Melissa Cahill Hypnotherapy

Melissa Cahill Hypnotherapy

I can help free you from survival mode after toxic relationships.


At the heart of narcissistic abuse lies a distorted self-image. Narcissists often project charm and confidence, masking deep insecurities and fragile egos. Their relationships serve as tools to satisfy their need for control and superiority, craving admiration and validation.

Key Characteristics of Narcissistic Personality:

Grandiosity: A belief in being uniquely special or superior.

Lack of Empathy: Inability to understand others' feelings.

Need for Admiration: Constant hunger for praise.

Entitlement: Feeling deserving of special treatment.

Exploitativeness: Willingness to manipulate for personal gain.

The Cycle of Narcissistic Abuse: A Twisted Dance

Narcissistic abuse unfolds in predictable phases, leaving survivors feeling trapped:

Idealization: Showered with affection and compliments to create a strong emotional bond.

Devaluation: Criticism and gaslighting erode self-esteem and perception.

Discard: Abrupt rejection followed by attempts to regain control, perpetuating the cycle.

Ready to heal from narcissistic abuse? Visit for support and guidance.


Understanding the Dynamics of Narcissistic Abuse: A Guide for Survivors


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Limit contact (or go no contact if necessary). Depending on the relationship, you may be able to limit contact to occasional emails or social media interaction. In some cases, complete no contact might be the healthiest option.

Focus on your emotional well-being. Detachment can be emotionally challenging. Take care of yourself by practicing self-care activities like spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies you enjoy, or seeking professional support.

Detachment is a process, not a one-time event. There will likely be bumps along the road. Here are some additional tips to stay strong:
- Be prepared for resistance. The toxic person may try to guilt-trip you or make you feel bad for setting boundaries. Stay firm and don't be swayed by their manipulation.
- Focus on the future benefits. Detachment is about creating a healthier, more fulfilling life for yourself. Visualize the positive changes you'll experience by breaking free.
- Acknowledge your progress. Every step you take towards detachment is a win, no matter how small. Be proud of yourself for prioritizing your well-being.

Visit the website for more tips.



Walking on eggshells around a narcissistic partner to prevent outbursts can have severe long-term effects on your mental and emotional well-being. This constant state of hyper-vigilance can lead to chronic anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You may experience a diminished sense of self-worth, as you continuously suppress your own needs and feelings to avoid conflict. Over time, this can result in a loss of identity and autonomy. Physical health issues, such as insomnia, headaches, and digestive problems, can also arise from the constant stress. The pervasive fear and uncertainty can make it difficult to trust others and form healthy relationships in the future.

Do (did) you ever feel you must walk on eggshells to avoid conflict or outbursts?

Photos from Melissa Cahill Hypnotherapy's post 17/07/2024

You might have thought you were escaping the torment, that life would be peaceful and you could simply heal after separation. Narcissists often ramp up their abuse tactics at the end of a relationship. This can manifest through emotional blackmail, smear campaigns, parental alienation, triangulation, financial control or legal abuse. Narcissists need to maintain control and continue the manipulation, making it challenging for the victim to find peace and move on.

What is your experience with post separation abuse?

Photos from Melissa Cahill Hypnotherapy's post 13/07/2024

Do You Show Yourself Love?

Reflect on These 3 Key Areas:

Are your words kind and encouraging? Positive self-talk is crucial as it rebuilds your inner dialogue, transforming the harsh criticisms imposed by the abuser into supportive affirmations.

Do you prioritize your well-being and nurture yourself? Prioritizing self-care helps restore your physical and emotional well-being, reinforcing the belief that you deserve to be healthy and happy.

Your Boundaries:
Do you allow others to treat you with respect and kindness? Establishing and maintaining boundaries is essential for protecting yourself from further harm, and ensuring that your relationships are built on mutual respect and kindness.

After experiencing narcissistic abuse, reclaiming your worth involves nurturing these key areas. Together, these practices are fundamental in healing and reclaiming your sense of self-worth.

