

This page is for all Bandicoot fans keep up with her adventures after foster care in her new fur-eve


Mom went away for the weekend and forgot to take me!! I was waiting in my carrier to go!!


The vets says I'm perfect (which we already know), now lets go home!!!


Even my favorite pickle doesn't make being at the vet less scary. Mom says it's just a check up, but I don't believe her. The vet lady always gives me a shot in my butt!!😾


I have reached 9K followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

Photos from Bandicoot's post 24/06/2023

I've been gone for a while but I'm doing great! My grandma died so I've been doing extra snuggles with momma because she's sad.

Photos from Bandicoot's post 22/09/2021

It's my gotcha day!! Six years in my furever home!!


Hello everyone!!

Photos from Bandicoot's post 13/04/2021

Finally got to go outside!! I even got to eat dinner on the deck!!


Merry Christmas Eve, Eve.

Photos from Bandicoot's post 22/09/2020

I can't believe it has been 5 years!! Happy gotcha day Bandicoot!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Bandicoot's post 28/07/2020

I know it's been a long time since we posted. This Covid19 thing has got momma down. She immune comprised, so she doesn't go anywhere, which I love, but has her down. This is the first summer since I've been here that she hasn't left me!! Again I am very excited by this, but I am getting a little sick of having her around ALL THE TIME! I've been trying to hide so I can get some sleep, but she keeps finding me!


I'm glad I don't have to "social distance" from momma.


I'm not sure if I can handle having mom at home for two weeks??


Hi everyone!! I went to the vet on Friday and the surgeon said I was doing great!! The best part is that I can do everything I did before my accident! The first thing I did was go into the "nodontgointhebasement". I'm back to my old routine, but I'm missing Spike. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers!

Photos from Bandicoot's post 31/12/2019

Just checking in! I'm doing really well! I spend most of my day in the "pen" or in my tent, but mom makes sure I get a little exercise each day! Still on antibiotics and pain meds. I rest alot but I really just want to go to the basement and play!! No stairs for another week. Thanks for all the love/prayers and well wishes!!

Photos from Bandicoot's post 29/12/2019

Hi everyone! Sorry it had been so long since I posted. Momma just finished Grad school, so hopefully we can post more often. Let me catch you up on what has happened lately. First we lost my sister Spike the Thursday before Christmas. My family and I are very sad, but we were trying to enjoy Christmas, and wrapping presents. I found a plastic bag (my favorite thing), I was playing inside it playing. I got my head and flat tire out the handle, then I kinda freaked out and I ran up the stairs, but didn't make it and fell down the stairs and broke my leg!! I ran into the basement and hid for most of the day, and Christmas day. I came out, mom realized that something was wrong with my leg. We went to the ER and they said my leg was broken and couldn't be fixed. So long story short, I had my leg amputated the day after Christmas. I'm doing great! Mom is still very upset, and is making sure I'm comfortable and safe until I heal. So sorry that our update is not a happy one, but I am doing well. Thank you everyone for supporting me for the past few years even if I don't post as much as I should!!

Photos from Bandicoot's post 13/07/2019

Momma let me go outside in the tent!!! So much better than my harness and leash!!

Photos from Bandicoot's post 29/06/2019

Hello everyone!!! Sorry I haven't posted for a long time, but here are a few pics from the past few months. I still love you all!!

Photos from I dig that's post 14/03/2019



Someone tried to open her Christmas present early!!

Photos from Bandicoot's post 05/08/2018

Momma was gone for TWO weeks!! But she is home now and I'm so HAPPY!!!


My favorite Sunday activity!


Guess who went to the vet, and was a good girl...One guess....And it wasn't Spike!!! I got a clean bill of health. Spike on the other hand bit and scratched the vet, hissed and tried to bite momma. She did not like any part of what was going on. I guess if I had to get shots, blood taken and my nails cut I wouldn't like it either, but she acted like a real jerk!

Photos from Bandicoot's post 17/06/2018

I got to go outside! I had to stay in the tent, but it was better than nothing!

Photos from Bandicoot's post 15/06/2018

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile but mom is on summer break now so I should be posting a little more. For now it's snuggle with momma time- even Spike is trying to get in on the action.


It's my birthday!!!! Three today! Can you tell by my face mom has yet to give me new toys!

Photos from Bandicoot's post 03/04/2018

Spring break snuggling continues!


I'm not sure what "Spring break"is but I love it if it means I get more snuggle time with Momma.


Mom, found a dead mouse in our bedroom right in front of the door. Yes it was me. I was very proud of myself, mom was not. She took it outside, I kept looking for it all day. Guess I'll just have to get another toy.

Photos from Bandicoot's post 04/01/2018

Mmmm.. Cardboard is delicious!!

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