The Radiant Path

The Radiant Path

A place for creating a like-minded community. We love reiki, positive mindset, soul work and all things energy.


As we continue to navigate our way as the lightworkers, the intuitives, the wayshowers, and the creatives, it is imperative we keep ourselves vibrating highly. You know what I mean. It's heavy out there right now. There's so much polarity. So much division. And it's up to us to stay neutral. So if you are needing a little support right now, you are not alone.

What do you do for yourself when you're struggling? How do you take care of yourself? The answer to these questions will help us get through this time of great awakening. If you could use a little guidance, support and ideas, this week's article is for you.

In this article, I bring you real, tangible spiritual activities you can practice (that are easy!) that will help you feel better in 5 minutes or less. The world needs your light, friend. If you are not feeling your best, hurting, struggling and just going through some stuff right now, know that you are not alone. Let's get us all feeling better and back on the saddle. Sending you so much love.


It's very clear, the time is now to heal so that we can be of service. Spirit has shown us that as empaths, lightworkers, intuitives and creatives, we must learn to manage our energy, heal our past wounds, and use it in our sacred work so that we can continue holding the light for others around us.

We all have “stuff” from our childhood right? Varying traumas and situations that we may or may not be still holding onto. But the one thing that we all have is limiting beliefs. Because many of our beliefs are formed before the age of 7, our limiting beliefs usually stem from childhood.

The good news is that you are never stuck with your limiting beliefs! Though self examination and different healing techniques, you can change your beliefs so they will support you instead of work against you.

Join us on Tuesday, August 10th at 7pm PST on zoom!
This webinar will include:
~identifying limiting beliefs are and how they happen in childhood
~how limiting beliefs hold us back
~learning how to do a journey
~a journey to find our core limiting belief
~healing tools to heal this belief
~a discussion on how doing inner child work can aid in your healing and awakening

Click here to join us for the free webinar:


The benefits of Reiki.

The word Reiki translates to "life force energy". We are energetic beings. We speak the language of energy, even though most of us don't even know it. Energy flows in and out of us all day long. We pick up on energy, we can sense it.

There are also infinite amounts of energy available for us to use, Reiki being just one of them. Reiki is special because it is from the divine. It can help what ails you, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is extremely intelligent and goes where it is needed.

Working with this energy has changed my life for the better. I remember telling my husband when I first started learning about Reiki that it felt like the missing piece of the puzzle for me. I still think that if children were taught in schools about reiki, we would not have bullying, sadness, anxiety, etc.

I have been asked over and over again if "just anyone" can learn Reiki or if it has to be a special type of person to learn. REIKI IS FOR EVERYONE!

Reiki level one is all about using the energy for personal use. You can use it for a headache or nerves. You can use it for anxiety or depression. You can use it for intuitive development and deepening your connection with your guides.

I am teaching Reiki Level 1 on July 18th from 10-3 at my home office in Lake Forest and streamed online. I would love to have you if you're hearing the call from spirit. Link in bio.


I'm so excited to be offering Reiki level one again! Join us for learning the history of Reiki, the basics of energy, techniques and meditations, symbols and mantras, basic Reiki hand positions, anatomy of a healing session, and an introduction to the chakra system.

This class will include a manual, certificate and the Reiki 1 attunement.

Class will be held at my home office in Lake Forest and will be streamed live for any that would like to join that way. Tuition is $175. Sunday, July 18th from 10am-3pm. Bring a sack lunch and plenty of water. To sign up, send your tuition via PayPal (Destiny Hwang) or Venmo (-Hwang).

I can't wait to lead you through the basics of the energy world. It is truly life changing.


The reason that journaling is such a valuable tool for healing is that when you write what you're thinking and feeling down onto paper, it gets that energy out of the body.

I'll say it again: journaling allows you to remove the energy of the thoughts and feelings that you're experiencing and get it OUT OF THE BODY and onto paper. This is huge!

There are a few different types of journaling but my favorite is stream of consciousness. No filtering, no thinking, just whatever comes to mind goes onto the paper.

This is also the fastest and easiest way to start connecting with your higherself and guides.

For more journaling inspiration, read this article:


Crystals are one of my favorite things! I've been an admirer of them since I was a kid. I remember taking geology and gem classes when I was old enough to read.

Besides looking pretty, they are incredible natural healers. Each one contains a special frequency that can be used to aid you in whatever you are wanting assistance with.

In the crystal world, there's stones that carry higher and lower vibrations. There's ones you can use for grounding, protection, connection, healing, and so much more.

This weeks article is a guide to the basics of crystals. I hope you enjoy these natural beauties as much as I do!

Click here to read:


ANNOUNCING: Self Care for Soul Growth course!
As empaths, intuitives, creatives, caretakers and highly sensitive people, we are prone to things like exhaustion, stress, anxiety, depression, and resentment. We may not even know why we feel this way.
But I'm here to tell you, dear friend, that it doesn't have to be this way. There's a way to do your daily work and interactions without feeling the constant drain.
There's a deeply rich and ancient way of being that most have forgotten the secrets of. A way to connect to the SOUL so that our true purpose can come through. A way to feel completely nourished and whole. I want to share this way of being with you!
~live a more intuitive life?
~learn how to prioritize self care and how to schedule it?
~be able to make decisions easily without self doubt?
~experience less stress and more peace?
~release guilt, resentment and shame around taking care of yourself?
~learn how to deeply nourish yourself?
~develop an intimate relationship with your soul and higher self?
~be happier and more content with your life?
In this 4 week course beginning April 13th, we will be learning and exploring topics like:
✨Knowing your why- why are you here? ✨Why do you need self care in your life?
✨Setting up sacred space for your self care
✨Learn the many different aspects of self care and what will suit your particular needs the best
✨Energy hygiene for empaths
✨How to schedule your self care into your busy schedule
✨How to tune inward and trust your inner wisdom
✨Journaling and automatic writing
For more information and to sign up clicks here:

how to use quarantine to create a more sustainable life - The Radiant Path 20/04/2020

How are you doing? I know many of us are settling in to our "new normal". But if you're anything like me, you might notice yourself asking 'what's next?'.

This is a thought that frequently visits me, especially at night while I'm trying to sleep of course. After spending some time asking myself why I'm having these thoughts, I realized it's because deep down I know that things cannot stay the same as they were before quarantine. Life was just not sustainable the way it was.

In this week's article, I explore the concept of sustainability in a holistic way. Let's ask ourselves the hard questions and look at what we can peel away from our lives so that a more authentic self can come forth.

how to use quarantine to create a more sustainable life - The Radiant Path Many of us are asking what's next after the coronavirus? Let's ask ourselves the hard questions and use this quarantine to create a more sustainable life.


Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to make decisions for yourself? Or maybe decisions come easily for you but then you second guess yourself endlessly?

I'm here to share that there's an easier way. When we begin to build a relationship with our higher self, life just gets better. There's an innate wisdom that the higher self has and we begin to trust the more we connect with her.

When we trust ourselves and the universe to have our back, life flows through us and not against us.

I'm so excited to lead you on this journey of getting to know your higher self. Connecting to my own has changed my life for the better!

Click here to read How to communicate with your higher self: