KrisAnn Nicole Coaching

KrisAnn Nicole Coaching

Empowering Recently Divorced Women to Remove Their Shame, Find Their Voice & Rebuild Life on Their T

3 Secrets to End Self-Judgment 19/09/2022

3 Secrets to End Self-Judgment Wanna quit judging yourself so much? Then snag my 3 secrets to end self judgment!


When you feel like going back, you MUST remind yourself of the cycle.

Don’t let your mind trick you by ONLY thinking about the “good.”

You MUST play the cycle out completely (to yourself, not with him), so you can see the FULLNESS of what will ensue IF you go back…again.

Stay strong! You’ve got this!

xo, KrisAnn Nicole

Photos from KrisAnn Nicole's post 24/09/2021

At the end of the day, no body wins on their own.

Having others around you to support you is HUGE!!

If it wasn’t for my support systems - my friends, family, coaches - I wouldn’t be where I’m at today.

Successful, confident & thriving! 💃🏼

I’d still be stuck in the abuse & lies that made me feel 2 inches tall.

Thank God, that wasn’t my life’s plan!

And if you’re in unhealthy, manipulative, abusive relationships, let me tell ya…


But, if you want change, if you want better relationships, you HAVE to make a move!

And to make a move, sometimes you need support - that’s why I’m here!

Whether you’re in an unhealthy relationship & want to work on it, leave it, or you’ve already left & you’re ready to rebuild yourself, I’m here for you!

Because at the end of the day, no body wins on their own, and you no longer have to try and do it alone.

Let me help you help you 😘

So when you’re ready to talk & see how we can help you create a life filled with healthy relationships where you can thrive & live your best life, dm me & let’s talk!

xo, KrisAnn 💋


Leveling up! Who’s coming?

I’ve been accepted into my coach’s mastermind!!

I’ve never been so excited to give someone 20k.

The next 8 months is going to forge diamonds.

Who’s ready to become a diamond with me?

I won’t lie.

It’ll be hard work, but hard work can be fun.

It may be uncomfortable, but discomfort can be fun.

How do I know?

Because we get to create fun.

So if you’re ready to put in the work to get to your next level of growth in your business, let’s talk.

I have a few 1:1 coaching spots open & I promise it won’t cost you anywhere near $20k.

At least not yet 😘

Comment “diamond” below or dm me & let’s hop on a call.

xo, KrisAnn


I’ve been accepted into my coach’s mastermind!!

I’ve never been so excited to give someone 20k.

The next 8 months is going to forge diamonds.

Who’s ready to become a diamond with me?

I won’t lie.

It’ll be hard work, but hard work can be fun.

It may be uncomfortable, but discomfort can be fun.

How do I know?

Because we get to create fun.

So if you’re ready to put in the work to get to your next level of growth in your business, let’s talk.

I have a few 1:1 coaching spots open & I promise it won’t cost you anywhere near $20k.

At least not yet 😘

Comment “diamond” below or dm me & let’s hop on a call.

xo, KrisAnn



But when you have those pockets, you:

✅ Scroll social media not knowing what to do

✅ Work on back-end tasks that nobody sees

✅ Spin in the “how” of growing your business, get overwhelmed and shut down.

✅ And ultimately those pockets of time pass and you feel you’ve accomplished nothing.

You’re not alone, I’ve been there, many of my clients have been there.

And you’re probably realizing something needs to change if you want to achieve those goals you’ve set.

You know the ones...the ones you keep pushing off to a later date.

The ones you say “one day” or “won’t that be nice” as you head back to the grind.

Look, it’s 100% possible for you to build and grow your business in pockets of time.

💗It’s 100% possible to do it while working a 9-5

💗It’s 100% possible to do it while raising kids

💗It’s 100% possible to do it even if you feel you don't have time

And I can teach you how.

Book a call with me and together we'll find the pockets of time that work best for you and your schedule and then we'll fill those pockets with $ making activities that'll grow your business.

Book your call here:

xo, KrisAnn



Do you know what’s getting in your way of success?

Chances are, it’s your excuses.

Excuses that sound like:
I’m not...
I can’t…
I don’t know how to..

