Magnolia Republican Club

Magnolia Republican Club

Join Today. Always looking for new


Hello fellow Republicans, it seems there has been some interest in getting the club back up and running again. We were thinking about possibly getting a few meetings together. If you are interested in joining, please leave a like or a comment so we can see what kind of numbers we can get.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend.


Our nation was born of the refusal to be governed by those less worthy of our respect. Our laws and government are to be guided at all times by the will of the People and that government is to be our servant. We owe a great debt to the 56 men who pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor that we would be free of tyranny as they created a new nation, under God. It is our solemn duty to continue their work to sustain the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness they began 246 years ago. Freedom is not free and we must strive daily to ensure our children’s children continue to live in the greatest nation on God’s green earth unfettered by the shackles of an overreaching government.

Happy Birthday America 🇺🇸
May God continue to shed His magnificent grace on you and your free people.


Happy 4th of July! 🇺🇸


Supreme Court strikes down limited conceal and carry in NJ and Abortion... Protecting our Constitutional rights despite Governor Murphy stomping on the Constitution


Happy Flag Day!


⚠️🌨️🌬️ A significant winter storm will move into the region tonight with snow ending from west to east Saturday afternoon. Snow will be moderate to heavy in many areas with rates of 1-2" or more per hour possible at times. North to northwesterly winds will increase early Saturday with gusts of 35-50 mph expected, strongest near the coasts. Blowing snow may linger in some areas through Saturday night with very cold and blustery conditions expected.

To view our updated briefing, visit: For your most up to date specific local forecast, visit:

Timeline photos 28/01/2022

Here is a link to our latest briefing package for the upcoming winter storm.


The main concern for the weekend continues to be the low pressure
system that will move through the area beginning during the day
on Friday before moving out on Saturday. Following the low exiting
the region, cold and dry conditions will persist through Tuesday.

Model guidance continues to depict the center of the low remaining
off the coast and passing to the east. The ECMWF shows a trend further
to the west that brings the center of the low closer to the coast.
Energy from a shortwave trough arrives downstream sooner and causes
the surface low to deepen sooner in the Euro relative to the GFS.
If this scenario were to occur, impacts would be higher across the
region. However, the operational GFS to this point has been representative
of the model consensus. The surface low remains fairly far offshore
and will pass relatively quickly to the north as it rapidly deepens.
In either case, this event can largely be expected to be snow only
across the area.

0% Interest on new Heat/AC! Limited Time Offer! 👉 17/01/2022

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Joe Biden has failed as president.

Biden disapproval hits new high as voters give him bad grades on economy, new CNBC/Change poll says 04/01/2022

Biden disapproval hits new high as voters give him bad grades on economy, new CNBC/Change poll says Biden's disapproval rating reached a new high in December as more voters signaled their unhappiness with his handling of the economy.


Why Democrats Will Never Fund the Wall RUSH: A wall would bring about the end of the Democrat Party.


Trump can still win in 2020


The Heritage Foundation

The 14th Amendment doesn’t say that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens. It says that “[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” are citizens.

That second, critical, conditional phrase is conveniently ignored or misinterpreted by advocates of “birthright” citizenship.


The Heritage Foundation

Here’s something truly scary for your Halloween.

Learn more:


So it's disrespectful for President Trump to visit the synagogue in Pittsburgh..but its ok for 2,000 people to yell,scream and protest 2 blocks from the scence of the shooting???
The hate from the Left is immeasurable.


Rush Limbaugh

I got an email asking me about Clock Boy and whatever happened to him. Do you remember Clock Boy?



Before you go feeling sorry for these poor people "just trying to make a better life"... by running from their terrible country, consider this.






The goalposts may have moved but their answer was always “No.”


The White House on Twitter “The evidence is clear: President ’s policies will continue to drive true American prosperity. More on today's White House Economic Summit in 1600 Daily:”



Anyone interested in marching in the Magnolia 4th of July parade with the Club please reply in thread.


President Trump's Accomplishments President Trump and his administration have been hard at work to make America great again! Learn of the many accomplishments of President Trump that often go unreported by the Fake News Media as he continues to Make America Great Again.


Magnolia Republican Club


Magnolia Republican Club's cover photo


The Democrats successfully shut down the government over 800,000 illegal aliens.
DACA was enacted by President Obama via Executive Order rather than getting it passed as a law making it permanent.
Executive Orders expire with the next POTUS..
Democrats knew this..the illegals knew this...The Democrats and Obama had 8 years to make it permanent..but failed to do so..
DACA does not expire until March, but democrats insisted it be included in the budget bill or they would vote no..
So now 8 million kids have no insurance under CHIP because Democrats want to protect non citizens.


