Christ seekers

Christ seekers

Discussing the topic of Christ and God(s) with an open and modern mind....... ,,// We have become technologically advanced.

Much of what was written in the ancient scriptures was intended to be understood by people of our generation living in the End Days. The ancients had little to no knowledge of technology's, so they explained them as some sort of magic, supernatural, ghost, spirit, deity....... This concept of spirituality has clouded the truth of God(s). Its time to take a new look at these scriptures with an open modern mind........ ,,//


Trismegistus, star of David
Picture of Sagittarius ???
Interesting similarity...

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The Utsuro-Bune Encounter: An Ancient UFO in Japan, or Misinterpreted Folklore? 27/02/2022

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The Utsuro-Bune Encounter: An Ancient UFO in Japan, or Misinterpreted Folklore? One of the mosre famosu examples of ancient UFOs is the Utsuro-Bune, an ancient legend of a mysterious vessel that washed ashore on the coast of Japan.

Pyramids Discovered In Russia ‘Twice’ As Old As Egyptian Could Rewrite Human History - Collective Spark 16/11/2021

Pyramids Discovered In Russia ‘Twice’ As Old As Egyptian Could Rewrite Human History - Collective Spark By Ancient History | Guest Post The discovery of the world’s earliest pyramids on the Kola Peninsula may confirm the existence of an ancient civilisation on Russian territory. The civilization likely predates the Egyptian civilization by a long time. Archaeological excavations of the Kola Peninsul...

Timeline photos 12/05/2020

God is light. 5/13/2020

It is well documented that God is light
and is the creator of the heavens and the earth.

Modern science is in agreement that matter is
made up of light. And created the universe.

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It is written that God is light. And light organises matter.....
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A Series of Hidden Tombs Were Just Found in Egypt, And Archaeologists Are Excited

This is pretty big ... ,,// :) Archaeologists in Egypt have made the exciting discovery of a previously unknown necropolis, untouched for millennia.


The universe may be conscious, say prominent scientists

.... ,,// :) A proto-consciousness field theory could replace the theory of dark matter, one physicist states.


It is written that the big bang is a recurring cycle. Each expanse life evolving to man on top of the evolutionary chain. I had a thought on this. Since man has become civilized we have developed moral standards. Since small populations evolve more rapidly. As there is more inbreeding and hence more mutations. Has our morality put a halt to our evolution?... ,,// :)


As we learn more in science. We get closer to understanding God. Is the resurrection possible? ...... ,,// :)


I believe the flood story comes from the time of Pangaea.... The flood being the separation of the continents... ,,// :)



Universal knowledge, just as is taught in ancient texts..... ,,// :)


Ancient knowledge(the knowledge of good and evil) is what modern science is trying to achieve. If we have time, we may become intelligent enough to understand God....
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Ancient knowledge revisited.......

With our growing knowledge of the subatomic realm. We are getting closer to understanding God. The knowledge of good and evil....
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Jesus said, "As light disperses darkness, so does Love swallow up hatred, and it is no more."

Finding so many similarities in the quotes of great scientist and in what is written in ancient texts. It is as if these people had studied them.....

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"Matter is Energy. Energy is Light. We are all Light Beings.” ~Albert Einstein

And God is light.... Interesting...

If one follow the path to the origin of the teachings of Christ. One will find that God is light and is what organizes subatomic particles into atoms, molecules, elements and life.

The gospel of Thomas...

11) Jesus said: This heaven shall pass away, and that which above it shall pass away; and they that are dead are not alive and they that live shall not die. In the days when you were eating that which is dead, you were making it alive. When you come in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one, you became two. But when you have become two, what will you do?

(24) His disciples said: Teach us concerning the place where thou art, for it is necessary for us to seek after it. He said to them: He that hath ears, let him hear. There is a light within a man of light, and it gives light to the whole world. If it does not give light, there is darkness.

(50) Jesus said: If they say to you: Whence have you come?, tell them: We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being through itself alone. It [stood], and it re- vealed itself in their image. If they say to you: Who are you?, say: We are his sons, and we are the elect of the living Father. If they ask you: What is the sign of your Father in you?, tell them: It is a movement and a rest.

(61) Jesus said: Two shall rest upon a bed; one shall die, the other live.

Salome said: Who art thou; O man? And whose son? Thou hast mounted my bed, and eaten from my table. Jesus said to her I am he who is from that which is equal; to me was given of the things of my Father. Salome said I am thy disciple. Jesus said to her Therefore I say, when it is equal it will be filled with light, but when it is divided it will be filled with darkness.

(77) Jesus said: I am the light that is over them all. I am the All; the All has come forth from me, and the All has attained unto me. Cleave a (piece of) wood: I am there. Raise up the stone, an ye shall find me there.

(83) Jesus said: The images are revealed to the man, and the light which is in them is hidden in the image of the light of the Father. He shall be revealed, and his image is hidden by his light.
8/14/2018 ...

Sayings of jeasus....

A rich young leader of the Jews, coming to Jesus at night, asked him, "Good Master, what must I do to be saved?"
Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? Only the Gods are good, for they are Light, so if I am good, then I am a God, for I am Light. Search that Light within yourself, for it is your goodness and the power of your salvation, when charged with the free gift of the Son of the Eloheim. When you live according to the commandments of the Law, it is the Light that performs your good deeds."

