A PoetTramp’s Walkabout

A PoetTramp’s Walkabout

be God’s light, be Humanity’s hope, be Love’s purpose… PoetTramp�


“…keep pushing that sun up in the sky. Every morning, every evening. Keep the light alive as long you can, and never let the darkness find you quitting.”©️

Richard Marx ♫ Angelia ♫ 26/08/2023

“…this song was from the beginning of my senior year in high-school. I had been selected as a delegate for a school trip function out of state, which was awesome, as all road trips are. But this one was epic! Senior year, king of the hill, a whole world to conquer and nothing but adventure out in front of me…. so, on with the story. The trip itself was amazing, but that bus ride home etched itself into the very tapestry of my soul. You guessed it, a girl, an 11 hour bus ride back from Glorieta, NM and she picked the seat right next to me. I got to share an ear phone splitter(on my brand new Walkman) with the hottest babe I had ever seen from the small town just next to mine. I was totally smitten with her, and wanted our 11 hours to last for-everrrr.( It didn’t) Fast-forward 12 hours and we’re all stepping off the bus and she gives me a hug, a life-changing smile and one of those cliche’ 80’s movies goodbyes, it was something like I’ll never forget how you made me laugh, and I’ll never forget you or that trip, everrrr… I never saw her again, but we had 11 hours, 1 hug and this song… and so, every time I hear this song it’s the fall of 1989, life is awesome and I’m that same awkward , shy teenage kid back in high-school. The 80’s were epic, but those 11 hour love affairs you swore would last forever pretty much summed up every young guy and girls 1980’s relationships. The innocence was beautiful, the memories are forever souvenirs, but young love was always fleeting; but god chasing it was so AWESOME… (sigh) It’s late, I miss those days, and I’ve got a terminal lump in my throat, and so for just a moment it’s 1989, she’s still right beside me sharing my headphones and we both were hoping this song would never end….”
-PoetTramp ©️
Excerpt from “It could’ve really happened” or “I wonder if she still remembers me”

(Just some random memory that made me smile, and sad at the same time. Not so much about losing the girl, but about losing the innocence of young love and how it seemed like it would last forever back then. Today, it’s all so fast and no one remembers writing letters or 24 hour phone calls. It’s a text, and nothing more, no feelings, just convenience) Love is Love, but boy oh boy how we pursue it sure has changed… have a beautiful day everyone 🤙🏻

Richard Marx ♫ Angelia ♫ OFFICIAL VIDEOCLIP W/ LYRICS→ originally released: 1989→ album: Repeat Offender☺ LYRICS ☺Memories of you and me Tumble inside my head The way that we used to...


She is complex, compassionate, goofy, carefree, intelligent, messy, anxious, adorable, adventurous, mad, sad and everything in between. A kaleidoscope of all things beautiful and real…that is her. She’s that “forget-me-not” string tied around your finger that always reminds you just how truly amazing she really is, and how incredibly lucky you are to have found her…
She is everything, and oh so much more…


“…close your eye’s and see yourself lying in the grass beneath a canopy of constellations smiling back at you… now, you can see what I see, and we are all together somewhere on a trail.”

The stars over my front fence
Ti Valley, Oklahoma


When you live the tiny house life, honestly, you’re just living the outdoor life. It’s perfect, almost ironic, how it’s weirdly orchestrating your entire existence into getting off the couch and getting into the great big world. Life truly does happen when you realize just how very little you actually need…
Love really is all you need, and a good front porch to kick your boots off on…


Blaze new trails… Walk straight through all of those dead-ends where others seem to always stop, knowing that you might open a new and better way... Always carry a light for the dark, in the off-chance that you might be that rare, awesome soul who lights a path for the entirety of the human race…Leave easy to follow breadcrumbs, so that you might always help others find their ways “back home” again. Just like some kind soul did for you somewhere along your way…Become a permanent stain on humanity, for the better. Leave civilization better during your life’s walkabout… forever etching yourself into the tapestry of humanity as a rare, beautiful soul; unafraid to love, always giving your smile away, and never to proud to help another living soul to laugh…©️

Ti Valley America


“Never lost, only exploring”©️

Ti Valley, Oklahoma

After Life - Ricky Gervais "A society grows great when old men plant trees..." Scene 13/07/2023

Good people do good things for other people. That’s it. The end...

