2lazy4U Livestock & Literary Co

2lazy4U Livestock & Literary Co

2lazy4U Livestock & Literary Co. is the only livestock & Literary Co. known to the IRS! Cattle handling clinics, cowboy humor and cookbooks, cowboy storyteller.

Can give cattle handling clinics by day, tell true lies by night for your event!

e85. Rebooting Herd Instinct with Bob Kinford 08/12/2023

Video version of the last podcast

e85. Rebooting Herd Instinct with Bob Kinford In this episode, we dive deep into the intricate world of grazing and livestock management with cattle behaviorist, Bob Kinford. He discusses the intriguing ...

IMG Schools & Stockmanship Clinics 15/09/2023

Have an open calendar for anyone interested in either the full five day IMG school or a two day stockmanship clinic. These are horseback and on live cattle, not listening to lectures and watching videos

IMG Schools & Stockmanship Clinics Regenerate pastures utilizing natural herd and migratory instincts of cattle.rather than fences and daily moves. Grazing schools and consulting available to help manage infrastructure costs and development. Work smarter, not harder!

Stockmanship 101 18/12/2019

Stockmanship 101 In this stunning, drone based video, cattle behaviorist Bob Kinford shows just how simple it is to reboot herd instinct in cattle. This knowledge will allow ranchers around the world to practice holistic and regenerative grazing methods with less economic shock from infrastructure and labor. Work...

Ep. 107 – Riki Kremers – Getting Started with Migratory Grazing 17/09/2019

Ep. 107 – Riki Kremers – Getting Started with Migratory Grazing Riki Kremers is a rancher from East Central Wyoming. She is an excellent business woman who has seen great improvements in her land base as she and her family have implemented Instinctive Migratory…

Tall Grass Prairies? 26/08/2019

Tall Grass Prairies? Several months ago a well known stockmanship clinician mentioned being in Kansas and claiming the views were much like the first pioneers ha...

Richard Teague - Grazing Down the Carbon: The Scientific Case for Grassland Restoration 24/05/2019

Richard Teague - Grazing Down the Carbon: The Scientific Case for Grassland Restoration Richard Teague addresses how land managers can base decisions for sustainable land use on the principles of ecosystem function. He will describe his studies ...

Are Current Climate Models Incomplete And Therefore Inaccurate? 20/05/2019

Are Current Climate Models Incomplete And Therefore Inaccurate? A couple of years back I published a post questioning how much humans were to blame for climate change . In it, I also touched on the questi...

Ep. 087 – Bob Kinford – The Three Quarters Misguided Ambitions of the American Prairie Reserve 02/05/2019

Ep. 087 – Bob Kinford – The Three Quarters Misguided Ambitions of the American Prairie Reserve Bob Kinford joins me to discuss the American Prairie Reserve and his perspective on their misguided ambitions. We also talk about how Bob would use Migratory Grazing to accomplish the regeneration …

Grazing to Heal the Earth | Wendy Pratt | TEDxIdahoFalls 23/04/2019

Grazing to Heal the Earth | Wendy Pratt | TEDxIdahoFalls Wendy Pratt shares a rancher's experience to an age-old relationship of grazing animals and grassland ecosystems. She shows how utilizing the planet's natura...

Are You Throwing Money Away On Supplemental Protein and Energy Supplements? 01/04/2019

Are You Throwing Money Away On Supplemental Protein and Energy Supplements? As you can tell from the picture, the country these cows are running in is "a little tough," yet they they are in this condition without an...

Gate Clips 23/02/2019

Gate Clips Low stress stockmanship- Taking cattle through gates.

The Battle of Conflicting Instincts 30/01/2019

The Battle of Conflicting Instincts While sometimes frustrating, I peruse through a lot of articles and videos on stockmanship, not for the education as much as trying to figur...


2 day stockmanship schools

Using The Unseen Potential 12/12/2018

Using The Unseen Potential Even when people believe they could change how they graze to regenerate their pastures, they believe that costs to make the changes in wate...

Amazon Search 11/12/2018

Amazon Search Amazon.com: bob kinford

BEEF: COFFEE MUG 26/11/2018

BEEF: COFFEE MUG Cowboys have been all but forgotten. Send this cup to a city slicker friend or relative to remind them that if it were'nt for cowboys, beef wouldn't be for dinner!

2Lazy4U Livestock & Literary Co. 25/11/2018

Just in time for Christmas....

2Lazy4U Livestock & Literary Co. Cowboy humor, booking, horsemanship books and ranch services

Paradigms, Peregrine Falcons, and The Politics of Scientific Evidence 20/10/2018

Paradigms, Peregrine Falcons, and The Politics of Scientific Evidence I've always loved acquiring knowledge, but learned at an early age that "facts" spread by research scientists and schools are not always tru...