(fill in the blank)

When you take the time to see them & eliminate them, you begin to see progress.

When we work together, we uncover the excuses that have been holding you back so you begin to see progress and growth in your business.

So if you’re ready to stop making excuses and get out of your own way, let’s talk.

Book your call here:

xo, KrisAnn

Timeline photos 09/01/2021

Getting on a call with someone can be intimidating, I TOTALLY get it.

But I want you to know that when you take me up on my offer to hop on a call, it’s going to be 2 things:
Super low-key (I won’t even comb my bangs first if it makes you feel better)
Super V-A-L-U-A-B-L-E to you!
Hoping on a call with me isn’t about you saying “yes” to my offer.

It’s about ME helping YOU identify what’s currently NOT working for you & what shifts you need to make so things can START working for you.

It’s as simple as that!

So the most you’ll walk away with is a coach who’s going to help you grow beyond your wildest dreams, and the least you’ll walk away with is knowing the solution to your current problem.

So if you’re ready to see what it’s like to have a casual conversation with me as your coach for 45 minutes to figure out what’s keeping you stuck, then drop a “call me” gif or slide into my dm’s.

Let’s get to the bottom of what’s really going on.

xo, KrisAnn


So my mom just got her COVID test results back - she tested positive.

I wasn’t surprised, even though I’d been telling her she doesn’t have covid the whole time she waited for her results.

Why I told her this was because I didn’t want her getting in her head about it, I wanted her to have the best experience possible with potentially having Covid.

So, now the cats out of the bag and she knows that she is Covid positive, and her response was amazing!

She said, “I feel good! I feel relieved!”

It was the perfect response! And the reason for it was because she felt validated in how her body has been feeling & how much she’d been sleeping.

I 100% understood this! So I hopped in my car and drove to the nearest clinic to be tested.

I’m pretty sure I’ve had it for awhile. I mean I’ve had many symptoms: coughing, achy all over, tight breathing, loss of smell, etc.

But my reason for being tested and having the validation for a COVID positive test isn’t for’s for you.

How so? Because I want you to see that COVID looks different for different people & we shouldn’t adopt a spirit of fear (2 Tim 1:7).

From the gate I’ve held the view that COVID + the placebo affect makes COVID scary.

Now, you don’t have to agree with me, but the way I’ve seen it is that when we are in a fear response due to our thoughts about COVID, it makes COVID worse.

As a coach I understand & teach how our thoughts create our feelings & our feelings produce our results.

You see the way our brains work is that what we think about, we bring about. What we think upon we heighten.

For example, if I ask you to walk around the Target parking lot and look for all the blue cars and when you come back I ask you how many yellow cars there are, you won’t know.

It’s because you told your brain to actively look for blue cars & that’s what it did while ignoring everything else.

It’s the same with COVID.

There are people who are genuinely scared of COVID because they watch the news & scroll social media & feed their minds with fear & I bet if they get COVID, it’s not going to be fun for them because their brain has been programmed to believe that COVID = death.

But for me (and my mom), we aren’t afraid of COVID.

So my mom gets COVID & what happens? She doesn’t freak out, she stays calm, listen to what her body’s needs (ie extra sleep) & let’s it do it’s thing, heal.

Now I want this same response for you. Not just with COVID, but everything in life.

Circumstances are neutral, and it’s your thoughts about them that make them what they are.

This concept ALONE can free you in so many areas of your life: your business, friendships, relationships, etc.

And I want all my clients to have the freedom of choice. The freedom to choose their thoughts so they can produce life changing results.

So if you’re ready to start applying this idea & others to your business to start seeing better results, then let’s hop on a call & talk about how we can make this happen for you!

xo, KrisAnn


Comparison comes from scarcity.

What would change about your business & the way you showed up if you knew that what you had was a 1 in a 7 billion business?

Well, that’s basically the truth!

Out of 7.5 billion people, you are the only you!

Which means that your business is the only one that exists of its kind.

So, how are you going to show up differently today knowing that what you have is one of a kind?


This might sound crazy, but I LOOOOVE UNsubscribers! 🎉

I’m sure you’re like, “KrisAnn! You’re crazy!”

And, that may be so! 😆

Because I know EVERY influencer in your ear is telling you...

“You NEED to get your email subscriber number up!! 💌

Your email list is the only thing that you own!”

But, what good is a number if that number don’t convert?!? 🤦‍♀️

Let me tell you, it’s NO GOOD!!

So if you’re one to constantly track your subscriber number & every time you see it drop your heart drops a little too & you make it mean something about you or what you said....

I just want you to remember this:




But don’t worry, you’re people are out there!

And if you need help finding them (ie. growing your list), I can help you with that!

Because it’s just one ☝️ of the things I’ll be teaching in my 4-Week Live Course starting October 14th!!

Check out the details here:


My Christian Women Entrepreneurs FB community has hit OVER 1,000 members in less than 4 weeks!! 🔥

I can’t even believe it! God is good! ❤️



Seriously if you’ve not taken the time to create a schedule for batching you’re content you are wasting SO MUCH TIME!! ⏰

It’s the beginning of the month & I just scheduled out 30 days of content for September in only 1 HOUR!! 👊

What this has done is:

✅ Freed up space in my brain so I don’t have to think about what to post this month.

✅ More brain space = more room for new ideas

✅ Lessened my stress levels when it comes to not only content creation but also CONSISTENCY!!

✅ Eliminated the need to task switch (or multitask) which has increased the amount of time I have for other tasks.

If you’ve bought into the lie that you can multitask, think again!

It’s actually called task switching & it’s SUPER unproductive!

Shifting tasks AND refocusing on a new task can take up as much as 40% of your productive time. 🤯

That means for 24/60 minutes is essentially wasted!! 🥴

That leaves you with ONLY 36 min per hour of productive time.

So my 1 HOUR of content batching could have just saved me 12 HOURS!! 😱

If you haven’t started batching yet, GET ON IT GIRL!! 💃🏼

xo, KrisAnn ❤️

ps. Need some help with this? I’m offering 90 minute strategy sessions (only $197) to help you plan out your entire month! Let’s this be your most productive month yet! You in? Drop your fav gif below 👇


A year ago God placed on my heart that I was going to write a devotional.

I never found myself to be much of a writer, but when God puts something on your heart, you don't argue, amiright?!?

So, I've been waiting for God's timing on this - and let me tell you, His timing is not our timing. Wouldn't you agree?

About 3 months ago God gave me the name of the devotional.

I was beginning the process of my divorce & I was struggling to know if I was really making the right decision.

And you know God, He shows up in surprising ways.

I received an email from a secular coach sharing her client's story.

It had NOTHING to do with God, but was EXACTLY what I needed to hear.

In that email, He validated that I was doing what was best not only for myself, but also for my daughter & ultimately for my ex-husband.

It was a very toxic relationship & now we can be amicable & raise her as two healthier individuals.

So it was in that moment that God placed on my heart the name for the devotional,

Love Notes From Daddy - Experiencing the Father's Love in Every Day Moments

You see, God wants us to see how He is showing up in the little things throughout our day & leaving us little "love notes" to remind us that He is here. He loves us. He cares about us. He knows us intimately.

This devotional is created to intentionally take you deeper into who you are in Christ while also experiencing the Father's unfathomable & unconditional love for you.

It's been exciting to see this unfold & I'm even more excited to be able to share this devotional with the women in my mastermind group this September.

It's going to not only help them grow deeper into their identity in Christ, but also support them in the growth of their business's.

AND it's going to be the fellowship & community we've all been longing for during this time of isolation.

I'm excited for the women God's bringing to fill each spot.

If you feel the Lord is calling you to be one of the 6 women in this mastermind, simply comment below “me” & we'll talk about what it could look like for you to be apart of the group.

xo, KrisAnn


What if the only person you needed validation from was yourself?⠀

When you start thinking like the CEO of our business, this is what happens:⠀

You begin acting like one!⠀

And you stop caring what anyone else has to say.⠀

This is just one of the mindset shifts I help my clients build around their own business's.⠀

You see, this is what I hear a lot:⠀

"KrisAnn, tell me what to do in my business"⠀
" told me to do xyz."⠀


Now, don't get me wrong, I am all for offering suggestions, but only after we've assessed what your own brain can come up with.⠀

I call it brainstorming, maybe you've heard of it? 😉⠀

Here's the thing, your brain is your most valuable asset, if you know how to use it.⠀

And I teach my clients how to use their own brains to start making powerful CEO decisions for their OWN business.⠀

Without needing validation from anyone outside of themselves.⠀

So if you're ready to feel confident in all your decisions as the CEO of your business, drop your favorite emoji in the comments.⠀

xo, KrisAnn


Just got off a zoom call & I wanted to share something we talked about that may help you...⠀

Let's say you did a launch to funnel people into your paid offer & you got 2 people to sign up.⠀

Then you tell yourself "That wasn't successful" & you try a different funnel or a different offer & you only get 2 people to sign up.⠀

So you think "This isn't working. I need to try something else."⠀

And you keep jumping from one thing to the next.⠀

I'm going to tell you right now, you need to stop jumping.⠀

If you've gotten even 1 person to buy in to your offer then whatever you did worked! ⠀

And you need to repeat THAT process over-and-over again!⠀

When you create a new funnel or offer you're starting with cold leads again and again. ⠀

But if you offer the same thing over and over, then you're always going to start with a lot of warm leads because people keep seeing your offer.⠀

And have I mentioned that it takes like 9 times for people to see your offer before they buy? ⠀

Which means with any social media algorithm, you need to be sharing the offer like 90+ times so that one person sees it 9. ⠀

So basically, find your success, repeat it & share your offer over-and-over-and-over ❤️⠀

That is all 😘⠀

xo, KrisAnn


What if you lived in a world where…⠀
⠀ unapologetically pursued your dreams⠀
⠀ didn’t care what others thought of you⠀
⠀ confidently showed up every day & knew exactly what to say⠀
⠀ felt perfectly equipped right now for your life’s purpose⠀
⠀ had the self-discipline to show up consistently⠀
⠀ built self-trust & showed up for all the commitments you’ve made to yourself⠀
⠀ confidently made decisions as the CEO of your business⠀
⠀ didn’t fear failure, but fearlessly pursued growth⠀
⠀ had the courage to feel the discomfort of stepping outside your comfort zone & did it daily⠀

This is the world I’m on a mission to create. ⠀

For you, for me, for my daughter, for everyone!⠀

Who’s ready to join me?⠀

xo, KrisAnn


I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but KEEP GOING!! 💃🏼 ⠀

It’s easy to look at the lack when it comes to starting & growing your business. ⠀

❌The lack of money to invest ⠀
❌The lack of clients your attracting⠀
❌The lack of funds flowing into to bank account⠀

But all this does is create MORE lack! ⠀

And ultimately leads to giving up. ⠀

This is why 90% of dreams die. ⠀

You don’t prepare yourself for the amount of effort it takes to be successful as an entrepreneur. ⠀

Now I’ve had my fair share of “I’m giving up” moments. ⠀

But instead of spiraling into self-doubt & lack, when the thought of giving up shows up, I simply...⠀

Notice the thought, choose not to be available for it & coach myself (or get coached) on better thoughts I can chose to think instead. ⠀

Often times ones that focus on abundance instead of lack. ⠀

So if you’re feeling a lot of lack, I want to encourage you today to be unavailable for it & instead focus on abundance ❤️⠀

And no matter what, KEEP GOING!!⠀

xo, KrisAnn⠀

ps. If you’d like some help seeing the abundance you already have in your life, drop your fav emoji below.


I was bawling my eyes out as I called up my mom to tell her the news.⠀

“Mom...I failed my math test!

This is my FIRST math class in college & I’m trying to become a math teacher & I FAILED MY FIRST TEST!!

There’s no way I can be a math teacher now!!”⠀

Of course my mom didn’t shift into disbelief about my abilities to do what I set out to do...

But that 34% on my math test was all the proof I needed - I wasn’t going to succeed⠀

Long story short, I was resilient, passed the class & went on to graduate with my teaching degree.⠀

Since then, I’ve taught HS math for 7 years & even went on to achieve my MA during that time. ⠀

I tell you this story because I know that it’s easy to say

“But, what if I can’t?! What if I’m the exception to the rule?!”⠀

It’s easy to gather up all the “evidence” that you’re just not cut out for achieving the goals you’ve set.⠀

But I want to challenge you with a new thought...

“What if I CAN?”

So instead of looking at your “failures” and giving up, you dried up your tears & pressed on?⠀

I’ve been a coach for a little over a year now, and I’m not where I projected I would be.⠀

I set goals & still haven’t achieved them, but I’m not giving up!⠀

I’ve intentionally chosen the thought - there’s no option that I don’t become a successful life coach.⠀

So if you’ve tried & failed, I don’t care if it’s been 5, 50 or 500 times...

Feel the feels & keep going!

People need what you have to offer, and if you’re struggling to believe that, dm me & let’s talk it out. ⠀

Because before others can believe in you, you must believe in yourself first. ⠀

I believe in you, when will you start? 💕

xo, KrisAnn


Keep it simple stupid! - No I'm not calling you stupid

In my last post, we talked about how consistency is key (didn't read it? Go back & do that - it's a good one)

So as you remember I shared how my coach says, “Showing up now is an investment. You’re showing up for the business you want to have 6-12 months from today.”

I think the biggest struggle newer entrepreneurs have is staying consistent.

At least I know that’s been a past struggle for me & quite honestly, I have heard coaches, who are further along in their business than I am, admit that they still find themselves struggling with what to say

- which is half the battle to staying consistent amiright?!?

Now, if you’ve been struggling with consistency, I’m curious if you’ve ever taken the time to ask yourself “why?”

I noticed that when I actually took the time to ask my brain why I struggle to show up consistently, here’s what I found:

I’m making it more difficult than it has to be.

That’s it!!

I get in my head about how I have nothing to share, no one is listening, who am I to share this, etc…

Self-defeating thought after self-defeating thought is what comes up.

And it ALL boils down to my brain feeding me thoughts to try and make it more difficult than it has to be.

Instead, I like to remind myself, K.I.S.S. - Keep it simple stupid!

I’ve told you this before, but I’m going to keep reminding you, because our brains need constant redirection (i.e. thought management)

So, how can you make it simple?

What is something interesting, fun or funny that happened today that you can share with your audience?

Tie it into a life or business lesson or don’t, either way, your people like to know you’re human too!

They can relate to that!

So next time you feel you have nothing to share, open your photo app & find a funny, wacky, inspiring picture to share to brighten someone else’s day.

Remember, it’s not about you, it’s about how you can serve your audience.

Sometimes that’s as simple as bringing them a smile.

xo, KrisAnn


Word on the street is - Consistency is Key

Maybe you’ve heard that in order to be successful, you need to be consistent.

Well, I completely agree!

But I’ll be the first to say that I’ve struggled with this A LOT!!

Even when it comes to tanning.

Hear me out, I’m SUPER white! Not in personality, as my students would tell you, but definitely in skin tone.

And we have a trip to Texas planned & that sun be bringin’ the heat!!

So I figured it would be a good idea to get a base tan, so the sun doesn’t land so harshly on my delicate skin.

Now, being fair skinned, I burn real easily, so I have to start at like 6 minutes (or less) and build up from there, while taking days off here-and-there to give my skin a break (i.e. I burn & need to recoup haha).

But even with days off, I still have to stick to a schedule & maintain consistency in order to build up my tan.

If I skip too many days, which is sometimes easy to do, because I don’t want to put in the work, and there’s like a million steps before & after to get the perfect tan amiright?!? lol

So, it’s easy to make excuses not to do the work it takes to get the most out of tanning, but I know that the benefits if I do stay committed are going to be great!

Not only will my skin be more prepared for the Texan sun, but I’ve also noticed that I like how I look with a tan.

My freckles come out & with the tan too it covers up my blemishes, so I don’t have to wear make-up & I actually feel more confident.

But with anything, it takes time.

I wasn’t instantly tan the first time I went, not even the second or third.

It took see where I’m going with this?

If you want results, you need to be consistent.

And you may not see results right away, but eventually, you’ll start to see the results of your consistent efforts.