So much wisdom in 2 minutes of cinema. Humanity, service before self, help others always… We’ve got such a limited window of time, I mean it’s so fleeting. Just be kind, a rare, beautiful, compassionate soul. Right on🤙🏻

After Life - Ricky Gervais "A society grows great when old men plant trees..." Scene


"Writing has no room for knowing. It questions and tears knowledge to pieces only to find cracked dens waiting to be explored beneath its positioning. Writing is nothing but a pen scribbling at a wound trying to make sense of it being there, in the hopes of healing it –in the hopes of speaking to another wounded, and the healing is in the knowing of another. To my other; my wounded other: Write to me.”

Ti Valley, Oklahoma

Photos from A PoetTramp’s Walkabout's post 25/05/2023

It took me 40 years of living, mostly foolishly, chasing a “my way only” selfish type of existence to finally realize “most of us” quit our dreams for reasons “most of us” will never tell. We casually blame others or at least I did, for our lives turning out totally different than we imagined them as kids. Ego and a lack of self-accountability are horrible traits, and I sadly clung to both of them as crutches I often leaned upon to carry me through what I thought were the “good times”…
But, these last 10 years have been a journey for me, and yes I’ve had a few hiccups along the way, especially when I found myself leaning back on my own selfish ways; but, I got there. And I thank God every day for always pulling on my heart and giving me someone to pray ‘n talk to. It’s so amazingly fulfilling when it just hits you, what you’ve always wanted, your true heartbeat finds its natural rhythm and you truly start to thrive in this beautiful, amazing thing we all know as life. And it’s no secret I wasted a lot of years; but, I also found in my soul that I’ve got a lot more years out in front of me still (good Lord willing)…And with those years, I truly want to live and love fully. Forget the material things, I just want freedom, and to truly live. And not by the norms of most, but by the deep, gut level yearning that one feels when they’re truly experiencing their authentic self. The material things I thought I always wanted, I don’t even think about anymore. I just want a small piece of land far far far away from everything. So far out there, that it’s just you, and a dead end sky full of stars and celestial bodies. And in that faraway place know that you’ve found safety, tranquility, calmness of mind, and a peaceful type of quiet that surrounds you like a warm blanket…and that’s a beautiful thing man. I’ve finally found that place, and that life, and along the way to “there” I found the greatest thing I’ve ever known in my life, “Her” and she makes all of it “perfect” with her crooked little smile and beautiful face. I got lucky, and it was a crazy long way around for me, and I made all of the mistakes one man could make. I wanted to quit more than a time or two, and always wondered how everyone else made it look so easy; but, I’m finally there… I’m so far out there, miles from the city, miles from a town, and I’m so happy, with her, the stars, the countryside, our little creek, all the land, the trees I’m sure I’ll carve our names into, and the quiet little perfect life we are making together on a piece of land we call “Poet’s Mission”…
Life off the grid…
—I’m so glad I kept the dreams and hopes alive in my heart…
(Journal entry 7May2023 while staring into our pasture)


“I’ll turn on the sky, if you’ll watch it with me…”


“…I remember ripping apart a velcro wallet at 17 years old just to win the heart of the prettiest girl in my hometown. Every single day for months, I wore out an ol’ jukebox in the back of Clark’s store playing her favorite song just praying that maybe she’d come over and start talking with me. She never noticed me, and I always wondered why… until I met you.
I am so glad things don’t always turn out exactly the way we want…
{what could’ve been in 1989}


“…and then it happened, like lightning piercing through a calm sky. I remembered your goodbye; so very unexpected, chaotically slamming into me with the force of a locomotive crashing into a feather. It was carnage, but I survived; albeit forever changed. The memories and melancholy still linger, and both are most often born of alcohol, 3 a.m. insomnia and one to many remembrances of how we said goodbye… Why do I keep pretending in silence something I’ve always known as true? That loneliness is nothing more than practicing to die…”
{if love is truth, then we’d always be fiction}


“…for all of those who are drawn by something that exists only in a place far away from their homes.”
Travel, even if it’s just outside of your front door. Take off your shoes, feel the grass, breathe the air, embrace the wind, reach for the sky and truly experience today. It really does slip away so very fast. 51 years young and I loved ‘em every one. A poet get’n older… 😂
