Gaia Holistic Health

Gaia Holistic Health

“Nothing happens in living nature that is not in relation to the whole” ~Goethe Website:


Why Coronavirus Should be The Least of Your Worries

My favourite article on COVID Especially if you don’t have it yet


What Psychedelics Told Me About The Coronavirus

This. An Empowering Message to Humanity from Ayahuasca


Imbolc & The Rites of Women: The Midwinter Festival of Lights

Blessed Imbolc Everyone! Across the world, for thousands of years, our ancestors celebrated the turn of the seasons through sacred feasts and plenty of magic. Marking the astrological alignments of the sun and moon, these…


Sixty Great Gift Ideas for Kids (that aren't toys) 2018 - 2019 - Lulastic and the Hippyshake

It's that time of year again. The Holiday season is upon us. Whatever you celebrate, make sure you give your presence not presents. Or if you would like to give gifts, here are some awesome ideas to try! I asked 6000 people what the best gift they received as a kid was,their answers became this list of Gift Ideas for Kids - sixty alternatives to toys!


Frightening Frequencies: The Dangers of 5G & What You Can Do About Them - Eluxe Magazine

How is this ok? Dangers of 5G technology, 5G radiation dangers, smart meter dangers, dangers of internet of things, why you should avoid 5g, how to fight 5g


The Energy Risk No One Is Talking About – Rob Avis – Medium

Great article! In the movie The Sixth Sense Haley Joel Osment claims that he can “see dead people” , that somehow he has a sense that most other humans…


Minga Skill Building Hub

Hey everyone, meet Susan Poizner:

She'll be teaching Fruit Tree Pruning and Pests and Disease Prevention on Sunday April 29th.

She is the author of the award-winning fruit tree care book Growing Urban Orchards and the creator of the award-winning online fruit tree care training portal at She is the creator of the Orchard People where she trains arborists, master gardeners and home growers from across North America the key skills involved in fruit tree care including pruning, pest and disease prevention and fertility management.

Susan is also the host of The Urban Forestry Radio Show and Podcast which covers fruit trees, food forests, permaculture and arboriculture. Learn more about her at She is an urban orchardist, journalist and film maker living in Toronto, Canada.


Epigenetic transformation -- you are what your grandparents ate: Pamela Peeke at TEDxLowerEastSide

You are what your grandparents ate! :)

Dr. Peeke is an internationally renowned physician, scientist, expert and speaker in integrative medicine. Acclaimed as one of America's top physicians, Dr. ...


Read This BEFORE You Give a Gift to a Child This Christmas

Are your gifts attached with strings? I love to see the pure joy on my children’s faces when they open their gifts on Christmas day. When I’ve lovingly wrapped the perfect thing for them and they just can’t contain their excitement that it is now theirs … Continue reading →


Nestle buying Canadian vitamin-maker Atrium Innovations for US$2.3B - Article - BNN

Terrible news. Nestle is paying US$2.3 billion to buy Canadian vitamin maker Atrium Innovations, it said on Tuesday, expanding its presence in the consumer healthcare market as it seeks to offset weakness in its traditional packaged foods.


'Our minds can be hijacked': the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia

Not having a cell/smartphone has made me a bit of a social pariah but the alternative is much more frightening. This article is a good look at the potential downside to having technology at our fingertips.
“One reason I think it is particularly important for us to talk about this now is that we may be the last generation that can remember life before,” The Google, Apple and Facebook workers who helped make technology so addictive are disconnecting themselves from the internet. Paul Lewis reports on the Silicon Valley refuseniks who worry the race for human attention has created a world of perpetual distraction that could ultimately end in disaster


Plants can see, hear and smell – and respond

The plant world is such a mysterious, magical kingdom. So much to learn. Plants perceive the world without eyes, ears or brains. Understanding how can teach us a lot about them, and potentially a lot about us as well


George Takei

Shoes off please! Here's why.

Asian households have had it right all along.



Do you drink tap water? I heard a great saying once, "if you don't use a filter, YOU will become the filter".

New research has detected microscopic plastic fibers in 94 percent of U.S. tap water samples. The study is the very first to find plastic contamination in tap water samples collected worldwide. Drinking water laced with microplastics could pose serious health risks as animal studies show the conditions in the gut enhance the “rapid release” of toxic chemicals absorbed in the plastic.


So true!


How Society Destroys Your Creativity, In An Award-Winning Pixar-Like Short Film

Does this ring true for you? What will you do about it? Modern society tells us to do well in school, work as hard as we can, and eventually teach our kids to do the same. It's an endless cycle that doesn't exactly leave much room for creativity. This short film is encouraging people to look at things differently, and is striking a cord.


Monsanto is scrambling to bury this breaking story - don't let this go unshared!

Spread the word! I am frankly shocked this information is not making front page news right now. Monsanto will do anything to bury this story… and as of right now, it’s working.


Minga Skill Building Hub

Join me here!

How do we create a household…a neighbourhood…a community…and a culture that exists in harmony with the natural world? This is the course to take to find out!


Barefoot Five

Return to the wild





The Continuum Concept

So much yes!

Every mammal on the planet - except civilized humans - sleeps cuddled up with their young.


NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt


WATCH: This group of volunteers in Orlando, Florida is trying to change the way we eat by turning your front yard into a full-fledged farm
Full Report:


We're nearing victory against Nestlé's and their plans to suck a small community dry of water

Nestle needs to be stopped! We've stopped Nestlé all over the globe, and we'll do it here too.


Food Matters


Hello my friends! After a fairly long hiatus, I am slowly trying to get GHH back on track. I will slowly update the website, add in some new offerings and update you on all the new adventures we have been up to. Life is never boring and full of challenges, we are always up for what's in store!
P.S. For all of you goddesses out there, New Moon Circle is being held in Milton on Friday September the 30th from 7:30pm-9:3ish. Let me know if you would like to join us!


Grow Food, Not Lawns

The best revenge on weeds is to eat them!

Have you ever seen this around your house? Here's what you should know: