Nóra Huber

Nóra Huber

Health Conscious Business

Selling the World's #1 Water Ionizer


I want to talk 💚⁣

We can find sustainability in a number of ways from reducing our carbon footprint by reducing, reusing and recycle to eating a plant based diet to investing in lifelong products to the sustainability of our health and well-being to building financial sustainability.⁣

My favorite sustainable investment has been in this machine right here — my K8. 💧⁣

This machine produces Kangen water — In Japanese, Kangen means “return to the origin” and it describes water as it was meant to be, before the earth became polluted.⁣

Not only does this machine provide me the highest quality drinking water — water that is ionized, alkalized and antioxidant rich. This machine is built to last well over 25 years and has over 68 uses in my home, saving me lots of money in this lifetime while also helping me reduce my waste big time!♻️⁣

On top of how incredibly beneficial this machine has been to my home, the moment I bought it, I received distributor rights for life. This means that with every machine I sell I get to receive a pretty hefty commission — thus, providing me with an opportunity to create an automated and passive income for the rest of my life

I never thought I’d become a water snob but it’s definitely happened and I can’t imagine drinking any other water. I can literally feel the difference in drinking just one glass of Kangen water.⁣

Oh and did I mention that this water is certified medical grade water? Yep, that’s right — this water clears TSA and can be taken anywhere. Even the machine is easy to connect/disconnect and travel with! ⁣

Want to know more? Send me a DM or leave your questions below! 🤗⁣


Dr. Leonard Horowitz

"International studies show that populations with little or no history of illness, such as cancer…, drink higher pH alkaline waters. After all potential risk factors were considered and factored out, it became evident that they had been drinking waters with a pH of 9.0 to 10.0."


Antioxidant Benefits of Ionized Water

A water ionizer has the ability to transform ordinary water into antioxidant water, which is rich in molecular hydrogen (2 hydrogen atoms formed into a molecule). Molecular hydrogen is the simplest and most powerful antioxidant there is. It's one of the most important benefits of ionized water. Molecular hydrogen has been found to be the most powerful and safe antioxidant there is for fighting free-radicals.

Alkaline water can be created in other ways, but when it is, it doesn't have molecular hydrogen antioxidants. Watch out for this. That water would be oxidizing, which could damage one's health.

Hundreds of studies have proven the benefits of ionized water over and over.


Dr. Ingfried Hobert

"I say you do not need expensive medicine with all the negative side effects to regain health. Alkaline water has profound long term effects because it alkalizes your body and provides an effective antioxidant."


Top athletes' recommendation


Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi, Ph.D
Director Water Institute, Tokyo

"Chlorinated tap water is polluted with non-biological chemicals and negative energy imprints. It is also devoid of bio-energy and so may be regarded as being badly polluted as well as ‘dead’.

Alkaline living water is regarded by a growing number of health care professionals as the best water to drink and is listed as a medical device in Japan for the treatment of degenerative diseases."

Benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water, by Dr. Hayashi Hayashi's Clinical Trials


Why Alkaline Ionized Water? And, Why is PH Important?

We all know fish will die if they're put in a tank that doesn't have the right pH balance. Think of our cells as like those fish. They will die if not constantly bathed in the right pH water.

Most people are not aware just how important pH-balance is to our internal body-health. Alkaline pH helps the body to get rid of toxins. Without alkaline buffers the toxins get trapped in fat cells, joints and elsewhere in the body.

Keeping pH-balanced helps us to cleanse the toxins out of the body, making it so much healthier. Losing fat is also improved by balancing the body's pH.

Obviously people don't die with the wrong pH drinking-water, at least not right away. But, the way we see our cells' reaction to the wrong water is through sickness, allergies, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis, failing organs, and so on.

An alkaline water ionizer machine can help to turn all of that around by giving you a constant supply of pH-buffers all day long. A water ionizer gives you better, healthier, more hydrating water than anything else.



Ionized water has three very important differences from tap or bottled water:
1) PH: It provides pH-buffers (alkaline buffers help to eliminate toxins from the body)
2) Antioxidants: It contains natural, healing, antioxidants (including powerful molecular hydrogen) to fight free-radicals and even reverse its damage
3) Filtration: Most water ionizers provide good filtration for the water.