Timeline photos 18/10/2018

It is much better to focus on improving biological efficiency than depend on a high end price. I would rather receive a lower price for a product " undesirable for the buyer " but with lower cost of production, to obtain a high price for a " desirable product " obtained in a biologically inefficient system, high cost of production. The best thing we can do is produce a low-cost product and add value as much as possible.

Alimento para el pensamiento
Johann Zietsman
Traducción: Daniel Suárez

En cuanto a precios: tomador, productor o manipulador ????

Por lo que veo, ninguno de nosotros es “Productor de precios”. El que nos paga define el precio.
Podemos ser tomadores de precios (aceptar el precio actual, ofrecido) o podemos ser manipuladores de precios (influir en el precio final y disminuir el costo).

Manipulación de precios:
1. Aumentar la capacidad de carga (crecer más hierba).
2. Aumentar la eficiencia de la cosecha (pastoreo no selectivo).
3. Aumentar la eficiencia de conversión de hierba (fertilidad, tasa de madurez).
4. Producción en sincronía con la nutrición natural.
5. Aumentar la ingesta relativa (manejo del pastoreo, suplementación del rumen).
6. Aumentar el valor del producto final (variación estacional de precios; aumento de peso barato; genética; valor para el consumidor).

Es mucho mejor concentrarse en mejorar la eficiencia biológica que depender de un precio final alto. Preferiría recibir un menor precio por un producto “indeseable para el comprador” pero con menor costo de producción, que obtener un precio alto por un “producto deseable” obtenido en un sistema biologicamente ineficiente, de alto costo de produccion. Lo mejor que podemos hacer es producir un producto de bajo costo y agregar valor tanto como sea posible.


If you ranch in the Southwest, do not miss it! It is very affordable ...

Forensic Grazing Study 25/08/2018

Newest blog post on Forensic Grazing Study.

Forensic Grazing Study Looking to the past to determine what we do in the future is as important years into regenerative grazing programs as it is in the beginnin...

Opengatesort2 07/05/2018

Opengatesort2 Rather than continually opening and closing gates when sorting, it is possible (and actually easier) to leave the gate open at roughly a 45 degree angle and ...

Side By Side Animal Impact/Vegetation Comparisons 29/04/2018

Was going to write this blogpost when I took the pictures the first week of April. Hopefully it shows how much difference even a little herd impact can make, as well as the difference between the right kind of grazing verses over/under grazing.

Side By Side Animal Impact/Vegetation Comparisons All of these pictures were taken the same day, in the same pasture. There are only 38 cows and a bull (plus calves) which get adjusted once ...


Cowboy humor, cookbooks, and stockmanship videos make great stocking stuffers for Christmas!


StartingFromFront 23/10/2017

I managed to get video of a bunch of cows starting themselves, and also video of the first time I started these cattle from the front. Would have been a lot smoother if the horse would have had lateral movement so I could have adjusted to each cow better.

StartingFromFront One of the keys to rebooting herd instinct to utilize IMG is starting cattle from the direction you are wanting to go. This video shows a group of cattle sta...

FirstSort 12/10/2017

Here is the video I tried loading earlier. Cattle had never been handled horseback until I started gathering them three weeks prior. The only way they had ever been sorted in the past was through a round corral with a guy on a perch, This was also the first time either of the girls, or the horses had ever sorted cattle in any manner. (and when you hear me tell myself I needed to be a little faster I was talking to the horse...also named boB.)

FirstSort First time this set of cows had ever been sorted horseback, or in an alley. First time the horses, or two girls had ever worked horseback in an alley.

Change in thinking reaps returns for Sand family - Cattle Business Weekly 07/10/2017


Change in thinking reaps returns for Sand family - Cattle Business Weekly By Connie Sieh Groop Change is never easy. When faced with the prospect of borrowing more money to keep their cattle operation going, a Forbes, N.D., cou

IMG & Stockmanship Schools 06/09/2017

IMG & Stockmanship Schools IMG (Instinctive Migratory Grazing) schools and two day stockmanship/horsemanship schools

Here's a worthy stockmanship video 06/07/2017

Here's a worthy stockmanship video Aerial view makes this video unique and offers lessons hard to capture from on-the-ground view.

How Important is "Non-selective Grazing?" 16/05/2017

How Important is "Non-selective Grazing?" Many of the grazing gurus of the planned grazing methods make a big issue over needing cattle to graze in a non-selective manner. I have to ...

Videos (show all)

Stockmanship 101 teaser