Rush Home

The Biggest Political Scandal of Our Lifetimes
Jan 19, 2018

RUSH: The other big story that is out there: “A review of a classified document [a memo] outlining what is described as extensive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse was made available to all House members Thursday and the revelations could lead to the removal of senior officials in the FBI and Department of Justice, several sources with knowledge of the document stated. These sources say the report is ‘explosive,’ stating they would not be surprised if it leads to the end of Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation into President Trump and his associates.

“The House Intelligence Committee passed the motion along party lines Thursday to make the classified report alleging extensive ‘FISA Abuse’ related to the controversial [Trump] dossier available to all House members,” and it was, and they’ve all read it. They’ve all seen it. It’s just, what is it, two- or three-page memo. It’s not extensive. “Some members of the House viewed the document in a secure room Thursday.”

It’s a four-page memo is what it is, and do you realize none of it has leaked? (interruption) What do you mean, you “can’t figure out why not”? (interruption) Oh, you want to know why our people aren’t leaking it? Well, the reason the Democrats aren’t leaking it is ’cause it doesn’t help them to leak it. The Democrats in the deep state — various cabinet level and intelligence level positions — were leaking like a sieve, and so was Bannon.

I mean, there’s so many people leaking during the entire first year of the Trump administration, some of them in the administration, but most of them not. Most of them at the intelligence agencies. Every day, as you recall, there was seemingly a bombshell. “This is the end of it! This the end of the Trump presidency! This is it! This is the silver bullet!” Yet with each of those stories, a line was buried in each one saying, “To date, none of these leads have led to any hard evidence. But officials say the odds are that they’ll find it.” Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

So apparently, if we had to guess what this is, this four-page memo details how a federal judge was lied to in an application for a warrant that would grant permission to surveil the Trump campaign and the Trump transition. Without having read this memo, with relative certitude — not ontological certitude, relative certitude — I can pretty much speculate what happened here. We know that the dossier was written by somebody named Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS, and that he hired a guy named Christopher Steele to actually do it.

The money was sent from the Clinton campaign to a law firm where it was essentially laundered. We have since come to learn that Christopher Steele didn’t write hardly any of it, that he turned it over to Russians. Russians wrote the Steele dossier. The vast majority of it. None of it has ever been corroborated. None of it has been verified. But apparently it was used to go to the FISA court and seek a warrant to surveil the Trump administration — the Trump transition and the Trump campaign — on the basis that what was in this dossier made it likely that the Russians and Trump had worked together to steal a presidential election.

Now, if any part of that happens to be truthful, this is the biggest political scandal of our lifetimes, and nothing comes close. For something that was written as a campaign opposition research document to then be passed off and lied about as legitimately secured and obtained intelligence by the FBI and by the CIA and by other American intelligence agencies? If it was nothing more than a series of political attacks created by one presidential candidate against another and it was used to go to this secret FISA court and get a warrant to spy on the other presidential candidate and his operation?

That would mean that heads everywhere would roll.

This is… It’s difficult to describe the serious nature of this, and judging by what people who’ve read this four-page memo are saying, this is clearly what’s happened. There’s obviously stuff that we don’t know. Now, about the FISA warrant application. There’s one thing about this that does remain a curiosity to me. The president of the United States runs the Department of Justice because it’s part of the executive branch. The president of the United States could order all of this released. Trump could have — at any time in the past 12 months — demanded this stuff be released. Unseal this, take a look at affidavit and what’s in the actual warrant.

Trump could have any time in the past 12 months demanded this stuff be released, unseal this, take a look at the affidavit and what’s in the actual warrant. Well, you have to figure that more than just the Trump dossier was used. If you go back and you look at the texts between Peter Strzok and his paramour, Lisa Page, and some of the communications going on between people at the FBI, like Bruce Ohr and his wife who was working at Fusion GPS. I mean, the tentacles of this thing are deep, and they are tangled.

But it is clear that they were collecting information on Trump that’s maybe more wide-ranging than just the dossier. Now, these people, what did they believe, what got them started on this? What made them create the dossier, why did they feel it was necessary to use the dossier? They had to get rid of Trump. They just had to. This guy’s so unqualified, so unfit. On the basis of what did they do all this?

They did it on the basis that this guy simply doesn’t have what it takes to be president. He doesn’t have the morality. He doesn’t have the education. He doesn’t have the intelligence. He doesn’t have the deportment. He doesn’t have the mannerisms. He doesn’t have any of the human characteristics that qualify for what we want in a president.