Water is the most important molecule to all life! Water brings nutrients to your cells. Next to air, there is no more important thing for your health than WATER!
It lubricates your tissues, makes them bouncy and resilient, and puts all cells in better shape to perform their functions. It also helps to transport wastes out of your body. The percentage of water in the body is somewhere between 60% and 75%, and this percentage is known to directly influence one's wellness.


Dr. Howard Hay (1930)

"...people with more acidic blood were more likely to be ill. He defined a pH range of 7.4 to 7.5 to be associated with good health. When foods are metabolized, acids are produced which are neutralized by the alkaline salts (carbonates) of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Foods containing chlorine, phosphorous, sulfur and nitrogen, animal products and refined carbohydrates tend to be acid forming."




Would you rather buy a cheap ionizer that lasts you 2 – 3 years and present the risk of toxic metals leaking into your drinking water from burnt out mesh plates, or a premium brand quality water ionizer that’s been in the market for over 40 years?


Kangen water ionizers are assembled from start to finish by only one technician, ensuring the highest quality control available. Right from the very beginning of the production phase, every part, assembly, testing, inspection, and final packaging are carried out in the Enagic factory.

This complete in-house production ensures the highest product quality regardless of whichever part of the world you order our products from.


Dr. Don Colbert
Author, 7 Pillars of Health

"I have had countless numbers of patients with painful osteoarthritis on many different medications for arthritis. Many have been pain free within a couple of months after adjusting their urine pH to 7.0 to 7.5 by consuming adequate amounts of alkaline water and alkaline foods. As a result, many are able to go off of their medications."


Where Kangen Water comes from!?

Hunza Valley is located at 7,999' in northern Pakistan and is the home of the longest lived people on the planet.🌍⁣

The Hunza People are uniquely healthy and free of disease. Many studies have been done and it is believed that their simple healthy diet of carefully grown organic food and the glacial, living water is their secret to health and long life. The Hunza drink directly from glacial streams in the high Himalayas. This water is fresh, invigorating, life enhancing and free radical scavenging.⁣

The Hunza have the longest lifespan in the world and this has been traced as related to the water that they drink and their natural diet. Hunza water is an example of perfect natural water.💧⁣

Hunza has people who routinely live to 120-140 years, in good health with virtually no cancer, degenerative disease, dental caries or bone decay.⁣

Research has proven conclusively that the major common denominator of the healthy long-living people is their local water.💧⁣

Dr. Henri Coanda, the Romanian father of fluid dynamics and a Nobel Prize winner at 78 yrs old, spent six decades studying the Hunza water trying to determine what it was in this water that caused such beneficial effects for the body. He discovered that it had a different viscosity and surface tension. Dr. Patrick Flanagan and others continued the research.⁣

They found Hunza water had a high alkaline pH and an extraordinary amount of active hydrogen (hydrogen with an extra electron), with a negative Redox Potential and a high colloidal mineral content.⚡️⁣

The water is living and provides health benefits that other types of drinking water cannot!

And for over 40 years now, Enagic has provided this ionized, hydrogen rich drinking water to homes all over the world. 🤗


Felicia Drury Kliment
Author The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet

"After years of very positive, continuous clinical experiments that I am conducting with hundreds of clients using electronically restructured alkaline water, it is my opinion that this technology will change the way in which all health providers and the public will approach their health in coming years….My suggestion is to drink restructured alkaline water whenever possible."


Why everyone needs this water ionizer in their home:⁣

First, I want to ask you a few questions:⁣
1. Did you know that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? 🤯⁣
2. Did you know that fatigue is a common dehydration symptom and is the No. 1 cause of midday fatigue?⁣
3. Did you know that even mild dehydration has been shown to put stress on our cognitive function which is linked to foggy memory, a dip in concentration, and an increase in feelings of anxiety and irritability? 🧠 ⁣
4. Did you know that dehydration is one of the most common preventable conditions in the world?⁣

Water is the MOST IMPORTANT nutrient available to us but it remains the most overlooked when it comes to our health.⁣