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When I think of prayer i think of String Theory.... ,,// :)


I believe the everlasting life spoke about in the bible is available only while one is alive. And once one is dead it is over for that individual. The life after death refers to life evolving after the universe implodes and then explodes into another expanse, the Alpha and Omega.... ,,// &


Archaeological Discovery Of The 'Elba Scrolls' Confirms Old Testament To Be Accurate –

... ,,// & 🗿 - Ancient History - The Bible has long been called inaccurate and unreliable. Even some of the most devout believers say that much of it is symbolic, and does not ...


Former Apollo 15 Astronaut says Ancient Aliens created humans

Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.... ,,// :) The idea that Ancient Aliens created the human race has fascinated countless authors and researchers for decades. And while mainstream science believes...


The baffling Piri Reis Map of 1513: It showed Antarctica centuries before discovery, but without its ice cap

This gives one something to think about...... ,,// :)  Late in 1929, Gustav Deissmann, a German theologian, was working in Istanbul at the Topkapi Palace Library. While cataloging antique items he found a gaze


The mystery handbag of the Gods: Depicted in Sumer, America, and Göbekli Tepe

I have found this handbag very interesting.... ,,// :) How is it possible that thousand-year-old depictions of the Anunnaki show the gods carrying a mysterious bag, and half way around the world we find the same thing depicted by ancient Mesoamerican c…


Dating back to 5500 BC The Tărtăria tablets, earliest form of writing in the world

The great five and one half days.... ,,// :) The three tablets were discovered in 1961 at a Neolithic site in the village of Tărtăria in Romania. The tablets bear Vinca symbols of the Neolithic Turdas


An Egyptian artifact has been found in Mexico

Not so surprising for one that is studied in the Emerald tablets of Thoth..... ,,// :) Recently, an artifact found in Mexico was confirmed to be an Ancient Egyptian Ushabti figurine. Shabab Abdel-Gawad, the leader of the Egyptian Antiquities


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The garden was a spacecraft. "Adam" refers to a group of men that were created as slaves to till the ground for precious elements that God(the Son) came to this planet for. They then created women for the men(slaves). As they lived in a spacecraft with limited space, God(the Son) did not want them to multiply so they gave the commandment not to partake in the fruit(of man). But because they did and women became pregnant, they were kicked out of the garden(spacecraft) were they could multiply and spread out upon the Earth. After God(the Son) had filled their spacecraft with precious elements, they left in a chariot of fire(spacecraft) and we were left here..... ,,// &


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5 Major Earthquakes In 48 Hours As Seismologist's Warn What May Come Lots of questions and concerns have come up with regards to all the earthquakes our world has felt this past week. Why is the crust of the Earth shaking so violently all of a sudden?  Over the past 48 hours, there have been five major earthquakes globally, and one prominent seismologist has declared…


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The alignment of the Earth's axis with the center of the galaxy will bring God(the Father) forces into action, the result will wipe out most of what man has erected.. This is what is referred to as "the End" and the return of the Father's kingdom as all the survivors are all released form World(governments) and are free. Isaiah 65:25 "The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat.", the ones that were rich and powerful will be equal with the poor............. ,,//


FEMA is PREPARING for MAJOR SEPARATION OF LAND MASS! GET THIS OUT TO EVERYONE Tom Lupshu: FEMA High Level Briefing Mega Earthquake Swarms Coming


Ring of Fire: Three Deadly Earthquakes In Three Days - 'Earthquake Outbreak' Has Scientists Concerned The importance of being as prepared as possible, because when the big one hits in the U.S., it will be too late


The galaxy is laid out like a pancake and our planets axis wobbles, it takes aprox. 26,000 years to complete one full cycle(galactic day) at two points our axis is vertical in relation to the milky way and makes a cross. once at 13,000 years and once at 26,000 years aprox.(long count calendar) . I believe that when the milky way and our planets axis make a cross the planet loses stability. I also believe that the Earth was struck in the past causing panagia and the planet to be out of balance. each time the alignment happens the planet loses stability and continents shift, volcanoes erupt, tsunamis.... Each time the planet gets closer to finding natural balance and the effect is lessoned. 23-14-20116 ... ,,//


This Is Our 1 Week Warning! Will Huge June Megaquake Drill Be Too Late?

The End is nearing.... ,,// & Massive West Coast Earthquake Warning After Carbon Monoxide Levels Explode Leaves Fears Of Cascadia Rising.


Pyramid in the Atlantic off the pillars of Herculie’s ?
I was looking at satellite images for signs of ancient cities in the region that Atlantis had been told to be. When I found what looked like a huge pyramid. I downloaded a few images to my laptop. I spent some time trying to find other satellite images to confirm what I had found. A few days later I returned to the images that I original found the underwater pyramid to find that the images had been updated to a higher resolution and no longer shows the pyramid ? looking closer I found that the only area that had been updated was the region of the pyramid and where Atlantis was thought to be.
I have included a few images that I downloaded at the time I found this suspicious formation...What looks like a pyramid is in the center of the 1st image. And around it are what look to be sink holes. I thought that this may be a glitch where images had been indexed but the shadowing seem to be correct with the rest of the image.

The size of the possible pyramid is approximately 38km as seen in the 2nd image.

Just south of the pyramid looking formation is a right angle formation just to the NE of the cross in the image below that does not look natural to me. 3rd image

The 4th and 5th images show where the original images in this region have been changed ?

What seems strange is these images were updated a few days after I noticed what looks to be a under water pyramid and only in this region ?.... ,,// &


The "Ring Of Fire Is Shaking Violently" - Massive Uptick In Earthquakes And Volcano Eruptions -...

The ring of fire... ,,// & Perhaps we should start paying attention to the warning signs


The more I learn the more I agree... ,,// &

The more I have learned, the more I agree.... ,,//