What do you do to show yourself love?


Recognize the signs of a toxic relationship and empower yourself to break free. Discover strategies for setting healthy boundaries and protecting your well-being.

Read now for valuable insights


I still have days where the echoes of the past seem louder than usual. The triggers can come from anything, a word, a memory, or a thought—and suddenly, I'm transported back to a time of pain and confusion. On those hard days, I remind myself that I am not alone and that these feelings, as overwhelming as they feel, will pass.

I remember to be kind to myself. I sit and acknowledge my feelings, they are always trying to tell me something. I remind myself to speak to myself with kindness. I surround myself with people who build me up, I journal and engage in self-care.

When the past feels too close, I remind myself of how far I've come. Each day, I am healing and growing stronger. The hard days will pass, and with each one, I am building a brighter, more peaceful future for myself.

Healing is not linear and there will be hard days. You are stronger than you think and you will come out stronger and more resilient.


How others treat you is a projection of their own issues, not a mirror of your worth.

May you ALWAYS remember this!

Embrace this knowledge and reclaim your power.

Photos from Melissa Cahill Hypnotherapy's post 05/07/2024

Your mindset is a key factor in reclaiming your confidence and rebuilding your life after narcissistic abuse. By shifting your perspective and nurturing self-compassion, you can pave the way toward a future filled with self-love, empowerment, and authentic happiness.

I guide you to reclaim your confidence and worth after toxic/narcissistic relationships so you can live a peaceful authentic life.


❤❤❤ Testimonial


Identify the warning signs. Is there constant criticism, manipulation, or emotional blackmail? Do you feel unheard, disrespected, or pressured to change who you are? Recognizing these warning signs is the first step towards detachment.

Set clear boundaries. What behaviors are no longer acceptable? Maybe it's limiting phone calls, refusing to engage in arguments, or simply ending conversations that leave you feeling drained. Communicate these boundaries clearly and consistently.

Practice assertive communication. Learn to say "no" confidently and express your needs directly, without apologizing. This can feel uncomfortable at first, but it's crucial for establishing healthy boundaries.

Visit the website for more tips.


Photos from Melissa Cahill Hypnotherapy's post 29/06/2024

When we repeat affirmations, we're essentially rewiring our thought patterns. When healing from abuse, affirmations can help keep you grounded in your worth and potential. They act as a constant reminder of your strength and resilience, counteracting the negative messages you may have internalized from past experiences.


Recognizing your anger is crucial as it serves as a signal of deeper emotions and unmet needs. After the end of a narcissistic relationship, anger often indicates a boundary violation and a sense of injustice. By acknowledging this anger, we can begin to understand ourselves better, validate our feelings, and start the healing process. It's a vital step towards reclaiming personal power, setting healthier boundaries, and ultimately, fostering emotional resilience and self-awareness.

Photos from Melissa Cahill Hypnotherapy's post 20/06/2024

5 Things I wish I knew after my relationship with a narcissist

LIMIT CONTACT: Engaging in any form of communication can stunt your recovery process, as narcissists are skilled at using manipulative tactics to keep you entangled. They want a reaction.

EDUCATION: By educating yourself, you gain a better understanding of what happened to you and why it happened. This knowledge can empower you to make informed decisions about your future, establish healthy boundaries, and avoid falling into similar patterns of abuse in the future. Knowledge is a powerful tool for recovery, providing you with the clarity and confidence needed to reclaim your peace and move forward.

SEEK SUPPORT: The emotional trauma inflicted by a narcissist is profound and can escalate after the end of the relationship. Navigating this trauma often requires expert guidance. Seek help from someone who has knowledge about the effects of narcissistic abuse.

SET BOUNDARIES: By setting and enforcing clear boundaries, you create a protective barrier that shields your mental and emotional health from further harm. Boundaries empower you to take control of your interactions and relationships, ensuring that you are treated with the respect and care you deserve. This process is essential for healing and building a life free from the influence of narcissistic abuse.