Kangen water is electrically reduced water. ⚡️⁣

This process makes this water⁣

Water molecules come in clusters rather than single molecules. Tap water which is under pressure has very large clusters of 12-14 molecules.⁣

The ionization process weakens the electrostatic charge of the water molecules, reducing the cohesiveness (the ability to stick together) of the molecules and restructures the water down to about 5-6 molecules per cluster.⁣

This smaller cluster size means that the water can be more easily absorbed into the cells, providing superior hydration for the body and helping to dissolve and flush out acidic solid waste and toxins that have accumulated in the body.⁣

Basically, this water is hydrating your body on a 💥cellular level💥 and no other water can do that.⁣

Our bodies are made up of over 60% water so when I say water is life, I really mean it.⁣

Especially when it comes down to the specific type of water you’re drinking.⁣

I noticed the difference in my body’s hydration after just one day of drinking this water! I’m in love with my Kangen machine. 💙⁣

This machine is built to last over 25 years and has over 68 uses other than drinking water. Plus, when you buy a machine you earn distributor rights for life and are able to receive commissions which is a great way to start building your own 6-figure online business promoting optimal hydration + health + sustainability.⁣

Send me a DM for more information 💧


Dr Theodore Baroody
Author, Alkalize or Die

"I have administered over 5000 gallons of this water for about every health situation imaginable. I feel that restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone."


Produced and manufactured in Osaka, Japan, each and every Kangen ionizer’s plates are hand-dipped in platinum, producing medical grade titanium ionizer plates coated with platinum, the finest quality in its class. Simply the “Rolls Royce” of water ionizers.


Kangen Water ionizers are certified as a medical device by Japan’s Ministry of Health and are the only water ionizer company in the world to receive the highest award given by the Water Quality Association (WQA) – the exclusive Gold Seal Award.


In the drinking water industry, the WQA is the oldest third party testing and certification program, and the Gold Seal is awarded to only the most trusted and reliable producers of quality drinking water. With the Gold Seal Program, you can have confidence in the quality of your drinking water.


Many doctors have written books or otherwise worked to share what they learned by researching the benefits of water ionizers and alkaline ionized water.

Their findings about ionized water represent decades of work on the topic.

These Doctors and experts have worked with ionized water diligently and for years to thoroughly test water ionizers in their own unique ways.

So, why not learn from their hard work and research?

1. Dr. Robert Atkins
Author, The Atkins' Diet

"The cells and fluids in most people’s bodies…are overly acidic. This can cause a lot of health problems. It prevents your body from neutralizing and disposing of harmful, poisonous toxins and leaves you more susceptible to the cell-damaging free radical oxidation that leads to cancer and other diseases."


How does alkalized water effect the body?⁣

“Ive heard alkaline water isn’t actually good for your body...”⁣
I’ve gotten this comment many times when talking about Kangen water and that’s because alkaline water isn’t good for you. ❌⁣

So here’s the difference:⁣

Alkalized ionized water, also known as electrically reduced water (ERW), will not affect blood pH or make the body more alkaline because ERW is high pH water but low in alkalinity which is the ability to buffer acid. The human body’s buffering system has no problem adjusting the pH of alkaline ionized water. 💃🏼⁣

We must distinguish between the waters pH and its alkalinity. Alkalinity is the capacity to buffer acid without significantly changing its pH. So, by adding sodium bicarbonate (i.e. baking soda) to water, tremendously raises the water buffering capacity (aka alkalinity).⁣

ERW is high pH water with low alkalinity. To alkalize means to raise the pH of a solution above 7pH which is a way we can describe ERW water but doesn't accurately represent all that it is.⁣

ERW is hydrogen rich water. 💧⚡️⁣

Water that is made by electrolysis, producing high pH water with dissolved molecular hydrogen.⁣

The hydrogen rich property of the water turns it alkaline, but it's really the hydrogen that is healing, not the mere fact that it's alkaline. That's why alkaline waters that are only alkaline due to adding minerals aren't healing and those actually negatively effect your digestion. 🥴⁣

The active molecular hydrogen of ERW does not affect your stomach acid but rather reduces the oxidative stress in the body, which can overall reduce illness and potentially acidity, helping the body do it's hydrating and detoxifying more quickly and efficiently while aiding the body in restoring health and functioning when damaged by today's environment and stress.⁣

Have any questions? Send me a message! 🤗


Approved by the Japanese Association of Preventive Medicine for Adult Diseases (JAPMAD), Enagic is the only company in this industry to receive this honour due to the ionizers’ high grade medical production.

