The PorchLight with Derek Herewolf Tendersong Washington

The PorchLight with Derek Herewolf Tendersong Washington

Welcome to PorchLight, an offering for all pilgrims who need a light in the darkness. I am a writer,

A Million Ways to Make Love 08/12/2023

A Million Ways to Make Love ...

I find myself wondering about the power of love in whatever state we find ourselves in, whatever context. For me, it seems easier to access the grace of life that means so much to me, in more comfortable surroundings and a secure context. As I feel the grief of the world, and as I hear the grief and concern of others I love, and as I contemplate the deeper principles and values that I hold, I continue to be allured by the choice before me to love deeply, even in the decline of the world as I have known it. Even in discomfort. I hope for the accompaniment of joy and contentment, and seasons of ease, for everyone. Me included. Where we can make love to life in deep ways, treating all things with the tenderness and sacredness that such a mindset / heartset invites us into. Such affection of life and each other can happen in times of challenge, and for me, its the actual choices we make in these times, that impact the Cosmos. I see life like this. I recall a story that someone told of Mother Theresa, it was a story of a new born baby that was left on the stoop, and a nun found the baby, near death. Mother Theresa is reported to have said, knowing that death was near, "take the child and love it deeply, so that all it will know is love." I love what that kind of thinking and acting represents ... the belief that the act and choice of love matters. My cosmology honors such choices.
I continue to be moved by the thought all of us still have the choice to love, as we are impacted by the changing world and the choices people make. And I know that it helps to be stewarding and cultivating our hearts to have resiliency and capacity to love in lean times. As I think of regenerative community and regenerative culture, I am aware that it is difficult for many creatures to procreate in times of decline. Regarding our humanity, I find that generativity is one of the vital purposes of our being here. Our creativity, our capacity to steward and tend things, to be aware of our place in the family of things. This is the seed bed for sacred relationship, and the sacred reciprocity that the ancient ones have spoken about ... wise ones from many cultures.
We can keep thoughts of our own generativity alive, even in difficult days, as we consider generativity to be about the generosity of life that invites us to live, and to enjoy the living of life by all things alive, and to have their enjoyment matter to us. For we understand the value and preciousness of enjoyment. Of Beauty's presence in the world, and the necessary birth of our longing as a result. Of the need for awe and wonder, and to gaze into Mystery. And to believe that the Mystery gazes back into us, and heals us when we allow for such gazes.
If all of the ways we make love in this world, with all the people and things we make love to (there are a million ways to make love in this world, and only a dozen or so involve the ge****ls 🙂 - if our love making included such eye gazes and seeing into the sacred mystery of life and love and beauty ... and deep into the connected family of things, our world could not help but be impacted.
As we live these days, may we continue to remember to potency of love, and the efficacy of such choices. For they will generate the gift of grace that makes each of us glad we are here. And our generosity of such grace is the core to regenerativity.

Sacred Sexuality Rising

A Million Ways to Make Love And only a dozen involve the ge****ls.
