Alex Herndon

Alex Herndon

YALLL, this is basically like my own little diary. Well, maybe it's a blog. Is this a blog? It's a diary-blog. Whatever, like my page, let's be friends.


On December 13th, in the comfort of our home, we welcomed our 4th baby boy. 💕 Behren Fox 🦊 the Lord met me in ways I had been praying for, to the depths of my sweet soul. I’m so so so happy 🥰

Timeline photos 18/07/2020

An reminder was made apparent to me today while the in today, there is a in the cave, sometimes there is a fork in the road, giving one the ability to choose their own way. Children have something into their being, 🌏 Piercen took a path from the and I almost said, “P, no, come over here.” BUT I stopped myself, he wasn’t in danger, why do I need to control him? Simply because everyone did something different? I was reminded that it’s society that molds us into compliance, and that the only appropriate thing to do is to follow the crowd. I want my boys to be unswayed by what “everyone else” is doing. I’ve fought so hard for myself to become a in spite of this world tries to the ones who are able to grow in their ability of forming their own options, wondering off the beaten path into questions unasked. Let them be 🌬 Afterall, the most beautiful growth comes when you’re given to freedom to find it. 🌈

Timeline photos 18/07/2020

I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever be at a point where I think, I’m okay with never having another child. Kind of a scary thought, time passing. I love every second, even the seconds I’m huffing and puffing because they’re screaming or fighting or crying. Gosh, what a crew. What a life. ☀️🥰

Timeline photos 10/07/2020

Put your bare feet on the ground, let the Earth heal you. 🌏

Timeline photos 24/06/2020

So much in these kids. 🍊 They make my heart so with a that could only come from the ✨Thankful for the that comes with the ☀️

Timeline photos 15/06/2020

Headed today! ☀️

Timeline photos 15/06/2020

Our got 🥂 cried several times over the of my and how God uses her in my life. Cheers to someone who is enough to share the worst of her, while loving enough to accept the worst of you. Sabrina, your is endless, an amount that could never be matched. I you sister, to new beginnings. 💕

Timeline photos 12/06/2020

Cheers 🍓

Photos from Alex Herndon's post 09/06/2020

Closer to getting a mini fluffy than I was last week! For now, all I have is a long hair’d lookin’ boy who doesn’t eat. 🤪 @ San Antonio, Texas

Timeline photos 08/06/2020

last night with my hubs. met some new ✨ had a few 🥂 we leave for in a few days, just us. 💕

Photos from Alex Herndon's post 24/05/2020

For as long as I can remember I’ve been able to see in every thing, even when something seems really ugly. One of the COUNTLESS things that’s been shown to be during this described “ “ is my own beauty, as I am. It’s before this time that I was “as I am” and felt pretty, honestly. But being forced to embrace my self as has me has been 🌿 I’ll tell you what it took for anyone who still isn’t here, it takes time with the Lord, it takes allowing yourself to be stripped of the things YOU think you need, for me that was lashes, hair color, extensions, edgy clothing, perfect makeup, the list goes on and on I promise you. Be stripped of it. For me in meant getting my hands and feet in the watching myself into new hobbies. I stand here today proclaiming to myself (and I guess all of you🤣) that I feel so beautiful as I am, even more so without the 🥰 Keep looking inside, girlfriends, the beauty of you is so far beneath your skin. 🌼 @ Burleson, Texas

Photos from Alex Herndon's post 23/05/2020

We had the yesterday! ☀️ Honestly, I think it was Kias’ best day of his whole existence because he didn’t have one day and did not fuss ONE TIME. Seriously, not once. He climbed, he ran, he swam, he splashed, the floated, he hiked, explored caves, up and down castle stairs, the boy did it all. I’d say Turner Falls will see my sunburns again. ☀️ @ Turner Falls Park Oklahoma

Photos from Alex Herndon's post 18/05/2020

Snipped myself some from the garden for some 🌿 and in addition to 🍵 for some 🌼 @ Burleson, Texas

Photos from Alex Herndon's post 18/05/2020

I stripped.... my hair 😆 I went with “color oops” hair stripped with no ammonia or bleach. ❌ I’d say for 20 minutes it stripped a amount, hot dang! I’d also say I’ll to do it another 2 before I’m enough to back over it with my natural color, which would be like a 6.5-7N. Maybe add a touch of to make it look more after it’s all said and done. 🌿 I have a in 3 weeks so let’s hurry this thing along. 🌼 @ Burleson, Texas

Timeline photos 16/05/2020

Every time we come to I say, “let’s move here.” And every time Skyler says, “Yeah!” And then we go home and forget about it until next time. 😅We hiked, snow-coned, bbqed, played games at the canal, and just had a really day. ☀️🌿🌊

Timeline photos 12/05/2020

My spunky babe. 😍 My MIL’s got out this afternoon, so me and loaded up on a rescue mission. 🐓 Kias kicked around in the while I’m kick in’ dirt chasin’ a 🏃🏻‍♀️💨

Photos from Alex Herndon's post 10/05/2020

Happy 2nd to our 3rd 🌿 the truest gift someone could receive from the highest one. 🥰 @ Burleson, Texas

Photos from Alex Herndon's post 01/05/2020

I haven’t had a in two days! This nose spray is the only form of that I have, but many of my friends also take this orally from a tincture. 💧 After complaining on about my I started using this 4 times a day, so yesterday and today, and I haven’t had a stuffy nose since! YAS OMG LIKE YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW. 🤪 antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal. You’re welcome. ☀️ Swipe to see Kias when I say, “Big smile!!” 😍 @ Burleson, Texas

Timeline photos 30/04/2020

My drawer wasn’t allowing me to see everything as easily as I’d like to because I had begun to accumulate too many for the space, so I set out for a shelf!