I think my coach, Stacey Boehman, said it best,

“Showing up now is an investment. You’re showing up for the business you want to have 6-12 months from now.”

So, drop a comment & tell me, how are you staying motivated to keep showing up consistently even if you’re not seeing the results you want yet?

xo, KrisAnn



The other day I drove past a sign that said “drive thru church” & it had an arrow pointing toward a church & a line of cars going in and a few cars coming out.

It intrigued me & I really wanted to know more.

So when I got home, I went on over to my trusted friend, Google, to learn more!

In short, it’s a miniature church-like building that people can literally drive through...

Honestly, not as cool as I had imagined...actually, I didn’t really imagine anything, but I had high hopes for what would be presented.

The intrigue that this sign produced got me thinking though.

How are your offers creating intrigue for your audience to build up excitement to learn more?

And when they learn more, are you making sure your offer is SO good that they aren’t disappointed when they look into it?

So I want to challenge you to think about how you are making offers.

Are you making them as intriguing as a “drive-thru” church sign?

If not, ask yourself, “How can I make this more intriguing?”

Not sure how to make your offer more scroll stopping? Drop an emoji below & let’s work it out together!

xo, KrisAnn


But does their opinion REALLY matter? - It doesn’t have to...

I’ve noticed A LOT of posts on social media about what "other people" say.

For example, awhile back I made a post about how we cannot control COVID, but we can control our thoughts about COVID, so what are you choosing to think?

And I had a woman comment about how she’s feeling a lot of worry during this pandemic.

To which I replied something like, “If worry is an option & a feeling that doesn’t help anyone, why choose to be worried?”

She didn’t like that response very much & chose to comment again, “I’m choosing not to be your friend,” and proceeded to unfriend & block me.

Now, as a mindset coach, I practice what I preach.

So at first, I felt like I needed to justify myself, but after taking time to coach myself on this, I came back to the thought - if I get to choose what I’m making this mean to me and about me, what do I want to make it mean?

And the best part about that question is that you can make it mean whatever you want, which means you can make it mean absolutely NOTHING to you or about you!

Which is exactly what I've been reminding my friends in the comments of their posts lately, because sometimes, we just need a friendly reminder that we get to choose our thoughts.

And the ability to manage our minds is truly a gift, especially in times like these.

So if you’re finding yourself with an unmanaged mind, maybe you’re worried about what others are saying about you or worse, you’re worried about what you think they might say about you & that’s holding you back from saying anything, then let’s chat!

In 60 minutes, I’ll help you identify what thoughts are holding you back, help you create new ones so you can step into your next level of confidence & if it’s a good fit, we can discuss how we can take this work deeper.

xo, KrisAnn

ps. Remember, you get to decide what you want to think about what others say, and you can think, absolutely nothing about it!


Tell me why you do it?!

Maybe you’ve never commented on my posts in the past, but I really hope you do today.

Because I want to know why you did it…

Why did you start your business? And why do you show up for your tribe? What motivates you?

For me, it’s you.

I know what you’re thinking,

“But KrisAnn, I’ve never commented on any of your posts, so you don’t really know me.”

Sure, you may not have commented on my posts, but you still like them & (hopefully) read them.

And with every one I write, I’m thinking of you.

I’m thinking about how I can make an impact for you & your business.

I’m thinking about how I can help you grow your mindset

I’m thinking about how I can help you build your confidence

I’m really thinking about how I can make it just a little bit easier for you to show up for yourself, your business & your tribe.

Because I’m a people person.

And you’re my people.

So comment and tell me, why do you do what you do? And how are you making an impact in the lives of those you serve?

xo, KrisAnn


If you're struggling to sign clients or gain new customers, why do you think that is?

Have you taken time to evaluate your results?

Whether you've made $10, $100 or $1000+ it wasn't a fluke!

So, ask yourself,

How did I do that?

What thoughts was I thinking to produce that result?

What energy was I showing up in?

Now share with us, how you did it! And then go do it again & again & keep evaluating.

xo, KrisAnn

ps. still struggling to make offers, grab my freebie:

How to make 50 offers in 1 Week