Over 6,500 doctors have tested Enagic’s Kangen Water life science devices in clinical applications with their patients.

List of Hospitals Using Enagic’s Kangen Water Machines:

Kyowa Hospital
Kitari Institute Medical Center
Showa University Hospital
Meiseki Hospital
Nara College of Medicine Hospital
Iida Hospital
Tokyo Women’s College of Medicine Hospital
Hanabatake Hospital
And many others…


💧Water + Our Environment 🌏⁣

One of the main reasons I invested in a Kangen machine, other than wanting to invest in my health, was because I wanted to find a way to positively impact and help our environment.⁣

Owning a Kangen machine is a wonderful sustainable option for your home, not only because it allows you to cut out drinking water out of plastic bottles or going through countless filters, but also because it allows you to discontinue buying many household and beauty products that often come in plastic containers. ⁣

Do you have a reusable water bottle or in-home filtration system?


We all now know that it is healthy to eat fruits and vegetables, avoid stress, do yoga and meditate 🧘🏽‍♀️

But what about the water we drink?💦

Our body consists of over 70% water, so it makes sense to focus more on good water quality.

Let's take a closer look 👀

Water promotes purification, transports nutrients into our cells and eliminates degradation products.

The daily loss of water through the lungs, kidneys, intestines and skin is approx. 3 liters, so an adequate supply of water is necessary.
For optimal detoxification, we should drink about 1 liter per 22 kilograms of body weight. 💦

Water is one of the most important keys to health.
Not only that, its quality must also be impeccable - clean and pure.
Toxins, chemicals and other contaminants must be removed from the water as far as possible!


Kangen means "return to the origin". 🏔

It is alkaline water produced by Enagic's alkaline ionizer and water filtration machines.

For more than 40 years, Kangen Water® has been used in Japan to restore the body to its original alkaline state. 💆🏼‍♀️


The fact is, bottled water is bad for the environment. In the USA alone, consumption is around 50 million (!!!) bottles PER YEAR!

Most aren't even recycled, and transportation and refrigeration burn fossil fuels, creating greenhouse gases.

Every year enough plastic is thrown away to go around the world four times.

The plastic in bottled water often contains the chemicals BPA + phthalate, which have been proven to be harmful to health.

By the way: It has not even been proven that bottled water is safer than tap water. The EWG (Environmental Working Group) says, “The government does not mandate that bottled water be safer than tap water. In fact, the standards for chemical pollution are almost identical. "

Incidentally, bottled water has already been recalled in the past due to contamination by fine dust, mold and bacteria. In fact, the government requires more testing of tap water than of bottled water.
(Source: Heilpraktiker Eugen Luechtefeld)


Why are people actually acidic? 🤔

It has a lot to do with diet and lifestyle. Nowadays most of them are stressed, rushing from appointment to appointment and not getting the rest their body needs.

The body metabolizes fuel at the cellular level, producing energy and waste. Our lifestyle and diet are the sources of this fuel. Unfortunately, they are mostly hectic.

Acids are formed during metabolism and they need to be balanced. For example, when exercising too much, the muscle becomes very stressed and as a result it produces lactic acid. This acid begins to slow down certain body processes so that we don't overtax our muscles any further. Acid waste is becoming a problem and needs to be neutralized.

Kangen water alkalizes, hydrates and helps detoxify the body.


Water is the foundation of health and that is why water quality is so important to our wellbeing.

With Kangen Water you supply your body with clean, pollutant-free drinking water, with a positive pH value and healthy minerals.

Even the successful doctor Dr. Hiromi Shinya claimed:

“Kangen water is absolutely the best drinking water for its incredible hydration, detoxification and antioxidant abilities.

Optimal hydration of the body is important for optimal cell hydration and cell function. Kangen water can help prevent imbalances."


