Elect Jason A. Cormier To Morganfield City Council

Elect Jason A. Cormier To Morganfield City Council

A public servant wanting to make even more of a difference for Morganfield. Please write in Jason A.


I will be updating and expanding my platform for my city council bid soon. I will also be campaigning at the Corn Festival this year.

And because I fully acknowledge the right and obligation of all informed voters to question those seeking election to public office, I will gladly answer any good faith questions that are put to me here.


Today, I filed my candidacy papers. Third time's the charm!

What “Project 2025” Would Do to America 07/03/2024

Are you anything other than a white cisgendered heterosexual Christian conservative? Do you understand what fascism is and why we fought the biggest war in history to stop it?

Hopefully you answered YES to at least one of these questions.

Read this. Then go to the link in my first comment if you're not registered to vote. Then be ready to vote to re-elect Joe Biden on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

This is not an exaggeration. The link I'm sharing here is slanted, yes. But the goals of Project 2025 are written down for everyone to see. They are clearly stating their intentions to destroy American democracy. They are not pandering. They are telling the truth.

What “Project 2025” Would Do to America The Right has developed concrete plans to make America into a much nastier place for anyone who dares to deviate from the white Christian patriarchal order. That’s what is on the ballot in November


My name is Jason Cormier. I have been a teacher for Union County Schools for 15 years, the last 12 of them as the Home/Hospital teacher, where I've taught students from every grade, K-12. I am also Secretary of the Union County Education Association and the Kentucky Educators' PAC Chair for Senate Territory 4. My wife Kat and I have been together for over 18 years. I'm an avid, occasionally award-winning photographer, cribbage player and crossword solver, a mediocre violinist and sometimes writer. And I'm running for a seat on the Morganfield City Council.
I've lived in Morganfield for 15 years, taught in Morganfield (and all over UC) for 15 years, paid taxes in Morganfield for 15 years, voted in Morganfield for 15 years, cheered on the students of Morganfield for 15 years, and watched the children of Morganfield become adults for 15 years.
In those 15 years, I've seen a lot of local politics and politicians. Some of it good, some of it not so good. Morganfield has always been a close-knit community, where a lot of people have known their friends and neighbors for their whole lives. That's one of the great things about this town - about this county! But when it comes to electing our city council, what really counts is issues, ideas and success. Too often, local politics boils down to identity--who your parents are, who you know, or where you go to church--rather than issues.
I'm running on issues. Accountability from those in positions of power, be it fiscal, professional, or personal, is an absolute must at any level of government. If elected, I'll be a vote for oversight, transparency, accountability, fiscal restraint and integrity for and from the Morganfield government. From ensuring that the city's websites are updated and properly maintained to addressing budgetary shortfalls and administrative missteps, I will be a voice for ethical, responsible governance for the City of Morganfield.
In those 15 years, I've seen a lot of people leave Morganfield, including most of UCHS' valedictorians. In point of fact, Morganfield's population has been in decline for 40 years. Just off the top of my head I can think of four businesses that have closed since we've been here. People leave in search of better opportunities. If elected, I'll work to make Morganfield an attractive location for businesses, across all sectors. Economic incentives will be offered, and I will work to make Morganfield the 23rd Kentucky city to pass a Fairness Ordinance so that all of its citizens will able to work free of discrimination. Further, the practical and economic barriers that keep our less fortunate citizens from finding gainful employment must be removed. Lack of transportation is perhaps the biggest barrier to employment and needs to be addressed.
I'd like to know your concerns and priorities as well. What concerns do you, the citizens of Morganfield, want to see addressed?


It's official! This time I'm going to actually campaign. Vote for me!


Hmm...foreshadowing, perhaps?


I'd like to state the obvious. The insurrection that occurred today at the US Capitol should never have happened, and cannot be tolerated. I call for accountability for those responsible.


Didn't win this time. Not unexpected. Thanks to those that supported me. It means a lot. There may well be a "next time."


If you haven't already, get out, vote, and vote for me.

Voter Registration - State Board of Elections 23/09/2020

Reshared to boost signal. If you want to make change at the local level, vote for me.

Voter Registration - State Board of Elections


RIP Justice Ginsburg.