In other words, the guy is human debris. In their world, Donald Trump is scum. Donald Trump is the bottom of the barrel. And what if they were collecting data on that aspect of their belief, in addition to the Trump dossier? In other words, what if there’s all kinds of stuff in this warrant application that attack Trump’s character and attack his honesty and his credibility and his finances? Who knows. These people probably threw the kitchen sink in this warrant application.

And I’m thinking that this may be one reason Trump doesn’t want it seen, because of all the other stuff that is perhaps in the application. Everybody knows, or a lot of people by now know that the Trump dossier is bogus. In fact, the Mueller investigation is not even relying on that.

The Mueller investigation has, I’m convinced, dropped collusion. They’re not even looking. They’re looking at obstruction. They’re looking Trump obstructing justice, anti-Constitution. They’re looking at Trump finances. They’re looking at any number of things that would disqualify Trump on a human qualification level. I think this collusion or conspiracy between Trump and Russia has bombed out. There’s nothing to it. But these members of Congress have now seen it, and they are talking about it. And they are now lobbying for a public release of this memo on abuses of the FISA system.

Steve King is one who has tweeted, “I have read the memo” — he’s a Republican from Iowa — “I have read the memo. The sickening reality has set in. I no longer hold out hope there is an innocent explanation for the information the public has seen. I have long said it is worse than Watergate. It was.”

Another tweet. And this is from Ron DeSantis, a Republican from Florida. “The classified report compiled by House Intelligence is deeply troubling and raises serious questions about the upper echelon of the Obama DOJ and Comey FBI as it relates to the so-called collusion investigation.”

Lee Zeldin: “Just read the classified doc re FISA abuse. I’m calling for its immediate public release w/relevant sourced material. The public must have access ASAP! Releasing this classified info doesn’t compromise good sources & methods. It reveals the feds’ reliance on bad sources & methods.”

I’ll tell you what it reveals — and this is a question that they’re all gonna have to deal with — what it reveals, and I’m guessing, it’s an educated guess. What it reveals is the culpability of Barack Obama himself in all of this. What it reveals is the involvement of Barack Obama in all of this. And the question is gonna be, these people are gonna ask themselves, do we want to totally destroy the faith the American people have in our institutions by informing them what happened with Obama’s involvement or people very close to him.

And I’m just here to tell you there are gonna be a lot of people at various levels of government who are going to think that for the good of the country and the good of our future, it might be better never to release this stuff so that people don’t lose faith in our institutions.

Now, the purpose will be to protect Obama. And I still think this is only tip of the iceberg. The Steele dossier, the Trump dossier and all these other things, the efforts here that have been made to get rid of Trump, I think, is still only tip of the iceberg. I think we have lived through one of the biggest scandals that we can’t even get our arms around yesterday. Time will tell whether we learn the true extent of it.


RUSH: Some of you think I’m crazy that there would be those who want to protect Obama’s reputation and the presidency by not revealing his culpability. Let me ask you a question, a very quick question. If the United States government learned without doubt that the sun was going to burn out in five years, would they announce it?

Related Links Dossier Revelations Blow Up Collusion Narrative - 01.18.18
RealClearPolitics: Rep. Gaetz: "Heads Will Roll" at DOJ and FBI When Details Of FISA Abuse Memo Come Out
RealClearPolitics: Bombshell House Intel Report Exposes Massive FISA Abuses
Daily Wire: 'People Will Go To Jail.' Trends As Republicans Call For Releasing 'SHOCKING' Classified Memo Showing 'FISA Abuses' In Russian Collusion Investigation

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Temporary government funding runs out at midnight Friday and there’s still no agreement on a temporary extension. Democrats are demanding that a stopgap include a provision permanently shielding some undocumented immigrants from deportation, while Republicans want to keep that issue separate from funding and budget negotiations.


Make no mistake about it: Senate Democrats are the only ones standing in the way of a fully funded government and a reauthorized health insurance program for children. This is no time to play politics and force a shutdown. The House has done its job. And now Democrats’ dangerous opposition jeopardizes funding for our military and puts our national security at risk. It uses our men and women in uniform as political bargaining chips. This is unacceptable. This is needless. This is wrong. I urge Senator Schumer and the Senate Democrats to reconsider their reckless intent to shut down the government.


Let's see if Democrats shut down the government today over illegal aliens. DACA was created by Obama taking a shortcut around the Constitution.