ISOLATE YOURSELF: Social isolation can significantly increase the risk of depression and anxiety making it harder to navigate the narcissist relationship aftermath.

It's crucial to understand that the aftermath of a breakup with a narcissist requires careful navigation to ensure a healthy recovery.

It is my purpose to support women going through the horrific aftermath of narcissistic abuse.


Our online transformational hypnotherapy and coaching services are tailored for women like you. Heal from toxic narcissistic abuse and step into a life of self-assurance. Book a 30-minute discovery call for personalized guidance on your healing journey.

Visit our website to learn more and take the first step towards empowerment and transformation.


Narcissists see your illnesses as an inconvenience because you can't fulfill their needs when you're unwell.

You won’t be able to meet their demands or expectations.

Narcissists lack empathy – they don't consider how they would want to be treated or remember all the times you were there for them.

Instead, they notice how much more you need them, which fuels their disdain for basic human needs and emotions.

It's common for narcissists to react to your illness by:

Being extra critical or contemptuous

Downplaying your illness/symptoms

Accusing you of faking it

Getting angry with you

Being annoyed by your requests

The narcissists lack of empathy means they are unable to understand or care about your suffering. Instead, they focus on how your illness impacts them. This response can make you feel guilty and ashamed for being sick, as if your need for care is a burden or a failure on your part. This dynamic leaves you feeling unsupported and blamed for something beyond your control, amplifying feelings of guilt and shame and further eating away at your confidence and self worth.

Have you been sick or had an illness when you were with a narcissist? How did they react?


Repeat after me:

I love myself.
Other people love me.
I’m a lovable person.

How does it feel to say that?

Does it feel weird?

Does it make you uncomfortable?

Does it feel ridiculous?

If it does, it's a sign you need to say it more. You need to make praising and loving yourself familiar.

The most impactful words are the words we say to ourselves so praise yourself daily and watch how your confidence grows.

Practicing daily affirmations is a great way to start changing the language you use. The more you do it, the more you start to believe it and it becomes familiar.


One of my biggest challenges after ending my toxic relationship was shutting off the negative words that echoed in my mind. My ex-partner's shaming words made me feel small, and for a long time, I believed them. The constant ruminating of these hurtful comments was incredibly harmful and kept me stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and pain.

Narcissists often use shaming words to keep you small and under their control. By constantly belittling you, they erode your self-esteem and make you doubt your worth. This manipulation keeps you dependent on their approval and afraid to stand up for yourself. The truth is, the things he used to say were all lies.

I knew I had to break free from these toxic thoughts and the endless ruminations. I realized that to truly heal, I needed to start talking to myself with the same love and compassion I would offer my best friend. This shift was crucial—not just for my emotional well-being, but also for reclaiming my confidence.

Reclaiming your confidence is an essential part of the healing process. When you start speaking to yourself kindly and with encouragement, you rebuild the self-esteem that was torn down. You remind yourself of your worth, your strengths, and your ability to overcome.

It's a powerful transformation when you choose to be your own source of support and positivity. Remember, healing starts with the way you speak to yourself. Embrace self-love and watch as your confidence and inner strength begin to resurface.


Trying to defend or explain yourself to the narcissist will only hurt you. It will drain you emotionally, it will cause more self doubt, they will manipulate and use words against you causing more guilt and pain.

The narcissists perception is misguided. They are unable to see any perspective other than their own and are blind to their own bad behaviors. Trying to defend yourself only fuels the fire. It's easier for them to blame you rather than take responsibility. Narcissists use blame and accusations to dodge difficult conversations.

Set boundaries, prioritize your own well-being, and remember that you don’t need their validation to be confident in your choices. Stick to facts and limit contact.


Celebrate your successes, big and small. As you start to make progress, take a moment to acknowledge it. Did you stand up for yourself today? Did you try something new? Celebrating your wins, no matter how small, will boost your confidence and motivation.