Morganfield needs to enact and ENFORCE a mask mandate. The minor inconvenience of wearing a mask in public pales next to the consequences to EVERYONE for not wearing them. If elected, I will work to enact sensible COVID regulations until the crisis has passed. The US has lost 64x as many citizens to this horrid virus than we lost on 9/11, and it's in our power to do something about it. As your next city council member, I plan on doing something about it.


I know some consider Ms. AOC to be a controversial figure, but know this: literally no one wants to completely defund the police, myself included. But taking funds going toward military-style equipment and putting it toward de-escalatiion training and social services? I vote yes.


The other day Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez opened up her Instagram story to answer people's questions, and this one felt profound:

Q: "What does an America with defunded police look like to you?"

Her answer:

"The good news is that it actually doesn't take a ton of imagination. It looks like a suburb.

Affluent white communities already live in a world where they choose to fund youth, health, housing, etc. more than they fund police. These communities have lower crime rates not because they have more police, but because they have more resources to support healthy society in a way that reduces crime.

When a teenager or pr***en does something harmful in a suburb (I say teen because this is often where lifelong carceral cycles begin for Black and Brown communities), White communities bend over backwards to find alternatives to incarceration for their loved ones to "protect their future," like community service or rehab or restorative measures. Why don't we treat Black and Brown people the same way? Why doesn't the criminal system care about Black teens' futures? Why doesn't the news use Black people's graduation or family photos in stories the way they do when they cover White people (eg. Brock Turner) who commit harmful crimes? Affluent White suburbs also design their own lives so that they walk through the world without having much interruption or interaction with police at all, aside from community events and speeding tickets (and many of these communities try to reduce those, too!)

Just starting THERE would be a dramatically and radically different world than what we are experiencing now."


As his epitaph says, John Scopes was a man of courage. He was faced with a dilemma: He could do the popular thing, or he could do the right thing. With popular sentiment and even the legal system against him, John Scopes stood up for the truth, and took his fight all the way to the Supreme Court. He endured ridicule and ostracization for the rest of his life for standing up for the truth.

Nearly 100 years later, the truth is often a rarity in American politics. As your city councilor, I will always fight for the truth...even if it's an unpopular one. Morganfield deserves nothing less.


What I'll bring to the Council...


I've been endorsed by the Daily Planet! Great Caesar's Ghost!

Voter Registration - State Board of Elections 05/09/2020

Reminder: The deadline to register to vote in Kentucky's 2020 Election is Monday, October 5. The quickest and easiest way to do so is below.


Voter Registration - State Board of Elections


I'll elaborate further as we go, but here's a brief overview of my platform.

I believe that for Morganfield to thrive it must do more to keep its best and brightest in the city and attract more businesses. Further, the practical and economic barriers that keep our less fortunate citizens from finding gainful employment must be removed. Lack of transportation is perhaps the biggest barrier to employment and needs to be addressed.

As the events of this insane year of 2020 have shown everywhere, accountability in government and policing are essential. I believe Morganfield needs further transparency in the processes of its government and expenditures, along with full accountability from its officials. Furthermore, the city website is out of date and difficult to navigate.

I genuinely believe that any government in America should represent ALL of its citizens regardless of race, gender or creed and hope to make Morganfield the 20th Kentucky city to enact a Fairness Ordinance.

As I write this, Union County and the state of Kentucky continue to feel the ravages of the COVID-19 outbreak. Sadly, COVID safety has not been a priority in Morganfield, and if elected I will work to increase the city's COVID-19 response.

I'd like to know your concerns and priorities as well. What do YOU, the citizens of Morganfield, want to be addressed?


Your candidate. Hey, I'm not running on my looks.

Since FB apparently ate the introduction that I wrote, I'll put something here.

I grew up in Louisville, went to college in Lexington, and moved to Morganfield with my wife in 2007 when I was hired on at UCHS. After 3 years in the classroom, I became UCPS' Home/Hospital Instructor. I've spent the last 10 years working with K-12 students throughout the county. I've been honored to serve as the Union County Education Association Secretary since 2018, and have served as the Second District Education Association's representative to the Kentucky Education Association PAC since 2019.

I've worked in the public/education sector since 1998. I enjoy helping people and making a difference. I'm also an avid photographer, mediocre violinist, and occasional writer.