Did you know that 2 glasses of Kangen water contains as many antioxidants as 5 pounds of blueberries? 😳

This is due to the high proportion of molecular hydrogen. It binds free radicals in your body, for example caused by stress and poor nutrition, and helps the body to eliminate them.

An adequate supply of the right water to the body is the best way to prevent premature aging and the early loss of function of our various sensory systems.👌🏼


Kangen water has high negative ORP

What does ORP actually mean?
✨The Oxidation Reduction Potential (also called ORP) measures the voltage ratio between positively and negatively charged ions.

A positive value means that there is oxidation in the body & a negative value that there is a lot of antioxidation.

Kangen water has a high negative ORP, which means, it has a strong antioxidant effect. This means that the greater the negative value of the ORP, the more health-promoting the water is.


Molecular Hydrogen
🔸is protective against metabolic conditions
🔸Studies have found that hydrogen increases insulin sensitivity and decreases blood cholesterol levels. These effects make hydrogen a potential therapy for fighting obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome
🔸boosts your mitochondria. They are the powerhouse of your cells, which makes them directly responsible for your energy levels day to day.
🔸protects DNA against radiation damage. It does so by scavenging hydroxyl radical formation.
🔸can calm allergic reactions. The way hydrogen appears to calm allergic reactions is by modulating cell processes and restoring homeostasis. It seems that hydrogen restores healthy processes throughout the body.
🔸appears to be protective against cancer. At this point, it probably doesn’t surprise you since you know how hydrogen can protect against oxidative stress and damage to the DNA. Hydrogen has also been observed to help reduce side effects of chemotherapy in some patients
🔸Is protective against damage to numerous organs including the brain, pancreas, heart, liver, eyes, and lungs. This is believed to be because of hydrogen’s anti-inflammatory, and oxidative stress fighting affects

After all this, it's not a wonder why people are craving for hydrogen rich water!😍

What are your reasons for not drinking it?😉


Molecular hydrogen
🔸acts as an antioxidant
🔸has been shown to protect cells from even the most cytotoxic reactive oxygen species
🔸supports your body’s natural antioxidant system by signaling pathways associated with the prevention of disease
🔸is anti-inflammatory
🔸research on patients with rheumatoid arthritis are extremely promising
🔸helps reducing pain. Pain relief is due to the reduction in oxidative stress causing by the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of hydrogen gas
🔸protects your muscles
🔸boosts the natural production of glutathione which is often called our master antioxidant.
🔸speeds up sport-related recovery
🔸Hydrogen water has been show to reduce muscle fatigue in elite athletes after intense exercise.This is because it reduced lactic acid build-up, which improved muscle function
🔸balances the pH of the blood
🔸has an alkalinizing effect tin the blood. This is especially beneficial to people who are extremely physically active because extreme exercise can cause metabolic acidosis.
🔸affects cell modulation
🔸Through healthy gene expression and cellular metabolism, hydrogen positively affects cellular processes on many different levels
🔸Is neuroprotective due to its ability to fight oxidative stress
🔸reduces damage to the brain in Parkinson’s patients (resources from pubmed)
To be continued in the next post 😉


Water is one of the most important resources and at the same time it is the most neglected. 😕💦

Our body consists of over 70% water. So it makes sense to put a special focus on consuming the best quality.

Ionized alkaline water, which the K8 (see picture) produces, has a negative ORP value, so it has an antioxidant effect and can provide the body with urgently needed electrons.

In addition, the water is rich in molecular hydrogen, which in turn has many advantages for humans. In Japan the ionizer has been used for therapy purposes in hospitals for over 45 years.


Kangen Water is rich in active molecular hydrogen and powerful antioxidant properties. It has more hydrogen molecules than the tap water which makes the water active and allows it to get into the body cells.

Molecular hydrogen is an active antioxidant that “has therapeutic potential in over 170 different human and animal disease models and essentially every organ of the human body” (from pubmed)

Hydrogen is a tiny molecule that can get into every cell in the body and detoxify them. Normal water, on the other hand (even bottled water), is dead water 😲 (which often also contains chlorine) and its molecules are too big to enter into all the cells of the body. As a result, you often feel like you are bloated and always thirsty.

