Young Democrats of Oklahoma Women's Caucus

Young Democrats of Oklahoma Women's Caucus

Young Democrats of Oklahoma’s Women’s Caucus strives to empower women in leadership to encourage change on how women are viewed in society

The YDO Women’s Caucus strives to empower young, progressive women and fights for women’s rights in Oklahoma. Currently, the state legislature is very male-dominated and the YDO Women’s Caucus wants to change that. From equal pay to reproductive rights, the YDO Women’s Caucus is fighting for gender equality across the state.


Say hello to your new Women's Caucus leadership!

We had an incredible meeting a few weeks ago, and are ready to hit the ground running with the ideas you all brought to us.

Let's do this!


You can call Governor Fallin and urge her to veto SB 1552 at this number: 4055212342

ACTION ALERT: is on the schedule in the Senate today. They are voting in this bill a second time due to the addition of some amendments and we expect that it will pass. Watch this vote! Call your senator, but more importantly, contact Gov. Fallin before it reaches her desk.


Hello everyone! The Oklahoma Federation of Democratic Women Clubs is hosting a conference April 29th and 30th. There is also a scholarship available for women aged 18-35. Comment if you want the application!


Women are severely underrepresented in leadership of state agencies (Guest Post: Alexandra Bohannon) Having a government that is able to fully represent its citizens is a vital facet of smart policy creation. Oklahoma is falling behind in involving women in its government and policymaking.


Finally! Another step forward!

BREAKNG!!! The City Council of Oklahoma City just voted to add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes in the City's fair housing ordinance. THIS IS HOW WE WIN!!!


Democratic Party



10 Ways To Help Planned Parenthood, Even If You Have No Free Time

You can help in any capacity! If you're still reeling from last week's violent attack on a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood, a shooting which left three people dead and nine injured, you're not alone. Unfortunately, that wasn't the first violent attack in Planned Parenthood's history — a 1994 attack on a Brookline,


Planned Parenthood Action

Care — no matter what.


National Center for Transgender Equality

On this Trans Day of Remembrance, we pause to honor the lives we've lost to hate and prejudice. Here is an excerpt from the President's statement.


Calling all young pros! Joe Biden is coming to OK! 

Calling all young pros! Joe Biden is coming to OK! Young professionals, students, and all under the age of 35 are invited to attend a reception for Joe Biden in Tulsa! This is an exciting opportunity to welcome one of the great progressive leaders to our state.Will you join us?


We support Planned Parenthood!!! Comment or Post your pics of wearing pink today to stand with Planned Parenthood and don't forget to sign the petition and send a message to lawmakers!


Having so much fun registering people to vote at the Oklahoma Democratic Party booth at the fair today!


Great to see Young Democrats at the State Fair today!


History made in Oklahoma House District 85 election by Robin Dorner Editor in Chief “I cannot believe this! I mean I can, but it’s surreal,” said Oklahoma State Representative-elect Cyndi Munson. Munson had just won the House District special elect


So proud of Jacintha, Sache, and Joshua!!!

Congratulations to the members of the YDOK 2015 National Convention Delegation that were elected to and served on national caucuses and committees!


YDs are invading OKC 😬

We are invading Cyndi Munson's campaign! Come with us.


National Center for Transgender Equality

JUST LAUNCHED: the largest survey ever devoted to the lives and experiences of trans people!

Complete the survey:


Hillary Clinton

95 years ago today, the ratification of the 19th Amendment brought women one step closer to winning the right to vote. Here’s to making history.


CLICK HERE to support The Journey Home, a documentary film

Take a look at a preview of Paula's new documentary and donate to help our friend make it happen in a timely manner! Cop, Writer, Father, Wife. She's finally living as herself. | Crowdfunding is a democratic way to support the fundraising needs of your community. Make a contribution today!


Oklahoma GOP compares poor people to animals Social media in the hands of political parties can be dangerous because it acts as a stupidity megaphone.


Barack Obama

Love just won.


Young Democrats of Oklahoma

We had a great time this weekend marching with the Oklahoma County Democrats in the OKC Pride Parade. Thanks to everyone that came and helped out!


Fantastic to see Women's Caucus members at the OKC Pride Festival and volunteering at the Oklahoma County Democrats booth!


Oklahoma Will Now Require Schools to Teach Sexual Assault Prevention

Thank you to all of the legislators and citizens who helped get this passed. This is truly needed and a great step forward for our state. But the fight still continues. Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin has signed a new bill into law that requires school districts in the state to develop r**e and sexual assault prevention curriculum. The Safe Schools Act was promoted by the feminist knitting circle turned activist group who publicized the way Norman High School dealt w…


Support Marriage Equality Marriage equality is heading back to the Supreme Court. Add your name in support of marriage equality for all Americans.


Oklahoma Democratic Party - Wish Senator Kay Floyd a Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!!!


So great to see members of the Women's caucus at the Oklahoma Democratic Party state convention today! And thank you to those who volunteered!


The Girl Scouts Are Making History for All the Trans Little Girls of America .


Governor Fallin just signed a law that requires women to wait 72 hours before getting an abortion. She claims it is because she wants to protect Oklahoma's women, but all the evidence points to the contrary.
Call, email, write letters to your representative telling them you DON'T SUPPORT this type of devaluation of women's lives and DON'T want any more types of this legislation passed!


We hope everyone is staying safe in this weather!


Democratic Party

Congratulations to Debbie Wasserman Schultz on her fourth anniversary as Chair of the Democratic National Committee!


Supreme Court Affirms New Jersey's Gay 'Conversion Therapy' Ban The Supreme Court has refused to hear the appeal of a lower court ruling banning the use of "conversion therapy" on minors.


We are proud to report the HB 1362, which will provide sexual assault training to schools, authored by Rep. Claudia Griffith just passed the house with a vote of 95 to 1.


HB 1362 which will provide schools with sexual assault response training and protect Oklahoma girls passed committee today.


Mary Fallin, Lee Denney, Jeffrey Hickman: Hear Oklahoma House Bill 1362

Please sign and share this petition and ask Governor Fallin, Speaker Hickman, and Speaker Pro Tempore Denney to hear this bill that will help protect Oklahoma girls from sexual assault. Yes All Daughters needs your help! There is a crucial bill addressing sexual assault response education in the Oklahoma Legislature that is at risk of going unnoticed. House Bill 1362 was introduced as a direct result of the r**e and victimization of multiple high school girls in Norman, Oklahoma,…


Happy Birthday Michelle Obama! The young women of this country are so lucky to have an amazing leader like you to look up to.

Happy Birthday to our fabulous and strong First Lady, Michelle Obama!


Register to Vote with Rock the Vote

Oklahoma is ranked #1 in Domestic Violence. Why? Because young people don't vote. Register to vote today on National Voter Registration Day! I just registered to vote and so can you!


Democratic Party

Today Democrats are celebrating 20 years of the lifesaving Violence Against Women Act.


21 years ago today Ruth Bader Ginsburg was sworn in to the Supreme Court making her the second ever woman on the bench. Since then she has been a champion of Women's Rights and other progressive issues. Happy RBG Day.


Next Stop: Pittsburgh

Next Stop: Pittsburgh