Timeline photos 28/04/2020

The wind blew away all 144 Sterling and I planted last week, so today we started over, at first I was like “OMG HOW?! WHAT THE HECK!!!” But it really did turn out to be a because I’ve rethought my approach and learned a HUGE thing in the process that before didn’t seem very to me at the time of my initial which is the difference in plants that prefer varying amounts of sunlight. 🌤☀️☁️🌦 Now I have them all organized and I’m even more excited then before! Today, we sowed just under 300 seeds. 😍 Piercen is a master and Sterling really has taken on a love for ! 🌿


Yesterday’s was 🙈 I wasn’t my self during that time. But that period taught me something that clicked today! ☀️one of the of I’m is that we make the schedule. I’m not bound to “school right after breakfast” what I’m bound to is what’s right for US! And what was right for us today was school at noon. We thrived so much today I could cry, and have, several times. 😅 God’s using this time SO intentionally it’s literally blowing me away, farrrr farrrr away. 🥰🤓 I’m not coming back ✌🏻”your presents is an open door, so come now Lord, like never before.” 🎶

Photos from Alex Herndon's post 14/04/2020

We did it. We harvested our thing from our 🥬 ! We are so ☀️ especially Sterling 🌻 is on me tonight, boys! @ Burleson, Texas

Timeline photos 13/04/2020

To all the times Kias has climbed into his stroller and said, “Lou Lou” 💕😆 asking me to walk him down the street to his little house. Only to take her toys, steal her bottle, and take naps in her crib. Babies who together, cry together. 😅 Happy Easter friends, let today hold the same value as yesterday, and everyday forward to know that a savior died for you in hopes that you would accept his of ever lasting life with him in the Lords Holiest of Holy places. A gift greater than you could ever give your children, make sure every day you teach your children the gift that awaits them if they choose to place their trust in Jesus Christ, and him alone. That they may find peace in him, despite what this world and the enemy will put in their way. When you become aware that the enemy is pursuing YOUR baby, you will speak Gods name in and over your home constantly, that the words will repeat over and over in your child’s head, “God is faithful. Seek him and you will find him over and over. Jesus loves you, greater then I ever could, and I love you so much.” Allow them to see you break in front of the Lord, and allow them to see how He and He alone molds you together better then you were before in a way only He could and DOES. These babies receive from the Lord, through you. Read that again. These babies, receive from the Lord, through you. How can you show Gods love for them?

Photos from Alex Herndon's post 04/04/2020

Something that’s been on my “I want to do” list for quite sometime, I did in practice for The Passover starting April 8th. Made my own 🍞 this is an unleavened I found on Pinterest. The is something that’s recently been brought to my attention, my hearts open and I’m ready to be molded. 💕🙏🏻 @ Burleson, Texas

Photos from Alex Herndon's post 30/03/2020

These days we are with under our fingernails. Pros at chasing, w**d picking, veggie & know how many steps it takes to get down the street to our house. ☀️ @ Burleson, Texas


Don’t let this face fool you, what we have here, folks, is a chicken kicker. 🐓 The chick got a kick and the baby got a s***k! 💥 GOSH HE’S SO BIG! Check stories to see what what big boys think about this time we are in. 🌎


I’ve experienced so much in the past week or more than I think I’ve ever felt, without even previously knowing I wasn’t really experiencing it before, to be unknowingly bound by the expectations of others and even the expectations we put on ourselves, lies of the enemy that we believe to be true, I can see SO clearly it feels. It’s SO amazing. I’ve been inching toward this reality I’m in that God has for each of us for months and I’m honestly on a high. Seek him! He will reveal himself to you. Our God is UNMATCHED. My heart jumps for joy inside of me at every hour. Follow me, sisters, because He has this for you. 💕

Timeline photos 24/03/2020

Photos from Alex Herndon's post 18/03/2020

Skyler on the today that we bought from the 🦐 I couldn’t keep Kias out of the 🌊 (not that I was trying to😅) & Piercen might pick up boogie boarding as a profession. One of our best days 🥰 I have to say, I’m so looking forward to being one on one with these guys in the months to come. What can we learn in these times 👣 Skyler and I were speaking last night and I was sharing my gratefulness for these times because I know how many people are finding themselves at the feet of the Messiah that haven’t ever before. Praise be to God, what a time to be alive. 🙏🏻 @ Port Aransas, Texas