Do something good for your body and drink Kangen water!💦


How the water ionizer works:

The ionizer - about 30cm high, 28cm wide and 18cm deep - is an electronic device that is connected to tap. It performs electrolysis on tap water before you drink it or use it for cooking or cleaning.

A special bond guides the water from the tap through a plastic hose into the device. There the water is first filtered through activated charcoal. The filtered water then flows into an electrolysis chamber, which is equipped with 8 platinum-coated electrode plates, where electrolysis then takes place.

Through the electrolysis, the reduced water gains an excess of electrons and the H2O clusters are reduced in size from approx. 10-15 to 6 molecules per cluster. Which means it hydrates the body better as the clusters can enter the body cells more easily.

Timeline photos 11/05/2021

And much more...


The water demo what you have to watch!

KANGEN WATER DEMO KANGEN WATER DEMO // Are you ready to see the ultimate Kangen Water demo? Enagic distributor Kreel Hutchinson shares his Enagic products and Kangen Water bus...


(Magyar verzió ⬇️)


Our skin absorvs up to 64% of the water it touches!
Meaning, everytime you bathe, you are essentially drinking a full glass of tap water full of chlorine!!

Chlorine side effects:
- Asthma symptoms
Studies suggest that explosure to chlorine in swimming pools is associated with increased exercise included asthma symptoms
- Food allergies
A recent study analyzed the effects of dichlorophenols which are used in water chlorination. The study found that participants with the highest levels of dichlorophenols in their bodies were more likely to have the most food allergies.
- Bladder and re**al cancer
A 1995 study showed that water chlorination was accuntable for 8000 cases of re**al cancer and 5000 cases of bladder cancer in the US every year.

The NEW exclusive ANESPA Home Spa System transforms your ordinary bathroom into a natural hot spring resort. With a large ceramic cartridge that removes almost 100% of chlorine and other harmful substances in your tap water, and adds safe, moisturizing minerals that are healthy for your skin and hair.

The Anespa contains 3 stones:
- Tufa
A mineral stone taken directly from the Futamata Radium Hot spring in Hokkaido, Japan. This stone gives the water the same gentle and relaxing effect of a hot spring.
- MIC stone
Generates activated mildly alkaline water which is good for your skin.
- Power stone
Generates strong negative-ions.

Wanna have this wonder in your own bathroom? Give me a message and we can find a way ;)


Bőrünk felszívja a hozzáért víz 64% -át! Vagyis minden alkalommal, amikor fürdik, lényegében egy teljes pohár csapvizet iszik, tele klórral!!

Klór mellékhatásai:
- Asztma tünetek
A tanulmányok azt mutatják, hogy az úszómedencékben a klórnak való kitettség fokozott klór felhasználással jár, ami fokozza az asztma tüneteit
- Ételallergiák
Egy nemrégiben készült tanulmány a vízklórozásban használt diklór-fenolok hatásait elemezte. A tanulmány megállapította, hogy azoknál a résztvevőknél volt a legtöbb ételallergia, akiknek testükben a diklór-fenolok szintje a legmagasabb volt.
- Hólyag- és végbélrák
Egy 1995-ös tanulmány kimutatta, hogy a vízklórozás évente 8000 végbélrák és 5000 hólyagrák esetében volt okolható az Egyesült Államokban.

Az új exkluzív ANESPA Home Spa rendszer az átlagos fürdőszobáját természetes wellness központtá alakítja, egy nagy kerámiapatronnal, amely szinte 100%-ban eltávolítja a klórt és más káros anyagokat a csapvízből, és biztonságos, hidratáló ásványi anyagokat ad hozzá, amelyek egészségesek a bőrének és a hajának.

Az Anespa 3 követ tartalmaz:
- Tufa
Egy ásványi kő, amelyet közvetlenül a Futamata Radium termál forrásból vettek (Hokkaidó, Japán). Ez a kő ugyanolyan gyengéd és pihentető hatást kölcsönöz a víznek, mint a termál víz
- MIC kő
Aktivált, enyhén lúgos vizet generál, amely jót tesz a bőrének.
- Power stone
Erős negatív ionokat generál.

Szeretne egy saját wellness központot otthonába? Érdeklődjön nálam 😉

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