Seek support. You don't have to go through this alone. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in you. Consider joining a support group for survivors of narcissistic abuse, or talking to a therapist who specializes in this area.

Visit the website for more resources and support.


Acknowledge your pain. Don't try to minimize your experience. Allow yourself to feel the anger, sadness, and frustration. Bottling up your emotions will only hinder your healing.

Start to reconnect with yourself. What did you enjoy doing before the relationship? What are your values and dreams? Journaling, spending time in nature, or taking up a creative hobby can help you reconnect with those lost parts of yourself.

Challenge negative beliefs. The narcissist likely filled your head with doubts and criticisms. Now is the time to challenge these negative thoughts. What evidence supports them? Remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments.

Visit the website for more resources and support.


When narcissists can't control you, they try to control how others see you by spreading rumors, twisting truths, anything, to keep their grip on power.
It's a classic manipulation tactic. Narcissists will go to great lengths to try to destroy your reputation and maintain dominance in realtionships or situations. This may last years after the end of the relationship. It is detrimental to your self esteem and confidence. It's important to remember, their actions say more about them than they do about you. Overtime, the truth always comes to light. Stand tall, stay true to yourself, and surround yourself with those who see your worth.

I'm here to support you as you navigate the aftermath of narcissistic abuse.


Reclaim your sense of self and rebuild self-esteem after narcissistic abuse. Discover how to heal and rediscover your strength.

Read now for empowering insights


Going no contact with a narcissisist is LIFE CHANGING!!!

No contact is crucial for survivors of narcissistic abuse because it creates a necessary boundary between them and the abuser. It provides space for healing by preventing further manipulation, gaslighting, or emotional harm. Without contact, survivors can begin to reclaim their autonomy, rebuild their self-esteem, and establish healthier boundaries. It also allows them to focus on their own well-being without being pulled back into the toxic dynamics of the relationship. Ultimately, no contact serves as a protective measure, enabling survivors to break free from the cycle of abuse and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery.


I faced a profound realization after the end of my toxic relationship: I had permitted mistreatment and disrespect. I internalized the belief that I deserved such treatment, bearing unnecessary guilt. This awakening marked a crucial turning point, as I confronted the root causes of my self-doubt and reclaimed my worth. I took my power back once I realised that I deserved better.

Respect is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. It means listening, understanding, and valuing each other's emotions. In narcissistic relationships, respect is often one-sided, leaving you feeling unheard and unimportant.

Remember, you deserve to be heard and respected. Don't settle for anything less!

See what shifts happen in your life once you create the unshakable belief that you are WORTHY!!


5 Reasons why you should acknowledge your feelings and emotions.

1. Validation: Recognizing and acknowledging our emotions validates our experiences. It helps us understand that what we feel is real and valid, even if the narcissist tried to invalidate or minimize our feelings during the abusive relationship.

2. Processing Trauma: Narcissistic abuse can cause deep emotional wounds and trauma. Acknowledging our feelings allows us to begin processing this trauma, rather than burying it or pretending it doesn't exist.

3. Healing: Emotions are a natural part of the healing process. By allowing ourselves to feel and express our emotions, we create space for healing to occur. Suppressing or ignoring our feelings can hinder the healing process and prolong our pain.

4. Reclaiming Power: Narcissistic abusers often seek to control and manipulate their victims' emotions. Acknowledging our feelings empowers us to reclaim control over our emotional lives. It reminds us that we are the authors of our own emotional experiences.

5. Preventing Repression: Ignoring or repressing our feelings can lead to long-term emotional and psychological consequences, such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Acknowledging our emotions allows us to process them in a healthy way, preventing them from festering and causing further harm.

Acknowledging our feelings and emotions while healing from narcissistic abuse is a vital step towards reclaiming our sense of self, rebuilding our confidence, and moving forward with our lives in a healthy and empowered way.

I empower women in their healing journey, guiding them to reclaim their confidence after experiencing narcissistic abuse.


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