Timeline photos 18/03/2020

Running away to the ends of the with you ☀️ But let’s make a U-turn real quick to check on my seeds at home because that serious 🌱

Timeline photos 01/03/2020

Mama’s ! 💕 I threw myself on the couch yesterday to before we left for the and I was so tired of the from Piercen and Kias and Sterling goes, “WHEW, it’s so hard taking care of crying babies, huh mom???” 😅 LOL! Yes, baby, EXHAUSTING. PS, he loves his guys, he keeps them on keychains attached to his backpack and uses them 3-5 times a day. My sweet boy! 🍊 OH! Also! He’s had such a positive response to me altering how I show love to him in regards to HIS 🥰 Increased my touch to him. It’s great :) One more thing, my face hurts from smiling so much today, these Sunday school kids have my heart! My favorite day is Sunday. 🙏🏻

Timeline photos 18/02/2020

Fist of all, who put me in charge of all these people? But also, thank you. ✨ Even the for the crying one 😂 shoutout to our Father for mother’s intuition. Seriously. Tell me who on God’s green Earth, besides a mother, can take one look at a seemingly fine child and know somethings off? Who else can almost literally step inside another human being and truly understand their thoughts, because us moms are pretty freaking close. We pick up on their body language like it’s our native tongue, because guess what? It is. You, mama, know your child better than anyone else on this planet, not your mom, not their dr, not even their own father. God didn’t give them what he gave you. Trust yourself, what you have my friend, is a God given gift. 💕 For their sake, trust YOU.

Timeline photos 16/02/2020

No eyes could conceive what I have prepared for you. 🙏🏻

Timeline photos 14/02/2020

Here’s to all my with their lie “I don’t want anything” 🌷 I see you, I’ll say that too but if he doesn’t show up with flowers I’ll kill him. Forever fascinated by the mind of a woman 👀

Timeline photos 11/02/2020

OMGGGGG, I know I’m going to my so bad. SO bad. But I know my for wanting to have my hair color are good. To have what God perfectly curated for me, amongst several others like limiting toxin exposure in this area, no weird line of demarcation, people don’t wonder if my kids are mine 😅etc. Here’s my internal dialogue: soooo you want to be all natural but you also want lip injections and draw on your eyebrows everyday? 🧐 You gather things from the to nourish you but also have a in your hand? 🧐 WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE 😅🙃 Thank you God for a who walks on his toes, that way he can turn on a dime trying to keep up with my pursuings 🌱🌷🌼 Wherever we end up, we will definitely remember what the journey looked like 💕

Photos from Alex Herndon's post 08/02/2020

“Let’s sit down for a “ he says. @ The Shops at Clearfork

Timeline photos 07/02/2020

If this is hour then I don’t like it because all I’m left with are burnt off eyeballs.

Timeline photos 06/02/2020

I’ve been through so many seasons with this but he makes me SO 🥰 Something hit me today watching him walk to the car from pick up line at and I just started crying, I can’t believe this GIFT of a child I have 😭 He’s rough, sweet, compassionate, head strong, silly, extremely intuitive, and has a heart that beats truly for his and a desire for Jesus. I love you so much!

Timeline photos 06/02/2020

I was shookith today speaking with a about how we only are motivated by two things, (not from God) OR 🤯 Literally, everything we’ve ever done boils down to one of the two motivations. I out by saying “motivated by love for my and God’s of all things from this Earth (veggies, fruit, herbs) I can these things with a ready to give and a on my face. BUT. The exact same act can be done by me motivated by fear of like if I get an email that half of Sterling’s class is out with the or something. It wasn’t until recently I can identify in myself when I am motivated by what and gosh it feels so good to be seen fully by Him in that. ANYWAY, today I realized how much I do for Skyler out of and never even knew it. Really. Fear of rejection, dissatisfaction, whatever. Not because of anything he’s done or said, but because of what has promised as “appropriate and acceptable”. Basically I would think I have to do XYZ perfectly or he will leave me. WHAT DO YOU MEAN???? Like, how skewed is that belief? But in a different head space I can serve him in the same way and recognize it was done by the motivation of love. This thought process is new for me but I’m excited to begin to let that go operating in a state of fear. Because the truth is, I’m not- nor was I ever- in control. anyone want to try this with me? :) I hope this all came out right. 🤪 I’m obsessed with my husband and he’s obsessed with me, this is just my internal (and apparently external) thought work about my motivations. God is love, the spirit of fear is not from Him. 💕

Timeline photos 29/01/2020

What would my look like if after drop off I was able to really start my day? 🥱 Do I have any friends who get started early??

Videos (show all)

Yesterday’s #school was #hard 🙈 I wasn’t my #best self during that time. But that period taught me something that clicke...
I’ve experienced so much #freedom in the past week or more than I think I’ve ever felt, without even previously knowing ...
I don’t have any words, just a smile 💕
This is why it takes 2 hours to #cook a #meal am I right? 🥦
I have Good News!