send you the link to apply!

Enrollment closes at midnight on Friday March 31.


Cardio b***y ➡️ lifting b***y

Need I say more

I thought that my physique would turn into this toned physique with lines and curves in all of the right places if I could just lose more weight

OOF was I wrong

Running your b***y off won’t grow one

In fact, the more weight that I lost, the more of my b***y I LOST because I just kept losing more fat there.

The 🔑 to actually GROW some glutes are:

🔑Eating enough calories in the right macronutrient ratios to support tissue development in a HEALTHY body- not one that is chronically underfed.

🔑Following a proper training protocol with the right exercise selection, order, and volume. (P.s. It’s NOT 4x12 on everything or training legs 3x a week forever)

🔑Not overdoing cardio. This will increase your energy expenditure (not good for gains) and can inhibit your lower body’s ability to train AND recover (again, not good for gains)

Which one of these do you struggle most with?? Comment and let me know!⬇️

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 24/03/2023

What ONE MONTH can do for you

In one month, Hope started eating more and weighing less by simply having:

🦋consistency in her protocols
🦋accountability to hit them

No crash diets, no crazy cardio, taking plenty of rest days and eating plenty of food

A simple case of more food 🤝less waist

Keep your eyes peeled for Monday because we have something super exciting coming for you guys that you don’t want to miss out on…

Photos from Caroline Biddle's post 23/03/2023

How to NEVER lose motivation⬇️

Never lose sight of your “why”

At the end of every work out, I ask myself if I went pro today

That’s my underlying motivation for going to the gym and showing up every single time I have a session, even if I don’t want to

The reality is that you’re not always going to want to

You WILL choose to do it anyway when you are so deeply connected to the reason why you started working out and eating right in the first place

So what if you don’t want to compete… your “why” might look completely different than someone else’s and it is still just as valid

Maybe your “why” is:

💜To feel good every day and have a healthy body

💜So that you never feel like you used to again

💜So that you feel confident af naked in front of your SO

💜So that you don’t end up with that disease that runs in your family

💜To lead by example for your family/kids and show up for them even better

💜To be able to HAVE kids

When you remind yourself of your “why” every single time you feel like not showing up for yourself, it becomes a no brainer

Share your WHY in the comments🫶


You don’t have to love yourself

Hot take but you don’t need to have the self love to take action on your fitness journey. I know that I sure didn’t

Sometimes, the action has to come BEFORE you get there

Often, physique goals coincide with something that’s going on in our lives that we need to see a change in and it’s really just the catalyst to go all in on YOURSELF

Maybe we just went through a breakup and that’s when we start lifting (@ me when I was 18)

➡️It’s really an avenue to find yourself outside of that relationship and give yourself the energy, attention, & love that you crave

Maybe you lost a loved one and that’s when you start going to the gym

➡️It’s really a catalyst for you to process things emotionally by starting from the outside in

Maybe you’re just sick of your own 💩

➡️You have to start making changes in your life somewhere and this is the best place to start that isn’t leaving your job/relationship/city

None of these things FEEL like self love when you see feel them in the moment

Yet, they are all catalysts to help you cultivate it within yourself

Don’t shame yourself (or anyone else) if you “don’t love yourself” and that’s fuel to your fire.


The self love WILL come. It’s going to take some action on your end to make it happen.

Why not get jacked or shredded to get there?🤓

Drop a 🦋 if this resonates with you

Videos (show all)

you NEED to hear this today 👀 #fitness #fitnessjourney #fitnesstips #shorts #fitnessmotivation #viral
what I eat in a day #highproteinmeals #highprotein #mealinspo #fdoe #wieiad #whatieatinaday #shorts
The TRUTH nobody shows you 👀😮‍💨 #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #fitness #metabolism #shorts #viral
don’t make THIS mistake on your fitness journey 🫣 #fitness #fitnesstips #cortisol #hormone #viralpost
STEAL THIS HACK 👀 #squats #legday #fitness #fitnesstips #gymtips #shorts #squatform #fitnesstips #viralshorts
agree or disagree? 👀 #fitness #gym #fitnessmotivation #gymmotivation #shorts #viral #npcbikini
STOP doing this!!😩 #glutes #fitnesstips #fitness #pilates #fitnesstransformation #shorts #gymtips
a reminder you need today 🫶 #health #fitnessjourney #wellness #fitnessmotivation #fitgirl #shorts
the reminder you need that you can do ANYTHING that you want in life 🫶 #fitnessmotivation #shorts #bodybuilding #fitness
🫢😂 #gymcouple #fitnesshumor #gymcomedy #gym #fitness #couplegoals #couplecomedy
STOP making this mistake🫣 #carbs #nutrition #shorts #viral #nutritiontips #fitnesstips #healthyfood
why are we like this?!😂😩 #dnb #edm #couple #walking #couplegoals #shorts #viral #comedy #walk